How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 11


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Jennifer pursed her lips and tasted, with a deep shudder of unexpected and forbidden pleasure, Elizabeth's lip gloss. Her taut nipples rose and fell with her short breaths; she knew that other families had different rules, and that it was important to avoid bad influences wherever they popped up, even at a friend's house.

She didn't want to embarrass Elizabeth by making it seem like she thought she was a bad person, or herself by seeming like a prude, but she also didn't want to get in trouble or let her dad down-he'd trusted her to come all the way across town and hang out with her new friend all alone, and he expected her to be a good girl.

Actually, she realized, her dad had thought that Martin or Marie would be home and the girls would be supervised; he probably wouldn't have approved of her even being in this situation without a grownup.

She shivered momentarily, her skin alert with goosebumps despite the heat, and she realized with a start that her body was missing the warm softness of Elizabeth's pressing against it. She wanted desperately to finish their kiss, to taste the sweet scent of her throat and to feel Elizabeth's heavy nipples graze across hers, setting off fireworks in her brain and a flood between her legs. What on earth was wrong with her?

'I just, um...I'm not allowed to do...that stuff...with a girl,' she murmured, her eyes pleading with Elizabeth to understand. 'I'll get in trouble.'

Elizabeth recognized it was a good time for empathy, and she smiled and laughed to loosen the mood.

'I'm not allowed to do it, either! But you're just super hot, and I just wanted kiss you. And I only thought it would be okay because pappa won't be back til late this evening-if we wanted to kiss a little we could, 'cause no one will know. But I totally understand if you don't want to.'

Jennifer nodded with relief at Elizabeth's efforts to understand her, a weight falling from her shoulders, and impulsively leaned over and wrapped her friend up in a naked hug.

'Oh, thank you so much! Yeah, I think I need to think about...doing girl stuff...a little more before I try it. I mean, I actually did like it. Like, I kinda really liked it.'

She caught herself slipping into a reverie that would not be productive, and snapped out of it to reroute the conversation with an easy-going shrug. 'So, I know different families have different rules-I mean, I saw you with your pappa at the party. Maybe you guys just believe a little different about how to raise girls than my dad and mom.'

Elizabeth laughed and struck a conspiratorial tone.

'Well, I'm still not supposed to play with girls like this, either, actually. Pappa is pretty special, and I'm lucky that he and daddy love me so much, but they say my pussy is still only for men while I'm in training.'

Jennifer was intrigued. At the party she'd watched as carefully as she could while being vigorously trained by four fathers, and had observed all the interactions between Elizabeth and Martin, and she had questions.

'So, do your dad and your pappa...train other fathers? I mean, I saw him put his penis in your butt when you, tied up over there. Has he always done that stuff to you?'

'Pappa says that making other people feel good is a special gift that we should share. So he wasn't super hung-up on rules when he was raising my mom and her sisters, and when my mom married my dad she explained how she'd grown up and why she thought it was a good way to raise kids. He had long discussions with my pappa, and in the end they decided it was best to raise me and the other granddaughters the same way, and pappa would help.

'That was the first time he's ever trained me like that; I was a virgin for my Festival. But pappa and my dad want to help all us girls to grow up feeling more natural and excited about our future training, so they helped me start to understand my body and sex and how all of that works quite a while ago.

'I think it's super special-I know some girls who are still embarrassed to talk to their dads about sex stuff, let alone their grandpas, and I just feel so lucky that my body and what feels good to me has always been an open subject with them, and I've always been able to ask questions and they've always been happy to explain and demonstrate the answers and let me explore and experiment so I could be more comfortable, and could understand my training better once I was ready to begin it.

'It only makes sense anyways; they love me and want the best for me, and they have way more experience with girls' bodies than I do with mine, so I have always been really grateful that they are willing to go out of their way and get their hands dirty, so to speak, to help me understand how my body works and what it's for.'

She laughed.

'Honestly, just coming into our Festival having already had a lot more experience holding and playing with penises than the other girls has made a huge difference for me. I mean, some of my friends are still kind of scared of them.'

Jennifer was enthralled. The affection between Elizabeth and her grandfather was palpable; it was clear he cared deeply for her, and she for him, and it seemed that much of that trust had been built on years of open, honest conversation and a mutual desire to help Elizabeth understand her own body better, as well as allowing her to gain some experience with male anatomy and desires.

A very affectionate girl her entire life, Jennifer could not deny that she greatly missed the intimacy with her father that had been a hallmark of her last several years of preparation for her Festival. He had seen to her bathing, her dressing, her clothes shopping, her doctor's appointments, her grooming.

She thrived on physical touch, her entire mood brightening instantly in response to something as simple as a hug, or the gentle, strong hands of her father as he carefully soaped up every inch of her young body and rinsed her clean with the warm, strong spray of the shower head.

Now that she was a fully-fledged trainee, he no longer did any of these things; he had raised her well, and it was time for her to take responsibility for caring for her own body. Sure, he was still there to check on her work, or to help if she needed it, but she now had to depend for the physical touch she so desperately desired on the various men who would train her, and of course that was typically calibrated to leave her wanting more, if any affectionate touching even happened at all.

Her father was a bit conservative in his outlook and training beliefs. She knew he loved her, but she couldn't deny that a big hole seemed to appear in her heart after her Festival, as he withdrew most of what had been his usual care for her, and proffered her body entirely to her trainers for their purposes.

No matter how much she was fucked by other fathers, she was left with a lingering, soulful sadness as they took what they wanted from her body with an unadulterated pleasure that she wished she could give to her father.

She didn't need him to do all the things he used to, but surely there was a way she could share the cool skills she was learning with him, and perhaps he could, even if only once in a while, train her the way she'd seen him train other young females-with the care and affection and confidence that had seemed to make them melt into little girl puddles every time she'd watched her father satisfy himself with one of their bodies.

He'd let her practice her blowjobs on him for a little bit the night of her Festival, which had surprised her. She'd been so excited, and it had been really fun and relaxing to just chill with her father on the couch and get to play to her heart's content with his penis. She'd never really felt closer to him then in that moment, as he ran his fingers through her hair and caressed her cheek and showed her some things that he said felt really good to him.

She'd wanted it to last forever, but once his fingers made contact with her soaking cunny, he'd abruptly put an end to the proceedings and wouldn't let her finish making him cum with her mouth. He'd let her use her hands to bring him to climax into his empty whiskey glass, and she'd gotten to taste his semen, but he'd sent her right to bed afterwards, and he hadn't brought up any further lessons since then.

'So, now that you've celebrated your Festival, are your dad and pappa going to train you the same as other dads-like your pappa did at the party?' She asked, her eyes widening at the incredible prospect.

Elizabeth nodded.

'Yes, they always said that once I was eligible, they would take a more direct role in my actual lessons. That's why pappa helped with my anal training the other day. I'm sure when I get home dad's going to have me show him what I've learned during my stay with pappa and gramma, and he'll probably want to check my vaginal tightness himself, now that I'm not a virgin anymore.

'I honestly can't wait-I love my dad so much, and he and pappa have worked so hard for years caring for me and teaching me. It seems only fair and right that they get to enjoy some of the fruits of their dedication.'

Jennifer could only nod in envious agreement. It all just seemed right-a bit extreme, perhaps, but reasonable nonetheless. It made sense after eighteen years of worry and stress and care and hard work that her father, who had managed to raise a first-place girl, should get to enjoy her for himself, if with nothing more than at least the occasional taste of her treasures.

She tried so hard to give the men who trained her all the pleasure she could with her body. She felt like she was starting to get kind of good at it, and it seemed so unfair that she couldn't offer that to her father.

Deep down, she wanted desperately to feel his loving arms around her, his gentle kisses, his penis slowly reaming her out as she did everything she could to show him how much she loved him and how grateful she was for all he'd done for her; and she wanted to hear his low voice, as he held her down and began filling her with his cum, telling her she was a good girl and he loved her deeply.

Her head was buzzing, and she realized with a start that while they'd been talking, her hand had crept between her thighs and she was absently rubbing her clitoris with her middle finger.

The heat and the conversation and her nakedness had combined to make her entire body tingle, and she was terrifically wet, with no way to relieve the growing urgency she was feeling in her belly. She dearly hoped that someone would train her this afternoon when she got home, as it was getting hard to concentrate.

As uncomfortably turned-on as she was, she knew she had to ask the question she really wanted to know.

'So...have you been...tied you were at the party before? What's it...feel like?'

When she was younger, Jennifer had surreptitiously read a magazine article about 'spicing things up' in the bedroom, and the author had recommended exploring things like light spanking or gentle choking during sex. She'd gotten shockingly aroused, without understanding why, and since then she'd often had moments in which her fantasies had turned inexplicably to being bound and used.

She'd never experienced it in real life, however, and watching Elizabeth being strung up naked by her wrists in the back yard the other day and anally trained by three men until she had orgasmed so hard she collapsed, suspended in her bonds, and had to be helped down and carried in a blanket to the couch, had left a lasting impression.

Elizabeth grinned and gave an exaggeratedly dramatic swoon.

'Oh. My. Gosh. It's so hot. Like, literally one of my favorite things. Have you not done it yet?'

'No. But I always kind of wanted to. Why is it so good? I don't get it-even though I'm always turned on by it.'

'Oh, girl, you've GOT to try it,' Elizabeth said, pushing her glasses up her nose and preparing to spill all the tea, woman to woman.

'First of all, when a man is training you, do you ever feel like you're scared you're going to do the wrong thing, or not do something that they want properly?'

Jennifer nodded. There seemed to be so much to learn, so many techniques and skills and anatomy. It was overwhelming at times, and most of it had to be learned under tough, real-world conditions as she was in the intense act of being trained. She worried more than she wanted to admit that she was messing stuff up in her lessons-but it was really hard to concentrate on the perfect moves when she was constantly being roughly fucked and on the verge of orgasm.

It seemed a bit unfair-she was so new to all of this, and every man who had trained her so far had handled probably hundreds, if not thousands, of young girls just like her. How on earth could she be expected to properly satisfy men of such prodigious experience?

During lessons, despite her eager acquiescence, she felt as if she were barely keeping her head above water as often as she felt she were sailing; her trainers always seemed to have a far greater understanding of how her body worked and how to make it respond in ways that pleased them than she could ever hope to have regarding the male anatomy.

She looked back on too many of her training sessions with a sense that she should have done better, and she hoped the eligible men who selected her had enjoyed her body at least somewhat, and would continue to be patient with her in spite of her inexperience.

'Me too,' Elizabeth agreed. 'One of the coolest things about being tied up is that I don't have to worry about that anymore. Since I can't move, except for how the men training me will allow me, it makes it so much easier to relax and let them train me.

'Once I'm tied up, because I can only do the things the men actually allow me to do, everything I do is okay. Any responses I have to training, any movements or sounds-all of it is just a natural result of whatever the men are doing to me. I can't escape, so they can take their time and do whatever makes them feel good with my body, and I never have to doubt if they're satisfied, because they are in total control. It's an amazing feeling knowing that you can't mess up, and whatever happens is going to be really fun for the men, because they're in control.

'Pappa says it takes a lot of stress away for men, too; they don't have to worry as much about me and what I'm feeling or doing, and can simply give themselves over to enjoying my body in whatever way they think will be most fun for them, since I can't get away or protest.'

Jennifer's mind was being blown; she had no idea there were such deep levels to sexual training. She'd had these exact misgivings, and her pussy began to ache as the revelation of being bound and fully enjoyed formed clearly in her active imagination.

'And men really like it as a training tool,' Elizabeth continued. 'You know how a lot of times it feels like a man is super mad or something when he trains us? Like, his face gets all twisted and he gets all growly and fierce? Pappa says that they are pretty much always holding themselves back. They don't want to hurt or scare us too much, but in the old times in the wild, men would fuck girls much, much harder, and without even thinking about whether the girl liked it or if it hurt her.

'Nowadays they work hard to control that instinct part of themselves, and they really try to train us nicely and not hurt us. And when a man looks like he's in some kind of mania while he fucks you, it usually means he's trying desperately to achieve release in you without giving in to the darker, animal side of himself.'

Jennifer shook her head in awe. It all made sense. She was overcome with gratitude as she realized how conscientious the men who had trained her so far had been, and the sacrifices they made to their own pleasure in order to guide and develop her. Elizabeth continued.

'When you let a man tie you up, you're saying that it's ok for him to let himself go a little more, be who he really is...sexually. That whatever it takes for him to truly feel good, to feel like a man, however he wants to have your body, he may. You're offering yourself to him as his total sexual vessel, and you're willing to let him fuck you in the rawest, most natural way he wants. And...even if it does hurt more sometimes, it's CRAZY hot.

'There are important rules. Once you let a man put the cuffs or any other bonds on you, you're not allowed to ask him to stop, or change what he's doing-you already gave him permission to have all of you. You can beg, you can cry, you can plead, but nothing you say will matter. You have a responsibility to take everything he has. Once you're tied up, he gets to use you until he is done.

'The only escape other than that is to use the safeword, which is 'stop', and you may only use it in the case of horrible pain-like, you-think-you're-going-to-die-pain. The man must stop immediately when you say it. Other than that, you are totally your trainer's, and it's weird, but it's hard to explain how incredibly freeing it is.'

As Elizabeth had been speaking, Jennifer's gaze had lingered on the leather straps swinging gently in the breeze from the big tree branch in the corner of the yard. Everything her friend was saying was so hot, and made so much sense, and was so much more fascinating than Jennifer had expected.

Just the thought of being cuffed, or of not being able to move while a man took his time torturing her and savoring her immobilized body, and of being totally confident and at peace knowing he was loving every second of his time inside her because she was physically prevented from doing anything wrong, was enough to send her into an erotic trance.

Elizabeth reached out and touched her bare shoulder, bringing her back to earth with a giggle.

'Hey, do you want to just try it? I mean, just get tied up for a minute? I'm serious, it's so hot for me now, I get super wet just having the cuffs put on me. I think you'll like it...'

Jennifer nodded, her eyes wide. She couldn't believe how turned on she had become, and she followed Elizabeth to the shade of the tree, her tummy in knots as she drew near.

'So the party wasn't your first time?' She asked.

'Oh, no,' Elizabeth replied, adjusting the length of the leather straps with confident movements that hinted at the familiarity of regular use. 'We used to come out and visit pappa and gramma a couple times a year, and I remember asking once what these were for, and he said they were to keep growing young girls from moving around too much when he did his job of inspecting them to make sure they were becoming healthy and strong and beautiful. Obviously I wanted to be all those things, and I begged him to inspect me. He tied me up here and made a big show of walking all around me and nodding and saying he approved and was very pleased with me so far.'

She indicated a pair of thickly padded leather cuffs which were attached via carabiners and D-rings to a pair of short straps anchored to the ground a bit more than shoulder-width apart, and Jennifer, her heart fluttering and her juices already beginning to escape from her opening and venture down the inside of her thighs as her inner lips rubbed secretly together with each step, took her position between them and allowed Elizabeth to buckle them tightly around her ankles.

'I loved it, and every time we'd come over I'd run up to him with a big hug and beg, "Pappa, can we do inspection? Pleeeeeease inspect me! Pleeeeease?" And it became a little tradition when I'd come visit,' Elizabeth continued, raising each of Jennifer's arms above her head one at a time and buckling her wrists into the matching pair of padded cuffs hanging from the branch.

'One visit, he said that since I was becoming a grown-up girl he needed to inspect me without my shirt or skirt on, just in my underwear, and the next time he tied me up here and said that from now on I needed to be inspected without any clothes on at all like a big girl, and he undressed me before tying me up and then did a close, detailed examination of my whole body for the first time.