It's Only Love Ch.02


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The door opened and a rather large, swarthy fellow ushered me into the room. Seated at Baxter's desk was a man dressed in western garb. Bill sat across the desk from the dude and I immediately noticed the sweat on his brow. That, and the fact that Susan was nowhere to be seen, concerned me.

"Come in, Hardison," drawled the man I assumed to be Cashen. "I won't waste your time playing cat and mouse. Let's cut to the chase."

As he spoke, he motioned to a chair next to Bill. As I took my seat, I shot Bill a questioning look. He just shrugged in reply.

"You two own some property I'm interested in. I want to make you an offer, an offer I don't think you'll be able to refuse," he added with some mirth. "I want both of you to sign these documents giving me all oil, gas, and mineral rights to your properties. In return, I'll generously pay you each $100 per acre. I'm sure you fellows can do the math on that. Hardison, you'll be receiving $20,000. You, Vance, will get $45,000. Both of you are far from wealthy, so this money will come in handy in these difficult financial times. Have we a deal?"

So, that was what this was all about! Natural gas companies had been sending me letters the past couple months asking to lease my property for gas exploration. I had been ignoring the letters since their standard offer had been fifty dollars per acre for a ten year lease. It also included the legal minimum of twelve and a half percent royalty on all gas marketed from deep below my property. Cashen was offering quite a lot more than that, but he wanted to simply purchase the rights to the oil, gas and minerals, rather than lease them.

"I have to say that you are making a very interesting offer, Mr. Cashen," I carefully replied. "I have a couple of reservations, however. One is all the cloak and dagger stuff. Why try to get material to blackmail us if you're making a reasonable business offer? The other reservation is that I never sign any legal documents without having my legal firm, Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe, approve everything first."

"There's the rub, Hardison," smirked Cashen. "My proposals don't often meet with lawyer's approvals and I don't have the desire or time to even try that route. I expect both of you to sign this afternoon, before leaving the hotel."

"You seem pretty confident about that, Cashen," growled Bill. "Your attitude alone is enough to keep me from signing anything. You know that what you did was attempted blackmail, or extortion, or both!"

"I was afraid you might not be cooperative, so I've taken steps to ensure your signatures," responded Cashen. "You are both married men. It would be a shame to have anything happen to ruin your happy families."

"If you think those pictures you have of us with that woman will sway us, you're badly mistaken!" I countered quickly. "We only wanted to find out what your game was. Your pathetic little trap won't work!"

"You fucking damn hick!" snorted Cashen. "If you think I'm stupid enough to try to blackmail you with pictures of your own wife, you're the dumbest fuck on the planet."

Now I was worried! Here's a guy dressed like a freaking cowboy calling me a hick! And he called me a dumb fuck! And he knew Susan was my wife. Where the hell was Susan anyway?

"Take a look at this monitor, shit-for-brains," ordered Cashen as he turned the screen around so I could see it. "That's my sister's boy, Tony "The Horse" Caputo, chatting your wife up in the next room. You'll sign that fucking deal or Tony will be showing her how to ride cowgirl style!"

I gave Bill a quick glance and then turned my eyes to the monitor. I could see Susan sitting in the room's only chair with a wine glass in her hand. Seated on the edge of the bed was a big, dark skinned man, dressed in casual clothes. His smile irked the shit out of me for some reason.

Cashen pushed a button on the desk and the guy, whom I assumed was Tony, immediately nodded and stood. Cashen tapped a key on his board and we suddenly had audio from the room next door.

"I saw the pictures of how you played those two fucking rubes, Babe," grinned Tony as he slowly removed his belt and dropped his pants. "I want some of what they got, except, as you can see, you'll have to work a lot harder to handle this pussy pleaser."

Susan and I gasped at the same time. This Tony wasn't a guy with a big cock. He was a huge cock with a human attached to the end. There was no way Susan would have anything to do with the guy, or his freakish appendage. I turned to Bill.

"Let's go get her the hell out of there, Bill," I urged. "That big dicked prick is not getting anywhere near Susan with that baseball bat."

I started to stand, but, to my surprise, Bill remained seated. What the hell was wrong with him? What would make him not want to rush to Sue's aid? Bill was looking over my shoulder. Then he nodded.

I turned to see Cashen's swarthy henchman holding a gun and it was pointed in my general direction. It quickly crossed my mind that Susan could probably handle a big cock and it would be inconsiderate of me to ruin her opportunity to attempt it. I sat back down.

"Do you expect us to believe that you'd have "Vinnie" here, shoot us," challenged Bill. "He doesn't have the balls to shoot a man. He's still wet behind the ears, for god's sake. You two aren't real bad men. You're fucking pretenders!"

What the hell was Bill thinking? Why challenge the manhood of a man pointing a gun at us? I just hoped that the guy Bill called "Vinnie" wasn't a hothead. These guys were always calm and collected in the movies. Insults had no effect.

"You dumb hick!" snapped Vinnie. "Did you hear about those two undercover cops in Jersey City last summer? Who do you think dusted them, Shithead? One more word and I'll put a hole in your head just like I did to them!"

"Shut the hell up!" ordered Cashen. "I swear that you and Tony are too damn dumb to be my blood relatives. Just keep these two in their chairs so they can watch your brother Tony in action."

Tony had grabbed a handful of Susan's hair and yanked her off her seat. He reached down and grabbed her new red dress and ripped it completely off her in a single motion. Suddenly Susan was kneeling in front of the freak with just her underwear on. I really wished she had chosen more modest undergarments! Still holding her hair, Tony easily slipped his hand in her bra, freed the clasp in front and pulled it from her body.

"Okay, Cashen! We'll sign your damn papers," I groaned as I watched the scene unfold. "Show us where, and we'll sign right now."

"I don't think so!" stated Bill emphatically as I did a double-take to see if this was really Bill or some pod creature from space. "This is illegal as hell. It won't stand up in court, so why try to force us to sign? All we have to do is tell the police what you made us sign. You'll be in prison for years."

"That is a concern," admitted Cashen. "However, Hardison's wife will never be the same after Tony finishes with her. He'll see to that. Then there's the matter of your very pregnant wife, Vance. It would be a real shame to see her have some kind of accident. It could even be fatal to her and your unborn child."

I had heard enough! Movement on the screen caught my attention. Tony was running his club all over Susan's face and mocking her as he did.

"You want this cock, slut?" he laughed. "You'll have to show me by sucking it. Open your mouth and suck my cock!"

"We'll sign!" I practically screamed. "Bill, you don't want anything to happen to Amber and I sure as hell don't want Susan servicing that damn freak of nature! Let's just sign, and soon!"

"Let me get this straight, Cashen. You're telling me that you'll hurt Amber and our unborn baby if I don't sign that agreement?" asked Bill slowly, as if he were in diction class.

"You are one dumb bastard," laughed Cashen. "That's exactly what I'm saying. I thought this other fuck was stupid, but you have him beat all to hell. Your family won't live through the weekend if you don't sign this now and keep your mouth shut afterward."

Why the hell was Bill holding out? I looked at the screen and saw Tony had raised Susan up and leaned her over the chair. Somehow I had missed seeing if he had forced his cock into her mouth. I even missed it when he removed her thong. He held her hair twisted in his left hand and was lining his incredible cock up with her inner sanctum with his right. The prick, Tony, smirked at the camera and then began to press Not-So-Little Tony, against Sue's opening. I was trying to decide whether I should close my eyes or find the zoom when all hell broke loose.

The door to our room seemed to explode inward. I turned to see what was happening, just as it fell forward into the room. Vinnie swung his gun toward the opening. I heard several shots and Vinnie crumbled to the floor!

There was all kinds of yelling. It quickly dawned on me that the invaders wanted Cashen, Bill and me to raise our hands over our heads and remain still. We complied immediately. There were at least five of them and they waved automatic rifles at us with less than what I felt was proper concern for safety.

They quickly pulled our hands behind our backs and handcuffed us. Then we were searched. It came to no surprise to me, when they pulled a revolver out of Cashen's waist. It looked like a .44 Magnum or some similar cannon. He certainly didn't lack for fire power!

We were ordered to line up against the wall. Susan and Tony were marched into the room by three other guards. They had their hands cuffed behind them as well. Susan was stark naked and Tony's pants were wrapped around his ankles, causing him to shuffle slowly. Susan scurried over to stand between Bill and me. When Tony got close enough, I lashed out with a wicked kick to his pride and joy. Tony dropped to his knees and then collapsed onto his face. I had a gun shoved in my gut for a few seconds. Then it was slowly removed and I resumed breathing.

Everything had happened so fast I had no idea what had actually occurred. Things began to gradually make sense. All the men with guns wore dark suits. They spoke into their watches. They never smiled. They had to be government men!

A tall gray haired, vaguely familiar man entered the room. He looked at Vinnie stretched out on the floor and stepped over him. Then he looked at his four captives lined up by the wall. Tony was busy barfing all over the carpet.

"Good job, Bill!" chuckled the apparent brains of the operation as he turned to speak to one of his men. "Release Mr. Vance and these other two immediately. They were working for us."

We were? That was news to me. I could tell by the look that Susan gave me that she had no idea that we had enlisted in the war on crime. Bill, on the other hand, was smiling from ear to ear as his cuffs were removed and the tall man shook his hand.

"Thanks, Uncle Mark! I have to admit I was a little worried for a few minutes. I was just hoping that I had managed to get you enough information to get these guys locked up for a long time. I guess this wire worked pretty good, huh?" chuckled Bill.

"It sure did son. We have all we need to charge these two with extortion, blackmail, murder, and so damn many other things I can't even begin to remember them all." Then he turned to Susan and asked, "Mrs. Hardison, would you like my jacket?"

Susan had been the first to be uncuffed. She was trying desperately to get my shirt off me before my hands were even freed. She had only managed to get it balled up around my hands, which were behind my back, making it difficult for the agents to slide the key into the lock.

"Thank you, Sir! I'll take you up on that offer since this jackass I married won't share his shirt. You'd think he'd want his wife properly covered while surrounded by so many virile law enforcement officers," answered Susan as she slid her arms into the proffered garment.

It turned out that the tall man was actually Amber's uncle. He seemed familiar because we had seen him at Bill's wedding. He was a top agent with the FBI. When we first approached Bill and Amber with our half baked scheme, they immediately called her uncle and he had Bill wired for our meeting with Cashen. The Feds had been after the bastard for several years and were quite happy to finally have the goods on him.

The mystery of why Cashen felt he had to force us to sell our mineral rights so quickly was eventually solved. Information gradually trickled out that our part of Pennsylvania had huge quantities of natural gas trapped about a mile below the surface. It was a located in a black rock called Marcellus Shale, which had been created eons ago.

Early on, some property owners in our area signed gas leases with energy companies, as well as holding companies, for as little as $25 per acre for ten year leases. As the knowledge of what we had below us increased, so did the offers.

Six months after our close encounter with Cashen, Bill and I signed leases for $2800 per acre for five years, with seventeen percent royalty! By this time, both Bill and I had added our wives' names to our deeds. That had been one of those things I had always been too busy to get around to doing. Before any gas wells were drilled on our properties, Susan and I received well over half a million dollars for our lease. Bill and Amber were instant millionaires! (That was enough money to allow him to remain in farming for several more years.) This made Cashen's offer for our mineral rights look very meager.

Susan and I celebrated the day we received our gas lease check by going out to an expensive restaurant for dinner. When we returned home we continued the celebration in bed.

"We were really fortunate, Susan," I managed during the brief moments her nipples weren't in my mouth. "The FBI timed their raid perfectly. It could have been a nightmare. You're lucky they broke in before that Tony had a chance to shove his freakish dick into you."

"You mean lucky for you, Husband," laughed Susan softly. "You'd have to wear a board strapped to your ass when we made love just to keep from falling into my stretched out pussy, if he had had the time to get that thing in any farther!"

"Did you just say "farther"?"

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Yeah I'd keep an eye on Susan for sure. I'm not saying she's a cheater waiting to happen after all this, but... I'm just saying I wouldn't have as much faith in her as I did at the start of the story.

NitpicNitpic3 months ago

If I was Mitch,I would be keeping an eye on Susan.Judging by her behaviour with Baxter,Bill and Tony,she has a liking for strange cocks.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Just didn't work for me. Can't see a happily married couple being prepared to do what they did re the sexual acts to set up the PI and if said sting was in place the FBI would have come in earlier to stop the wife from being assaulted and raped especially as she didn't know it was a set up. This is just a load of silly fantasy with no basis on reality. When you write a good story it really works but when you do a not do good one it bombs and for me this did big time. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Was good. Except when I had to go back to see where "Sue" came into the picture?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ending was uncomfortable.

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