J and J


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It didn't matter much as it was later in the evening when she made her appearance. I was sitting at the back of the room talking with my new CEO, Harold Deavers, about some of the small projects I was going to continue to work on when I noticed her. She was looking for me but not having much success initially.

I just made my excuses to Harold and ambled over to the side exit nearby. For some reason I had almost expected JoAnna to find out about the little celebration so I had scoped out the other exits when I entered the banquet hall. It emptied into a hallway and I was soon outside and heading for another hotel a block away. After I entered there I quickly booked a room for the night and then went and locked myself in again.

Later Harold called me and told me that JoAnna had made a little scene when she realized that I had gotten away. She had even called Harold and his wife a couple of choice names when they informed her that she was not welcome and asked her to leave. I wondered if she was getting the message but mentally shrugged as this was a question that might never be answered.

On Monday I picked up my new Harley and parked it next to the trailer. My tools were stored in various lockers and cabinets. My clothes and personal belongings were quickly arranged in the various storage areas and I was almost ready to head out. Only one thing left to do. I started the bike and headed for my old house. It was the middle of the morning and I knew that JoAnna should be at work. I wouldn't take long.

Since I had left on Friday night on foot my car was still in the garage. JoAnna wasn't at home. I breathed a sigh of relief at not having to confront her right now. Yeah, call me a coward but somewhere deep down I still loved the woman I had married. I just didn't like the woman I was now married to.

I went into the kitchen and placed a note on the table and weighed it down with my wedding ring. I also left a flash drive with it. I had carefully thought, typed, edited and finally printed the note. I hoped it explained everything that I felt and hoped JoAnna took it to heart.

JoAnna, (I hope you understand why I don't start with Dear or My Beloved)

A few weeks ago it became painfully obvious that you were pushing me toward something that I did not want to do. For some reason only you can explain the women in our gated community were out to seduce me and you were not only disappointed that I resisted their attempts but was probably the instigator.

Now, I know that you will immediately try to contact me and deny the whole thing but I advise you to look at the file on the flash drive that I have left you. I will only say this once. If I believe that anyone is trying to find me or even contact me with any intent to cause me harm in any way I will post this file on every site that I can think of. While the comments on it are not illegal the stigma should be a career killer for everyone on the video.

I successfully dodged your attempts to seduce me into your little group of sexual deviants and even kept you from drugging me into submission this week. I bet you didn't think I knew about your plans for that night. Remember when you view the video that it was suggested to drug me, humiliate me, and then blackmail me into submission. I was planning for you to do so. It was smart that you had me get most of the wine for the party then I couldn't say the wine was drugged before then. I took Syrup of Ipecac right after I tasted the first glass that was given to me. It was a close call between the puking and the dizziness but I was able to maintain my equilibrium and get home.

How surprised were you and all of your buddies when you paraded them all, with their cameras, into the bedroom and I was already gone? I bet they were all disappointed in you. You were supposed to deliver me to them for whatever sick little games they wanted to play but I wasn't there. Here you had chastised them in the meeting and then couldn't keep me in my own bedroom.

By the way you are now responsible for all of the remaining mortgage payments, the insurance, taxes and utilities and, of course, the HOA payments. Also, the business is not failing, quite the opposite, it is doing fine and expanding. You, though, cannot get to any of the assets. The corporation has been placed into a trust, kind of like a politician does after being elected. All of his assets have to be placed in a trust to keep down the appearance of improprieties. I will have almost no income any more while I travel and see this glorious country. I might get some free-lance consulting once in a while to tide me over.

By the way, go ahead and have one of your fucking lovers, preferably one who is an attorney, look into breaking the trust. I almost dare you. If you try that my attorney has the video and will be glad to share it publicly. I am sure that some social media outlets would be happy to out you all for the conniving assholes you are. Maybe even some of the yellow tabloid companies would like the information. You would all look so good on the cover of a grocery store paper.

I loved you and only wish I could find the woman that I married. I miss the loving sexual woman that you were, not the manipulating cold-hearted and calculating bitch that you have become. Is it because of the power that you wield or the prestige that you have in the community that makes you believe that you can do whatever you want and that there will be no consequences?

I have let Jason and James know that I will be out of the area for a while and they will be contacting me as needed. I also let them know that you are too busy with school functions to come with me. Anything else you wish to say to them is up to you.

I am not seeking a divorce at this time. It would cost too much even though I could ask for alimony from you since, on paper, you make much more than I do. The fact that I am worth more is beside the point. If you want a divorce you will have to file and pay the costs. I will not fight you. In a year you can file for abandonment and it won't matter if you find me then.

I can say this, I am terminally disappointed in what you are doing in the sex club and wanted to do to me and have me do. You obviously have no love left for me. I don't care if you deny this but what you are doing is not the act of a loving and caring wife. You are now free to do whatever you want with whomever you want, including that asshole, Amos. I will no longer be in your way.

I really don't know why I asked questions in this note as I won't come back to ask you to explain yourself. My 'give a damn' is broke and I am looking forward to healing time away from you. By the time you get a chance to read this letter, I will be hours down the road. Pick a direction and maybe you will be right.

Also, don't try locating me by my phone again. I forgive you for the first time as I had been puking my guts out and you did attempt to drug me with some kind of mind altering drug so you might have been a little concerned about how I was doing. What I don't forgive is the actual drugging. The phone is for use by my sons but will be dumped as soon as I feel you are tracking or even attempting to track me. I already have another phone and a new number to use.

Lastly, have a nice life. I intend to.

(I hope you pardon me when I don't sign off with "Love, John.")

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Two stars. Too convoluted.

Red alert should have started after 2nd friend of wife tried to seduce him. Video from web cam at rec center was more than enough information & ammunition to exit clean and immediately for even an average Joe. A few days business "trip" out of town to line up ducks and he is out.

Surely MC who is a successful business owner and CEO with resources, advisors, and lawyers could have found the exit promptly and without further risk to himself.

NitpicNitpic6 months ago

Isn't it marvelous how cheaters give out all the history when they are being overheard?.Also if he shattered Amos's knee,how come he is at work next morning?.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Needs some payback!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Slow-moving boring piece of crap. Got through page 3 and that was all I could take. Rates a yawning 1.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

And...@AngelRider. You are a loud mouth bitchy cunt.

Since I'm anon then I must be a small dick incel loser? Funny how your "go to" in every comment you make is "small dick energy". Makes me wonder if you have a lot of experience with small dicks in your life?

But hey. If you can make such sweeping generalizations about everyone who doesn't agree with you...or those authors who don't please you? Then you won't mind when I make the same kinds about you?

I'm picturing an angry and unpleasant and unattractive frigid woman who is often mistaken for a bull dyke? Wear lots of plaid, flannel do you? And your RBF generally enhances your unattractiveness to both men and women. I'm guessing that to you EVERY dick is small because of the vacuous slot that nature bestowed upon you? I mean even a double-decker bus seems small if you drop it into the grand canyon, right?

Lastly...allow me to let you in on something important dummy.

Unless you give us all your full name in your profile along with social media info? Then you are STILL anonymous sweetheart. The nom de plume AngelRider doesn't mean we KNOW you and who you are. You created a pseudonym in order to stay anonymous when you logged in here. Right?

Good God there are so many stupid ass people in the world.

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J and J Series Info

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