I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 08


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As the pizza timer was getting ready to go off, I stood next to the oven watching it tick down. Sis came with a kitchen towel to get the tray out of the over. While waiting, she draped it over me, using my erection like a towel rack. It didn't even droop.

"Very impressive!" There was a hint of lust on Sis's face. The towel jiggled a couple of times as Sis stared. The alarm went off, "Movie time big guy."

In bed we sat cross legged side by side as the movie started with the pizza tray on a towel in front of us. I guess Sis didn't want to get any more junk on her bed. Sis plopped a slice of pizza on a plate for me.

It surprised me, but I actually got into the story. I could see how it would appeal to chicks and I guess Sis was as much a chick as any girl.

When we finished the pizza, Sis put our cups on the night stand, "Move back against the head board."

I was curious but did what she asks. Sis immediately moved to a position between my legs. I leaned back against the headboard and she leaned against my chest. I started to play, but she shook her head, "Not yet. Just hold me."

That was ok. I could wait and Sis did feel pretty good laying back against me, and she did let me cup a breast.

In spite of my lack of interest, I found myself watching the movie. It was sad with her receiving these messages and things from her dead husband. I looked down and saw Sis silently crying with tears sliding down her cheeks. I leaned forward enough to wipe tears from her cheeks with the palm of my hand.

"You ok Sis?"

"I'm fine. I always cry watching this one."

"Ok. It's better than I thought." My voice wavered as I said this and Sis swiveled in time to see me wiping my eyes.

Sis turned around and moved to her knees in front of me which placed her a little taller than me. "You're a closet chick flick guy. I saw you crying!"

We hugged each other, and I tried to recover my manly status, "I wasn't crying, just something in my eye." Sis let that go.

With the movie near the end, she mounted me as she had in my desk chair. "Take it easy. I want to see the end before things get too hot." During the last ten minutes of the movie I struggled to keep things cool. Sis only occasionally raised and lowered herself on me.

Then the movie ended, and we were watching credits.

"Do guys always get this treatment after watching a chick flick?" This was definitely the way to watch a movie.

"Of course not. Nothing works all the time. A girl just may not be in the mood. It's not all about what you think you need." She paused and for a few seconds, her eyes seemed to bore into mine, "Sometimes, she may just be upset with you."

This last comment bounced around in my mind. I'd seen it before, last night even. "What do I do when that happens?"

"Depends. If the girl is worth it, you work through it. She has to make the same decision about you. Something upset her." Sis gave me the crooked little smile I've seen from time to time. "And if you're really in need, you can take things into your own hands."

I blushed. For some reason it was more embarrassing for Sis to know this about me than Carol.

Sis pulled herself off me and lay flat of her back with her head at the foot of the bed with her legs parted, "If you take care of me, we can watch Guardians."

This request was an easy one and in a couple of seconds I was hovering over top of her sliding between her lips. "Jesus Sis. That thing is getting worse than my beard. I'm shaving you first thing tomorrow."

I grimaced as the bristles poked at my shaft as I slid in and out. The only thing I could think was 'no pain no gain'.

"You've got a deal. Those bristles are killing me too. I thought I was going to have to put my hand in my pants and scratch myself at Fry's!"

When I finished, I grabbed a napkin that hadn't been used too much and placed it over Sis's pussy, "Hold this."

Sis watched with interest as I went to the bathroom, warmed the water, and returned with a hot washcloth and proceeded to wipe her.

Sis purred, "God that feels good. I've been itching like crazy." I was finished but Sis insisted, "A little more, and do it gently please."

I could imagine Sis's distress with those bristles poking her pussy. She had to be as sensitive as I was down there. I treated her to a very gentle drawn out massage with the warm washcloth. Sis purred and moaned the entire time with her hand laid on top of mine.

When I finished scratching Sis's itch, she checked me out. The shaft was pretty red. "Is that normal for you?"

"Not really. I'm going to have to shave you before we do this again. This hurts!"

A few minutes later we were stretched out in bed laying crosswise. It allowed Sis to see the movie and I could prop up and watch from behind. I had a hand cupping a breast and Sis settled back into me.

Less than ten minutes into the movie, I felt Sis's body relax and soon was listening to the soft breathing I associated with her sleeping. I think I made it as far as the fight scene between Peter and Gamora. Two hours later and something changed, and I woke up to find the movie over. Sis had never noticed. I thumbed the buttons on remotes and turned off the player and the TV. The room was dark, and I slid back into sleep behind Sis.

It was after seven before we stirred. The first time we had been able to sleep in since last weekend. It took us another hour to get out of bed.

As we were getting out of bed, "Today, we're going shopping. A lot of guys don't know how to do this with a girl."

"What do you need?"

"It's not just about needing something. It's about shopping! Guys go to buy something. Girls go to shop and maybe buy something."

"I thought only married guys, like Dad, had to go through this sort of thing."

"Relationships are about doing things together. It's like chick flicks. You have to decide what the girl is worth to you. Maybe she's not worth shopping or an occasional chick flick. If that's the case, you'd be better off using the time you would have spent shopping looking for a new girl."

"So, any time a girl wants to watch a chick flick or go shopping, I've got to do it, or find a new girl?"

Sis laughed just enough to say she was amused at me. "No. Of course not. But you will have to show a girl she's worth something to you. Come on. This trip you're trying to show ME that I'm worth something to you. Today I'm your girlfriend."

Twenty minutes later, she took my hand and drug me into Fashion Center Mall.

Whispering, "Should we be holding hands? Lots of people we know shop here."

"I'll risk it. Besides, if all you do is hold my hand, I think we can get by. Just don't act suspicious if we meet someone we know. Just casually let go when we talk to them. They won't really know what they're seeing, and I'll handle it."

We spent several hours shopping. I expected to be bored but Sis took pity on me. She modelled several dresses. A couple were sun dresses that came a couple inches above the knees.

She wouldn't come out of the dressing area wearing in the third one. She had to ask April, our Express sales assistant, if I it was ok for me to come in far enough to see in private.

"Sure, but I want to see too. That black one should be amazing with your body." Sis opened the door with a flushed face, for me to admire and April to critique.

It would be an understatement to say my jaw dropped. Sis looked amazing. I tried to compliment her, "I.. uh... I," and stammered and didn't manage anything intelligible.

April grinned at Sis, "I'd say this was one is a hit. Your boyfriend is speechless!"

"Oh, he's just being a pervert," and she whispered, "It's up to my ASS!"

"It's not that bad and I guarantee you will turn heads... Just don't bend over unless it's in front of your boyfriend, and you'll be fine."

Sis blushed again.

"Shall I wrap these?"

Sis, "They're nice, but not today. I need to look around a bit more." She wasn't coming back.

We stepped out and Sis began getting dressed. With Sis out of sight, I turned to April, "Can you go ring these and ship them to her? Maybe overnight or two day?"

"You're buying them anyway? Nice. I like that. She did look great in all of them and you won't regret that LBD."


"Little Black Dress. Every woman should have one."

I heard Sis opening the door. "I'll step back in to pay and give you an address."

I led Sis to a bench near the entry to the store, "Let me go thank April for her help." I raised my eyebrow, hopefully suggestive enough give Sis the wrong idea.

Once at the register, I handed over my debit card, and April got busy ringing things up. I supplied information as needed and then chatted for Sis's benefit.

Facing April, "Katie's looking at me. She probably thinks I'm getting your number."

"I'd hate for you to get in trouble over this. Are you sure the surprise is worth it?"

"I think so. I hope so anyway."

April looked at me. She had a question but didn't seem certain about asking.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Nothing wrong. But, well... does she have shoes for these, particularly the black one. Her tennis shoes work better with her jeans," and gave me a little frown and shook her head with conviction.

"I'm not sure. This is getting complicated. I can't bring her back in now. She'll know."

April pulled two cards out, "Give me your email and phone number. After the dresses arrive, bring her back in. We've always got stuff on sale. I'll take good care of her. Keep the other card in case the order doesn't arrive by Wednesday. It's got my name and number. You can call and make sure I'm in when you come. She's going to love the dresses and YOU."

When I got back out to Sis, "Hmmmph. You were doing pretty well until the end. A piece of advice, don't go looking for you next date while you're on a date." Her eyes squinted a little, displeasure, "Tell me you at least got her number."

I pulled Aprils card from my pocket and raised my eyebrows smugly, "I did. It's the first number I ever got from a girl." I'd sold it but hoped she wasn't going to be upset. Things should be fine by Wednesday if Express and FedEx both did what they were supposed to.

On the drive home, "I owe you a movie. I fell asleep before Guardians got started."

Sis didn't talk for a few minutes, "When are you going out with her?" The tone of her voice bothered me.

"I'm not. She didn't seem receptive, so I didn't ask."

"You didn't ask because she didn't seem receptive? You've got to ask. You'll never go out if you let a little uncertainty stop you. What's the worst that could happen?"

"I don't know. She'd embarrass me? Besides, she thinks you're my girl."

Sis started and stopped a couple of time and finally found her voice. "Oh. Ok. I can see that... Maybe it's not a good idea for me to be your date. I guess it will be pretty limiting, and I really don't want you to go out with a girl that would agree to a date with me looking right at her."

"I'm don't mind you being my date. You've still got a lot to teach me, and I've got plenty of time after Mom and Dad get back." Sis squeezed my arm.

As we were setting up for the movie, Carol and Bonnie called. "Sis, Carol and Bonnie are setting up a three way."

"Really? Another three way?"

"Not that kind of three way, a call. I'm putting Sis on speaker if that's ok?"

Carol was upset, "She'll want to hear."

"What happened? Did you give them their jackets back?"

Bonnie chimed in, "We did and you were right. They were total assholes. They said they were going to tell what we did. We expected that, but... well, there was something else. I am so sorry. I had no idea."

Of the four of us, Sis was the calm one, "Ok, the threat is a bluff. It would get them in more trouble than you and Tyler's going to deny it ever happened. They're screwed so nothing to worry about. It may get a little messy, but you'll be ok. Better off than you were in any case."

Normally Carol would have done most of the talking. For some reason, it was Bonnie now, "Tyler, they plan on getting even with you. They said you'd be thrown off the team and kicked out of school."

Irritated now, Sis joined back in, "They're bluffing. They don't have anything to use against Tyler."

Carol cut her off, "They do. It's awful."

I felt panic in the pit of my stomach. The first thing that came to mind was Sis, but how could they know? "What did they say?"

Carol, "It wasn't really what they said. They sent us a YouTube link. It has you in it. It's awful."

Sis pounced, "Send it to us. Now!"

In a few seconds, my phone chimed for an incoming text. "I'll call you back after we look at it." All that came in was a link and one sentence from Bonnie, "I'm so sorry."

I looked at Sis who was also worried, "Surely they can't know."

The link didn't provide any information, "I'm going to forward it to gmail so we can look at it on my desktop. May as well get a good look at it."

Shortly I was chasing the link from my desk chair. Sis was standing beside me.

It was titled 'CHS Pervert' and was a collection of pics and one video. The pics were self-explanatory. The first one was captioned, 'Pervert likes girl's panties.' It was from the locker room and showed me in the red panties. The second, captioned with 'Done by a gay friend?' was a picture of my back after Sis had marked me. It truly did mark me. That story was probably making its way around CHS already even if we weren't in session. The third one, 'Maybe he's bi' was the picture of Sis's boobs. At least no one knew whose they were. This one hurt because it could only have been posted by a friend.

Sis's hand went to my shoulder. She knew how badly that one must have hurt but we weren't finished. Her voice quavered, "What's in the video?"

My finger hesitated over the little triangle that would play the video. I couldn't imagine what could be in it. There was no mention of Sis and for that I was grateful. She and I hadn't done anything outside the house, at least not too bad and I was pretty sure no one had seen us.

What was in the damned video? I hit the button. I was confused by what came up. It was a scene from a bedroom. I didn't instantly recognize it as Carol's. What you could see was a guy with his head buried between a girls legs, obviously giving her oral, and from the noises she was making, she was enjoying it. No faces were in view and this would have been ok except that the guy was naked and his entire back was covered with scratches. They were the same scratches that were visible in the picture from the locker room. All of CHS would recognize me.

Sis's arms were now draped around my shoulders and her voice broke as she spoke, "Oh Tyler. I didn't mean to do this to you." I turned to face her and a steady stream of tears rolling down her cheeks.

There were a couple of things that did hurt. Two of the things posted could only have been posted by Billy or Bobby, and the other had to be Carol or Bonnie. The others didn't bother me that much. The hard part would be losing friends.

Relief flooded in as I looked as Sis, "Whew. I was scared to death it was going to be bad."

Sis was dumbfounded, "What you mean 'you were scared to death it was going to be bad'? Mom and Dad are bound to find out. There's no way to stop that now that this is on the web. Maybe they can get you kicked out of school."

"I can handle this. It's not good, but at least no one knows anything about us. You can't believe how relieved I was to not see you in that video."

"If it looks like it's going to go too badly for you with Mom and Dad, I'll tell them what I did."

I was the calm one now, "No. You won't. Like I told you, Mom and Dad love me. I'll get through this. I may be grounded for the next five years, but in the end, it'll be ok. I don't know about school. I may have to finish out at Basha or someplace that will have me, but I can do that."

"We've got a week to figure out what we're going to do. I know a couple of those things must have hurt."

I remembered something Sis had told me, 'The people you care the most about can hurt you the most.' The proof was painful.

Sis held me for a few minutes before I made the first of two calls that I dreaded.

"Carol. Is Bonnie there?"

A sullen voice came in, "I'm here. I'll put us on the speaker. I know what you want? You have to know I didn't mean for that to happen."

Sis was pissed, "Haven't you two done enough to Tyler? He never did anything to you."

"Carol didn't have anything to do with it. I thought it would be nice to have a video. It was never supposed to be public."

It's surprising how a situation can go from a stab in the heart to something much less. All it takes is knowing it wasn't intentional. That had been the devastating part, not the video. It also left a glimmer that one of my two best friends hadn't betrayed me. I needed to talk to them.

Sis was still pissed, "If it wasn't supposed to go public, how did it get on YouTube?"

Dejectedly, Bonnie explained, "It was my dumbass brother. He did all of them. I didn't know. My phone hung, and he fixed it for me. I guess he saw the video then. I'll kill him if you want."

"I'm just glad to know that you guys didn't do it. That would have really hurt. Look, I'm sorry you guys are in this mess with me. At least your faces aren't visible. I'll have to tell my parents. I can't imagine it not getting back to them. If you have to tell yours, I'm ok if you blame me for it. They may believe it."

Sis barked, "What? NO FUCKING WAY. If anything, you should blame them."

Carol voice came in loud and clear, "We're not going to blame you. Katherine's right. You don't even have to lie. It was us. We got you into all of this. This thing is out of control. I've got to come clean."

A depressed Bonnie voiced support, "Me too. Keeping this secret has been the worst decision I ever made. Well, second worst. You know what the first one was."

There wasn't much more to say, "You two take care of each other and be thinking about how you'll tell your parents. It'll be easier if you have a plan. At least I've got a week to figure out how to tell Mom and Dad, and I've got one more call to make tonight." This last made me sad, "Your brother didn't post one of the pics. Call me if you need to talk."

Sis encouraged as I prepared to make the call, "It's not like Bobby or Billy to do this. Don't give up on them yet. You three have been best friends for three years."

"I know. I keep coming to that, but what if someone recognized you? I couldn't forgive that."

"Well, they're a pretty ordinary set of tits. No one will recognize them." Her words did make me feel better.

Without as much as a hello, "Billy, I'm going to conference Bobby in. We need to talk."

"Ok, but you don't sound good."

"I'm not."

After a few rings, Bobby joined us in a conference call.

When Bobby joined, Billy spoke, "Tyler, you sound like you're pissed at us or something. Do you want to tell us what we did?"

"I'm sending you a link, and you need you to go to your computers if you can. Be sure you're alone. I really need to know that you guys didn't have anything to do with it."

Seconds later, Billy who had been at his computer in the middle of a game saw the contents of the link, "Fuck Tyler. We heard some wild stuff about you. I guess it was all true." Almost instantly, his eyes must have recognized the picture of boobs that I had sent them. "Ok, I see what you're pissed about but I didn't do it. Did you give it to anyone else? Bobby wouldn't do it either."

Bobby had been at the dinner table and had picked up the pace as he heard our conversation, "Whatever it is I didn't do it either."

"Guys, no one else on the planet had that picture. At least not until yesterday."