I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 08


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"Yes sir, sort of. We just started talking this week."

"So, what do we call you?"

"I'm Tyler. Tell Carol to call if she wants." My mood was down and I'm sure it showed on my face.

It was easy for Carol's mother to see that something had not gone well tonight, "Are you ok son?"

"I'm fine Ma'am. I'm sorry to just say hi and leave, but it's late and my sister is expecting me. She's going to be pi... upset with me too." Bad language seemed to flow more freely from my mouth tonight than it normally did.

To be sure Carol and Bonnie knew someone was in the drive, I blew the horn on the truck twice as I backed out of the driveway.

Carol told me later that they just barely managed to get their 'slut' clothes put away before her mother appeared in her bedroom door. She'd been concerned about my mood. 'Just wanted to check on you' was how Carol phrased it. Her dad had wanted to know what kind of asshole I was blowing my horn in the middle of the night.

Carol and Bonnie had managed to get their regular clothes back on before her mother had made it to her room. Her dad had been a few steps behind. Carol said her mother took one smell of the bedroom air and turned her dad around immediately and drug him to bed.

It was a little later when I got home than I expected. Even so, I was surprised to find Sis already in bed with the lights out. I left the lights out and crawled in bed behind her naked. It must have disturbed her, but she never moved. She was also in her PJs. Like the last time, she must be pissed at me.

I hugged Sis gently and whispered, "Are you ok, Sis?"

"I'm fine. Just tired. I'm going to get to sleep. You can tell me all about your adventures tomorrow." After that she never moved, and I didn't press it.

It took a lot longer to go to sleep than usual, and I have no idea how long it was for Sis.

Things were better when I woke. Sis seemed to have sorted things out and was eager to hear my story. I started the story as we drove to a nearby McDonald s and finished it while we ate our Egg Macs.

"That's an amazing story. No one ever played games like that with me. Of course, I was never in a three way either." She seemed genuinely impressed.

While we were eating breakfast and Carol's father was doing yard work, her mother had confronted her. Carol called as Sis and I were on a grocery run, to fill me in and thank me for blowing the horn.

To avoid surprising her and to avoid having to repeat what was likely to be a long conversation, "Carol, I'm in the truck with Sis. I'm putting you on the speakerphone. You can say whatever you want. She's already heard most of it and she's cool."

"Hi, Tyler's sister. You have a special brother."

Sis' eyebrows, "He can be nice when he wants and you can call me Katherine. Sounds like you guys had a nice night."

"It was special," and didn't elaborate.

Carol proceeded to tell us all about her conversation with her mother.

She said it was an inquisition, "Is that the boy you had sex with earlier this week? I didn't know she knew that. Did Bonnie have sex with him? Your room smelled of sex. You don't know how close your father came to finding out. He'd probably have chased Taylor down. Do you care for him? What kind of boy is he? I've never even heard you mention him. You didn't break up with him last night did you? We didn't even know you were seeing him. He looked unhappy. I thought you were going with Brad on the football team. Brads nice. What happened to him?"

I had to answer some of her questions. "First of all, his name is Tyler, not Taylor. Second, Brad is not nice. He's a real dick and I'm giving him his jacket back later today. She probably thinks we had a three way last night. The only way I could get her to let it be was to promise to tell her everything next week. I think she'll wait until Tuesday. By then, maybe they'll already know. Bonnie and I talked about it after you left. We're going to give our jackets back and see if we can get the others to do the same."

"Sounds like the next few days will be difficult, but I'm really proud of you two."

Sis chimed in, "You're doing the right thing. These guys should be locked up! And for the record, according to my definition, you did have a three way last night."

"No. Mostly we were just standing and couldn't even see or hear what was happening. Tyler only had one of us at a time."

"You and Bonnie need to compare notes better. According to Tyler, Bonnie jerked him off while he was eating you out. That's a three way in my book."

"Jesus Tyler. You could leave out a little. I didn't even know that." She paused, apparently thinking, "I've got to go think about how to tell mom what happened without telling her what happened, especially not a three way or about the game. I was hoping not to lie to her."

With a tone that befitted a girl with an impossible task, "It was nice talking to you Katherine. Tyler, can I call you tomorrow? Bonnie and I may both need someone to talk to."

"Actually, I'd be disappointed if you didn't call me. And if you need, call me anytime, no matter when it is."

"We're big girls. We'll be fine," but she didn't say it with any conviction. Carol hung up, and it was just Sis and I again.

"Your girl friends are going to have a hard time the next few days. I don't envy them if they have to tell this to their parents. If all this stuff comes out, it could get pretty messy for everyone, including us. Mom and Dad will hear. You're in decent shape. You gave them good advice, and really you're the wronged party here. So it's not all bad for you." For some reason, I didn't think any of the parents involved would share Sis's point of view, not even Mom and Dad.

Sis finished off with something to make me nervous, "I'd like to listen in when you have to explain the three way. You know her parents will probably be beating down our front door to talk to Mom and Dad."

I knew she was kidding. At least I hoped she was, and she'd sewn seeds. What if Mom and Dad heard about some of this stuff? Generally, I'm in favor of the truth, but this might be a situation where a 'modified version' of the truth would be best. Now if I just knew how the modified version went. "Hopefully, it will never come up. At least you're in the clear. No one knows anything about you. You don't have to worry. No one will ever hear it."

She hugged me, "Thanks. I know."

I looked at Sis, "How do you think the truth would go down? Hi Mom. Hi Dad. You know that problem I had with girls. Good news. I'm over it. Met a couple of hotties and had a three way while you were gone. How was the trip?"

Sis laughed, "I'll bring flowers to your funeral." At this point, she was showing no sympathy. "None of this would have happened if you had just stayed home and fucked your sister."

I knew better than telling her that that wouldn't have bothered me. I was confused about Sis. One minute she was pissed at me for doing what she was preparing me for, and the next she was telling me how great I was doing. I liked her teasing better. At least I knew that sister.

Ten minutes later I was pushing a shopping cart through Fry's as Sis scanned the aisles, "I don't want Mom to have to shop first thing when she gets home." That had never crossed my mind.

Before we finished shopping, Sis's cell rang and Mom and Dad's picture popped up.

"So, how are you guys doing? Have you needed us?"

Sis, "Putting you on speaker. We're at Fry's doing a little shopping. When are you guys going to be home?"

I butted in, "Hi Mom. Hi Dad. We've been wondering where you guys are at that you can't be reached by cell, and what you've been doing?"

Dad spoke up, "That was my doing. Your mother was in favor of telling you, but I was a little embarrassed."

Mom, "Oh come on dear. Just tell them."

"We've been sailing."

"Sailing? On a cruise?"

"Not a cruise ship, a 40 foot catamaran! You probably don't know it, but I've always wanted to try it and your mother finally convinced me that it wasn't frivolous. I wouldn't do it unless she came to, so here we are in San Diego. We didn't set foot on dry land for 6 days! It was amazing, and your mother is a real sailor." I think stoked would have been a good word for Dad.

"Were you out there by yourself?" Sis was concerned about two amateurs, our parents, on the ocean by themselves.

Dad was proud of this, "No. That's the beauty of it. We went to an ASA school in San Diego. That's the American Sailing Association. It's the first in the series. They don't leave you alone so you're always supervised. Safe as can be."

Mom's priorities are different than Dad's, "So, how have you two done. Are you two getting along ok? Were there any problems?"

Sis took over which was probably for the best. I didn't want to let something slip, and she had probably given more thought to this, "We're doing great. Tyler took care of the lawn yesterday. We're shopping now so you won't have to. I have some laundry to do, but that's no biggie. I'll have it done before you get here. We actually talked. Turns out I have a nice brother," and she winked at me. "When should we expect you home?"

Mom sounded pleased, "That's really nice to hear. Brothers and sisters should be close. Since things are going so well, we need to ask you something."

Both of us responded, "Sure, anything."

Dad started to ask. It was obvious this was for him, "Look, we hate to ask this and we've been worried about you with this being the first time we've left you for a week with no way to reach us. If you have any doubts, just tell us."

Sometimes Dad need's prompting, "We're doing great. Ask whatever you want."

"Well, they're offering another class. It starts tomorrow and we wouldn't be back until next Saturday. It's the one that follows the one we just finished. We'd like to do it unless it would be a problem for you guys. What do you think?"

I looked at Sis and raised my brows, "That would be great!"

Sis gave me an evil eye, "What my thoughtless brother meant to say is you guys deserve it. We're doing fine, and I can tolerate him for another week. Who would have thought there was an adult lurking behind that game controller?"

Dad beamed, "You guys are the best. I didn't think this past week through very well. Let me give you a phone number for the sailing school. You couldn't get us directly, but they could probably radio a message to us. Not perfect but not bad. I'll text it."

Mom cut in, "If we're going to do this, we need to register A S A P, so we need to go. I... we will miss you."

"See you in eight days!" I could hear the excitement in Dad's voice.

We said our good byes, "Bye guys. We love you. Now go register!"

When we'd hung up, Sis gave me a short lecture, "The trick to hiding things from parents is to not give them reason to think about it. If you sound eager, they get suspicious." Then she parroted back some of my conversation with a little extra thrown in for illustration, "That would be great. We'd love you gone for another week. We're not doing anything you'd be interested in. Do you think they might have noticed you were pretty anxious to have them gone another week?"

When she put it that way, I could see that I might have been obvious. "Sorry. How did you learn all this stuff?"

"You get a lot of practice if you want to sneak out on dates before you're supposed to be dating, and if that three way comes up, you'll have to do better than that." Suddenly I was very sympathetic to Carol's situation with her mother.

"We're going to need to do a little more shopping if you and I want to eat this coming week. I was just planning on a couple of days until Mom got settled." Sis started back over the aisles.

"Ok and when we get back in the truck, I need to ask you a favor for this week."

One of Sis's eyebrows dropped a little. That was her suspicious look, "Ok, when we're in the truck."

On the way home, "So what is this favor you want to ask? You know I've already taught you everything I know and some stuff I didn't know."

"Well, this week has been... there's no other way to say it. It's been awesome. I owe you. But I've been thinking about it. Sex has been great, but it's all been charity sex. If you hadn't felt sorry for me or Carol and Bonnie didn't have guilty consciences, none of it would have happened. I don't want it to stop, but I don't know what to do with girls that don't owe me something or feel sorry for me."

"I think you're selling yourself short. What you said is true, but all you needed was a little push. That's what I did, and I think if you were to ask Carol and Bonnie both of them would say nothing but good things about you. You just need your confidence."

"You're my sister so you have to say that, but what I want you to do is teach me what to do with girls. I was an inch away from running out on them last night, scared to death." I hadn't told this part of the story to Sis, too embarrassed or ashamed.

When we got home and had the groceries put away, Sis took me to the living room and forced me into an arm chair and sat in front of me on the floor with her legs folded under her. "Ok. Now tell me about last night, what you didn't tell me before."

After I explained how I'd flashed back, Sis stood and crawled on top of me in the chair. Her feet hung over one chair arm and she lay on her side curled up on my chest. I put my arms around her and she took one of my hands, raised her shirt, and placed it on one of her breasts, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you know you're past that now. You and the girls got closure last night."

When she finished speaking, her head swiveled, and she began tenderly nibbling at my neck.

"I think you're right. We did get closure, but I still need you to help me."

In the back of my mind, I wondered how Sis was to get closure. Did she need it to move on?

Without removing her mouth from my neck, "Mmm, ok. I'll try, but I may know more about sex than relationships," and she continued mouthing my neck. She had gotten more insistent with the nibbling.

"Are you giving me another hickey?"


"Maybe my ass. I can feel it!" Sis could be infuriating.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Do what you want, but you better do it quick," and I picked her up and carried to the stairs on my way to her bed.

At the bed, the neck nibbling stopped when I threw her on the bed. Before she stopped bouncing, I was on top of her. I sat astride her hips allowing enough room to grab her blouse and begin sliding it up her body.

"What makes you think I'm going to let you do this? Last week was all I planned on doing."

I stared at her eyes and the quirky little smile on her lips and continued to tug at her blouse. It hung, caught under her body and the bulge of her breasts. Her words suggested one thing, but when she arched her back to allow me to continue pulling her blouse up, I knew she was not planning on holding back, just as she had originally promised.

Sis didn't always play fair. I descended on her neck intending to give her a hickey to match what she'd just done to me, "Not my neck. You know we can't both have visible hickeys."

"Crap Sis. That's not fair. You know I'm not always going to stop. Just you wait and see." I settled lower and began mouthing a breast, sometimes sucking at the nipple and sometimes sucking as if to give her a hickey.

I had planned on stopping short, but Sis pushed once too far, "Not my breasts. I won't be able to wear a bathing suit."

"That's it! I'm going to go look at my neck, and if they're big, all bets are off." I stood up to go to the bathroom to inspect my neck but as I stood, I could envision Sis locking the door behind me. To head this off, I leaned over her and ran an arm under her. After a considerable amount of squirming and squealing on Sis's part, she was over my shoulder, head to the rear.

Sis was struggling to escape, but I was just too big for her, "That's just not fair. You're bigger than me. You can't do this."

I'd been down this road before, "Can and will." As I said it, I gave her ass a good slap.

"Ow. You brute."

"Keep struggling and I'll give you some more of that," and I gave her another swat. This one was not as hard, but I couldn't let on that she was safe. The first slap was as hard as I could bear to hit her, and I couldn't do that twice.

Sis grunted, "Ok. I'll be still. Just let me down and I'll stay put."

"Good try, but no way. 'Too easy Tyler' is through being easy."

In the mirror, I could see two large hickeys, "Ok that's it. I'm paying you back two for one. I'll give you a few choices about where they go since I'm a nice guy."

Back in the bedroom, I threw her on the bed again. As soon as she hit, I grabbed an ankle. Sis looked around like a cornered animal.

It was difficult with Sis squirming and fighting, but I managed to get her pants and panties off. The sandals were nothing. With Sis naked, I knew if I let her go, she'd rabbit and corralling her again would be a challenge, so I straddled her and began taking off my clothes. She stared at me defiantly as I started removing my clothes.

My pants were a puzzle I solved by flipping Sis on her stomach and laying across her from the side. We were back to back, perpendicular. My weight was too much for her to move unless I helped her, and I wasn't going to do that. I raised my butt enough to slip my pants and underwear down to my ankles. With a little maneuvering, I was completely naked.

I flipped Sis back over. Her face was wild. Maybe I'd gone too far.

Sis grinned, "You're on to all my tricks. You win this one, but can we put off the hickey discussion until after you fuck me. That was something!"

Sis opened her legs, and I crawled between them. I examined her face to make sure we were on the same page. For me, the struggle had all been play, and a lot of fun. "Ok Sis. Truth! Are you ok with this?"

In answer, she took my hand and pulled it to her now bristly patch, "See for yourself."

She bit her lower lip and moaned as I slid a finger between her lips. Her hips moved in response. We were on the same page. "Good."

I slid the head between her wet lips feeling the stubbly bristles prick at me as I entered, "Remind me you need a shave."

Sis grinned, and I spent the next six or seven minutes watching Sis as I brought the two of us to our climaxes. Hers started shortly after mine. I think mine triggered hers.

Afterwards, I confessed to Sis, "I was afraid this might be over."

"Well, I hadn't expected it to go past this weekend, but there's probably no reason to stop now. I doubt that it would make everything alright with Mom and Dad or our friends if we quit now. It's too late to undo what we've done, and I wouldn't want to anyway."

"You won't feel bad about it? I know it was just charity and I'm fine now."

"No. I promise I'm fine. I've actually enjoyed myself. Now, about those hickeys. Does it have to be four? I just did two and I really don't have four good places for them. Isn't one on each boob good enough?"

"No. Gotta be four. You sure I can't do your neck? That would just be two. Everyone's going to see mine." I wasn't happy about that. I looked down her body giving a lustful look at her bare pussy. "I can think of a place where they won't be seen unless you go to a nude beach."

Sis cringed, "Noooo. Not there. It's too sensitive. Can't we work something out?"

"Well, I can think of one other place, and conveniently, there are two very nice spots for hickeys, and unless you take your bottom off, no one will see." I knew I had her. She'd lost, and she'd intentionally marked my neck where everyone would see. Time for a little sweet payback.

"You mean... my butt?"