I'm Being Blackmailed Ch. 07


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"I probably would have."

"So now that you've seen the end product what do you think Claire?"

"Well, when I first saw that half my clit hood was missing I was really annoyed but I slowly came round to liking what I saw. It looks very much like it did 5 or 6 years ago, apart from my clit, that wasn't as big then. I guess that I'll cum more often as my clit rubs on things. I hope that you're not going to take advantage of that Tony."

"Of course I am; your body is mine now and I'll do as I please with it. Have you made yourself cum yet?

"It's still numb."

"Okay, but I have a need; get on your knees on the floor and take care of me."

As I was taking care of his hard-on he reminded me that he'd videoed the operation and that his mates would enjoy watching the video. I wasn't happy about that, but what could I do? No doubt he would also get some sort of weird pleasure out of showing my healed new look to all his mates as well.

When I'd got his deposit in my stomach I decided that I was hungry. When I thought back I realised that I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and that was only some toast.

"Pour me a coffee Claire." Tony said.

"I'll have to boil the kettle."

"No you won't; pour one from that jug."

I looked around and saw a jug and some cups on the table.

"Where did that come from?" I asked.

"Room service; I phoned it through when I set off back here. Didn't you let them in?"

"No, I didn't hear them."

"Possibly because I told them that we were out and to just let them selves in."

"Oh, I guess that I was asleep" I said as I got up and walked over to the table, remembering that I was asleep with my knees wide open when Tony came in. The room service guy must have had a wonderful view.

After I gave Tony his coffee he gave me a gift bag.

"For me?" I asked.


"Thank you Tony."

"You don't know what it is yet; open it."

Even when I looked at the printed label on the box I didn't know what it was. Even when I saw the word Ohmibod I didn't know what it was. It was only when I saw the purple 'thing' that I started to guess that it was a vibrator.

"Thank you Tony, but when am I going to need to use it. You fuck me whenever you want and you tie me up when you don't want me touch myself; and I can't find a control in the box."

"This is not just any vibrator Claire, it's controlled by your phone and your phone connects to the internet. I will be able control it from anywhere that has a phone signal."

"Oh, I see, I won't be getting any peace when you're away on a business trip then."

"Too right girl. Are you up to trying it now?"

"Bloody hell no. The surgeon said that I have to take it easy for a few days; and I need some more painkillers now. The pain is worse than when you whip my pussy."

"Okay, I'm not a monster, take a couple of those pills then rest while I have a shower. Then you can get ready and I'll take you out to a restaurant."

"Can we go by taxi? I don't feel up to walking very far."

Tony showered then I did, and when I came out I saw the Ohmibod bouncing about on the table.

"Oh my gawd; is that what it's going to do inside me? It will kill me."

"No it won't; there's hundreds of thousands of these vibrating inside girls right now and they're not dying."

"Okay, I guess that you're right but it sure as hell will stir things up inside me."

"And it might even make you cum."

"I hope so; but not right now."

"Put your little black dress on and those 6 inch heels and let's go; I'm getting hungry and we've got a big day tomorrow."

My little black dress is little; it barely covers my butt or my 34B tits; Tony bought it for me solely for the purpose of showing my butt and pussy to anyone who cares to look; but in London that doesn't matter; there are thousands of girls dressed like that.

We had a very pleasant meal then a drink in a bar before going back to the hotel, Tony didn't once tell me to flash my pussy to anyone, although I did sit with my knees uncrossed and slightly apart for 2 reasons, firstly because it was more comfortable that way and secondly that is the way that Tony has told me to always sit. As we rode back to the hotel in a taxi I remembered that Tony was a real gentleman before all this blackmail stuff started. He also let me have a quiet and peaceful night.

When I woke up Tony was in the bathroom and I felt a lot better. There was only a slight twinge when I gently swung a leg out of the bed and onto the floor. When I looked at my pussy in the mirror I was happy to see that the swelling was going down and that my whole pussy wasn't as red, but around the stitches it was purple. I guessed that the bruising was showing.

When I touched myself it still hurt but when I stood up and walked about it was a lot less painful than walking the previous day.

When Tony came out of the bathroom he told me to get on the bed and spread my legs. He had a close look at my pussy and declared that the surgeon had done a good job.

After breakfast Tony picked another ultra short dress for me to wear and then we went to get another taxi. Tony took me, and a small suitcase of some of the products that the company installs to a smallish company somewhere in south London.

We met 4 of the male directors of the company and Tony gave a presentation about what his company could do to help resolve their theft and burglary issues. Then it came to the time to demonstrate the cameras attached to his laptop.

As he was showing the men the images on the screen I heard him demonstrating different modes. All of a sudden one of the men gasped and another 2 started laughing.

I looked puzzled, wondering what Tony was showing them. Then Tony said,

"Stand up Claire and look this way."

I did, then I saw the men smiling as they looked from the screen, up to me and back.

"Of course," Tony said, "that camera can see through materials like Claire is wearing; no camera that I know of can see through all clothes, others will show just an outline of the body underneath."

"Well we have a few young ladies working here but I don't think that a camera like that would be any use to us, the workwear that they wear will be way too thick for the camera to see through. Maybe some of the customers that call in. That dress that Claire is wearing looks very thin."

When we finally left there I asked Tony just how much the camera was showing of my body.

"It was like you were naked; we could see your slit and aerolas and nipples. They were sticking out quite nicely. Are you okay for a bit of shopping this afternoon Claire."

"Let me take another couple of painkillers and I should be."

"Good, I want to get you naked in some shops."

"Changing rooms I hope." I replied.

"Maybe, we'll see what we can find. We'll take this case back to the hotel then start looking."

We found one shop that the signs on the outside said that they sold the sexiest lingerie in London. Of course Tony had to take me in and he quickly found some underwear and bikinis that have no material, just the strings.

"They're just what you need for the swimming pools and on the beach." Tony said.

"You'll get me arrested for indecent exposure."

"Let me worry about that Claire."

After having to get naked about a dozen times in 4 different shops; and Tony exposing me to countless other shoppers that were hanging around the changing rooms, Tony finally took me back to the hotel with me carrying 3 bags containing clothes that are more suitable for the Mediterranean or Caribbean in summer than England in a typical cold, wet summer.

Tony let me have a nap before taking me out to a club that night, and he again ordered coffee from room service. Again. I didn't realise about it until the waiter had been and gone, and, probably, had a good look at my naked body.

The other thing was that the hotel faced another hotel just across the narrow road and Tony had opened the curtains and left me on display for anyone in the other hotel who cared to look.

I managed to switch that fact out of my mind and pretended that the curtains were closed.

Tony decided that we'd get to the club using the Underground. I'd never been on the London Underground and wasn't really prepared for what was about to come. You see my little black dress is, as previously mentioned, obscenely short, but it's also very thin and the skirt part flares out. Very risky if it's breezy.

No one had ever told me about the warm breeze that blows just about everywhere in underground stations and as soon as we went down the first flight of stairs the skirt part of my dress was flying up around my waist.

"Leave it." Tony said when I first grabbed for it.

"I'll get arrested, there's coppers all over the place and CCTV camera. At least one person will be sat watching me all the time."

"Let them, you've got a great body and I'm proud to show it to everyone."

"That's alright for you to say."

"Leave it Claire."

I wasn't prepared for the long escalators as well. I hate to think how much the people coming up them were seeing, and, of course, Tony had to stand in front of me when we were going up and behind me when we were going down.

I also wasn't prepared for the wind that blows along the platforms, especially when a train approaches. I hate to think how many people saw my butt and pussy but I have to admit that the wind felt nice tickling my cut down pussy and exposed clit.

And to compound my embarrassment Tony had me sit on one of the seats that backs to the side of the carriage and there was a couple of middle-aged men sat opposite. Tony has also told me to sit on the front edge of the seat and to lean back so the old men had a great view.

What's more, one of their eyes had been following me since I stepped onto the carriage; and when I sat opposite him both his eyes were glued to my pussy.

I watched as he elbowed his mate then there were 4 eyes on my pussy.

Fortunately, or not, those 2 men only got about 5 minutes looking at my pussy before Tony bent down and told me that we were getting off. I was hoping that my embarrassing experience was over but it wasn't; all we were doing was changing trains.

Again I had to endure the escalators and standing on a very drafty platform before having to sit opposite a group of 4 young men. That time Tony stood away from me, possibly to give the impression that I was traveling on my own.

Tony's trick must have worked because the 4 young men started with the comments just as soon as the train moved off.

The things that those young men called me and the things that they said that they wanted to do to me was both unbelievable and understandable. There I was displaying my pussy to them and not stopping when they made it clear that they were looking at it.

The one thing that one of them said that pleased me was that he said that I had a little girl's pussy. He actually asked me how old I was. Of course I just sat there ignoring them all and thinking that I was grateful to Tony for the surgery.

I was both happy and unhappy when Tony waved at me to tell me that we had to get off that train. As I was getting off the train I was feeling flattered that those young men liked the look of me enough to make those comments.

Then I had to endure more escalators, and there were more young people around, some of them had obviously started on the pop early.

Fortunately we didn't have to walk far to the club which was a typical noisy club, on 2 levels, one a mezzanine complete with steel grating with a partial glass floor and a steel staircase with steel grating steps. At the bottom of the staircase was a big printed sign telling girls to take their high heels off before going up. There was also a hand written sign saying that only girls in short skirts with no knickers were allowed up there and I wondered if it was an official sign or just some hopeful perv. I looked under the stairs and could see a few men watching girls go up the stairs.

Tony saw the signs, laughed and said,

"Well you'll be okay then."

As I climbed the stairs I just knew that those men would be looking up at my pussy. I was annoyed that Tony had put me in that position - again; but at the same time I quite enjoyed the experience.

Tony had us stay up there for over an hour and I have no idea how many men looked up and saw my pussy whilst we were dancing, although I wasn't the only girl up there in a short skirt, there were dozens of us. I wondered how many were knickerless.

It didn't help that, along with the flashing coloured lights, there were a number of spotlights shining up from below. I should have been embarrassed at being exposed like that but it all seemed a bit detached and besides, there were probably lots of other girls showing as much as me.

I say 'it didn't help', and in a way it didn't, but I was getting turned on and deliberately standing and dancing with my feet well apart. When I realised that I said to myself,

"What the fuck are you doing girl; shut those bloody legs."

I did, but they soon started drifting apart again. There's something wrong with me. Maybe I should blame Tony for putting me in these situations? But there again, it was my stupidity that started all this.

Thankfully, Tony didn't want to stay too late and we left before midnight. There were quite a few people out on the streets, including groups of young men wearing football club scarfs. When I told Tony that I was a bit scared and reminded him that London is now the knife capital of the world, he put his arm around me and held me close to him. That was comforting although it did mean that my dress was being pulled up revealing half my butt and my pussy and that alone got a few rude comments.

The underground wasn't any better either, the train was crowded and I got parted from Tony as we got on. I had to hang on to one of the ceiling straps in the middle of a group of drunk football fans.

With me having to stretch up my dress rose up above my butt and my top was twisted so most of one of my breasts was exposed. It didn't take long for the comments to start and the hands to start wandering.

OMG, I was so scared, but all that I could do was hope that they'd be getting off at the next station. They didn't, nor the next one nor the one after that. In that time my pussy got fingered, my butt got fingered and my dress was ripped so that both my tits were exposed.

The pussy fingering was the worst, it really hurt and I hoped that my stitches hadn't burst.

When the young men finally got off I saw Tony looking at me, naked apart for my dress around my waist. I was nearly in tears and Tony came over to me and put his arms around me.

"Are you okay Claire? That got a bit out of hand."

"Yes, no, I don't know; I might be bleeding."

Tony put his hand between my legs and cupped my pussy.

"Gawd girl, you're soaking."

"It might be blood." I said.

Tony brought his hand up to our faces then said,

"That's not blood girl, you enjoyed that."

"No I didn't."

"The evidence says that you are lying girl."

I said nothing but I did blush a bit. Had I really enjoyed being groped and penetrated in both my lower holes by a gang of drunken young men? What the hell is happening to me?

As soon as Tony let go of me I quickly arranged my dress to cover my tits and butt as best I could.

Ours was the next stop and we walked back to the hotel; Tony with his arm around me, stopping me covering my right tit that had come uncovered again.

The girl receptionist gave me a dirty look when we collected the key and in the lift Tony told me to take the dress off. He threw it in the trash bin near the lift doors and I had to walk to the room in just my heels. Fortunately no one saw us. Well no one was there but Tony had to go and point out the cameras along the corridor.

Back in the room Tony told me to have a bath and relax for a while. As I lay there he climbed in and had a shower, his dirty water falling on me. I showered before I got out.

The curtains were wide open when I went into the room and anyone in the hotel over the road could have watched Tony give my pussy a close inspection. After declaring that it was fine he started rubbing my clit until I orgasmed. Then he got my new Ohmibod vibrator out its box and slowly pushed it into my vagina.

I was cringing a bit as he pushed it in and I was happy when it didn't really hurt. When I told Tony that it didn't hurt he told me that doctors and surgeons were always over cautious about recovery times because some people are slow healers.

I guessed that I'm not one of those.

Tony switched the vibrator on to low and he got me to suck his cock while the vibe made me more and more horny.

Unfortunately, after he'd shot his load down my throat he switched the vibrator off and a frustrated me had to go to sleep without relief.

The next morning I woke up feeling good. Tony was in the shower and the sun was shining through the un-curtained window. I went over to the window and looked down at the busy street. Then I looked to the hotel opposite.

My mouth dropped but I didn't move when I saw 2 men on different floors looking over to me. I hate to say it but I enjoyed those men looking at the naked me.

I heard a noise from the bathroom and quickly moved away from the window. When Tony emerged he looked at me then out of the window then said,

"You've got an audience Claire."

"Have I, I didn't notice."

"Move to the window and face them, then after a minute wave at them then go and have a shower."

I felt unhappy about being told to expose myself but at the same time I wanted those men to see me naked again. I hoped that Tony couldn't read my thoughts.

Breakfast wasn't room service that morning and Tony took me down to the hotel's restaurant. Again he had me wear only an almost obscene dress and heels. I got a few admiring (I think) glances from the business men eating their breakfasts but it really wasn't that embarrassing.

It was back up to the room after that then Tony told me that we were going to a surveillance equipment show.

"Wow," I thought; then, "well at least he won't be able to get me to strip in such a public place."

The morning rush hour was still happening when we got to the underground. Again I had to endure the wind blowing the skirt part of my dress up around my waist and one particularly embarrassing time, when my skirt rose nearly above my breasts, I wished that Tony had bought me tight fitting dresses.

I also had to endure the crowded trains again although that time Tony managed to stand next to me. I felt a lot safer but that didn't stop one hand, from goodness know who, from going up my skirt and finding its way for a finger to go inside me. And why did I slide my feet apart to facilitate the groping. I again decided that there was something wrong with me.

Tony took me to a Security Convention; an excuse for security business' to get together and talk about all the latest product, the products that had had sales brochures arriving at the office just about every day. The concept of the convention seemed a bit pointless to me.

When Tony opened the door to the main hall I got a bit of a surprise. Firstly the number of people there amazed me and secondly the size of the place and the number of stalls.

"So what am I doing here Tony?" I asked.

"You're my superheroine for the day."


"My superheroine; you're going to dress as one of the comic books superheroines."

"I don't know any superheroines, I never read comic books."

"That doesn't matter, I've got a costume for you in my briefcase."

Just then I saw a girl walking passed nearly wearing a black and white bikini with a white cape.

"That's Phantom Girl."

"Oh, I see, so what will I be?"

"Well I considered Dawnstar but I didn't fancy getting the yellow body paint all over the place so I settled on Super Girl."