I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 09


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She looked up embarrassed to see me staring at her, "What are you looking at?"

"The prettiest girl I know."

"That's just because you don't know that many girls and you'll probably say that to every girl that fucks you."

"I don't think so... and could not call it 'fucking.' I prefer to say we made love.'

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I'm afraid 'fucking' is all you and I can do, and not that much more of that," and she pulled me to her and hugged me, holding my legs, "But it is a shame we don't have more time."

My dick had been trapped against her cheek as she turned her head to the side, "Ooo, this thing is still sticky. Time for a shower." Her cheek was wet with our combined mess.

We had a long day ahead of us and would have some time to kill. I wanted tonight's reservation to be a surprise and we couldn't get in the hotel room until 300 PM.

After getting dressed for breakfast, Sis took the black dress from the closet and put it in a garment bag. By 10:00 AM we were pulling into the mall parking lot, ready to find Sis a pair of shoes for the dress.

"Are you sure I need to wear this dress. It's... not really me."

"I'm not letting you weasel out of it. You said you'd wear it on our date. Besides you'll look great in it."

The manager we'd met earlier was in the shop and came over immediately. She looked at Sis, "You haven't worn that dress yet?"

Sis frowned, "Welllll..."

Her gaze turned to me, "What on earth happened to you? Does that hurt?"

"It's looks worse than it is."

Sis butted in angrily, "It's every bit as bad as it looks," and she pulled her phone from the hip pocket of her jean shorts, "Here," as she punched her phone several times and flipped it around to the manager to display my 'fight movie.'

I was embarrassed, "Sis, for gosh sakes. I don't want everybody in the world to see that," as I tried to retrieve Sis's phone from the manager, but she dodged away with her eyes glued on the video.

"My God! Did they catch them?"

Sis launched into an animated recounting of that morning. I really didn't want the attention, "Girls, I'll be out here on the bench," shaking my head as the two of them discussed me. "Call me when you've got your shoes." Thursday morning in the mall, there weren't many people other than an older couple who seemed to be exercise walking. I laid down on a bench and prepared to wait Sis out.

Twenty minutes later, Sis came walking out carrying a bag with what I assumed was a pair of shoes.

"I was going to pay for that."

"That's ok. She was very sympathetic after seeing the video, and gave me a great discount."

"Could you try not show that video to anyone else this week?" Sis just gave me a look that seemed to say, 'maybe.'

Once in the truck, "Well, so where are you taking me for our date?"

I decided to have a little fun with Sis. She had it coming after showing that video. "It's still a secret, but you're welcome to guess," as I pulled the truck onto Price and back down to W 202. I'd give her a couple of false leads. Tease her a bit.

"Are we going to a restaurant?"

"I guess. Sure. There's a restaurant. A pretty good one I hear."

Then we were headed up I-10 toward the airport. At Baseline, I took the exit, "Might almost be there."

Soddenly Sis brightened like she'd figured me out, "OH, the Crab Shack! I like Seafood!"

When we got to the bottom of the ramp at Baseline, I turned left and not right.

Puzzled, "So if it's not the Crab Shack, what's over here."

"Fry's. I come here a lot," I deadpanned as we pulled into the parking lot.

As I helped her out the truck, "Fry's? Really? You need more help than I thought!"

Continuing the game, "Look on the bright side. You don't have to wear the dress unless you really want to."

"Ummm, in that case, I think I'll pass on the dress."

I laughed, "Come on. You'll like it," as I consulted my watch. Check-in wasn't until 3. I hoped she wasn't too mad at me by then. We had several hours to kill. I took her hand and patted it.

She had a look of disbelief, but she walked beside me.

"Come on Sis. It's not so bad. Besides, we can get something to eat. They have pretty good hot dogs."

"Hot dogs?"

"Don't look so disappointed. It won't be bad. I promise you'll look back on this and smile."

With a look of concern, "Are you feeling woozy or dizzy? Maybe your concussion is making you delusional."

It was my turn to laugh and I reached down and picked her up in my arms and proceeded to carry her into Fry's.

In a whisper she pleaded as she tried to hide her face on my chest, "Tyler, put me down. Everyone's looking at us. Someone will see us!"

"I've been here dozens of times and have never seen anyone I knew, unless they came with me. Don't worry. Besides, you told me to handle that."

After twenty people had stared at us, and one clerk nervously asked, "Do you... need help?"

"No we're fine." I put Sis's feet back on earth and took her hand as I led her toward computer accessories. I needed a thumb drive and might as well take care of that while we were here. "Need anything? Maybe a car charger for your phone?" I knew she did.

An hour later, I'd walked her through computers, the TVs and sound systems, and asked her if there was anything else she wanted to see.

With a look of pity, "No. I think I've seen everything I wanted to see."

"Good. I think now would be a good time for a couple of hot dogs." She shook her head. I squeezed her hand and she gave me a look that said she might be walking with a brother that wasn't all there.

I pulled out a seat for Sis, "What do you like on your dogs?"

"Mustard and relish if I can get it, or kraut would be good."

Ten minutes later, I was seated on the other side of the table from her and we were both working on our hot dogs. I still had the better part of two hours to kill. Time to talk, but what about?

I started by asking about her return to U of A. An hour later, I knew things about Sis that I had never thought to ask. She was going to get an MBA, work for a large company or two, and ultimately hoped to run a startup. She didn't know what the startup would do, but she would run it!

While we'd been talking, I'd reached across the table and held her hand and spent a lot of time looking into her eyes as she spoke. Once she started talking, she was animated and smiled a lot. Her eyes seemed to twinkle as well. It wasn't difficult at all to give her my undivided attention.

I think my staring at her made her uncomfortable at first, like there couldn't be anything there to hold my attention. But it was fun.

"I could see you doing that." This led to Sis questioning me. My plans weren't as well thought out as hers, but I did have some; a PhD in Applied Math and a lot of Computer Science. She listened and asked questions. She genuinely seemed interested.

Time and two more hot dogs disappeared before I was aware of it. I looked at my watch, "Oh shoot! We've got to go."

A few minutes later we had paid for several small items and were walking back to the truck. Sis had an arm locked in the crook of my arm, "Fry's. I would have never guessed that anyone would take me on a date to Fry's... and I'd like it."

There was a smile on her face and it was then that I realized that one of the sexiest things about Sis was her smile. I could feel myself getting stiff. At the truck, I opened the door for her and in the shadow of the door, I kissed her. Her eyes darted around, but we were effectively hidden. She opened her mouth and I felt her tongue flick at my lips. A couple of minutes later, I was hard and wanting her so bad it was painful.

"Wheww! Ok, we've got one more stop to make for this date," as I pulled the truck onto Baseline and headed west.

"I-10's back that way."

"True, but we're not going to I-10," as I turned north on 48th. It was only a short drive to where we were going.

"Where are you going?" Suspicion in her voice, "You're pulling something aren't you?"

"Maybe," as we turned into the Marriott Tempe at the Butte. "I thought we might enjoy a room. Hope that's ok." I was going to keep the Top of the Rock a secret until the last minute, assuming she didn't get angry at me first. I'd been teasing her along quite a bit, but Fry's had turned out to be a very pleasant surprise, and not just for Sis.

"A room is your idea of a date?"

"No. Not exactly. It's just that the actual date doesn't' start until 8 and we need to be someplace until then. I hope it's not too bad. We can skip it if you want."

"No... I guess it's ok."

I led her over to check-in and we were greeted by a cute, enthusiastic young woman, "May I help you?"

I stared at Sis as I answered, "You should have reservations for Mr. and Mrs. Perry." This was the first time I'd ever done this. I'd been to hotels, but Dad had always handled this part and I'd never thought about doing it with a 'wife.'

Sis gave me look that said she'd been tricked, and hit me on the shoulder for emphasis, "You shouldn't have. Fry's would have been plenty."

The clerk was busy with our paperwork, but clearly entertained by the two of us. "Here you go, Mr. Perry. Will your wife need a key?"

"Yes she will," and I watched Sis's expression. She was pleased.

In the elevator, "Your wife? What were you thinking?"

"What did you want me to say, 'We're Mr. and Mrs. Smith?' I bet they get a lot of those. That would attract attention, and besides, my debit card says Perry! If I paid with cash, they'd probably think you were a hooker. I thought it would be less obvious if we just went with Mr. and Mrs. Perry."

"You shouldn't have. It cost too much. You were setting me up ever since we left the mall. Weren't you?"

"Just getting even with you for showing that video. Besides, I knew what you'd say that if I told you."

"We could still go to the Crab Shack."

"Well, I have something else planned and it doesn't start until 8. I guess we could've stayed at Fry's, but this is better, unless you don't want to share a room with me."

She got up in my face, "I guess I can share a room with my husband," and she had her arms around my neck pulling me down for a kiss. It wasn't as long as the first one back at Fry's, but still carried some electric.

Now I was the one looking around to see if anyone was looking. The girl at the counter seemed to be enjoying the show. She gave us a knowing smile, "You two enjoy yourselves," and her eyebrows raised.

The elevator door opened at our floor and I read signs pointing to our room. Sis held my free hand as I carried our garment bags to the room.

At the room, I inserted the plastic key in the door, and instructed Sis to wait until I came to get her. I tossed our bags on the king bed and returned to put the finishing touch on our arrival. Sis was patiently waiting at the door, but was clearly not sure what I had in mind.

"So, were you expecting intruders?"

I leaned down and scooped Sis into my arms, and responded, "No."

It felt like a sappy gesture, but it had occurred to me in the elevator that it was a tradition for newlyweds to go through this ritual, and we were 'husband and wife.' At least the hotel thought so. I carried her across the threshold, "Mrs. Perry, welcome to our room." I was pleased with myself.

Sis gave me a look of displeasure, "If you think that little show is going to work on me... you're absolutely right," and she rested in my arms, "would you take me to the bed. I want... a kiss, kisses actually."

"Is a kiss all you want?"

"No... I want to do what all newlyweds do, but that kiss at Fry's... really got me. Maybe we can pick up where we left off." She paused, "And remember, this is for a grade!" I guess class was still in session and it must be finals since there were only two more days of class left.

We stood by the bedside, arms around each other. I marvel sometimes at how small Sis is and how I have to lean down to kiss her. I wrapped arms around her and squeezed as she pulled my face down to hers and began a slow kiss which quickly escalated. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth and she played with me in an intimate way, intimate in a way that was nothing like Carol and Bonnie had been. That had been physical. This was... different. How it was different, I wasn't sure.

By the time a couple of minutes had passed, I had my hands under Sis's rump lifting her closer. Her legs had parted and settled around one of my thighs, and her crotch was being rubbed against it. Her hands had found their way under my shirt with one veering in a more southerly direction. I could feel it worming its way under my belt, the fingers probing until they found what they'd been seeking. All I could do was rub the outside of Sis's pants, but she seemed appreciative.

"You're ruining my underwear! It's time for your next test."

The feel of Sis's body had already told me the kiss had done its job, but I had to ask, "Did I pass?"

"Well, that was the easy test. I won't be able to give you your final grade until the test is over. So, what do you think is next?"

I thought for a few seconds, 'If class was still in session, what was she expecting?' I thought about our first few days last week, and I knew what was next.

"Ok, you told me that if a boy wanted to have sex with a girl, he had to be able to get her out of her clothes. So, I think that's next."

Sis nodded approvingly as I faced her and began unbuttoning her blouse. All the while I was studying her blouse, she was focused on my face. If she was excited about what was happening, she didn't show it. It looked more like Dad as he helped me with my Calculus, a look of satisfaction. Shortly she was shrugging her shoulders to help me get her blouse off. I had a choice now. What next? It was actually an easy one, the bra. She didn't have the large breasts that Bonnie had, but they were firm and I really wanted to see them. I checked the front to see if it was 'front hooker.' It wasn't, so I reached around behind her with one hand, slid it over the bra to find where the hooks were, and tried something I'd seen on the internet, a one handed release. With fingers tips resting on one side to the hooks and the back of my palm on the other, I pressed fingers and palm together and was rewarded with the feel of the hook releasing and Sis's bra releasing its grip on her breasts.

Startled, Sis gave a gasp and protected her breasts with her arms, "You show off! How'd you do that?"

As I reached to finish the removal of her bra, "Do I get extra points for degree of difficulty?"

Sis tried to take back her position of authority with a stern look, "I'm beginning to think I may have created a sex monster! Extra credit isn't going to do you any good if you aren't able to pass everything else."

As I looked at Sis's face, the realization that what I had had, what we had had, the past two weeks was almost over. It left me feeling empty. I wasn't ready for it to end. My mood swing was written on my face.

"What's wrong? For a guy whose getting ready to have sex, you look awfully sad. I'm not that bad am I?"

"NO! Nothing like that. It's just sinking in that this will all be over Saturday. I'm not ready. I know it has to, but I'm... just not ready. That's all. You're the best..." I paused knowing that the next words coming from my mouth was the reason it was truly all over. "The best sister or friend a guy could have."

"And no sister could be prouder of her brother."

I wrapped arms around her and pulled her to me in a tight embrace. My hands were on her bare back. It wasn't a sexual embrace that we were having, something else. I could see some of the sadness of the moment on her face as well. We hugged for some time, silently swaying together.

Sis's head lifted from my chest and she gazed at me, "You are going to do so well." She paused, "You are going to get so much pussy this year. More than anybody at CHS! It's disgusting." She had a look of mild distaste.

Before I moved to her pants, I grinned down at her, "I wasn't really thinking about that." I stopped at the breasts I had uncovered. I couldn't resist tweaking her nipples which were standing erect, like little excited penis's. A minute or so more was spent kissing and sucking on them. It's amazing how much abuse those things can take. I kissed and sucked on them pretty hard.

My stern teacher pretty much lost it. I knew she was trying hard to remain still, but it seemed to be impossible for her stifle the small moans and her body shuddered each time I drew a breast into my mouth.

Her next command was forced out a few words at a time. She was trembling as she said, "They're just... breasts... so... for God's sake... get on with it!"

I was very satisfied with myself, "So, I'm doing ok?"

With frustration in her voice, "I said... get on with it." I could feel her body shaking. I don't usually think of myself as having an ego that needed stroking, but feeling Sis respond this way was incredible. The 'test' was taking its toll on my self-control as well. I got on with it.

In a few seconds, her pants and panties lay in a puddle around her ankles. She put her hands on my shoulder for balance, and one foot at a time, kicked her sandals and clothes off. Then she was naked in front of me, the most beautiful and desirable woman I'd ever seen.

Sis moved to the bed and began dragging the cover off to get down to the sheets, "Hurry please!"

I got out of my clothes as fast as I could. Sis was laying on the bed, her body still tense with excitement.

"I hope this won't ruin my test, but I really, really, need to skip ahead to the last part of the test."

Sis smiled and her legs parted as I slid onto the bed. I paused just for a second to look into her eye, and then slid my erection, which was beginning to seriously ache, to her lips. Her hips thrust and wiggled to get me lined up. She was wet and sliding in was easy. A few gentle thrusts and I was halfway in. Sis let out a loud moan as she wrapped her legs around me and gave a powerful thrust of her hips that plunged me the rest of the way in. I could feel her firm little pubic mound against me. Her legs held me and her chest heaved with her efforts.

I took my cue when she released me and took over control. For several minutes, I maintained a somewhat controlled paced all the while staring intently at Sis, knowing that this was over Saturday. As we neared the end, I couldn't hold myself back and finished fast. From Sis's reaction, it was the right choice.

There wouldn't be another reprieve for a sailing class. Sis was off to UA the following weekend and Mom and Dad wouldn't forgo the opportunity to get her ready and spend a few days with her. I, we, were reaching the end of my 'education.'

A few minutes later we lay on the bed side by side, "You know, we don't have to finish this date. Fry's was nice. We could just stay here... and do more of this." Sis knew how to tempt me.

That wasn't a bad option, but I was committed to going to The Top of the Rock. Sis had wanted a real date. Fry's wasn't that. The Top of the Rock might be. I wasn't certain of that, but I was certain I didn't want to quit on her. "I'd really like to go and see... how it works out. Besides, you deserve a real date, not a trip to Fry's!"

Then it came out, "Ok, if it means that much to you. But, do I have to wear that dress? It's... not me."

She was definitely opposed to the dress. She looked great in it, but didn't seem to have the confidence or belief in herself to pull it off. Knowing what I knew about her now, I could understand that. She'd retreated as I had.

Much as I wanted to have her as my date in that dress, "Ok, if you really don't want to wear it, we'll be ok in your... jeans." I wasn't sure about the dress code, but hoped they'd be flexible enough to let us in. Phoenix is pretty warm and casual. Shorts were pretty common, "But if it's ok, I'm wearing my Dockers and jacket. We'll be ok."
