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"Maybe he'll melt and respond, but I think you'll have to wait for your birthday or longer. Dammit! I don't know why those lunkheads listen to the things I say like this, but not to any of the other stuff I tell them. Their sisters didn't. But, Aria. Look at his eyes when he looks at you. He's not looking at a friend. Please don't give up. Love means patience, oh, yes, and forgiveness. I left that one out. One or both of you are going to fu..screw things up. You will need to forgive him and hopefully that lunkhead will forgive you.

"Damn, enough already, Ali. I'm sorry, Aria. Probably scared you to death, but start looking at other couples. Successful ones, unsuccessful ones and see how they treat each other. Learn from them. You'll learn a lot."

Another year later, "Mom, thank you for the cake and another great birthday. Since Dad left years ago, you've been like super mom. Working, taking care of the boys and I. I don't know how you've done it all. And I don't tell you nearly enough how much I love you and appreciate it." She reached over and hugged her mom.

"Mom. Come on. Don't cry."

"Happy tears, Hon. But now you're leaving right?"

Shocked. "Mom! How did you...."

"Give me a little credit, Aria. You're eighteen and headed for Boulder to see Jackson at the University. Right? What about school?"

"I told them I had college interviews and I can do all my stuff online. I didn't share with them that I got early decision at the University."

"Do you have everything you need in that suitcase you put in the car last night?"

"Crap! Between you and Ali..."

"So, you have a safe trip and here, you might need this."

"A debit card? Oh, Mom, thank you. I mean, I transferred some of my savings....But i don't think i'll need much..."

"Now you can transfer it back." Getting up, walking to the kitchen and returning. "And here's your cake. All boxed up and ready to go. I did snitch one piece. When are you going?"

"Now, if it's alright. I mean, I don't want to leave you alone..."

"But, Aria, I just need to caution you a little. Before you jump head first into the deep end, make sure that this is where you want to go. You have essentially zero experience in the world of love and dating and if you select a mate for your lifetime right off the bat--and there's no one in the world I like better than Jackson--before you go full in, be sure, be positive, that your priorities are where they should be.

"And remember...there is no rush! Take time to know each other, grow with each other, learn how to support each other. You're both very young with your whole lives before you. Take it one step at a time."

"Yeah, that's what Ali and I talked about."

"Good. Now, get out of here. Go! Happy hunting. I love you, Aria.

"I love you, Mom."

>Ali. Aria just left for Boulder. Yes! Yes! Yes! But I'm still worried. Too much, too fast.

It was cold. February in the Rockies. She never felt it. Her thoughts were elsewhere. Not too young anymore. Taking a few deep, calming breaths, she knocked on the door to the apartment. No answer. She knocked again. And again. She decided to sit in the car and wait. But suddenly she was filled with fear. What if he's on a date or something? Oh, God. What was she going to do? She decided to text him.

>Jackson. Missing you on my birthday. How's your evening going?

And at the same moment there was a knock on Emily's door. She opened it and started laughing. "Jackson!" She could get no more out, as she pulled him through the doorway.

"Mrs. Spencer. Are you OK?"

"And you brought her flowers! How funny can it get? Like some rom com. So, Jackson. What are you doing here?"

"Well, it's Aria's birthday and I thought I'd say hi. I got her flowers and there's a present in the car."

"That's so nice, Jackson. Only one problem. She's not here and won't be back for a few days."

A look of disappointment covered his face and he visibly slumped. "Really? She never mentioned it. Crap. Guess I'll buzz by and see mom and dad and then head back."

"Skip your mom's and go directly back. Aria's," looking at her phone, "probably just arriving at your apartment."

"What? No way!" His phone buzzed. "It's Aria wondering how I'm doing."

"Don't even take time to answer her. I'll do it. You just get in that ancient truck of yours and head back. I'll text her." She stepped forward and hugged him. "Jackson. You are the best thing that could ever happen to that girl and I love you for it. But please be patient with her. I'm pretty sure she's going to mess up from time to time. Now go! But not too fast!"

He started to drive off but stopped. It's freezing. She needs to get inside.

>Aria. I screwed up! I'm at your house. There's a key under that bush to the left of the steps. Get inside. It's cold. See you in a bit. Can't wait. Happy Birthday!

Emily picked up her phone and started laughing again. "Ali..."

"What the hell is so funny? Why are you laughing so hard?"

"Guess who was just at my door?"

"The UPS guy you've had the hots for?"

"Nope. Better."

"Oh, not that hot guy who owns that coffee shop you always act like a dope around?"

"Nope." Laughing again. "It was Jackson! He came with flowers and a present. Yeah. I could have died laughing. And while he's standing here, Aria texted him. I guarantee she just knocked on his door and no one's there. Darn, girl, we could not have made this happen if we tried.

I have to go. Gotta text Aria and tell her to wait and not panic. I'm sure she'll think he's on a date or something."

>Aria. Stay where you are. Or get something to eat. Jackson just showed up with flowers and a present. I sent him back to Boulder. Hang in there.

An hour later he pulled into his parking slot. He was nervous. Anxious. Afraid of screwing things all up. God, he'd loved her for so long. He shouldn't have waited. Should have done something. But his Mom...He took a deep breath and went up the steps.

He opened the door and walked in. She jumped up from the couch and stared at him. "Jackson I was hoping..." He stepped forward and hugged her. Raised his face and kissed her. Their tongues met and enjoyed each other. She sighed and squeezed him tighter.

"Oh, Jackson. I'm eighteen and I was hoping that you might, you know like me and want to be with me." Tears formed in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Jackson. I don't know how to do this. I just know that I miss you every second you're not with me. You're all I can think about. It's more than a crush. I know it! I need you to hold me. I need you to love me. I need you to make love to me. Please!"

"I do love you, Aria. I don't want to just hold hands, be friends that do things together. I want..."

"Would you take me to the bedroom, Jackson? Please?"

He kissed her and led her around the half wall to the bed. "Uh, I don't really have a bedroom. It's a studio type apartment."

"Oh, shut up, Jackson." She pushed him onto the bed and crushed him to herself and they kissed. She explored his back, shoulders, buttocks. His fingers felt her back and waist. Feeling, learning, memorizing--every curve, every bend. "Jackson, we're going to have all the time in the world, but right now we need to go quickly. I need answers. I need to know what it feels like. To be sure. I've thought about it for so, so long. Get your clothes off. Please?"

She jumped up and shed her clothes. He just looked at her. "Jackson? What is it? Is there something wrong?"

"Aria! You are...amazing. I..."

"Why, Jackson...That thing of yours looks like it's mighty anxious to get busy. SO GET BUSY! My lady parts are about to reach out and grab it. Lord, I feel like I've waited for ever! I wanted you to do it that night you rescued me and every day since!"

They kissed, he started massaging and gently squeezing her breasts. She took his hand and put it between her thighs. She took his long finger and pulled it towards her opening. He pushed it in. Only a small opening. He'd only been there once in the past with another, before Aria, and that's how they'd felt. He figured that that was how they were made.

"OK, OK, OK. Jackson. Get that wonderful thing of yours in there. Now!"

"Do I need a condom?"

"No! Get in there!" He climbed between her legs, wet the end with some saliva like he'd seen online and moved towards the opening. He felt with his fingers to make sure he was in the right place and started to slide in.

It wouldn't go. He pushed gently, but there was resistance. "What are you doing, Jackson? Just go in there."

"So, Aria. Confession time. I've never actually, uh, done this before. I've watched it about a million times on certain, uh, educational sites and it always just sorta slides in. It's not sliding in. Am I in the right spot? The right hole?"

"Yes. You're at the right hole. And you know how much experience I've had."

"Maybe I'm just too big."

She laughed, "Maybe you're right, Jackson. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Here, I'll help." She pulled, spread her lips with one hand and lined him up with the other."Now push that thing in there it should just... Shit! Get out of there. Get off me!"

"I'm sorry, Aria. What did I do wrong!"

"Nothing. Let me just feel down there. I've been afraid to touch it since, well, since you rescued me." And she gave him a kiss. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I still have my hymen! And it's a hummer. It's still blocked off! You rescued me in time and the bleeding must have been from my thong ripping something. No wonder those tampons were just as hard to get in and out.

"This means you'll be my first! And I hope my only. So, resume your position." She put some saliva on him and herself, spread her lips, inserted the head of his cock where she wanted it.... "Now push."

He was being slow and gentle, too gentle. She reached around him, grabbed his butt and pulled while at the same time she thrust her pelvis up. The tissue ripped and he slid in. She groaned.

"Aria. I'm sorry. I..." and he started to pull away.

"Don't you dare take that thing out of me." She thrust upward with her pelvis further and pulled him down as she relaxed. It sank to the hilt. "Oh, Jackson. It feels so...Damn! It just feels wonderful. No way I would have missed this. And now I'll want this every day. Thank you. Now start moving."

"Are you alright? Does it hurt?"

"Shut up, Jackson. Just start moving what the good Lord gave you." He started moving in, then out. Slowly, gently.

"Jackson, Honey. This is not working. Now hold me in place. I'm going to get on top." She hugged him and rolled them until she wason top. She started moving her pelvis up and down. Slow at first, then faster. Her breasts hung down on his face and he grabbed them and put his mouth on her nipple and started to suck and pull on it while his tongue rolled round and round. She groaned again.

She pulled her knees up and sat back to a kneeling position and sank down onto his cock. "Oh, Jackson! You better eat right and stay in shape." She started going up and down. Experimented with forward and back. Then switched back to up and down. Faster, harder.

He reached up with one hand and kneaded a breast as she moved. With the other, he reached down, followed her movements and massaged her clit. "Oh, God, Jackson. Here comes another one. I never imagined...."

He felt himself coming close, pulled her down and started stroking upward into her fast and deep. Then stalled out, lost his rhythm and she could feel him contract, contract again and then less and less. She could actually feel it. He stopped.

She resumed rocking her pelvis and put his hand back on her clit and within moments she lost her rhythm as well, made noises in the back of her throat and fell forward again on top of him. She curled herself so their mouths could meet and kissed him.

"Oh, Jackson. Oh, Jackson. My goodness. Well worth the wait. She rolled onto her side and pulled him with her, being sure to keep his still hard cock in her. "Jackson? Isn't it supposed to get soft and shrink or something?"

"Heck. I don't know. First time, remember? Maybe he's not done?"

"You mean you won't be one of those guys that rolls over and goes to sleep?"

"What, and miss out on all the fun?" He pushed her onto her back and used his body to pry her legs further apart. Stroking slowly at first, then faster, harder, deeper. Pelvis to pelvis with each downward push. "Is this pace alright? Faster, slower?"

"Heck, I don't know. First time remember?" They both laughed. "Jackson, my Jackson. Here I go again. Errrrrr!" She exhaled strongly, her breath interrupted by jerks of her shoulders and legs.

He kept up a steady rhythm and in a few more minutes he, too spasmed and then stopped. "Jackson! I swear I can feel you in me and all around me. Like a Jackson cocoon. And every breath is full of Jackson. It's almost hard to breathe."

"I'm sorry. Am I putting too much weight on you?"

"No! No, it's great. It's perfect. It's like we're one person or something. Don't move. Not yet. Please?" Finally, she curled her neck and kissed him. Long, but slow and gentle. Full of love and passion. She stroked his hair, his back, his shoulders. Aimlessly touching with her finger tips. Learning. Memorizing.

"Happy birthday to me, Jackson. Thank you." She looked up and laughed. "Holy crap, Jackson. Look at the mess. You've got blood, I've got blood. I hate to think what your sheets and mattress look like. But, oh my God, Jackson. Amazing.

"But you're still hard. When's he go soft?" He shrugged.

"I guess when the fun's over? Is it over?"

"Yes. At least for the moment. I want to lie here with you on me and savor the feeling. Then, why don't we shower and clean up. I need to assess the damage you did. But holy crap was it worth it." She kissed him. "Thank you. I love you so much, Jackson." She kissed him again.

"You do have another set of sheets, right? And some peroxide to get the red out?"

An hour later: "Now where were we?" Aria kissed him again and moaned. "Damn, Jackson. What you do to me." She reached a hand down and grasped his hardening cock and started stroking it. Then moved down and engulfed the head with her mouth. Playing with her tongue while gently grasping his sack and balls. "Always wondered what this would be like. Nice."

She went deeper. In and out. Hand matching her rhythm on his cock. All the way to the back of her throat like she'd seen on the videos she'd watched in preparation for tonight. Still some to go, but she gagged and pulled her head away, tears forming in her eyes. "Well, that may take some practice. I watched some educational videos as well." She resumed her motions and he sighed.

He pulled on her thighs. "What, Jackson? What are you doing?"

"Swing your leg over and let me get to that thing and lick you at the same time." She swung over and resumed her up and down. Jackson wrapped his arms around her butt and strained, but couldn't reach her.

"Uh, Aria? I can't get to you. Could you kinda curl in or something?" It still didn't work.

"I don't know, Jackson, maybe we just can't... Wait! Get on your left side and I'll get on right." She got on her side, pulled him back into her mouth, slid one thigh under his head and one over and curled into a 'C' shape. He started exploring her with his tongue.

"Dang, Jackson. I may keep you right there instead. We have so much to learn together. Now get busy while I wrestle this viper." She could feel him tightening. Must be close. He thrust forward and she felt him contract and squirt, contract and squirt. She became aware of fluid in her mouth.

She pulled off and spit it into her palm. "I'm sorry, Aria. I guess I should have told you..."

"No. No, it's alright. I...well, I just wanted to take a close look at it and feel it." She sniffed. "So that's what cum smells like. Now I know what they meant when they said Maggie smelled spermy." She laughed. "She must have done it somewhere during lunch. Holy shitbags. She did it at school?" And laughed some more.

"OK. Enough gaiety, dog boy. Get to licking. Can you bend yourself enough to lick me while your dick's in me?" She laughed again. "Oh, Jackson. My, my, my."

They experimented and learned all about each other inside and out. Plans were made for her to move there as soon as she graduated and they'd move from the studio to a one bedroom apartment. "Jackson, I've got it all figured out. If I take a couple of courses each summer school semester and a heavy load each regular semester, we should be able to graduate together." Or, at least that was the plan.

In August she came home all excited. "Jackson. Guess what?"

"We won the lottery?"

"No. I worked out with the volleyball team today and the coach asked me to join the team. Isn't that incredible? I am so stinking excited..."

"Uh, that's great, Aria. But..."

"But what, Jackson?"

"It means you'll be gone every weekend. Sometimes starting on Thursdays. And then with all the practices..."

"It'll be fine. You'll see."

It wasn't. He did everything around the apartment. Cooked, cleaned, laundry. Between class work and volleyball practice and games she was exhausted and a part time visitor to their home. He started working at the hunting and camping section of the big sports store in town and they led essentially two separate lives.

On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, she packed for a flight to Utah for a game on Wednesday and she noticed he was packing too. "Jackson, what are you packing for?"

"I'm going home for Thanksgiving, Aria. Wish you could come, but you're not going to be here anyway. You fly out for Utah today, games tomorrow, and then...Hell, do you even come back to Boulder on Thursday? Or do you fly directly to Arizona for your Friday game? Happy fucking Thanksgiving.

"And what the heck are you doing with school? You dropped like half your classes?"

"The coach suggested I drop my hours so I have five years of eligibility and then maybe another one of graduate school."

"So, instead of graduating with me, you'll graduate, what, three years behind me? What the hell, Aria? Volleyball is that stinking important to you? More important than our lives together?

So, anyway, I'm leaving after class, be back Sunday some time. Have a great trip. Good luck with the games.

"Maybe you can spare a few moments for me Sunday after you rest up from the travel and we could even try having a little, I don't know, together time, intimacy or something. If you remember how it's done since it's been quite a while."

Panic and regret filled her face. "Jackson. Oh, Jackson. I am so sorry. You're right. I've neglected the thing I love most in the world. And worse, I can tell I hurt you." She started to cry, "Just like your mom warned me about. Too young. Too stupid. My mantra. The season's almost over and then I'll make it up to you. It will be all Jackson all the time. Promise."

Back in the hotel after the games on Wednesday. "Great game today, Aria. You were incredible. For your first year...Man, you are going to be something. But something's wrong. What is it?"

She started to cry. "I just miss Jackson so much. He looked so hurt when he left. It's like I never see him. And we always have a big Thanksgiving get together...I just don't know how to manage things, Chris."

"Come here. Give me a hug." Aria hugged her tightly, buried her face in her shoulder and sobbed." Chris stroked her hair. "There, there, Aria. That's it. Have a good cry. I'll take good care of you. I know it has to be hard to be in love and living with someone and gone all the time. I'll work hard to keep you from being so lonely. It'll all work out. That a girl. You'll feel better after a little cry." Aria fell asleep and was awakened to get ready for the flight to Arizona.

Thanksgiving was terrific at Jackson's home. Ali was in hog heaven. All four kids plus Ben, but everyone noted Aria's absence. Nothing was said, however. As everyone was headed out the door on Sunday, Ali said, "Jackson, could you hang around for a bit so we can have a little chat?"
