Jeep Hair Don't Care


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"Let's pull some pork shoulder." I reply, as I peek out the side of the shower curtain still shooting my cum into the shower. As I do so, I grimace as the shower water hits me just right.

"Are you ok? You look like you're in pain." Donna states.

"Just some sunburn."

"Let me help." Donna says, and walks up to me. "What got sunburned?"

"My back."

"Well, turn around, and I'll put some aloe on it right now, then more later." Donna directs.

Donna pulls the curtain aside, and I turn away from her.

"Yup, let's get that burn covered quickly."

Donna is soon returning the favor to me as she rubs my entire backside, top to bottom.

"Thanks. I'll be out shortly." I tell Donna, not wanting her to see my newly hardened dick.


However, the curtain is left open as she walks away, so I have to pull it closed on my own. I turn to do so, exposing my cock for a brief moment, and see Donna looking at my hardness as the curtain is closed by me.

"Good luck with that, as well." I hear Donna say.


I have jerked off twice in a row so quickly, but I don't last long the second time. Knowing Donna saw me is just too much for my mind and body to handle. I don't squirt nearly as much as the first time, but the sensation is still incredible.

Having cleaned up, I throw on some shorts and head out to the living area. Rather than finding Donna there, I see her on the deck. I head out and sit in a chair next to her.

"Need more aloe like I do?" She asks.


"Well, stand up, and I'll re-apply on you."

I stand up, in shorts only, and Donna stands behind me to rub more onto my back. As she gets to my ass, I feel her insert her hands inside the waistband and rub all over me. She feels so good, but I'm holding out hope I can't get hard again.

"Okay, skinny man, I need more now."

As I turn around, I can feel my cock dripping. I'm not getting hard, but the drip is there so I know the blood is flowing. Donna turns, and lifts her shirt up off her back so I can rub her back. Facing the lake, her tits are still covered by her pajama top. I work my way down, and she lowers her shirt as I make progress. As I get to her shorts, her shirt now completely covers her ass. This allows her to do the once unthinkable. Donna pulls her shorts down, and steps out of them. As before, I kneel down and rub down her legs. Finishing, I stand.

"I have a little left on my hands. Let me rub your arms." I tell Donna.

"Sounds good. My elbows even got sunburned."

Rubbing the rest of the lotion from my hands onto her arms, I slow down to finish. Donna turns to face me, and I feel a breast hit my fingers. My fingers respond on their own and lightly push on a nipple.

"I think I'm done here. Thanks for that." Donna says, facing me, still bottomless.

"Aside from needing ice and gas, we should be good for tomorrow. We can stop at the bait shop as we head out."

"Alright, well, sleep well. Once my skin absorbs this lotion, I'm headed to bed." Donna replies as we walk inside.

"Donna? Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." She stops to look at me.

"I would like to kiss you. Will you let me know when it's okay to do so? I don't want to come across as pushy or rude."

"I would like that, as well, and I will certainly let you know when." And with that, Donna walks in, leaving me to think about what I just did.

Looking around, I see Donna's shorts on the deck. I pick them up, and head inside. Seeing Donna's door slightly open, I walk over and knock on it.

"Donna, do you want your shorts?" I speak into the room. Not hearing her, I push the door a little more open. Peeking inside, I still don't see her.

"Donna?" I ask once more. "Do you want your shorts?" Still, no answer.

"Donna?" I say, pushing the door with my body. I decide to throw her shorts on the bed.

As I enter, so does Donna from her closet, and now completely naked. I've only seen women naked in magazines, so the sight of her pussy is a shock of sorts. Unlike the magazines, she is trimmed nice and neat. I stop myself in my tracks.

"Ummm, do you want your shorts? Oh, shoot. Let me just leave now."

"Sure, I need them." Donna walks right up to me, completely naked, without covering herself and take the shorts from me. I turn to leave, probably with a new level of sunburned embarrassment covering my body.

"Sleep well." I hear from behind me.

"You, too." I reply as naturally as possible.

"Hey, I'm ready for that kiss, but I'll be the one doing the kissing. Just stand there." Donna directs.

Standing there in just a pair of running shorts, barely 20 year old me is kissed by a completely naked woman. In this otherworldly experience, I simply kissed her lips and imagined that body wrapped around me. Never having fucked before, my imagination is only so good. Somewhere, deep in my mind, I know I will have her. Somehow, she will take from me what no other woman has ever wanted.

The press of her lips on mine is short, but I know I will remember it forever as she climbed into her bed.

"Sleep well, captain. Remember, this is just the prelude."

As I think about what that means, I head off to bed. Even if I could manage another erection, I'm too tired to do anything about it. Donna has truly exhausted me, physically and mentally.

The anticipation of being around Donna wakes me early. It is me making the coffee this time, and opening the kitchen window blinds to welcome the new day. And it's Donna coming in just a little later to drink some coffee while I prepare some breakfast. Just the sight of her brings me a new happiness I've never experienced before. Watching her move is a joy unlike anything I've ever felt.

I'm able to load the boat quickly and we head out in the boat with the jet ski in tow. At the bait shop, we load up with ice and gas. Donna sits in the captain's chair the entire time, and drives us off much to the amazement of the shop staff. It was either her skills, or her bikini showing off what was left of her tan lines.

No matter the reason, I was more than content to sit by her side and enjoy the scenery.

"What's up with you today?" Donna inquires.

"I'm anticipating what you have in store. I'll just enjoy the ride to get there."

"Well, that's for tomorrow. Today, I'm ready to ride that jet ski, then chill in one of our coves."

"Sounds perfect. Why don't you get in now?"

As the boat slows to a start, I pull in the jet ski and untie it. Donna pulls on her life vest, then pulls her bikini top out from under it. I could die now, and my life would be complete. Once on the jet ski, Donna motors off behind the boat, and I take the wheel. As I churn up the water behind the boat, Donna speeds around the wake and rides the jet ski like a champ through the waves. The jet ski is a one person, stand up version, so she gets thrown around quite a bit, but seems to be having quite a good time.

I wave to her, then slow the boat. Coming alongside, Donna jumps on board the boat.

"Your turn." She says, handing me her life vest.

Even after the past 24 hours, the sight of her tits is very much welcome. I might never tire of seeing her perky nipples on those small breasts. Focusing on her, I put the vest on and jump onto the jet ski. I head back behind the boat, and am surprised to see Donna driving the boat and still very much topless. I wave at her to move forward, and she obliges by taking off.

On the jet ski, I am able to quickly catch up and start riding the wake. I do have one big problem. All I can see is Donna, her tits, and not much else. My first wipeout happens early and often. It doesn't help when we pass another boat on the right and she doesn't even attempt to hide her tits. When we pass another boat, Donna even stands up and waves at me. I wipe out instantly.

Seeing one of our favorite coves on the right, I wave at Donna to head that way. We both head into the small area, and tie off the boat and jet ski. Setting up like we always do, there is one small difference. Donna has remained topless the entire time, and hasn't even tried to cover up.

We spend the rest of the afternoon together, just like this. We seem to enjoy each other's company, and in no way does she appear uncomfortable. In fact, when she turns over to sun her ass, I'm able to simply relax and not worry about anyone else seeing.

Driving the boat back, with Donna laying out up front again, I'm not sure tomorrow can top today, but she has promised something big. At the dock, she ties off the boat, and carries stuff up to the house. Somehow, she has become brave enough to remain topless while doing so. I figure I better act normally, because someone might find out we're cousins.

As we cook dinner, I am able to hide my disappointment when Donna comes back outside in her pajamas.

"I do have a hint about tomorrow." Donna tells me over dinner. "Tomorrow is July 14th."

"All I can come up with is Bastille Day. Did you study French, or something like french fashion?" I say, after a little thought.

"It might be somewhat French inspired, but definitely has nothing to do with France." She replies.

"Well, in any case, I am enjoying the anticipation. How about one more hint?"

"Let's just say I'll be ready for you to kiss me. That's all I got."

"So, it will be July 14th, and I get to kiss you. That's all I need to know. I cannot wait to taste your lips back on mine." I tell Donna.

"You good to jet ski again tomorrow? You had a rough time today." Donna eggs me on.

"Yeah. I'll focus on the waves more tomorrow."

"We'll see about that." Donna tells me as we clean up. "See you in the morning. By the way, I like my coffee a little stronger than that version of water you prepared today."

"Challenge accepted." I reply, as I watch Donna walk off to her room.

Despite my mind being full of ideas of what Donna has in store for tomorrow, I get my final business project together. I'll be able to turn it in on time next Monday. I've never been ready for a major grade so soon. Even with my internal drive, I often enjoy the last minute fixes to such major projects. I might revisit the work after tomorrow. With that plan in mind, I head off to bed.

Just like July 13th the day before, I wake up early, mostly out of anticipation of seeing Donna, and just being with her. I strengthen the coffee, and get some breakfast ready. Realizing she still hasn't gotten out of bed, I open all the windows and go sit on the deck with a really, really strong cup of coffee.

After watching the birds out on the lake from the deck, I hear the door to the deck open. I continue staring out.

"This coffee is much better today." I hear from behind me."

"I'm glad you approve." I reply, still looking out. I can feel Donna come beside me.

Then, my eyes become completely wide open as a totally naked Donna sits beside me, coffee in hand.

"Happy July 14th." She says ever so quietly.

"Indeed. Now I need some context." I say as I scan her body.

"Today is National Nude Day, celebrated every July 14th."

I sit there, naked cousin right next to me. I need a moment to digest this.

"So? You're? Naked?...." I start.

"All day. Yes. I've been wanting to do this ever since I heard of it. You are the perfect person to help me." Donna interrupts.

"All day?" I am speechless, and I need to figure this out.

"Don't overthink it. It's just a day to go about everyday life, only doing it naked. Some people do everything naked, even going to work, or the grocery store, or whatever. Me? I just want to hang out on the lake. Naked." Donna explains.

"And me? How do I dress?"

"However you feel comfortable. I'd love to have a naked you next to a naked me, especially when you kiss me." Donna smiles at me. "Just take your time like I did this morning, and I'll be ready to support you when you need."

"I was wondering what took you so long this morning. Let's get going."

While I'm glad we got enough gas and ice yesterday, part of me still wonders how a stop at the bait shop would have gone today. I am curious exactly what Donna is up to doing. I'm guessing it's not so much about the sex, but just the experience of being nude on a specific day in public. On the lake, I guess we'll be safe, but I have no doubt certain boundaries are being explored. I find out very quickly.

At the boat dock, we load our gear and Donna unties the jet ski.

"I'm gonna head out now while the water is calm. No need for a vest in these conditions, and I'll keep the speed down. Just stay behind me." Donna directs.

With that, we head out. I'm in pursuit of a naked woman on a jet ski, and the sight of her ass amazes me. I pull out of her wake, and then alongside so I can watch her enjoy the jet ski. Soon, we are racing over the glass at an exhilarating speed. At our first cove, we pull over and tie down the boat and jet ski.

"Thank you so much." Donna says as she embraces me. "That was so much fun."

"Well, you answered my first question. I have a few more." I say as we separate.

"Like what?"

"Well, you definitely are riding naked. I figured that out all by myself. Do you stay that way, or put on a vest for safety later today? What happens when someone follows you? Besides everything that might happen in public, what happens when I ask you to take my virginity? Will you want to be alone with me? I'm so wondering what today means for us." I tell Donna.

"What today means is that I'm exploring my own controls, and you're along for the ride. You just have to trust me, just like I told you last week. Sex with you is definitely on my mind as well, but I won't force it. If it happens, so be it. If not, today will still be a ton of fun."

At the boat, we are able to move our cooler and chairs out. As we walk to the beach, Donna stops and looks at me.

"Will you kiss me here?"


There, in waist-deep water, I take hold of Donna by her hips and pull her to me. As I feel her tits hit my stomach, I bend down and lean in to touch her lips with mine. I kiss her very lightly, and more forcefully as if not wanting to let go. In fact, I begin exploring her mouth with my tongue and wrap an arm around her back. I can feel the entirety of her body against mine, and she moves her tongue past mine into my mouth.

Releasing Donna back into our created reality, she continues on to the beach and settles into her chair as I move the cooler around. I am able to scan every part of her, especially when she parts her legs. Never having kissed one, I know I want to taste all of Donna.

"Licking your lips for a reason?" She asks me as I stare.

"Yes. I want to taste all of you. There, I said it. Is that too much.?"

"Patience, cousin, patience. That's all I have to say, except that your kiss definitely was a winner. I'll probably want more."

From there, I was more than content to enjoy Donna and her company. As the day continued, Donna simply remained naked, and, almost like yesterday, seemingly unaware of her own skin.

" I have something to share with you. At this time, you may watch. No need to speak." Donna tells me. Getting out of her chair, she sits down in the water, facing me, and separates her legs.

"If you didn't know it, I'm really turned on right now. You can tell by how much my pussy is extended out due to blood rushing into it." As she shows me her most intimate parts, Donna fully opens her legs, and pushes a finger into herself.

"This won't take long." I'm unable to speak as I just watch Donna open herself for me and plunges a finger in, and then pulls it out quickly. Her rhythm gains speed, and I watch her body convulse for me. Leaning back, Donna looks at me and another orgasm overtakes her body.

"One more." Donna says, puts her fingers back in, and then moans over and over as she makes herself cum again while I watch.

"That is all. I hope you enjoyed the show." Donna finishes, and returns to sit by my side. I enjoy replaying that in my mind as we sit there.

As the lake filled with more people than we'd seen most of the week, I actually looked forward to watching Donna navigate the boat back to the house.

Instead, she surprised me by taking the jet ski, without a vest, and headed back on her own. In the boat, I had a decision to make. Do I stay behind, mostly out of sight, or get close enough to enjoy the moment with her? I decide to split the difference by hanging back for awhile, then close the gap as we get closer to the house. Either way, the looks on the different boaters, even people on various beaches is priceless. I see a few topless girls on party barges, but I don't think they're celebrating National Nude Day.

At the dock, I'm greeted by Donna who ties me off with barely a care in the world. We head up to the house and clean up our gear. As we work on the deck, I loosen my shorts in the hope they'll fall down.

"I'm cooking. Your choice tonight." I tell Donna.

"Surprise me." She replies.

That's all I need to hear, and drop my shorts.

"Surprise." I say and Donna lets out one of her patented Aggie whoops.

"What's all the hullabaloo about?" I ask.

"Funny. Let's party." Donna replies to my Aggie joke.

And party we do. I turn on some music, and we dance around the kitchen and on the deck as we cook dinner. We get closer and closer to each other the more we move around. More than feeling sexual, just being in close proximity feels so right.

With food on the grill, I head inside and find Donna at the sink. I get behind her, and grab her hips. Picking her up is easy, and I place her on the counter next to the sink.

"I need a taste of you. With your permission, of course." I say, looking into Donna's eyes.

"You may proceed." Comes the response, and Donna parts her legs, placing her knees on either side my hips.

"Thank you." I reply as I approach her face with my lips. Her mouth is soft and welcoming, and we kiss each back passionately. Cupping her tits in my hands, I squeeze her nipples between my fingers, then move my mouth to suck on her. Her already hard nipples become even more engorged with blood, and become somewhat puffy in appearance. I kiss each breast softly and move side to side to suck on each nipple.

Leaning back, Donna pushes my head farther down. Taking the hint, I kiss her stomach as I begin to kneel in front of her. With her pussy squarely in front of my face, I look up at her and then plunge my tongue into her. She is both smooth and unexpectedly soft on my tongue. I take my time and lick all over every single part.

"You're a natural. You feel so good. How do I taste?"

"I would've stopped if you didn't taste good. You are so delicious. I want to eat you all night long.

"Well, your dinner might burn then, Mr. Chef."

I look up at Donna, then over at the door, then back up at Donna. I resume eating her, then quickly stand and run to save the dinner on the grill. I hear her laughing behind me.

As I pull the food off the grill, Donna walks up next to me.

"Were you serious about wanting me to take your virginity?" She asked.

"Even if you don't want to, this has been the best day of my life. I really want to fuck you for so many reasons, but mostly because I'm in love with you. I don't care about us being cousins, but I'll understand if you need to draw the line somewhere."

"Oh, with some rules in place, I think we can have a whole bunch of fun over the next few weeks. But, what happens after that?" Donna asks.

"I'm afraid we'll have to go our separate ways. I certainly don't expect marriage." I say. "I just really want you."

"Well, then let today mark the beginning of a sexual experience we may never have again. I want to taste more of you, and taking your virginity will be my pleasure. Let's go eat."

After dinner inside, Donna takes our plates to the kitchen, then returns to me. Getting onto the table, she spreads her legs in front of me, and moves her body close to mine.