Jamie's Story Ch. 03


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Our voyeur was back, and watched me as I brought my exotic young date to orgasm. After she regained control of her breathing, we went back to the movie. She crossed her left leg over the right, but left the hem of her dress up to her hips, exposing her olive-skinned ass to our on-looker. Then she took the finger I had inside her, and slid it into her mouth to clean her juices from it. Our peeper nearly dropped his popcorn.

After the movie, we slowly walked to my car hand in hand, and when we got there, I pushed her up against the car, rolled a condom on my already hard cock and took her, up against the car with her pretty ass pushing against the cold metal. She was so hot from my touches that she came right away, and I followed within three or four strokes into her. I just held her tight as I pulsed into her, held tight by her inner muscles.

We hurried back to her home, and she had her dress off before we cleared the living room and I was treated to a view of her hard little buns flexing as and squeezing together as the ran into her bedroom and dove into her bed. She giggled non-stop as I attacked all of her ticklish spots with a little fun foreplay.

She let me fuck her three times that night, but I ran out of condoms after the first time, and she allowed me to bareback her the other two times, and I came inside her at her insistence.

She made a breakfast of steamed rice, some of last night's miso soup, and rolled scrambled eggs, with green tea for her and coffee for me. I was beginning to fall in love with her and her cooking, and vowed a return engagement. I told her this, and we set up another dinner date for next week. She asked me to leave the condoms at home!

On Monday, I was barely cordial with Janet, and didn't share my weekend with her. I did ask her about her date with Tom and she said with a dreamy smile, "Nice! Very nice!" I guessed that I was supposed to infer, that she let Tom fuck her. I decided that I was through with her except as a valued employee. There was nothing else left between us.

I actually got a call from Tom wanting to set up a lunch with Jamie, and I threw a lot of fictitious activity in his face, and begged off for another time. Fat chance! I had no intention of maintaining a friendship with a guy who is happily engaged in fucking all my girlfriends.

In fact, when I was with Kim, I asked her not to accept any more dates from Tom and explained why. She was livid about what Tom was doing, and told me that she had already stopped seeing him; she thought that he was too arrogant. I filled my desktop calendar with all my dates with other women, where Janet could see it plainly it when she came into my office.

Janet was still pleasant, but business like. She asked if I could come over tonight, but I told her I was otherwise engaged, and we set it up an agreement to meet for Friday night—I was hesitant to call it a date! I called her on Thursday, and cancelled.

Thinking about my current situation, I realized I was living through a target rich period, after some droughts here and there. I was loving the attention from three girls right now. Diana might be number four, but I was putting her off for now, and just meeting her occasionally for lunch.

I even got a call from Becky crying in my ear that her boyfriend had blown her off, asking if she could come over. I gave Janet's Friday night to her, and asked her to bring an overnight bag, and we could spend Saturday together. I was getting hard just thinking about getting next to her luxurious body and kissing her pretty face.

My schedule continued this way for a while. Janet was beginning to become a little distant. She called Tom to replace me for that Friday night, and according to what she insinuated, was spending the weekend with him.

I called Tom for lunch, and he was available, I had to find out what the fuck was going on with him. I asked my buddy Jack to come along to be in the restaurant in case I needed backup.

He and I talked about two subjects: Janet, and Becca. He was unapologetic about seeing them, and told me that he was really more interested in Kim, but for some reason she had not been taking his calls for a while. I smiled to myself. I wanted to tell him that Kim was filling up my calendar right now, and I was filling her up, but I didn't.

Tom asked about Jill, and I looked at him and said with an incredulous look,

"Tom, how many of my girls are you going to fuck. I just met another one a week ago, do you want her number too." He got pissed and said loudly,

"Look, you little asshole, you are the one who keeps feeding them to me."

"Janet insisted that I give you her number ... not my idea you moron." I spit back at Tom, as he started to rise from his seat.

I saw Jack, who is much bigger and stronger than Tom start to rise to my defense, and I just held up my hand, indicating that I was okay. Tom noticed my big friend, and said quieter,

"Look, Jamie. I don't need to date Janet or Becca or any of your other castoffs, I have enough success on my own, so you can keep them all as far as I am fucking concerned!"

I just got up, threw a fifty on the table for the bill, and said, "Tom, you're an asshole!"

Jack and I left, and I treated him to lunch elsewhere else for his troubles. Jack and I are old friends, and I know that he would go through hell for me I would for him; we have done each other many personal favors. When I got back to work, Janet could tell that something was up with me, and asked what was wrong.

"I just told you boyfriend off, Janet. Can you bring in the latest software patches for me to approve?"

"Jamie, have a date with Tom this weekend we are going clubbing at the Fifth street pub, and I am spending Saturday and Sunday on his friend's yacht. What am I supposed to do now?"

She was referring to my comment about tuning Tom up at our lunch. I just said dispassionately,

"Bring me the patches ... keep your date!"

She ran back to her cubicle in tears, and I got hard looks from Casey and Margaret who both went over to comfort their supervisor. Then I called Becca and set up a lunch date with her. She happily accepted.

I spent some time after my meeting with Tom, thinking about Janet. I can't seem to get that little nerd out of my mind. I wanted to call her and apologize, but I thought it better to leave bad enough alone for today ... maybe lunch with her soon. I even thought about running to her and telling her that I don't want to see any other girls, but I knew that would be a mistake.

That night, I spent some time just sitting in my living room thinking through everything. I put on a little music ... Beethoven ... his seventh ... and pulled out a bottle of wine. I killed it, put on Beethoven's ninth, and grabbed another bottle. The Ode to Joy at the end, didn't bring me much joy!

~ ~ ~

Part Ten: Reconnecting with Janet.

I picked up Kim at her place, and took her out to dinner, she was very beautiful in a tiny black dress that fit her like skin, and her hair worn long, straight, and shimmery. She was a genuine stunner! She giggled as we walked into the restaurant, and a guy sitting with his wife dropped his fork watching her walk by with an elegant swish.

We talked as we dined about a lot of things. She asked me,

"Jamie, what ever happened to that pretty little girl with the rather large breasts? She works for you I think!"

"You mean Janet. Yes, she works for me and we even dated a little, but she is going out with Tom now ... she is his girlfriend, or one of them. In fact, she I spending the weekend with him, and they will be on some friend's yacht for the weekend."

"Oh, Jamie no! Those yacht trips are kind of a swap—a gang bang arrangement with his rich buddies. Becca went 'sailing' with him, and ended up getting passed around to five other guys repeatedly. She was so distraught, that she was crying her eyes out at work that next Monday. I had her in my office most of the morning, and she told me the whole thing, and we called the police—it was rape, but it might be hard to prove! You have to tell Janet not to go!"

"It's too late I think. They are going to the boat tomorrow morning early. But they are going clubbing at the fifth street pub tonight, so maybe we can intercept them. It would be more believable coming from you than from me. We are not exactly getting along right now."

"Oh yes! Jamie I will try, I like Janet—she is so sweet. We have to save her!"

Then she looked at me with her lovely oriental almond eyes, and asked, "Jamie, I know that you love her, and you know it too. So why are you with me, and Becca, and Anna and whomever? You should go to her, and pour out your heart to her. You should scoop her up in your arms, carry her away, and build a life with her."

"I do like her, she is sweet, I guess."

"Jamie, stop!" she scolded. "You know you love her! Look, I love being with you. You don't know what you do to me, and what an amazing man you are! You keep worrying about Tom, but let me tell you, Tom may be handsome and rich, and have jet-set friends, but he isn't even a good lover. You are much more desirable to me as a sex partner than he is. He was not that hard to give up, even before you asked me to."

She reached across the table and put her lovely hand on mine, and said,

"I don't want to give you up darling, and if you ever put a ring on my finger, I would be the happiest girl in the world. I would be with you in a heartbeat and have all the children you wanted, but you don't love me Jamie, you love Janet! I will warn her tonight, and maybe the three of us can spend the weekend together. I'll talk to her ... she will listen ... I know she will."

I paid the check when it came, and we left. I was early, so Kim and I went for a walk in the civic gardens by the court house, a favorite Zen place of hers. When we reached particular point, she stopped and said,

"This is the prettiest, and most romantic spot in the gardens. Kiss me Jamie!"

We stood in the midst of all this beauty, and I kissed Kim like I never kissed a girl before. I was so attracted to her sweetness and candor, as well as her great beauty. I slid my hands over her ass, and I knew that because her dress was so skin-tight she wasn't wearing panties.

I backed her up to a shaded garden wall, lifted her hem up, and fucked her quick and hard until she shuddered, and I pulsed my milky fluid into her. She held me tight with her ass and pussy exposed and just cried from the joy of being with me. Her eyes sparkled as she looked up into mine. I helped her straighten her dress, and we walked back to the car and headed for fifth street. She had to visit the ladies' room, since she was leaking.

We danced a couple of dances, and soon we saw Tom and Janet walk in, with Tom's arm proudly around her. She wore a very sexy dress ... short, tight, and showing a lot of her ample bosom! Kim waited for them to settle in, and even dance once. Then she got up and walked by, like she didn't know they were there. Then she said,

"Oh hi! Janet isn't it? Look darling, I was just on my way to power my nose, would you care to join me sweetie?"

A stunned Janet said, "Um, yeah. Sure." Kim wrapped her arm around Janet's and said to Tom, "I am just going to borrow your pretty girlfriend Tom honey, I will bring her back almost undamaged!" then she giggled as the two girls headed for the ladies' room.

I was in a part of our booth where Tom and Janet could not see me, but I could see them. Tom looked surprised when the girls left, and didn't know what to do, so he ordered drinks for Janet and himself.

The girls were gone for a long time. I wish I could have been in a stall listening to Kim talking to Janet, but I knew it would be awkward for Janet to come up with an excuse for tomorrow. Tom was getting antsy, and approached another girl for a dance, waiting for Janet and Kim to return.

After the dance, I saw the two girls returning from their confab, and they both sat at Tom's table. Tom returned the lady to her table, and returned to his own and was pleased to see the attractive Kim sitting with Janet.

I heard Janet tell Tom, "Tom honey, I forgot that Kim was taking me to a concert tomorrow ... I thought it was next week. Can we go sailing another weekend honey?

"And just what concert would that be?" Tom asked with a tinge of skepticism. Kim answered right away,

"Fall Out Boy! They are really hot, and the tickets cost me a ton." Then to Janet, "Darling, how could you forget? We talked about this last week. It took me three full days to get tickets, please don't stick me with them!"

"Oh, Kim, I am so sorry. Sailing sounded so good, I just forgot to check my calendar."

"No problem, I am sure Tom understands. Darling you will have to come back to my place tonight so we can meet the others for lunch before. We have to get there early or parking will be a nightmare! They are having a great before-party!" Then the very stunned Tom said,

"Well, sure Janet honey, sailing another time would work." Then to Kim, "Don't you owe me a dance Kim honey?" Kim laughed and replied,

"Why Tom, you sly fox. How can a girl resist all that manly charm? Come on baby let's do it."

They left Janet alone and headed to the dance floor. The tune was lively, and I was enjoying watching Kim dance ... she is very good, and eminently watchable in her sexy dress. I had all I could do to keep from going over and speaking to Janet, but if Tom saw me, he would know that something was up.

She was approached for a dance by a nice looking man, but she refused. I felt sorry for her, having her fun weekend plans shattered by the uber-bright and quick thinking Kim Nguyen. Tom and Kim stayed on the floor for a slow dance, and Kim let him touch her wherever he wished. In other words, she was falling on a grenade for Janet tonight.

I was fine with being left alone while Tom, Janet and Kim hung out and danced long enough for Kim to make excuses for herself and Janet, so they could leave. I am guessing that she explained that she was out stag tonight.

I saw Janet give Tom a sweet prolonged kiss as he squeezed her ass, and the girls left the club. I quickly took a side service entrance out of the club and walked around to the front to meet up with the girls. Janet was surprised to see me, and since she has stopped calling me Jamie at the office, she said,

"Boss! What are you doing here?"

Kim stepped in, and told her that she was on a date with me, and we decided to rescue her from a very uncomfortable weekend, being forced to give it up to whomever wanted her on the boat.

"Hi, Janet. You look lovely tonight!"

"Thanks, boss, um, Jamie!"

Then she gave me an actual smile as we quickly move to my car. Kim quickly got into the back, leaving Janet to join me in front. But she teased me from the backseat, playing with my ponytail. We drove back to Kim's place.

Kim put out plates of cheese, crackers, grapes, strawberries, black and green olives, and the three of us sat around her dining room table, and grazed on all the munchies, washing it all down with a nice Australian Syrah.

The girls laughed and talked and even fed grapes to each other. I mainly stayed out of the conversation, not wanting Janet to say something unkind to me for spoiling her date with Mr. Wonderful. But I did hazard a look in her direction after a while, and she returned my gaze with a pleasant look on her face. She said,

"Jamie, I want to thank you for giving up your date with Kim to look after me. I should have known that you were behind my rescue. So, thank you!"

I just nodded with a pleasant smile. Kim suggested that if I thought it was appropriate, I could share her bedroom with Janet. I told her the they should be girlfriends tonight, and I would be comfortable on the couch if that was okay. Janet just listened to my negotiation with Kim. I caught her looking at me a couple of times, but she looked away when I noticed.

The girls were tired, and Kim spread a sheet over her beautiful couch, and gave me a blanket and pillow. Since Janet didn't get her overnight bag from Tom's Jag, Kim pulled out lots of stuff for her to wear, including a shorty nightgown with matching frilly panties, that looked wonderful on her. They settled in the bedroom, and I took to the couch.

I fell asleep quickly, and it must have been about two hours later that I was awakened by a visitor to my little bed on the couch. I didn't open my eyes, but I knew it was Janet, by her aroma, and by the way her body felt. She slid under the cover, and pushed up against me, with her back to me.

She didn't move, and she didn't say anything, but apparently just wanted to be with me. I slid my hand around her waist and onto her stomach, afraid to make any more moves on her. We laid like that for over an hour, before Janet softly said,

"This feels nice, Jamie!" Then she nuzzled closer to me, and put her hand on top of mine, still resting lightly on her stomach. Her fingers were lightly massaging my hand, and I took a chance, and kissed her on the neck.

She just said, "Mmm, Nice!"

Then she turned around as well as she could without falling off the couch, and looked into my eyes. She fluttered her eyes closed and kissed me. Then just nuzzled her head against my chest. We heard footsteps coming into the living room and Kim's voice saying,

"What are you guys doing? Come on, you can both sleep in here. Then as she turned to walk back into her bedroom. Janet and I looked at each other and laughed. Janet said,

"We are alright out here, Kimmy!"

"Well ... come in I you want; I'm getting lonely in here!"

"Janet, I am okay, here. You keep Kim company tonight!"

"Alright Jamie!"

Janet rose and followed Kim into the bedroom. I would have loved to make love to Janet, but I didn't want to break the spell of something we might have started tonight. As soon as the door closed, I heard laughter, and torrents of giggles.

There was no concert for the girls to go to of course, so over breakfast we all decided to go swimming at the beach today. Janet and Kim were inseparable today, and they became very fast friends. Janet couldn't get enough of Kim's tiny silky body, and running her fingers through her long satiny black tresses.

Kim went into her bedroom to find some sports clothes for Janet, and in the meantime, Janet sought me out on the couch. I could tell she was nervous as she said,

"I want to thank you and Kim again for rescuing me from what Tom had planned for me. I also want to thank you for foregoing your date with Kim to help me! Kim and I had a ... a nice time together last night!" Then after several seconds,

"Tom isn't even a good lover ... sorry Jamie, he did seduce me a couple of times, but he doesn't hold a candle to you. I just dated him to get back at you—I was such a stupid little girl! I guess I wanted to hurt you a little by insisting that you give Tom my number!"

"You are not a stupid Janet... but it did hurt knowing you would be with another man! It was particularly hurtful because it was Tom, but I guess you knew that! I will always have your back, and so will Kim. She really likes you, so I would be happy to see the two of you become good friends ... regardless of what happens between us. And, Janet, I would prefer not to know about anything that happened between you and Tom!"

She just lowered her head and smiled shyly at that. Then Kim came with stuff for Janet and herself, and I had a front row seat to watching two of the loveliest naked creatures I know, getting dressed in front of me. The girls both shimmied into a couple of Kim's bathing bikini bathing suits, but Janet was overflowing her top, since Kim is smaller.

It was so obvious, that she decided to leave the top behind in favor of a long, thick T-shirt that covered her well. I walked up to Janet, and pushed her little curl off her forehead, and kissed her sweetly on the forehead. She teared up and hugged me so I wouldn't see her cry, and she said, tearfully,