I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 09


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After Bobby told her how much trouble it might cause, she had felt terrible. Sis thought it was very sweet and that I should send her a text telling her I was not angry at her.

I knew his little sister. She was a nice kid, and I sent her a text to let her know I wasn't angry at her. Bobby thanked me for taking it easy on her and Sis gave me a sisterly hug for being a sweet guy.

Soon I was yawning and Sis was shooing the guys out the door telling them I needed my rest. I was surprised to be this tired after having done almost nothing.

*****Thank You from the cheerleaders***** Sis was up early the next morning to make sure I was ready for today's visitors. She decided my mouth was ready to handle oatmeal. It wasn't an improvement over the protein drink, but Sis said it would be good for the healing process.

By 10 a.m., Carol and Bonny accompanied and three car loads of guests were in our drive way. Against my wishes, Sis had ordered me to stay in bed in PJs. At least she pulled out the NASA PJs. This included a white t-shirt with a NASA logo and plaid pants. She had overruled my suggestion of gym trunks and had been pretty adamant about it.

"And don't be taking your shirt off for everyone!"

"What do I do if they ask?"

"They won't, but just say no!"

"We're not talking about drugs."

She gave me look that said she wasn't happy, "Just do what you're going to do anyway!"

Sis greeted them at the door, "He's upstairs in bed and he's still pretty sore, so try help me keep him in bed."

Carol grinned, "I think we can do that. Can't we girls?" A room full of girls nodded and snickered.

Sis frowned, "I didn't mean it that way," and led them up the stairs to my room.

"Are you decent? You have visitors."

"You can bring them in."

The girls crowded my bed, sitting all around. A lot of air was sucked in as they saw my face. There was quite a bit of bruising and I still had my stitches.

Carol was first to ask about my ribs, "Are you sore," as she gently poked my chest. It hurt and I grimaced, "Can we see?"

Soon my top was off and the girls were all vying for position to get a good look.

Sis was standing behind them shaking her head and glaring at me, "I'll be down stairs if you need anything. We have water and sodas." She walked out appearing unhappy with me, but what was I supposed to do. They all wanted to see.

As Sis left, Carol took over, "We've all discussed you and everyone wants to thank you for what you did for us and apologize for what we did."

"Apology accepted, but you don't need to do anything else."

"Oh, we have a very special thank you," and she had a smile that said I would like it, "since not everyone can thank you the same way, and we don't want you to feel bad about anyone, we're going to do it a special way. Something we learned from you."

The entire room looked like they were up to something and it made me nervous, "What do you mean? Special way?"

In answer, Carol removed a band she had tied around her head, "We're going to use this!" Everyone was looking at me as she said this and there were giggles from around my room.

Three years ago, this would have been the beginning of a disaster. Today, it didn't feel like that. Nevertheless, I was worried about what was getting ready to happen, not in a bad way, but more like I was about to be on the receiving end of a gag. I took a deep breath and trusted Carol, "Ok. What have you got in mind?"

Playing it very cool, "Not much really," as she tied the scarf around my head as a blindfold, "now we're just going to thank you. Oh... we have some rules. One, you can't talk. Not a word. Two, you can't touch, so put your hands behind your head. And no peeking under any circumstances." The finishing touch was a couple of ear buds. She first tested them herself to get the volume just right, then placed them in my ears.

She kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "I'll be back soon, but don't worry. You won't be alone much at all." I couldn't see her face, but I could envision a huge satisfied smirk.

I could barely hear over the music, "Ok. Everyone out," followed by, "back soon sweetie."

The look on my face was surely not as happy and mischievous as Carol's must be now.

I wondered how Sis was taking this. She was hard to read. It would have been easier but at times she seemed like she would have been happy with this. I thought this was the purpose, her purpose. Other times she was upset with me. She was confusing.

I didn't have long to think about Sis as I heard the door open. A few seconds later I felt the bed beside me shift as someone sat down near me.

The next thing I knew, I was being whispered to, "First, I want you to know how sorry I am about what we did to you. I feel terrible about it. I also hope you feel better after the fight and don't get in too much trouble." She gave me a kiss on the lips. She didn't open her mouth but it felt nice. It was also pretty weird not knowing who was on the bed with me.

More whispering, "So, if you want me, or any of the other girls, to stop, all you have to do is say so. Otherwise, relax and follow the rules." I felt hands tugging at the waist band of my pajama bottoms. They stuck on the bed underneath me and I raised my butt to free them. She didn't take them off, just down to my thighs.

Another whisper, "You're blushing! Carol said you would. Stop me if you need. It would be ok." I took in a deep breath but said nothing.

A second later I felt warm breath on my private parts quickly followed by a warm moist mouth. They may have heard me gasp from outside the room.

Another whisper, "You're so soft and small," followed by a giggle, "but I can fix that," and whoever she was, she began sucking seriously. I didn't stay soft long. "That's good."

I groaned, "Oh fuck," and my hips thrust toward her involuntarily.

There was a brief lapse in the sucking, and I got a warning, "NO TALKING," followed by giggles which ended with the strange mouth eagerly sucking.

As I neared a climax, it was impossible not to groan as my hips did small thrusts in rhythm with her mouth. Soon I was on the verge.

It was obvious how close I was and it elicited a teasing question, or maybe it was a warning, "You're not going to come in my mouth are you?" Then she was immediately back on my now throbbing erection and I hoped she was teasing, as I squirted half a dozen times into her mouth.

My body stiffened and I sighed with the release. I whispered, "Sorry!"

She giggled.

A moment later, the strange lips were pressing against mine again and the lips parted inviting me to open up. Her lips parted and I assumed she wanted my tongue. She caressed my tongue with hers for a few seconds and broke the kiss off. The entire process left me excited and trying to figure out what and who I'd been tasting. Who was she? Was it her saliva or my cum? Maybe it was both. Did it matter? Probably not.

Then a final whisper in my ear, "Now pull your pants up. Time for me to go." The entire process probably took less than five minutes.

A second later, I heard the door and a muffled voice, "Next," and I took a deep breath knowing what was likely to come next.

A knew girl sat on the bed beside me. A version of the apology was delivered, but I believe this one was accompanied by tears. I thought I heard it in her voice. She leaned down close and I felt her cheek pressed against mine. This was followed by a small peck on the lips and a tug at my bottoms.

I felt warm fingers wrap around my member and a gentle jerking as she enticed my once used shaft to stiffen. A few seconds with her hand and it obliged, "Hmmm, let's see if she left anything for me."

To help me along, she maintained the stroking with her hand while sliding it close enough to the base to allow her mouth to fit comfortably over my knob. Even after having been given a full blow job by the first girl, this was getting results. I shivered at the pleasurable sensations that were being delivered and soon was ready for another climax.

I could feel myself going in her mouth. Her mouth felt great on me. It was hard to believe what was happening to me. She accepted my cum as if it was perfectly natural. I couldn't help but remember Sis's reaction earlier this week. It hadn't been a natural for her.

When I was finished she moved up beside me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "See you later."

The next girl in was different. She apologized, "I'm really sorry about what all that's happened to you. I really am, but I can't do what the others are going to do... I'm married!"

She leaned down for a peck on the forehead, "I'm sorry. That's all I can do."

Whispering, "You're married? Can you do that? I didn't think anyone on the team was married."

"I think you can legally if you ask, but they might have kept me off the team, so we kept it secret. You and Ms. Talmadge are the only ones I've told. Carol says you don't talk about people."

"I won't say anything."

She kissed me on the forehead again, "You're a nice guy."

The next thing I heard was the door followed by the girl #4 sitting beside me, "I've already apologized so I'll skip that. Do you like being blindfolded? Hope so. We've got more plans for you," and I felt her tugging at my pants. I could envision blow jobs or sex, or maybe both for the rest of the school year. This year was going to be dynamite!

#4 used techniques from the first two girls plus added to it. She took my balls in her hand and rolled them around like marbles. Mostly she was gentle, but would throw in some hard squeezes that I thought I might feel the next day. It was the same with her mouth. Even though I was already thoroughly used, she got me hard and managed to get a few feeble convulsions. She may have gotten a few drops, but I was pretty much drained.

When I was finished, "We'll try it again when you've got something left!" She gave my balls one last hard squeeze. That brought a squeal of pain from me a laugh from her.

Since she said she had already apologized, that meant it could only be one of two girls; Carol or Bonnie. She sounded like she was in charge, so that would make it Carol. I guess.

Then she was gone and #5 came in. I never thought I'd get tired of oral sex, but my manhood was beginning to feel like it had one of Mom's meat tenderizers used on it. Not to say I didn't appreciate each girl that came in. the apologies were all sincere and had the effect of moving the entire group of girls closer to me. Any ill will I still had was pretty much gone.

There were three of the girls that were special in one way or another. I'll just mention these. What can you say about most blow jobs that I haven't already said? #6 was almost like #3. She was apologetic but couldn't give me oral either. She wasn't married. She was going steady and he was the only one she could do that for. I respected that and it occurred to me that I'd like to have someone like her.

She did ask a favor, "If he ever finds out about this day, will you tell him I didn't do anything? It's really important to me."

"I'll do my best, but since I don't know who you are... I'm really not sure who did or didn't do anything. I can promise I'll never talk about it."

"Shit! You really don't know anything about girls do you? Girls talk more than boys, particularly about boys... Don't tell anyone," and a moment later, my blindfold was pulled up and a cute blond appeared in front of me. I'd seen her but didn't know her name, "I'm Kelly," and a delicate kiss smacked on my cheek.

"Ok Kelly, nothing ever happened," and she smiled and pulled my blindfold back into position.

#10 stood out. I was getting numb and rubbery down there. I didn't really think I'd feel much of anything and he was as dry as a desert dry wash in the summer. I was wrong.

#10 gave me the standard apologies and a thank you for taking care of Peggy. The apology was the only standard thing about #10.

I was getting fearful that I might be letting the girls down, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be very good."

"Don't worry, if you'll trust me, I think I can fix that. Do you trust me?"

"Well... yes, I guess."

"I think I can fix your problem, but I'm going to have to touch you... in a place boys are usually sensitive about. It may hurt just a little, less if you can go with it. And no yelling. If you can handle that fight, you can handle this."

"Ok," and she slid down toward my waist. Next I felt her hands pushing at one of my hips as if she wanted me to roll over. I obliged and wondered what I was in for.

The next thing I knew, I felt her hands spreading my cheeks. I whispered, "Shit. What are you doing?" then she shifted and I heard something indistinct but knew what it was when I felt the saliva land between my cheeks. "Oh God!"

"Quiet. They'll hear you. This will work and it won't hurt... much," as a fingertip probed at my butt, "Now quit clenching and 'take this like a man.'" That phrase took on a whole new meaning to me. "This will help. I promise."

Her other hand gently squeezed my overworked member. Most of my attention was still focused to the rear where she was gently working the finger past the sphincter. Trust was a challenge at this point.

"Now, roll over on your side."

I rolled and grunted as the finger that she was using shifted. "Unnnhh." She took advantage to gain an inch of penetration.

"There, that ought to do," and she quit pressing the finger forward. In lieu of that effort, she began a gentle massage around my sphincter from the inside. I'd heard of 'milking the prostate' and now I knew it was a real thing. My attention was diverted as I felt warm lips surround my very rubbery member. To my surprise, as she continued the massage and began gently sucking, I began to stiffen. It wasn't much at first, but I was feeling it. I guess she felt the progress as well and began sucking even harder. As she did, she began to slide a second finger alongside the first. I was feeling pretty stretched but my attention was moving elsewhere.

I hunched forward toward her mouth a couple of time. She definitely knew what she was doing. Our pace quickened together. In spite of my members spent condition, I could feel myself building toward a climax. As I got closer, her focus shifted from my butt to my dick. She was sucking furiously and I was straining to keep up. In a couple of minutes, I could feel myself jerk in her mouth. Once, twice, and finally three times.

She pulled off quickly, "See, that wasn't so bad," then a hand caressed my ass and a teasing finger dipped between my cheeks, "I didn't hurt you too much did I?"

I was panting, but between pants, "No... that was," and I started to say 'great' but it didn't feel right to say getting fingered in the butt felt great. I settled on, "It was... ok."

Before she left, she kissed me on each cheek, "Bye."

Nothing out of the ordinary happened after that until #13 came in. That was noteworthy as there were only twelve girls in the group. Sis was in the house, but I was certain she hadn't joined in. Now that would have been noteworthy and disastrous.

#13 spoke. She sounded very sad and unhappy, "I'm sorry. You deserve it and I owe you more than the others, but I just can't do it," and I felt my blindfold being tugged up for the second time. It was Peggy.

I saw the sad look on her face. It was a look of failure. She reminded of my sister in so many ways. They were both small and made me want to take care of them. She had also been through something like Sis had.

"It's ok. You don't have to do anything. I understand."

Saying you understand apparently isn't what someone who has been abused wants to hear, "Really? How could you?"

"I know someone who has been through something like you have. I can't really feel what you feel, but I've seen what it can do to someone."

"I'm sorry. I've got to go," and she ran out of the room.

I followed her to the door, "Carol! Can I talk to you?"

"What did you do to Peggy?" Carol was on the verge of anger.

"Nothing. We didn't do anything. Not anything. She apologized, took my blindfold off, and I tried to talk to her and she ran out. Is she ok?"

"She seemed like it before, but I guess not."

I spoke quietly to Carol, "I think she needs help. Counselling or something."

Carol sighed, "I think you're right. I'll tell Ms. Talmadge. And I guess I better go find her and make sure she's ok for now."

That was the end of my first 'session' with the cheerleaders. It ended abruptly, but given my condition, I don't think I could have handled another girl. This had been great, but I'd had enough which was a surprise to me.

I got dressed and had expected to find the girls outside my room. They were gone. I found them all downstairs surrounding our sofa where Sis sat at one end holding Peggy sobbing against her chest.

Sis really was something.

As Carol left, she gave me one parting promise, "We're not through with you yet. See you when you're recovered." Before I could question her, she was out the door.

It took Sis all of five minutes to pry the details of the visit from me. It was hard to tell what she thought. I'd hate to play poker with her.

After my account, Sis asked a question that floored me, "What did Ms. Talmadge want?"

I'd forgotten about there being thirteen girls and had decided someone double dipped. Carol had been a likely suspect. The discrepancy suddenly had an explanation. I was speechless.

"Uh... uh... was... uh... was she here?"

Sis's expression morphed to disbelief, "Oh, she was here alright. Between blowjobs, did one of them say something... I don't know... teacherly?"

"I'm pretty sure that's not a word, but no. No one said anything... teacherly."

"Ok, so one of them was Ms. Talmadge. Are you ok with that? I mean, that's not supposed to happen. Was she taking advantage of you?"

I flushed red at this since I had left a few details out of the account I had given Sis; the finger in the butt stuff.

Sis knew immediately that I was holding out, "Ok, give," and teasing, "What did the awful old teacher do to my baby brother?"

"First off, she's not awful. And second, she didn't do anything... really."

"Not anything? She was in there too long for that. You are such a bad liar. Come on. Give it to me," and as she said this she snuggled up against me and her hands caressed me. When they reached my crotch, I gave her what she wanted; details.

"My God, that's... well, I don't know what that is," then she had the largest smirk I'd seen on her face, "You liked the butt play. DIDN'T YOU?"

I hesitated as I replayed aspects of that short time over in my mind. "Would that... make me gay or something?" I didn't have anything against gays, but I didn't want to be gay. I frowned.

Sis doesn't usually back off when she smells blood, but she did now, "Its ok. She's a woman. You're a man. Men and women play and if everyone is ok with it and no one is hurt, it's ok."

She'd used the word man. It was the first time I recalled not being her baby brother or a boy. Maybe it was just because Ms. Talmadge was a woman.

She saw that I wasn't completely convinced and raised up to kiss me. It was a quick peck, "I'll let you in on a secret. I liked it when you played with my butt. Why shouldn't you enjoy it in the middle of sex?"

"So, you don't think I'm gay?"

She laughed, "No way. It wouldn't matter. I'd love you anyway." She didn't usually volunteer these words of affection.

During the discussion of Ms. Talmadge, her hand had not left my crotch. It was on the outside of my pants, but was now gripping a stiff but sore erection. I grunted barely making a sound, but not low enough to escape Sis's keen ears.

She looked up at me as she squeezed me harder, "You'd probably like to use that wouldn't you?"
