I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 09


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I grimaced as she began giving me small strokes, "I think so."

She turned cool, "Maybe you should call one of your cheerleaders for help with it." She stroked vigorously now.

I groaned with pleasure, "Are you... angry with me?" I held her hand to stop the stroking. I wasn't sure I could make a mess at this stage, but if she didn't stop soon, we'd find out. Besides, I wanted something else.

Her eyes narrowed, "I spend all week taking care of you. You spend the afternoon getting blowjobs from every ho on Chandler's cheerleading team, and now I should step in and relieve you? I don't need anything. Why should I help you?"

"First off, they're not all ho's."

Sis pounced, "So some of them are ho's."

"Crap Sis. That's not what I meant. None of them are ho's. And not all of them gave me a blowjob."

Sis was leaning aggressively against me now, staring angrily up at me, "Besides, now that you've got your twelve concubines, why would you be interested in me. I've got no tits. I'm short, and I'm skinny. All you want is to FUCK!"

She started to back away from me, and I put my arms around her.

She got angrier, "Take your damned hands off me!"

She pulled as if to get away and I held tighter. Her angry eyes were locked on mine, but her struggles subsided, and I'd seen just the hint of a reaction from her as she leaned against me.

"I'm going to let go of you, but I know you want this as much as I do," and I felt myself throb against her.

"Really? You think so. I felt you just then," and she looked down at the bulge in my pants and a triumphant smile transformed her. I'm not sure what her smile does to me other than the obvious. The bulge twitched, once, twice, and three times. Sis's smile broadened and I could feel the ache in my pants.

I was trying to put on a calm unaffected face. Otherwise, Sis was definitely winning this little contest, "Ok, I KNOW 100% that you want it as much as I do. And if you're not afraid, I'll prove it." I willed the little traitor in my pants to stay still. It took a supreme effort and failed. Maybe it slowed down a little but continued to twitch of its own accord.

She looked suspiciously at me, "How are you going to... prove it?"

"Well, if you are as calm as you act, I could put my hand in your pants and check. If you're calm, you'll be nice and dry, and if you are, we won't do anything. I'll go take care of myself. But we both know you're wet." I moved close and had a finger just inside the waist band of her pants, "What do you say, or are you chicken?"

Sis wasn't one to be backed down. The stakes had never been for anything like this before, just bragging rights and Sis wasn't above rubbing something in. Of course she might not even play. She had to know she would lose just like I knew.

She chose to play, and stared at me confidently, "Ok, let's see." Her jaw clinched and her hands went to the snap in her pants and then to the zipper. She looked at me defying me to move. I began slowly sliding my fingers down. With a little flick they went inside her panties.

A look of shock appeared on Sis's face, "You can't really plan on doing this to me, to your sister? I'm your sister for God's sake." This did not pose the barrier it would have a few weeks ago. I'd seen her use this ploy recently.

I could feel her pubic hair now. I was throbbing frantically, and then my fingers touched the magic little V signaling her lips were next. As my fingers made it to her lips, I dipped my middle finger.

Sis's hands clasped over her face and she sighed loudly, and I could hear whispered curses, "Damn, damn, damn. You should not be able to do this to me."

My middle finger met a slight resistance which gave way as Sis's juices gushed from the now parted lips. I felt her hips move ever so slightly toward my fingers and what I had already known was proven. We both needed it!

Sis had now locked her arms around my neck and her hips were helping me give her a nice fingering. She groaned with her efforts. Her anger had passed if she'd ever really been angry, replaced by excitement.

She had been moist at first. Now it was flowing and my fingers were wet with the nice slick mess that she was producing for us. Soon she groaned loudly and her body went rigid as she thrust her hips against my hand as hard as she could. I pulled her up and kissed her neck.

Even in her heated condition, Sis didn't like losing and wanted to come away with something, "Ok. We can do this, but I need two favors from you."

I was never as 'must win' as Sis. Maybe that's why I was more than happy to listen to her request, "What do you need?"

"First, since we only have two more days, I need you to spend them with just me. No more cheerleaders. Do whatever you want after Mom and Dad are back. Ok?"

"Sure. I can do that. I didn't have anything planned anyway. What else?"

"Second," and Sis hesitated like this next one was going to be big.

It made me suspicious. My eyes narrowed and I examined her face for a sign that she was getting ready to slip something past me, "What?"

"I," and she hesitated, "I want a DATE, a real one. I want it to be like you were my boyfriend. Take me out... Someplace decent. Dress up for me. It doesn't have to be a suit, but nice. I'll dress up for you. We can get the shoes I need for that... the black one you got me." She flushed as she said the last and I could tell she was out of her comfort zone.

I started to make a joke about how easy her request was, but I could see it was important to her. Besides, it'd be nice to see her in that black dress, "I'd love to. I'll call the shop and see if the manager we met can help us."

"It won't be as easy as you think. I don't just want you to go with me. I want it to be like you were with someone special, like Carol. Hold my hand. Touch me like you would a real girlfriend. I want to feel like... like you care about me, like Dad feels about Mom. For this one night, I don't want to feel like your sister. I want it to be like you're my man, and I'm your woman."

"Whew. I mean, you really are my sister. What if someone sees us and I'm kissing you or something?"

"Yes, and those kisses will be on the mouth," and she gave me a leering smile, "like a real boyfriend," then teasing, "Of course, I might have to slap you to keep you in line. As far as us being seen, you'll have to figure that out," and she smiled at me and her eyes crinkled. Sis wanted this.

"If you want a date, couldn't you find someone who at least knows what they're doing? I'd be a lousy date." What does a guy say or do on a date? Nothing Sis had shown me the past two weeks had anything to do with dates, unless all they were supposed to involve was sex, and this didn't sound like sex. It sounded harder.

"That's ok. Just do what feels right. I'll help if I need to. You can consider it your final exam."

Discussion was over. All she wanted now was an answer. "Ok?" The look on her face said she was preparing for me to say 'No.'

I couldn't refuse her, "Ok. I'll do my best. I just hope you aren't disappointed." This was a very real fear.

She locked her arms around my neck and started smothering me with kisses. They weren't the ones that said, 'I want sex.' She was happy. I squeezed her and let her kiss away.

After a number of sweet kisses, "Ok, time for that sex I promised you," and she looked down, "Hmm, it's gone. What happened?"

"Well, I guess if I ever need to get rid of an erection, a really serious talk will probably do it."

She laughed, "Maybe I can fix it. Take me upstairs." I looked her over from behind all the way upstairs. I should've been ashamed, but I enjoyed every step of the way.

She looked back, "Are you staring at my ass?"

"Maybe." She grinned back at me, gave her butt an extra wiggle, and continued to her room.

Once in her room, she stepped a few feet in front of me and began taking her clothes off. The only time she wasn't looking into my eyes and smiling at me was when her t-shirt came off over her head. It was a turn on, and shortly she was naked.

Sis lay on the bed looking amazing. The look on her face was different than it usually was when we were getting ready to have sex. She was calm. Maybe serene would be the right word. She lay there just looking up at me, her legs spread to receive me.

I wasn't in shape for the usual fast and furious approach and took her slowly. Each time I entered her I took a couple of seconds enjoying the slow slide into her warm slick sheath which squeezed me as I slid in. Each time as I sank into her, she inhaled and pushed to meet me. The look on her face told me we were doing ok.

Her calm remained for several minutes as we slowly made love but finally gave way to the same frenzy that was driving me to go faster. I don't think I had anything left in my balls to deliver, but Sis excited me to go through the motions anyway. There wouldn't be much mess this time.

After I finished, I lowered my body onto hers trying to not squash her yet wanting to feel her beneath me. My body covered her completely as I began to kiss her lips. She parted them and my tongue played with hers. As I pushed my tongue forward, she opened her mouth wide to help. It was a really sloppy kiss.

Out of breath, I rolled beside her, "you were nice, Sis," as I looked over at her. Her face was wet from our kiss. I wiped her dry with my hand. She wiped me in turn, and quietly rolled over against me with her face on my shoulder and looked up at me.

The calm look had returned, "So were you, but how are you doing?"

I mentally took stock of myself and grimaced, "Tell you the truth, I'm a little sore."

"Sorry. I'll give you a break," as she settled into my side and I put an arm around her.

We laid that way for some time not saying a word before my telephone rang. It was Dr. Joseph from the emergency room.

"Tyler, how are you doing? I just wanted to check on you."

"I'm fine. Little sore. Guess it'll take a few days for everything to clear up," thinking of the cuts and bruises that were still very apparent.

"No headaches or anything out of the ordinary?" to which I responded with a negative.

"To tell you the truth, I was also hoping I might speak to your sister. Do you think she'd go out with me?"

"I don't know, but she's right here if you want to ask her."

Sis who had been listening was already shaking her head vigorously and mouthing 'NO.'

I shook my head 'YES' thinking it was a great idea and handed the phone to her.

Sis spent the next couple of minutes in an awkward dance, making excuses for why it was not a good time and she couldn't go out. She only had a week before going back to school, and had a lot of preparation. She had to take care of me. She needed to get the house back in shape preparing for Mom and Dad's return. Each excuse rested on something that was true, but all were contrived.

In the end, "I'm sorry. Maybe later would be a good time," as she handed the phone back to me.

I took the phone and spoke, "It's me again. I'm sorry. I guess... it's not a good time." It was awkward.

"That's ok. I had to try and a girls got a right. Look, if anything comes up... medically, give me a call any time, but I think you're doing fine. Good bye," and the call was over.

Obviously unhappy, Sis slapped me on the chest open palmed, "Don't ever do that to me. I... I need to get ready for that kind of conversation. You can't just dump it on me!" Her face said she was angry and embarrassed.

"Why didn't you go out with him? He's a doctor. Seems like a nice guy, and he likes you." I still wasn't sure how our date would go. Where would we go? What would we do? And what if somebody saw us? Sis said that was up to me to take care of. "What was wrong with him, Sis?"

"Nothing was wrong with him," and the look on her face said she'd reached a decision, "It's me. I'm the problem."

"What do you mean?"

"Your sister is a phony. I've been pretending that I knew what I was doing. That I was your experienced big sister, going to help you, but I'm not. I hardly know any more than you. In a couple weeks, I'll be back at school trying one more time to get fucked and enjoy it. The only sex I've enjoyed since, well you know, has been with you, my brother of all people. How sad is that?"

I looked at her in disbelief, "That can't be true. We've done everything," but I could tell by the look on her face that it was true.

Sis frowned, "Oh, any girl could do what I did to you. All I had to do was spread my legs."

"It felt like a lot more to me. Besides, if you have such a problem with guys, why did you do this with me?"

Her hand caressed my cheek and she sighed, "I just couldn't stand thinking about you going through what I go through."

"I'm going to be fine," but the 'what I go through' comment made me ask, "But what about you? Are you going to be ok?"

"I'll be fine too. It's just... going to take a little longer."

That was when I decided that I was going 'all in' on the date, "Do you want to give me some hints? You know I don't know anything about a date."

"One, don't worry so much. Two, I'm sure you'll come up with something good. And three, if you're really stumped, we'll figure it out together. I'll go get us something to eat while you think about it." I watched her walk out.

I didn't take much comfort in one and two. I wasn't nearly as sure as she sounded. I thought about calling someone, someone who would know what I should do: Carol. But, I'd kind of led her to believe that 'my girl' had already left. Too risky. Bobby and Billy would try, but they were as clueless as I was, and that was the end of my list. That only left one thing. I always used it when I was stumped: Google! Admittedly, I was usually looking for a solution to a computer problem, but Google seemed to know something about everything.

Google had lots of suggestions. Cosmopolitan looked like they should have some good information, based on their magazine covers anyway. What a bust; apple or blackberry picking and 98 other things that just didn't excite me. A museum, really? How old did they think we were? One list had a wine bar on it. That seemed problematic as both of us were under 21. Roller-skating seemed out. That didn't even sound romantic to me.

As I was striking out, Sis came in carrying a couple of sandwiches on a platter with cokes, "How's it coming?"

I lied, and hid what I was looking at, "I'm getting there."

She sat the platter down on the edge of my desk, but considerately avoided looking at what I was doing. "Here. Have something to eat. I'm just going to watch you from over here," as she sat down on my bed.

An idea that sounded good to me was staying in. We only had a few days now, but I knew that would be letting Sis down, and selfish. Finally, I saw something that put me on a different track. It was a night photo of Amsterdam. Amsterdam was out of the question, but the night lights of the city looked good and I thought something in that direction might qualify as romantic. I tried a new search: Romantic Views in Phoenix. A restaurant, the Top of the Rock, had some nice night time pictures. The only problem I could see was that it was at a Marriott. I wasn't sure how Sis would feel about going to a hotel with me. But the restaurant and views looked promising. The menu made me wish we were 21, lots of alcohol. I might need that. Still, I saw some shrimp and sea food that I knew Sis liked, and they had steaks on the menu, so I'd be ok too. If we were going to get a good view, we'd need a reservation. I usually eat earlier than 8, but the view had to be at night.

I took a chance. I made a reservation at the Top of the Rock at 8:00 PM. I asked if he could make sure that we had a good view of the lights like in the pictures. He said that would be difficult on Friday or Saturday, but Thursday he'd take care of me. Then I went way out on a limb, and booked a hotel room with a king bed for the night. I figured I could always cancel if it seemed like a bad idea, or Sis didn't like it.

The more I thought about it, the more a hotel in town seemed ok. How many of our friends or neighbors would go to a hotel in town. Maybe it would help with the 'not being seen' part of the problem. The idea was growing on me. "Sis! I think I've got it."

"Do you want to show it to me?"

I considered this, but she always liked surprises and the room would cost a bit. I figured she'd nix it on cost alone. It wasn't like I couldn't afford it, not really. I didn't spend much so pretty much anything I had earned the last three years had gone into a savings account. "No. I think I'll just surprise you."

Sis smiled, "Ok," and nodded approvingly.

Sis had laid across the bed in the panties she'd gone down stairs in, "I'll be over in a few minutes. I just need to check on my customers."

By the time I'd finished, an hour had passed and Sis had gone to sleep on the bed where she was curled up on top of the covers in a ball like she was cold. She looked content which made me content. I settled in behind her spooning and wormed an arm under her pillow and draped the other over her, clasping a breast in my palm.

Sis murmured something which I wasn't completely sure I'd heard. It sounded like, "I love you," and she pushed herself securely back against me and I heard her breathing settle into a low steady but reassuring whisper. I went to sleep thinking about the words that I thought I'd heard. It left a nice feeling and made me want to cradle and take care of her.

When I woke up, it was almost 730 AM the next morning with Sis still in my arms, my morning wood jammed uncomfortably between us. A few seconds later I moved just enough to slip it between Sis's legs. It was stiff but in a better spot. I gently rubbed it across Sis's crotch trying not to wake her but really needing to feel her.

Sis yawned a small, "Ummm," and gave me a couple of back and forth motions sliding the crotch of her panties over my very sensitive head. "Are you always this way in the morning?" She could have been putting me off, but the fingers I felt sliding over my morning wood said she wasn't complaining. A second later she had squirmed out of her panties and was proceeding to slide herself over what was now a very sensitive and throbbing erection.

I moaned against her neck and kissed it as she began to squirm with more of a sense of urgency. Soon I could feel her hips moving back and forth a little further with each squirm until I could feel my head sliding between a pair of very slick lips. She moaned and with the next movement of her hips, I helped, and she got my head completely inside. I backed up just a little to make sure I had enough of her lube to take a slow but steady plunge until I was all the way in.

"Thanks Sis. I needed that," as it occurred to me that I had two days, maybe two and a half left to enjoy this, "I'm not sure what I'm going to do when Mom and Dad are back. I'm really going to miss this."

Sis snickered, "I see a lot of hand jobs. Too bad too. You wake up NICE," just as she backed herself off and plunged back down on me, "Hmmmmphh, I may have to have a few hand jobs too."

We finished and I stayed in the spoon position for a few more minutes.

Sis was first to decide it was time to go, "Can't stay here all day. Time to shower," and as she said it she slid her panties down over her crotch and did an awkward dance to the bathroom with her feet apart.

I couldn't resist laying where she had left me to enjoy the view of her naked body as she walked to the bathroom. As soon as she disappeared, I got up and followed her.

She was on the commode with knees apart bent over slightly looking down between her legs, "You really drop a big load in the morning. LOOK AT THAT!"

"No thanks. The view is fine up here," as I admired her.
