Jim and Cheryl Ch. 02


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Early Friday morning Jan called and said she wanted to go over a few things with me but her day was booked solid. She was wondering if we could get together for dinner to talk about my divorce. Of course, I accepted. I certainly didn't have anything on my books for the evening. I was alone at a spa motel and my precious little Cheryl was flying out with monster cock at 10:00am that day. I set up to meet with Jan for a 6:00 dinner at La Casita Mexican restaurant.

After a nice breakfast at the spa, I checked out and headed home since I knew that Cheryl would be leaving straight from work that morning heading to the airport. On the way home I stopped by the home improvement store to pick up new locks for all the doors and a dozen new moving boxes. I've always been pretty handy around the house and was looking forward to changing all the locks myself.

Once home, I unpacked my suitcase and started loading up boxes of Cheryl's stuff as neatly as I could. I thought about just throwing stuff into the boxes all helter skelter. I even had the idea of even breaking a few things on purpose. But then I thought that would just give her a reason to be pissed off at me. Packing things neatly would hopefully rub it in that she was losing a pretty great guy.

I tried to picture her shedding tears as she unpacked each box. After packing up all her clothes and the stuff she had in the bathroom, I neatly labeled each box with a general description of the contents. Then in the kitchen I made myself a little lunch. It sure was peaceful sitting on my deck eating a grilled cheese sandwich and thinking about the future.

Only four days earlier I discovered that my wife who I thought was faithful and loving was really a company whore. She had been having dirty sex with other men every single week since starting her new job four years ago. I know I should be sad that my 16 years of marriage were over and totally destroyed. But for some reason, I was just angry and looking forward to the confrontation that would be taking place a week from tomorrow. I'll needed to think about how I wanted to handle it.

After lunch, I walked through the house packing up things that I thought Cheryl might want. Little knickknacks, collectables, photographs and such. I knew that at some point I would need to let her come to the house with a third-party escort and pick up anything I might have missed. For now, I was convinced that I had everything she needed to get her out of my hair for a while. I neatly stacked the ten full boxes in Cheryl's SUV and shut the door on her part of my married life. It was actually sort of cathartic.

So here it was now late Friday afternoon already and I was kind of surprised that Cheryl hadn't even tried to call me from the time I left on Tuesday until now. I found out she had taken the kids to my folks on Thursday afternoon. You would think she would have had time to give me a call before she left for the left coast. I suppose she was too excited about spending another week with a big dick in each of her holes that she hadn't even thought about me.

And of course, there was no way I was going to call her. I knew that sometime during the next week I would need to call her once or twice just to keep up appearances. She of course still had no idea that I knew what she had been doing for the past four years. I needed to keep her in the dark until I had all my ducks in a row.

That evening I before going to dinner with Jan, I called my folks place to talk with the kids and see if they got settled in OK. They were typical teen agers and answered most of my questions with short one or two word statements. I could tell however that they were excited about being with their grandparents for a whole week. My mom spoiled them rotten with all sorts of baked goodies and my dad loved the tell them stories. Mostly about the goofy things I did when I was a kid. They loved it.

For the first time, I could sense that they were looking forward to being away from their mom for a while. Perhaps they have been sensing something wrong long before I did. After talking with the kids, I asked Mark to put his grandma back on the phone. Trying to sound casual I asked my mom if Cheryl had left information about where she would be staying in case they needed to contact her if some emergency arose. She said: "Oh yes, she wrote it down for me, let me get it for you."

The phone was quiet for just a few seconds and then she came back on, "Here it is Jim, she will be staying at The Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach" and then she gave me the address and the phone number of the hotel. It sounded like a pretty spectacular place from the description she had given my mom.

"Thanks for watching the kids Mom. I'll see you a week from Sunday."

Now I needed to hurry up and get ready to meet Jan at the little Mexican restaurant she had picked out. She and I walked into the place at nearly the exact same time so we greeted each other in the lobby with a hug and she again planted a little kiss on my cheek. We had a wonderful meal and time of just sharing about our lives. Everything except talking about my situation with Cheryl. I learned a lot about her deceased husband and why they had no children.

After nearly two hours she asked; "Do you want to talk business here or should we go somewhere else?"

I told her that I had been having such a great time with her, I didn't want to muddy the memories of this place and our time here by talking about Cheryl. "If it's OK with you, let's go to my house and we can talk there."

Jan was quick to accept and said she would follow me in her own car. I was glad I had cleaned the place up as I was packing Cheryl's stuff. Once we arrived I took her on a quick tour of the house ending in the kitchen where I poured each of us a glass of wine and then we sat side by side on the couch in the living room. We were close but not touching as each of us were turned facing the other. "So, Jim, how have you been doing this week? I don't want to hear some platitude I really want to know how you're handling all of this."

I could see she genuinely wanted to know so I replied openly and honestly. "Way better than I expected that I would. I've been a little bit sad from time to time but interestingly enough, every time I think of Cheryl I just feel numb. Almost like I have no feelings at all about her."

"That is interesting." Jan responded, "Do you have any idea why you have no feeling?"

"Yes, I think I do know why. I think it's because her actions have killed any love that I ever had for her. When I think of Cheryl now, it's almost like I'm just thinking about some friend from back in my college days or something. I don't even think of her as having ever been my wife."

I noticed that Jan almost had a smile on her lips. Almost but not quite. Then she asked, "I know this is a very personal question Jim, so don't feel you have to answer but, have you shed some tears at all this week?"

"I don't mind getting personal with you Jan and the answer is yes. On Tuesday evening after dinner I was sitting in my hotel room and that night I had a good two hours of crying. I was thinking about all the things Cheryl and I had dreamed of doing in the future as we grew old together. Now I think I've cried all the tears I'm going to shed over her. It's done."

"I know you think it's done" Jan said, "But believe me, I know from experience that when you least expect it you will see something or remember something that will bring more tears to your eyes. It's not a bad thing. It's natural so don't be surprised but know that as the months go by, those times will become less and less frequent. Just know that if you're with me, I'll understand and it's OK?"

"Thanks Jan, your saying that means a lot to me, it really does".

That having been said she started out with the business stuff. "Did you find out where she is staying in Manhattan Beach?"

I relayed that Cheryl had given my parents her emergency contact information, she was staying at "The Shade" in Manhattan Beach. She told my parents that it was an amazing hotel with over 3,000 rooms and a massive conference center not far from the beach.

Jan broke out laughing. "The Shade has been an institution Manhattan Beach for many years. It is a small boutique hotel no bigger than the spa where you were staying."

What a lying whore my wife had become. Even lying to my own mother!

The rest of the evening we went over details about our finances and history. I told her how I had packed up Cheryl's clothes and a couple boxes of other things from around the house. I even went through our DVD collection and packed all her favorite movies into one of the boxes. Then I pointed out that I had prominently placed our wedding album right on top of one carton so it would be the first thing she saw when she opened that particular box.

Jan smiled when I told her how I had thought about just tossing stuff in the boxes but instead packed everything nice and neat. I took Jan out to the garage to show her how I had packed her car and how I even labeled each box for her convenience. Jan just chuckled and called Cheryl a fool for ever cheating on a guy like me. I also pointed to the bag of hardware on my work bench. I told her that tomorrow bright and early I would be changing all the locks on all the doors as well as reprogramming the electric garage door opener and the security system.

She was duly impressed and then asked if I had thought about custody of the kids. I told her I assumed that we would have joint custody and provided she stayed in town we could just trade custody a month at a time. Jan said, "You know Jim, with all the evidence we now have on her, you could petition the court for full custody if you want."

"Wow, I hadn't even considered that but what do you mean 'all the evidence'? All we have is that one video, isn't it?"

"Well, actually we have nineteen additional videos of Cheryl and a wide assortment of men. Both Cheryl and Ted are in each of them but the other cast of characters is constantly changing."

"Nineteen? Where did we get nineteen videos?"

"My paralegals are very good at snooping Jim. They found a website that features cheating wives. Your wife is one of the biggest stars on that porn site. We actually purchased the videos at $19.99 a pop. And considering how many hits the 'Nasty Wives' website generates I can tell you that somebody is making a small fortune on selling your wife's videos. We're doing the research right now but so far it looks like Ted Grantham is in the porn business as well as being a sales manager at Simpson Technologies."

"Furthermore, if he can't produce signed and notarized release forms from Cheryl and the multiple customers who are clearly shown in the video's, he can be facing some pretty serious jail time just on those charges alone. We can also go after the web site owners for the same thing along with a huge settlement from them."

"Oh, my gawd Jan, I can't believe it, my wife is even on the internet showing the whole world that she is a slut. But how much is all this legal sleuthing going to be costing me?"

Jan had a hearty laugh at that question and answered; "Don't even worry about that Jim. It's true I will need to bill you for the time spent but I will be giving you a very favorable reduced rate. Besides that, you will be rolling in the dough so much by the time we're done you could even retire right now and have plenty in the bank to last you the rest of your life."

Then she asked me if I wanted to have the website address. I thought about it and said that maybe it's better if I never see it as long as my attorney has all that information. "I think I've seen more than enough, I don't need to see more."

All I could do is put my head down and feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I wasn't even thinking about the money, I was just thinking about my wife. "Cheryl. ... On the internet. I hope our kids never find it. I hope her parents never find it. Oh, gawd Cheryl, what have you done?"

Jan put her hand on my shoulder and explained that she was sure she would be able to shut down the internet site and remove all the videos, not only of Cheryl but of all the other wives as well. She was sure most if not all the other wives were also unaware that they were internet stars. She said a lot of the videos were most likely what are called 'revenge porn' posted by a jilted husband or boyfriend.

"But you know Jim, undoubtedly a lot of those videos have already been downloaded on guy's personal computers so there is no telling how many of them are out there. I wish there was a way to get them all but that's just impossible."

"Well, I guess that's just something that she will have to live with the rest of her life. So, you think the videos are enough to give me full custody?"

"Well, not the video's per say, because in this day and age, the videos are an expression of free speech. But on one of the video's she talks quite a bit about you and the kids and she says some really hurtful and damning things about you and and about them. Since the videos are out there in the public domain, the court and the child welfare officers are permitted to take their content into consideration."

After thinking a couple minutes, I asked, "Listen Jan, I don't want to see any of the videos, but can you have your staff just make an audio of the stuff you're talking about and then I'll think about the whole custody thing?"

"Sure Jim, I'll have it to you by Monday afternoon. Meanwhile I've scheduled you in each day at 4:00 this coming week so we can plan strategy. You will be my last appointment each day, can you handle that?"

"Yes, absolutely Jan. Thank you so much for all your help. You've been a God send to me."

With that I leaned over and picked up four photographs showing both Ted and Cheryl from the company picnic. In one of the photo's Ted even had his arm around her as they both smiled into the camera. Up until today, that had never bothered me but now I know that his arm wasn't the only thing that Ted had around Cheryl for the last four years. What a dummy I had been not to have noticed anything.

Jan and I both stood up, knowing that all the business had been covered. I walked her to the door and then unexpectedly I gave her a kiss but this time it wasn't on her cheek. It wasn't a long lingering kiss. It wasn't a French kiss. There was no tongue involvement, but believe you me ... it was definitely a kiss!

After breaking apart, Jan looked deep in my eyes and said: "See you on Monday afternoon Jim. Call me anytime day or night if you need anything before then."

I walked her out to her car and held the door for her as she got in. As I watched her slide into her sporty Mercedes 500SL hardtop convertible I realized just how beautiful of a woman she was. I stood in the driveway watching all the way until her tail lights were out of sight.

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 2 months ago

Tropes exist because they either happen in real life or symbolize sth in the human spirit that is real.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

For heavens sake please get real! NO attorney will kiss him! Kiss license good by if cought. 2. I call total BS on protecting the other slut wives; think STD's that they can transmitt. Now think of the the MC and the other husband's. He owes them the option of discovery. Did he want anything less.

You took an easy, non-creative path for your story. I think you really do have talent but you're lazy in your writing. You really are better than this!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I can only but agree with the comments below. The writer has a good plot base with a lot of potential for a writer willing to be creative and, more importantly, one who avoids tropes like the plague.

Further, a growing number of readers are very well read and discerning individuals who take exception of attempts to overlook absolute absurdities in the plot, i.e, unethical for an attorney to have intimate relations with the client. They can be disbarred for that. Next, the pernicious stupid question, "Is there someone way you could work through this." I'll be unpleasantly blunt here, evening thinking about including truly idiotic tropes like that relegates a potentially good writer into the the lazy, uncreative writer who is not worth ever reading again. Next, complete custody is a totally mute point. NO father, especially with a daughter, would allow a gutter slut any contact with a girl she might corrupt. Further, she will be discovered on the media and one can imagine the horror show the girl will get dumped on her from that. FURTHER, CPS would make sure of it. [I know of one such case directly[.As far as protecting the other married whores, no man would even bother.

Cheryl is complicit with a Federal Felony to prostitute other women on the sights which makes her an accessory before the fact; a good defense might well mitigate that one however.

He can't lock his wife out of the house. It's community property and the court will direct him to give her at will access.

Beyond this these types of purposeful assumptions that readers are not discerning enough to be insulted smacks of arrogant disrespect for the reader.

We'll over look a great deal but not blatantly lazy and insulting writing.

Last, this review has, I know, been scathing and painful. Normally I would simply wrote you off as another stupid, talentless, LW wanna be. However, in your case, I feel you really have talent. Please reflect on what I, and the the comments, have told you. I know you can do better.

oldtwitoldtwit8 months ago

Still good, nicely done

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Good wife who is in secret a shithead whore trope. Tropes become tropes for a reason and that is because there is some truth to it and happens enough that it becomes a trope. And lawyer wouldnt kissing a client because of ethics and termination? I have never met a lawyer who cares about rules and ethics only what you can prove, a kiss in nothing.

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