J and J


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As it worked out he ended up dumping the ball to me. He threw it a little high and Amos was closing on me as I went up for the catch. I grabbed the ball and kicked out as I came down and caught him on his right knee. I made five or six more yards before being tackled and he had to be carted off the field. I didn't have to go over and say a thing to him. He knew that it was deliberate. He missed out on the next few games but managed to come back wearing a heavy brace on his knee.

It also fucked up his basketball season. He couldn't jump like before or pivot as well as previous to the injury. We made up when we found out that Sharon was fucking half the jocks in her school.

Amos had gone on and starred in college and actually played a few years in the pros before his knee finally couldn't handle it anymore. He was now a successful owner of a string of new car dealerships.

When we met up at a community do we renewed out friendship. We watched football together whenever we could and made light of the other men who were too good for football or had never even ever put on pads even as little kids. I thought we were tight.

Now back to the meeting. JoAnna finally showed up and was kind of the leader of the meeting. It was soon apparent why. "I want you all to know that I am disappointed in you for not being able to get my husband to fuck you. As much of a horn dog that he is I figured that at least one of you would get him into bed or at least a compromising situation. We planned for each of you to bring a different look and approach to the table but you all failed.

I even made him think I was angry with him after each of your attempts and I finally quit having sex with him for the past few months to try and get his frustration level to the point that someone would get him too excited to resist but you all failed."

I was dumbstruck. I thought that she believed that I had fucked some or all of these women and that was why she was so distant after each repair job but now I knew that she was pissed that I had resisted. What the fuck?

The fact is that I was so gobsmacked that I had to replay the recording over and over before I fully understood what was going on. Some of it I had to assume but their proposed plans to get me involved in their shenanigans left little doubt finally when I was able to clearly evaluate it all.

"I knew when the men approached John to join the swinger's group that he would say no. The fact that he never even bothered to discuss it with me left no doubt about his feelings. What he didn't anticipate was you women approaching me at the same time. While I didn't say no outright I was thinking about it. My kids were almost grown and I was set careerwise. John was head of his own company and you all are pillars of the community and very discreet. I thought a little playtime with each other would be okay but I didn't know how to get John to go along.

When we came up with the plan to have him do odd jobs for each of you I fully felt he wouldn't be able to resist at least one of you. You are all each very attractive in your unique way and would appeal to any man. But he resisted you all and now, tonight, after not having any sex for weeks he finally said absolutely no to going to Gayle's and working on her hot tub."

She then dropped the next bombshell. In my confused mind I assumed that she wanted to fuck around but would not until I joined. What a fool I am!

"I have loved all of the sex that we have shared since I joined the group, both men and women. I had never made love to a woman before getting involved with you and now I don't want to stop. The different scents, the different breasts and nipples, and the men's different cocks are addictive.

I haven't had any trouble really with telling John that I have so many meetings when I do but I am getting tired of making excuses and missing the orgy sessions. I want my husband to join us. I know he could be having a great time with you all. So what do we do now?"

The women then brainstormed different ways to get me in with them. The men mostly stayed silent. I came to the conclusion that the women controlled this whole group and the men were happy to just go along.

JoAnna looked over at Amos for some kind of sign but he just shrugged. I wondered how he got involved with this as he was a happy bachelor and always making comments against marriage and settling down. I assumed he was invited as the only black man in the group and that he might have a large cock. Just looking at the number of women who chose black men as their significant others I could see the attraction of bedding a good looking male of a different color. As he was my friend I hoped that no one treated him like shit in their group sessions.

Amos got up and came over to JoAnna. "Look, Baby, I know you love the big lug but I have been telling you all along that he is slowing you down. Why don't you cut him loose and hook up permanently with me? You know I will let you fuck around to your heart's content and still be ready with my cock to welcome you home. No anxiety, no fuss, no muss with me."

I realized that Amos wasn't my friend, not anymore. He was obviously fucking or wanting to fuck my wife and was quite ready to throw me out. I guess he never got over the knee kicking incident. I know he now wears a brace everyday just so he can walk. He must have constant pain that he hides from me.

JoAnna shook her head. "No, not yet. I love you both but I love John more. I love your cock and how your skin looks against mine but he still trips my trigger the best. Everyone else is just different, not any better. I want him in on this sex feast that we have here."

Some of the ideas thrown out called for me to be mugged and beat up and threatened if I didn't go along. Those were thankfully shouted down by the majority. Other ideas involved some kind of drug and then blackmail. A couple just wanted to get me super drunk at a community party and I would then wake up with one or more of the women in bed with me. Of course I would not be able to refute their claims that I had sex with whomever I woke with. Some of the men liked that idea but said they wanted pictures with their cocks in my mouth while I was unconscious. They felt it would be adequate payback for having all of the women distracted in trying to get me into the group for the past few years.

I kind of got the impression that all the men wanted was more access to JoAnna. They could care less if they had to share their women with another male. As it was, with Amos being single, they had parity now. If they could just get me to agree to let JoAnna play then they would be happy. No more sneaking around. I also got the impression that they thought they were all better than me. I know my eyes narrowed at that thought.

The idea that got the most traction with the entire group was a combination of a date rape drug and alcohol since I don't drink very much at any party. If they slipped me a mickey in a beer I might have a loss of control that they could then exploit. I guess I would have to avoid any future parties.

Amos offered to approach me directly again. He hinted that our long standing friendship might get me to change my mind. I shook my head at his comment. I would have to think of an appropriate response to him.

My wife ended the meeting with the announcement that she had seduced three female teachers and they were looking forward to becoming members of the swap club. Even the women applauded.

I was left with the question, who was this woman that I married? I had never had a clue about her bisexuality or her need to experience different cocks. Was it the position of power that she had in the community? Had it twisted her value system?

I ended the session with the webcam after they all left the building. I made sure that the recording was intact and sent it to the cloud for safekeeping.

I drank a couple more beers before falling asleep in one of the basement bedrooms that we kept ready for any family or other visitors.

Chapter Two—Distraction

Before I went to bed I pulled some empty beer bottles from the trash and the ones that I had emptied that night and put them all on the nightstand next to the bed. One I put on its side and dribbled a little beer out onto the throw rug there. That little dribble of beer let off a strong odor. My intention was to make JoAnna assume I did one of my rare bouts of drinking too much so that maybe she would leave me alone that night. It must have worked.

When I woke the next morning there was no evidence that JoAnna had bothered to check on me except for the tipped over bottle which was now sitting upright with the other empties. I smiled to myself. I didn't have to deal with her last night when she finally got home. I imagined different scenarios including her fucking Amos before coming home from her "personnel meeting."

I now wondered how many of the various meetings, games, etc she actually attended. How often had she told me about a mandatory meeting was actually a smoke screen to go and fuck some of the neighbors? God, I could make myself crazy with all of the thoughts running around my head.

I went upstairs and took a shower and shaved. I also went to the kitchen and dropped a pain pill on the counter and then left a glass of water sit there to further make her think that I was under the weather. She was already gone by that time. Her day always started early or did it? Again I was going to make myself crazy if I didn't get a hold of myself. I always counted on my analytical mind to keep me on track and now needed it more than ever before.

I called in sick to the office. Actually I could take off a number of days as I had very good people working for me. Sometimes I only felt I was needed when we had to hold the hand (figuratively) of anxious clients. Somehow my presence seemed to calm the waters and help everyone think more clearly about the actual problem and not the worries of what might happen.

I had a nebulous plan and needed to get some answers to see where I could go from here.

First I called my law firm. As a small corporation we kept a firm on retainer for the contracts that were needed and the occasional disgruntled employee or client who felt that a lawsuit was in order. The firm handled corporate law but had a couple of sharks calling themselves divorce lawyers that I could talk to.

I called my accountant and we set up a quick outline of how to keep the business out of JoAnna's hands in case of divorce. He got right on it. As a corporation she could only demand stock in the company. I just had to protect it.

I sat and pondered a little about the future of my marriage. I really couldn't see one as I contemplated what I had seen and heard. She was withholding sex from me, even as she talked about how much she loved me, and wanting me to have sex with other women so she could continue to desecrate our marriage vows.

Then there were the kids to think about. Jason was already close to graduating with his bachelor's degree. He was intending to get his master's immediately before attacking the work force. I was still hoping he would come home and work with me but I understood if he wanted to strike out on his own for a while. He shouldn't be too torn up if JoAnna and I parted. We would still be his parents even though he didn't need us as much.

James was another kettle of fish. He was more in touch with his emotional side than Jason. That was not to imply that he was a wimp, just that at 18 and just ready to spread his wings I was concerned about what a breakup would do to him. Unfortunately I could envision him staying home to console his mother rather than head off to college if we split right now.

Could I pretend to still love her and act well enough to distract her from her goals concerning me? I ran various scenarios through my head. Should I try and make her believe I was deathly ill, like with cancer? Should I try to make her believe I was becoming an alcoholic? After last night it might be something to try. Should I try to make out that I have a different addiction, like gambling, sex, drugs, etc? How about some of each? Maybe I should start surfing the net for porn and stay up all hours looking at strange and perverted types of sex? It would have to be something other than group sex or lesbian sex or even interracial sex. Maybe pain and torture sex would be the thing she should find. I don't think she would like to think that I want to inflict pain on her.

I looked up and it was time for some lunch. I made a quick sandwich and proceeded to wolf it down. I surprised myself with my hunger. Usually I would then completely clean up after myself. I am a little OCD about order and cleanliness but I forced myself to leave the bread out along with the plate and knife. I did rinse my glass and moved an empty beer bottle to the upstairs trash. Every habit starts small. Maybe in a few days I would put other empties where she could easily find them. The only question was what to leave out for her to find, wine bottle, gin, vodka, whiskey, bourbon, or beer. I would have to ponder that a little more also.

At the appointed time I met with the sharks. We went over a few of the problems. When I told them why I was checking my options one of the sharks gave a snort of derision. Obviously he was a player so I requested that he leave. Since he was in the firm I knew that he could not represent JoAnna so I wasn't concerned about him, I just didn't figure he would defend my position with any passion if he felt that I should just go along with my wife and her lovers' plans.

The other shark was better at hiding her true feelings. She promised that, if I went for a divorce, that she would protect my interests as much as possible. I logged onto her computer and showed her the video. She told me that it probably wasn't admissible in court since no one being recorded had given their permission or had known about it and the space was a semi-public space and so not in my control.

We agreed that at best the video gave me some leverage privately with JoAnna. None of those present would like to have something like it suddenly appear from nowhere on the internet. Embarrassing videos could damage careers without anyone ever being able to prove validity.

After leaving her office I went to the local Harley dealership and picked out a bike. I opted for a touring bike as it would be more comfortable for long trips. Next door was a RV dealership and I wandered over there and looked through a number of class A rigs looking for ideas. I could see myself wandering the countryside exploring each and every part of our great continent. Some of my plans were getting more defined.

I went to a local pub and had a couple of dark ales before heading home. When I arrived I spilled a little beer on my jacket and stumbled into the house. While not drunk, by any means, I knew how drunks acted and did my damndest to put on the perfect drunk act for JoAnna.

She was home and starting to fume as it was about an hour after my usual arrival time. She demanded punctuality at all times and normally so did I but that was about to change a little.

"Where have you been? I called the office and they said you took a sick day. I tried your phone but I just got your answering machine." Then she took a quick sniff and announced. "You're drunk. What the hell is going on? You never have more than one or two beers at a time."

I stopped, weaved a little and stretched to my full 6 foot height. I pondered her questions before holding my hand up. I ticked off each question. "I have been out."

Then I pointed in the general direction of another finger and squinted a little to focus on the tip. "I decided that if you don't want to have sex with me anymore and you told me that I can't attract any women that I should just go to the pub and start to make friends with the old men there. We have things in common."

I finished staring at my fingers and then back in her general direction. "I also like the taste of beer so I had a couple more than usual. I am not drunk and am in total control of myself at all times."

She snorted her disbelief that I was in total control and not drunk. I guess I can act. I stumbled over to the table and almost missed the chair as I collapsed onto it. "Whoa, when did we get a bucking chair?" I laughed at my own comment. JoAnna didn't see the humor. I waved dismissively at her. "What the fuck, woman, what is your problem? I have a couple of beers and you act like I am an alcoholic. Do I embarrass you somehow? Are you afraid the neighbors might talk?"

She threw her hands up. "God dammit, John, why did you do this today of all days? Amos called and wants to come over and talk and here you are all fucked up."

Gee, I must have succeeded in pissing her off. She seldom cusses even in the throes of passion. Well, not for me but I don't know about when she is with her other lovers. Maybe she really lets out the blue language with them. I shook my head as though I were dizzy. I acted as though I were trying to process her comments. "You say Amos is coming over. Why is he doing that, there isn't any football on in March?" That was true. Amos and I would occasionally have a beer together in the off season but really only hung out during the season.

JoAnna tried to make light of it. "I don't know, he called to talk to you but you weren't home so he told me he was planning on dropping by to ask you something. Are you thinking about a new car or something?"

I shook my head hard and almost fell again. He didn't sell motorcycles or RVs so I had no reason to talk to him but I didn't say that. I also couldn't say that I knew he wanted to discuss fucking my wife. I got up from the table and went to the fridge and pulled out another beer and opened it with some faked difficulty. At the same time JoAnna was asking me if I thought another beer was a good idea.

I nodded. I made sure my voice was as slurred as possible, and a little louder than needed. "Yep, I think that I do think that a beer is a good idea. As a matter of fact, I think that a couple of beers are a great idea. I have held myself in check for too long. My business is failing and my wife doesn't want to have sex with me anymore. My best friend probably wants to fuck my wife and add her to his harem of bitches that he brags about all the time." I let my voice trail off and let my head drop. I thought about the fact that my life was changing and not the way I wanted it to and let some tears roll down my face as I listened to my wife.

"What the hell, John? What is going on? What do you mean your business is failing?" She let the rest go for now. After all how does she defend not having sex with me? How does she say that she loves to have sex when we haven't had any conjugal relations for weeks?

The business failing idea was one that my accountant and I had discussed. Of course it was thriving but she didn't know squat about my business. As a matter of fact she had once introduced me as a mechanic instead of a mechanical engineer. With my proclivity to fix broken things I guess that is what she thought of me, a common mechanic who makes very good money. Since she didn't even look at our tax form except to sign the thing every year she had no idea what I make. The accountant thought this oversight by her might work in our favor.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Where did you hear that? Who's been talking about the company?"

As a drunk I probably wouldn't remember letting the cat out of the bag. She tried to tell me how she found out. "You just told me while you were ranting about getting drunk. You said the business was failing."

I shook my head again. God, it was hard not to smile at her right now. "No, no one knows, not even the managers. How could you find out? Don't hate me for being a failure."