It's Gill with a 'G'


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Peter Mounsell was standing on the step and asked Gill quietly if she was alright. Gill smiled happily. He cleared his throat, then spoke to the families and friends.

"Before I start the service of marriage, I just felt the need for a few words. I am a priest after all, and you know how we take every opportunity to give a sermon." There was light laughter. "When Andrew......" A little voice piped up.

"It's Andy." Peter smiled at Anita.

"Yes of course, Anita. You are so right to correct me. When Andy and Gill came to see me and asked to be re-married. I was pleased. I was even more delighted when I heard their story. Because it has at it's base a love story. Our Lord teaches us that love is the most important emotion in this world, and that loving each other, loving your neighbours is the Way. Gill and Andy have that love for each other. That they could overcome adversity and still love speaks volumes. There is something else there as well. Andy maintains that he is not a believer, yet his actions of loving Gill, and forgiving speak of a charity that most men could not envisage. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Those words are at the heart of our Christian belief. Andy may not be a believer, but he has more Christian attitude than many who come to this church every Sunday and call themselves Christians. It is as our Lord said, by thine actions ye shall be known. Whatever Andy says about his belief, our Lord knows his actions, and he will treat Andy accordingly." He looked at me and winked. "So there, Andy, doesn't matter what you think. God will decide." He gave everybody a chance to think. Then he began. He lifted his head and spoke those rolling cadences, first spoken four hundred years ago, which have resounded from the rafters and stone walls of Anglican churches millions of times.

"Dearly Beloved. We are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join this man, and this woman in Holy Matrimony" I did not hear the rest, Gill's hand tightened on my arm, and I put my hand over hers. Tears ran slowly down her face, a face radiant with happiness. Vaguely I heard the responses, and made my vows properly. Gill's quiet but clear voice spoke her vows with determination, and seemed to put an emphasis when she said 'obey'. The ring I took out of my pocket and placed on the Bible was the original. Gill had persuaded me that it would be more symbolic to her to have it re-blessed.

We went to Penns Hall for the wedding breakfast. Gill had asked Reverend Peter if he would join us.

"No poor Vicar ever refuses a free meal. I would love to. May I bring my wife? " We agreed of course, happily when we realised that Rachel, his wife was the Organist. Penns had given us a private dining room, which was perfect. There was no formality about our gathering, friends and relatives mingled well, especially once they had a drink in their hands. My cousin Jean was talking with Anita, and showed her the photo of my mum. Anita could be clearly heard saying.

"I can't remember having that photo taken." She came running to Gill. "Mummy, when was this photo taken? I never had a dress like that." My Mum caught her, and told her that the photo was of her, when she was eleven. Anita was confused and mum took her off and sat down with her to explain. Gill turned to me.

"I get the feeling that soon we will be faced with questions from Anita, about how mummies and daddies make babies."

"You may be right. I think we had better get a lot more practice in. We don't want to make a mistake now. Do we?" Gill was enthusiastic.

"Oh I think you know how to make babies." I wondered about that remark.

We had chosen one large round table. We had left a seat between Gill and I for Anita, but we needn't have bothered, as that little Madam was making a Royal Progress around the table, sitting on laps and being fed small mouthfuls from whose ever plate happened to be nearest. The mixture had to be stomach churning, she would either be sick later, or sleep like the dead. Coffee had just been served when I stood and waited until everyone had quieted.

"I wanted to thank you all for being with us today. Your support is very important and much appreciated. I have loved Gill since we were seventeen, I loved her through our early years of marriage and through our troubles, my love never waned when we were apart and now it is stronger than ever. My life is complete with her and my daughter, who at this very moment is trying to steal a mint chocolate from her grandmother's plate. Anita! Behave." Anita had that look on her face, trying to look innocent yet with a little smile hoping that may ward off further remonstration. I finished my thanks to everyone and asked them to join with me in a toast to my beautiful wife. As I sat down Gill got to her feet.

"I would like to add my thanks to those of my husband. I would also like to say a very special thank you to Andy. I am a very lucky woman. Most wives believe their husband loves them. I am lucky to know my husband loves me beyond doubt, because he has chosen me not once, but twice and he has taken me to wife, not once but twice. I need no flowery words of love to know that Andy will stay with me, keep me and protect me." She paused to wipe her eyes. " Our history is known to you all. The mistake I made was very hurtful. Andy has said he has forgotten it, but I will not. I will think of it every day, and the terrible consequences. By constantly remembering I will never make that mistake again." She paused for a moment. Then went on. " Most of you know that Andy is an English Graduate, which of course means that he will use three long words to say that which anyone else could say in one short one. I will now use his style to give him some news. Andy, my darling husband, you have loved me and taken me to again be your wife. I live in the warmth of your love everyday, and now I believe, I hope and pray, that your love has quickened my womb. Thank you most beloved of men." She bent down and whispered in my ear "My Moon has not flowered twice." I understood what she said and I was overjoyed, but I had to point out that her words were archaic rather than effusive.

"Know all." was her comment. We did, though have to confirm to one or two that Gill meant that she was pregnant. Anita was delighted at the idea of a brother or sister, this for her entailed another trip round the table to tell everyone.

That girl and that boy who had met each other at that bus stop were grown, firmed by problems and confident for overcoming them. To others we were the typical married couple of that time, secure in the knowledge of each other's love, happy bringing up a family of well adjusted children, yes, Gill was pregnant and delivered another daughter, Rebecca, for us to love. We were seen as responsible members of Society. But that Society didn't see hidden inside us the girl and boy of seventeen who fell in love and who would emerge from the cocoon of adulthood frequently in our moments together to laugh and giggle over silly things, act the fool and love each other. And I did get to go to bed with a graduate!

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

I gave it a 5 star for the triumph of their love for each other.

However, as others have pointed out there were some big plot holes that should have been spotted and sorted.

We never found out why she and Perryman were tonsil swapping in the lift.

If she was so distraught about what happened at the Xmas party why was she even anywhere near the creep?

Thus there was no sense whatsoever in her going to his flat when Andy threw her out.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver6 months ago

Everyone has an opinion which makes this world interesting.

I for one. enjoyed the story greatly.

At 62 years old, I have a great life, wife and family but there are very few days that go by where I don't think about my first love, the girl I grew up with, dated all through High School and college.

We didn't drift apart. We didn't break up due to infidelity or an argument. We broke up due to life pulling us in two directions.

My pulled me to one part of the country for graduate and medical school and her to the opposite part of the country for law school.

After reading this story, I couldn't help but reminisces and wonder how my life would have turned out if I had gone looking for her some 10 years later, after I finished school.

Thank you for sharing your story!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I would love to question the people who said this was good because it most certainly wasn't. This story is the case of an author determined to shoe horn an ending by any means necessary while writing organically.

It wasn't a single indiscretion no matter how much you want to stamp your feet and claim it so. She kissed the dude in the elevator. This is the former virgin that luuuvvvss her husband and her abandons him, and steals 8 years of his child's life away from him. They never really address any of the issues.

So yeah, this story blows, it bites, it reeks, it sucks as much as the stupid bitch did with her boyfriend. I wish I never read this dogshit. I'm not even mad about a reconciliation. I like reconciliations. I just hate bad writing.

AngelRiderAngelRider7 months ago

Sorry, but this story is a quit and close. It's too long, the cheating came across as a slut ray, you said it was a reconciliation but the story by the end of page 2 was so miserable that there was simply no way in hell I was reading 5 more pages. It's just not worth it

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

There was the bones of a good story here but some serious defects. Unlike other commenters below, I believe it was the author's intent to portal a one time slip while drunk at thr Christmas party. I also am pretty sure the "Fuck me Andy! Fuck me!* was not her learning it from repeated adultery but out if guilt. It was the equivalent if her begging him to reclaim her. While people may not say certain things or speak them, they are not idiots and know about them or have heard others discuss them or see them portrayed in books, movies, etc. Almost positive that was Gill tapping into anguish emotion over her betrayal.

Where things go off the rail, is her passionately making out with Berryman in the elevator. She is confronted but has no words to explain. Once he asks her if she had sex with him. She admits the truth and he asks her to leave. She takes nothing and leaves. At this point it is believable that she knows she had hurt him horribly and believes therr is no way back. But later in the story, never once is it discussed what was her extent of her relationship in the office building with Berryman for those couple of weeks before his discovery of her necking with the asshole in the elevator. Was she a submissive? Is that why she keeps talking about the new more confident Andy? How is this never broached again? Sounds like the author had no idea how to settle that glaring issue.

Finally we come to the part that actually really hurts the story. Even with the one night drunken slip (she was drunk when she got home as he observed), and her making out in the elevator with Berryman (probably not the first time), and her immediately acquiescence as her husband demanded she leave, and all she took was her coat, etc.: why in the blue blazes did she go live with Berryman?

That made zero sense. Yes author made it clear that her mother was thoroughly disappointed and upset with her. But as we know from the MC, he was willing to try to work to reconcile until he learned she "chose" Berryman. That seemed like a plot device for the divorce, subsequent eight year separation and him not knowing he had a daughter.

Since women know they are pregnant at around the 8-10 week mark, and she was already impregnated (probably that feisty sex session after he screwing Berryman), she was probably living with Berryman at most two months before Berryman abandoned her upon hearing the news.

But seriously why would she immediately go live with Berryman? Maybe after divorce filing and seeing no chance for reconciliation and with her mother being on the warpath and no other family. But otherwise hell no!

She had friends, she could crash somewhere for a week or two. Eventually her mother would relent and let her in. Instead she does the dumbest thing possible. She moves in with Berryman.

This is important because it really stretches credulity that she only banged Beryman once (plus one or more elevator make out sessions with the asshole). I believe the author intended it that way. But it read tonally off that she went to Berryman. Heck if she is so distraught then have her disappear for a while. Only coming back after he has filed and moved to London.

Their confrontation upon discovery was surreal. She admitted "yes". He said "leave". She did and moved in with Berryman. Wtf? I doubted that the author meant Berryman to even be her fall back guy. And her actions made the MC just give up (some weird master scheme by her in her grief and guilt to set the MC free?) and really riled up the in laws and her mother.

Worse, they never talk about it when he seeks her out. Again author has nothing to say? It is absolutely unrealistic. It would be the NC's first real question about the collapse of their marriage. "Why did you just leave and move in with Berryman? That just crushed me." Instead it is papered over.

It would have been more believable that she didn't have a one time slip but fell a second time (without liquor( and that set the MC off for divorce. And then she went with Berryman. Still repugnant but more understandable. Loving wives with a one time drunken slip do not move in with the guy that helped kill their marriage. That is more for affairs and cases where the LW thinks she has feelings for the asshole. None of that was remotely true here.

Instead she realized she dad caused a grievous wound to the marriage, and really hurt the MC, and decided to cauterize that wound and make sure he got his escape in divorce by moving in with Berryman?? She had a job, and until she got pregnant, she had no reason economically to stay with Berryman.

Anyways like I said the story had the bones of a good story, but their lack of communication about the big events, and her actions after the one time drunken slip, just turn this into an implausible, almost obsessive RAAC.

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