Jean - The Birth of Venus Ch. 21


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Once he left that day, I opened up the controller and moved all the settings to the maximum. Thanks to my changes, the controller ramped up to its new maximum settings within five minutes. It meant that I had an orgasm only five or six minutes after the beginning of my session. A second followed, maybe three minutes later. After the short warm-up, I had regular orgasms less than two minutes apart.

The last week of the Art Exposition, the counter indicated I was having around twenty-five orgasms during each of my fifty minute long sessions. The Exposition hours had been extended to handle the crowds. I posed for a dozen sessions each day. I'll let you do the math. My cellmate had joked that by the end of the summer, my pussy would be tough enough to bend the iron bars of our cell, and we could escape.

I'd laughed after my first session with the more powerful settings. The Engineer had been wrong. I hadn't had any problems handling the increased stimulation, and I experienced a new level of ecstasy. Even when my handlers had been delayed by an accident while enjoying a rare lunch out, I'd only experienced a little unpleasant but completely bearable warmth in my clit ring after an hour and a half of fantastic sexual gratification.

At the time, I'd had no reason to believe that the Gala would be any different. I watched myself in the movie as my face quickly lost the blissful expression painted by Botticelli nearly five centuries ago. My whole body exploded with lust as I became a writhing pagan version of Venus, the goddess of sex. Any thoughts of holding my rigid pose went out the window even before my first orgasm, just before the five-minute mark. My fingers of one hand began strumming my throbbing clit while my other hand began twisting and tugging on my hard nipple.

I was shocked as the camera zoomed in on my sex. I saw myself as my audience had seen me. My long blond braid was attached to a ring on my hand and was supposed to cover my private parts. After the first few minutes, neither my moving hand nor my wig hid my wet slit from the cheering crowd any longer. Everyone could see the thick black dildo rapidly thrusting into my vagina. Even the gold ring around my clit was regularly exposed as my fingers strummed back and forth across the throbbing organ.

While I was on display as Venus, I tried not to think about what I looked like to the howling mob. It was worse than I could have imagined. Oh, God, it was far worse. I glanced at my mother's expression and tried to distinguish between horror and disgust. I finished my drink and grabbed the bottle. I used two hands to control my shaking as I refilled my glass to the top.

Every few minutes, the dildo was designed to shoot warm lubricant deep into my vagina. As I watched a frothy mix of creamy white oil and my juices bubbled out around the big black dildo and ran down my trembling thigh. My head was tilted back in a scream as a controller display indicated I was having my fifth orgasm after less than fifteen minutes. It had been less than two minutes since my last one, and the next would follow after a similar interval.

Thankfully, the editor had cut out a lot of repetitious material. The camera slowly panned around the room. The crowd had become more boisterous as the bartenders raced to keep everyone supplied with their favorite alcoholic beverage.

When the camera came back around to my display, the controller indicated I was approaching my 104th orgasm in a little under two hours.

A change for the Gala was the presence of one of my handlers sitting beside my display. She was writing numbers on a chalkboard. As I watched, Chris Okazaki, the Santa Teresa Municipal Judge who had threatened me with eighteen years in state prison, walked up and talked to my handler. After a brief exchange with the Japanese-American Board member for the Art Exposition, the volunteer entered a new number at the top of the chalkboard.

My experience the night of the Gala was similar to every other time I had posed as Venus. After the first few orgasms, I fell into a trance. Between orgasms, I panted for breath, trying to recover before another, more intense orgasm washed over me. My fingers were twisting and pulling on my nipple as I screamed when the next orgasm followed less than a minute after the last one. I lost track of time as my body writhed on the dildo, simultaneously assaulting my pussy and anus. The electrical pulses between the dildo and the gold band around my clit repeatedly flashed through my most sensitive tissue. My sweaty body convulsed with each stroke of lightning, and I began orgasming almost continuously. I lost track of time. At some point, I was aware the gold band around my clit felt hot from the rapid and potent electrical shocks, but the next orgasm wiped out any coherent thought.

My mom's eyes were locked on the powerful dildo thrusting into my dripping vagina. The counter on the wall indicated that it was my 105th orgasm that evening. A large crowd was cheering me on and fighting to insert the next token in the controller. I groaned as I watched my mother's trembling lips. A tear slid down her cheek.

I heard a gong being struck as my body shook uncontrollably with my most intense orgasm yet. The dildo stopped pulsing, and I slumped forward, panting to catch my breath. I heard someone excitedly yell that 106 orgasms were a Guinness record as the curtain came down to conceal my quivering body. Maggie held a water bottle to my mouth, and I swallowed the cool liquid as I tried to recover.

My team leader could be heard on the movie apologizing. "I'm sorry you had to stay on display for nearly two hours. Attendance at the Gala is much larger than usual, and everyone wanted to spend time watching the exhibits."

I grinned back at her but couldn't find the strength to tell her I enjoyed every minute of it. In truth, I wanted more. I would have gladly ridden the big fucking black dildo for the rest of eternity.

My team unfastened my bindings and carefully lifted me off my mount. As they carried me out of my booth, I caught a glimpse of the chalkboard as my team leader brought it inside. The top entry was Brown 3200. I wondered if it was my uncle's bid. Below his name was Tatupu 3000 and Okazaki 2900. Why were the mayor and the loathsome judge on the Board with my uncle?

Oh, God, the film just kept getting worse. At the time, I had no idea what the purpose of the numbers on the chalkboards around the hall was. Now, I knew they were conducting a silent auction for the chance to fuck the Exhibition actresses. Now, I knew what was coming and hoped my mother wouldn't have a heart attack.

When I was taken back to my dressing room, I thought I was finished with the damn Art Exposition. I had completed the community service imposed by the judge in exchange for dropping the bogus charges. I had hoped tomorrow or the next day at the latest that I would be on a flight home. I had no idea it would be weeks before I escaped from my aunt's clutches.

My mom glanced at the half-full reel of film remaining and shuddered. Unfortunately, I knew what horrors were on it. Things would never be the same between us. I wondered if my mother would ever talk to me again. She had disowned her sister for far less.

Chapter 58

The film showed me in my dressing room, where my handlers cleaned me up and let me nap in a dark room. My team was laughing when they came back sometime later. They had all been eating and drinking and were happy another successful Exhibition had concluded. They had a plate of food from the banquet for me, but I could only pick at it. Once I pushed the food away, they began repairing my makeup.

"I thought I was done."

Maggie said, "Almost. We're going to conclude the Gala with you made up for the painting known as 'Leda and the Swan' with some changes to the myth suggested by the Art Exhibition Committee."

I remembered being too tired to object when my handlers fastened my hands and arms into a feathered wing harness that strapped around my abdomen. I struggled but failed to free my hands from the bindings. All I managed to do was flap my wings a few inches. I was confused. My recollection from my class in art history of 'Leda and the Swan' was that Zeus disguised himself as a swan to mate with the young maiden against his wife's wishes.

The blond wig I wore as Venus was replaced by a helmet covered with white feathers. A feather garment covered the harness on my back and abdomen but left my bare breasts exposed. Feathered leggings covered me from my feet up to mid-thigh, leaving my ass and hairless pussy exposed. A butt plug with gorgeous full tail feathers was worked into my ass.

The final insult was a beak that was strapped over my mouth. Someone pinched my ass, and I let out a shriek. The beak transformed my shriek into the plaintiff call of a Trumpeter Swan.

I watched myself being led out into a deserted Exhibition Hall. Maggie said we had a few minutes before the banquet concluded, and a select audience of committee members, auction winners, and important guests would return to the hall. I was brought to the small circular stage in front of my cubicle. The dais now held a black rock with a horizontal "T" shaped mount padded with thick wool fleece. My hips rested against the crosspiece of the mount. My wing harness was clipped to the long piece of the 'T,' which ran up between my bare dangling breasts. I felt my knees forced apart and strapped down. My feathered ass was sticking up, and I felt a cool breeze on my moist pussy. A fan mounted on the platform ruffled the feathers on my costume.

My attempt at a protest only resulted in another pitiful honk. Only my head was free to move, and I twisted it around to survey the room as the dais began to rotate. I wanted to understand what was happening and looked at my team leader with pleading eyes. Maggie was uncharacteristically silent. I forced myself to take slow deep breaths as I waited for the return of the audience. I had plenty of time to think about my situation, but I couldn't understand why I was dressed as a swan.

I saw the other actresses being led to their exhibit booths and heard protests as they were strapped into place. I noticed every booth had a chalkboard in front with last names.

My dusky cellmate, Sonya Ramirez, walked with her head down as her handlers led her to her booth where she had spent the summer portraying 'The Naked Maji.' She started struggling when she saw the chalkboard. The first and second entries were Ramirez. I didn't know how common Ramirez was in Santa Teresa. Still, I knew her father, Miguel Ramirez, the city council president, and her uncle, Sebastián Ramirez, my defense attorney. Both of them were members of the Art Exhibition Board and visibly enjoying the Gala.

Watching her curse and fight her team as they fastened her limbs to the bed, I wondered if she knew something I didn't. She was a native of Santa Teresa and had worked as a support volunteer in previous years, so she was familiar with the Exhibition. Still, my uncle had changed so many traditions that she looked mystified as I was.

Lanuola Tatupu, the Chief of Police's daughter, had played a Tahitian girl in Paul Gauguin's 'Nevermore,' and she let out a scream when she saw the uncommon name Tatupu in both first and third place on her chalkboard. The common name Smith was the second one on her board.

Amani Okazaki, the Judge's Asian daughter, who had played 'The Dream of the Fishermen's Wife' began sobbing when she saw her family name first on her board. She didn't put up a fight. Maybe she thought whatever atrocity was in store for her wasn't as horrific as being fucked in every opening by the rubbery tentacles of a mechanical octopus.

Hanna Schmidt, the mayor's daughter, who's wide open pussy was on display in 'The Origin of the World' spit on her chalkboard as she walked past it. Her entries followed the pattern. The first and second names were Schmidt.

Mary McDonald, the Art Professor's daughter, was wearing a collar. She was chained to a metal ring in what had been my booth. Her chalkboard didn't follow the pattern. The three names on her chalkboard were all the same. They were the last name of the porn star who had been fucking her all summer. She was smiling when they laid her on a bed. I remembered how hard she had fought him at the beginning of the summer. The performance art piece had slowly changed from rape to love. Mary had told me that they planned to be married as soon as the Exhibition was over.

My aunt Cathy and Dorthey, the lesbian committee member, walked into the room and headed straight for me. I let out a couple of sharp honks when Dorthey's hand immediately went to the wet cleft between my thighs.

I struggled against my harness and made a few plaintiff bleats as Dorthey worked a couple of fingers inside my vagina, which was still distended from riding the fat dildo. Cathy's hand cradled my chin and lifted my head.

Cathy looked me in the eye as she'd said, "I imagine you are a little confused by our retelling of the Greek myth. In the original story, Zeus wanted the beautiful maiden Leda, but Hera would not allow the union. Zeus turned himself into a swan and secretly mated with Leda.

"In our retelling, Hera turned Leda into a swan to hide her from Zeus. The king of the gods asked Hebe, his daughter, for help. She told her father that Leda was swimming in an enchanted forest pond that rendered Leda invisible to Zeus. Hebe offered to bind Leda to a rock on the magical pond's shore, so her father could see his prize. Zeus found Leda and mated with her. As you will see, our living animation turns the myth on its head. It will show the mating of Zeus with Leda as a swan."

I knew there were dozens of paintings of the myth showing a naked Leda coupling with a swan. The suggested bestiality of the artworks is generally overlooked. I dreaded what I suspected was coming.

The door opened, and a much smaller crowd flowed into the room from the banquet hall. Once everyone settled down, fanfare played, and my uncle strode into the room. He wore a mask and a crown of olive branches. Otherwise, he was naked and covered in gold paint except for his enormous uncircumcised black cock erect and dripping precum. His black balls were massive and tight against the base of his cock.

He walked to a microphone and said, "Welcome to the after Gala party for the winners of the silent auction, members of the Board and their special guests. Once I kick off the celebration, the winners can claim their prizes."

He strolled over to my platform and bent down to whisper in my ear. His huge hands cupped my face.

"I've been infatuated with you from the moment I saw you, but my wife refused to let me fuck you. I think it's fitting we're re-enacting 'Leda and the Swan.' Now that you have been transformed into a swan, I'll finally have my way.

I was horrified at the thought of being raped in front of the leering crowd that filled the hall. I honked furiously in protest as his hands slid from my face and cupped my dangling breasts. When he pinched and pulled my nipples, I produced a series of long, loud squawks and jerked against my restraints. My wings fluttered as I continued to honk my futile protest. Everyone in the room assumed it was part of the act and laughed in anticipation of what they hoped would follow.

The crowd began shouting encouragement as my uncle knelt behind me and grabbed the horns of my hips. I squirmed as he slid the fat tip of his big black cock through the folds of my wet pink pussy. My body jerked when the fat mushroom head hit my clit. My beak transformed my scream into a sharp screech. I shrilly honked as he drove his bare cock into my tender vagina with one firm thrust. Thank God, the gigantic dildo had left my tender pussy stretched and ready for a real cock.

Tears dripped from my eyes as my uncle arched his back, trying to push his cock deeper into my womb. Cheers echoed off the walls of the large hall. After a moment, I felt every inch of his fat cock slowly slide back to the entrance of my pussy. He paused with just the tip inside before driving it back in with a wet slap as his crotch bounced off my ass. Another shrill honk punctuated the slap. Soon my uncle was thrusting rapidly into my unprotected vagina. His fingers slid around to the top of my slit and began strumming the gold band wrapped around my hard clit. The walls of the Exhibition Hall echoed with my frantic squawking.

My mother interrupted my reminiscing about my uncle's hard fuck. "Your infernal honking is annoying." She reached out a hand and turned the movie's volume down halfway. I was thunderstruck. Was that the extent of her reaction to her black brother-in-law raping me in front of an immense cheering crowd of strangers? She'd said she had watched it twice already. Maybe repetition and several whiskeys had dulled her objections.

I watched as my uncle drove his cock into me so hard, he made the platform shake. His crotch slapped against my sweaty ass over and over with a loud smacking sound. Each wet smack was punctuated with a sharp honk from my mouth. I remembered that I had fought hard against yielding to the orgasm my uncle was trying to drag out of me. Now, I could almost smell the sharp odor of our sweaty bodies as he fucked me hard. In the end, all I could do was honk pitifully as my body betrayed me. My uncle never missed a beat as he fucked me through my orgasm.

I had been bound so tight I couldn't move a muscle except for my flapping wings and my quivering vagina. My only way to participate was to squeeze his thrusting cock as hard as I could. My uncle's warm cock was fucking me far better than The Electrician's fancy dildo. I remembered hoping he would fuck me forever. It had been far too long since I had a real cock in my pussy.

As the dais spun around, I saw some of the football players I had teased during our morning jogs crowding around and yelling encouragement as they waited for their turns.

Around the room, all of the actresses were now engaged with the silent auction winners.

I saw Sonya strapped to her exhibition bed being hammered by her father. As my platform rotated further, I saw the mayor coupling with Lanuola, the sweet daughter of Manu Tatupu, who was listed next on my board.

Amani Okazaki was receiving the attention of a human cock for what had to be a welcome change from the rubber tentacles of the mechanical octopus. It took me a couple of platform rotations to realize the skinny ass between her thighs belonged to her stern father, Judge Okazaki.

Hanna Schmidt, the mayor's daughter, was being serviced by her brother, Patrick, who had given me pleasure on the beach shortly before my arrest.

The pace of my discordant honking steadily increased as my arousal grew until I climaxed with a cacophony of strident screeches. Another cheer from the crowd greeted my desperate honks. My wings were fluttering so rapidly that I would have soared into the air if I hadn't been securely tied down.

My uncle's reaction was to fuck me harder, hammering his fat hard cock into my spasming pussy. I could see him move one hand around to my hairless slit. I remember him seizing the gold band around my clit and jerking on my nub like it was a tiny cock. His other hand grabbed my breast, and his wicked fingers twisted and pulled on my nipple. I honked wildly at the intense stimulation.

It wasn't long before I came again and then again until my body didn't stop shaking from one orgasm before the next one overwhelmed me.

My uncle's big black cock was jackhammering into my spasming vagina. I had been amazed at his endurance and hoped he would fuck me forever. I hadn't had sex with a man in nearly two months. The last time was at the Santa Teresa beach when the city fathers had entrapped me and forced me to accept a plea deal.