Jim Cox's Summer of Sex Ch. 07


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Her back porch was basically a big screen room. Large screens go completely around the outside walls with the door opening into a comfortable room with overhead fans turning slowly. I've always liked her screen porch, really nice. She opened the door for me, "Here you go honey. Sit down and take a breather, you deserve it."

I looked around, "I better not sit on your chairs Miz Perkins, I'm sweat soaked. I'll just sit here on the floor," I said as I sat down and leaned against the side wall.

She smiled at me and I realized that she must have been a fine looking woman when she was younger because she was very nice to look at now. Snow white hair, green eyes and a slender frame; nice looking woman ... for a grandmother.

"I'll be right back," she said.

Moments later she came back carrying a large hand towel, "Take this and dry yourself off honey; I gave it a little cold water rinse. You'll be more comfortable."

I stood up, kicked off my boots and ran the cool, damp towel all over; it felt great. "Thanks very much ma'am; that was great."

After I sat back down I noticed that she was looking at me curiously. "Jimmy, may I ask you a personal question?" she said softly.

"Yes ma'am, sure ..."

"Is it true, what I've heard about a ... a bow?" she said with a smile.


"A bow; about you tying a bow on yourself for a girl; is that right?" she said; now she was grinning.

I shook my head; I guess I should have known everybody in the whole damn town would find out sooner or later. "Yes ma'am, it's true," I said looking at the floor.

She clapped her hands and laughed, "That's just the thing my Herbert would have done when we were young. That man loved to fuck ..."

It was the first and last time I ever heard her use such language; if shock could have turned me green I would have looked like a leprechaun. I looked up at her and her eyes were far away remembering.

"You never knew my husband did you?" she asked.

"No ma'am, not really, I believe he died before I was 8 ..."

She nodded, "Yes, I believe that's about right. You boys would have gotten along real well; he was a full of fun."

We sat quietly as I drank the last of my iced tea. When I stood up she looked at me again, "Honey, I'd like to ask a favor but it'd have to be something just between us. Could I?"

I nodded my head yes, "Why sure ..."

She was quiet for a minute, "I'd like to see your cock. Would you show me?"

Remember when I said I was shocked before, well now you really could have pushed me over with a feather. Stunned would have been a better word.

She looked up at me her pale green eyes sparkling, "Well, would you?"

After a moment I nodded again and simply dropped my shorts. You'll remember that I don't wear underwear in the summer. Once they fell around my ankles I stepped out of them and stood there naked.

"Come closer honey," she said softly.

Two steps later I was directly in front of her; a small smile crossed her lips as she reached out and took my slumbering cock in her hands.

"You have a very nice one dear," she said. "I haven't held one since my Herbert died," she looked up at me with the nicest smile.

"When I was a girl I wanted a cock instead of a pussy. Cocks seemed so much more interesting; of course, Herbert always said I could have his cock anytime I wanted it and he always kept his word," she said and giggled like a little girl.

Standing there like that I guess it was inevitable, I got hard, really hard. She held my swollen cock in one hand and began caressing my balls with the other, "Jimmy, what a nice big cock you have; could you squirt for me? I always loved to watch Herbert squirt his sweet crème."

She began to rub me gently and faster and faster; sure enough I began to feel the burn and the extraordinary need to fuck her tight fist. It wasn't necessary because in short order my balls tightened and my asshole pulsed as ropes of cum flew out of my cockhead.

Mrs. Perkins was ready; she deftly picked up the damp towel and captured every squirt, not missing a drop. When the last drop drooled from my cock lips she smiled and carefully wiped away the leftovers.

"Thank you honey, that was a treat for the old woman; and remember, this was just between us," she said with a crooked little smile. Her breath was a little fast and she had a pretty pink blush in her cheeks.

"Yes ma'am, just between us."

I stood there a while before turning to pickup my shorts; as I bent over she said, "Honey, you have a pretty little butthole too," she said as she patted my bottom.

Snapping my shorts closed I slipped my feet into my boots and turned to go back to work when she said, "When you finish, come back, I want to talk to you for a minute."

30 minutes later I finished putting all the yard debris into our compose pile and walked back to Mrs. Perkins and knocked.

She came to the door and pushed it open. "Honey, I just wanted to remind you that our little time was just between us; I don't want anybody else to know about it."

I smiled, "No need to worry, it's our secret."

"Good and if you ever want another release, you just knock on my door. I really enjoyed helping you, it brought back a great many fond memories," and then she pulled my face down and kissed me on the cheek. It was very sweet.

At home I found the little red light on the answering machine blinking.

There were two messages; the first was from Alice Redfern wanting to confirm that I would be out to her place today to begin work on her garden shed. The second was from on old client of dad's who had a leak under her sink and wanted to know if I could come fix it.

I made a quick lunch, changed into clean shorts and t-shirt then headed out to Mrs. Riley's place to fix the leak. Sure enough it was a loose fitting at the u-joint. I made a show of taking it apart, cleaning the joint and resealing it. Didn't take more than 20 minutes and I didn't want to charge her because of her being a long time client of dad's. After we haggled for a while she paid me $ 10 for my trouble and said she'd have to talk to my dad about my business practices; nice woman.

I got to Miss Redferns about 2 pm, she was not home so I started laying out the plan she'd given me. Once I had it chalked I took a break in the shade of a young Maple tree and waited for her to return. I didn't have to wait long, she returned less than 15 minutes later. She parked beside my truck and walked quickly to the back where I was sitting.

"Why have you stopped?" she asked in a prissy voice.

"I wanted you to approve the layout before I framed up the foundation. That way if you want any change, it's easy to fix," I said quietly.

"Oh, I see. Well yes, that makes sense. I'm sorry if I was rude," she said.

"No problem ma'am, let's take a look."

She looked over the chalk layout, studied it for several minutes and then said, "Could we make it a little bigger?"

"Sure, just tell me what you want," I said.

She pointed and walked around inside the layout. Every time she pointed I put a stake in the ground until she was satisfied. When we finished she smiled and thanked me. I pointed out that the materials would increase the cost of the job, but it would not affect labor. She seemed satisfied and let me to get back to work.

I'd loaded foundation framing materials in the truck before leaving home so I was able to get right to work. It took a couple of hours before I was satisfied with it. I cleaned up my tools and the scraps before knocking on her back door.

You might say I was dumb struck when she came to the door. She was wearing a red bikini; I'm not sure what I expected her to be wearing but it sure as hell wasn't a bikini. She opened the door and stepped out onto the small back stoop.

"Yes Jimmy?" she asked.

"I um ... I aah ..."I was stammering. Her bikini wasn't skimpy or anything, but what I'd thought was an average figure was not. Her breasts were lovely and round filling the cups to overflowing, her tummy was hard and flat with little defined muscles. Then there were her legs, lean and muscular; her body was completely unexpected. I stopped talking and just stared, my mouth may have gaped open.

"Jimmy, are you alright?" she asked in the nicest most normal way.

It just came out, it really wasn't meant to but out it came, "You have an amazing body, holy shit!" I said and then realized what I'd said.

Two things happened, first I slapped my hand over my mouth and second, she laughed. She laughed right out loud; and when she managed to stop she said, "Well that was unexpected."

Somewhere in the middle of her laughing I said, "I'm so sorry, really I don't know what came over me. I am so sorry ..."

"No need to be sorry, I was just surprised. You've always been so well mannered and quiet, it really was unexpected," she said with a gentle smile.

She stood up straight shifted with one leg slightly pointed out to the side and sucked in her belly which caused the little square muscles to pop even more, put a hand on each hip and pushed her chest out, "Whata' do you think now?"

"Holy shit ... I mean you look fantastic; wow!"

"Do you really think so?" she asked.

"No kidding, I had no idea ... wow!"

She was like a little girl with a new toy. She sat down on the edge of stoop and looked up at me, "Thanks so much for the flattery ... but, you knocked, what did you want?"

"I'd like you to approve the foundation layout. If it's OK, I'll bring out the mixer tomorrow and pour the foundation."

She sprang up walking quickly around the house. She circled the layout carefully declaring it perfect. Then, "Could you put a sink area over here?"

I explained that I could but we'd have to plumb the area before pouring the foundation and I'd need to locate the proper drains. She was quiet for a while then asked me if I could arrange it so that the waste water drained into a bucket under the sink so that she could water plants with it. Easy done and we talked a bit more before turning to the house.

"Would you like a cold drink before you go?" she asked, I agreed and we went into her small, neat kitchen.

I watched her as she bent down to retrieve ice from the bottom freezer drawer of her refrigerator and was immediately struck by how spectacular her tight, muscular ass was. Watching the back of her bikini panties slide into her ass crack resulted in my cock swelling. While she carried a tray of ice to the sink, I adjusted my cock pointing it down the side leg of my shorts.

She carried glasses of iced tea back to the table, handed one to me and took a seat next to mine. She turned her head slightly and stared for a moment at the long tent along my leg.

"I don't want to embarrass you, but is that for me?"

I shifted in my seat and started to speak but she interrupted, "I'm really flattered. You know I was a gymnast growing up and in college too. But I wasn't Olympic material so I got my teaching certificate in Science. My first full-time job was here; this is a wonderful place to live, I love it here. But there's not much in the way of eligible men or other work... and you get busy."

I didn't know if I was supposed to say anything so I just sat there like a lump. We both sipped our tea and after a while she took a breath and started to speak again.

"Anyway an old girlfriend called me back in March and asked if I'd be interested in some part time work this summer. It turns out that there is an increasing demand for fitness models, you don't have to be pretty or even have big boobs but you do have to be fit."

"Boy, you got that covered," I said.

She laughed, "Well thank you. Anyway I started working out and dieting immediately; it seems like it's paid off if your reaction is to be believed."

After a second or two I asked, "How do you find work as a model?"

"My friend has been doing it for a couple of years now and she tells me that she can get me some work in the middle of July and August with a catalogue company for their next spring edition. Apparently they're looking for everyday women who are fit and can model sportswear. I'm hoping I can save enough for a vacation next summer," she explained.

"I bet you'll be really busy," I said. After I finished my tea I said, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you with my outburst."

She stood, "Perhaps a little; but it was flattering. However, I would appreciate it if you could keep this to yourself. I'd really prefer it if this could stay my business."

I shook my head, "No problem, it will be our secret; guaranteed."

It was well after 6pm so I headed home with the windows down and enjoyed the cool evening drive as I reflected on the incredible number of secrets I'd learned this summer.


That evening at the hospital Dr. White and consulting neurologist Dr. Ragutaman found Linda Murphy in the hospital cafeteria enjoying a hamburger and a coke. Linda saw them walking toward her, swallowed the last bite and slowly took a sip of her coke.

"Mrs. Murphy," Dr. White said, "This is Dr. Ragutaman. He's come down from Chicago to help us determine what's happened to your husband."

Dr. Ragutaman was a very small man wearing a white lab coat with his name embroidered over the left pocket. In spite of his size he had an air of authority that impressed those around him. He extended his hand and they shook.

"Mrs. Murphy, in order to determine what might be wrong with your husband we will need to do a MRI. Because Mr. Murphy is unable to give his consent, we'll need your permission before we can go ahead with the test," he said.

"Yes, of course, whatever I can do to help," Linda said, but she thought to herself, 'No hurry, please take your time.'

Both doctors smiled and nodded, "Good, good, thank you Mrs. Murphy. We'll schedule the test for the first thing in the morning; in the meantime my nurse will bring you a few papers to sign. Will you be here for a few minutes?" asked Dr. White.

"Yes, I'll wait right here," Linda said with a small smile.

The doctors hurried off and a few minutes later a large woman in a nursing uniform hurried across the room toward her carrying a folder stuffed with papers. Seconds later the nurse asked, "Are you Mrs. Murphy?"

Linda smiled, "Yes, yes I am."

The nurse presented a number of official papers for signature and initials in a variety of spots. When she finished the nurse thanked her profusely and turned to leave. Watching her turn to go Linda suddenly spoke up, "Say, could you tell me when the tests will be done?"

The big woman turned and said, "They're getting him ready now. I believe they're going to do them this evening so that the results will be ready when Dr. Rags comes back tomorrow afternoon."

Linda looked puzzled, "Dr Rags??"

The nurse smiled, "That's just what everybody calls him. He's a really great doctor. He consults down here a couple of days every week. When Dr. White called him about your husband he came down special. He thinks you husband is an interesting case."

As she rushed away Linda thought to herself, 'Interesting case my ass.' And then she rose and when back up to Everett's ICU room where the Duty Nurse suggested that she go home and relax as nothing much would happen this evening and he was stable.

Turning to go she saw Todd Sherman and Shelia Moore coming out of the elevator. They looked nervous and uncomfortable. She waited for them outside the ICU. Shelia pulled her into a hug as soon as possible, "Linda, I am so sorry for what's happened. Everett is such a fine man."

Linda listened and then said, "Thank you Shelia, thanks so much." Turning to Ted she said, "Thank you for coming Ted, Everett will appreciate it."

Todd Sherman was a short round man in his early 30's who'd recently become Everett's junior partner. He smiled sadly and said, "Thank you Linda, I just wanted you to know we've got everything in hand at the office, no need to worry."

They chatted mindlessly for a while and Linda let them look in on Everett. Then they walked out together saying their goodbye's in the parking lot. When she got home Linda walked through every room in the house, in each room she touched things as though to remind herself that this was her home. She stood in the kitchen for several minutes reminding herself that there were no dishes to wash, no dinner leftovers to put away.

Finally, she went upstairs and drew a bath. While the tub filled she gathered up Everett's dirty clothing, added a few bath beads to the hot water and turned off the taps. She stripped and standing there naked, she touched her body softly. After a moment she shook herself and took all the dirty clothes downstairs and loaded the washing machine.

She stood there looking at the washing machine realizing that she did not have to do the wash tonight. In fact, she could do the wash any time she wanted, and then she laughed. Turning to go back upstairs to her hot bath she caught a glimpse of her naked body reflection in the window.

It was such a strange feeling to realize that she could be naked anywhere in her home without concern; in fact, she could do anything she wanted to do naked. She felt a heated rush in her blood and goose bumps swept over her. She had a sense of exhilaration.

Upstairs she turned toward the bathroom then stopped and went into Mary Kate's room, flipped on the light and stood in front of her large mirror. Looking at her reflection in the glass Linda hefted her large breasts rubbing each nipple with her thumbs then slid her hands over and down her soft belly to her crotch.

She fluffed her tangled pubic hairs gently rubbing her clit and then she roughly grabbed her labial lips pulling them wide apart exposing her pink hole. Peering into the mirror she realized she wanted to see inside herself and remembering the evening Mary Kate looked inside her she was envious. At last she said to herself, "Linda, you are definitely built for comfort not for speed; but you're not too ugly for an old girl."

She turned leaving the room and walked quickly to her hot bath. Sliding into the hot water she carefully eased her bottom down enjoying the sting of the hot water. She sat up until she could lean back comfortably and soak. As the water cooled she began to rub her fingers up and down her slit enjoying the soft bump against her clitty each time she reached the top.

As her inner heat built she began to work two fingers in and out while the other hand pinched and tugged her fat nipples increasing her need for release. Her fingers moved faster and faster until a shrill cry escaped her lips and her body shook in orgasmic shock. Gradually her breathing slowed and she slipped away in a post orgasmic haze.

It was nearly an hour later when she woke in the cold tub. Linda roused herself, climbed out of the tub and briskly rubbed her body dry. She pulled the drain plug and watching the soapy water drain away she thought, "You can wait until morning to be cleaned."

She grinned in acknowledgement of her freedom falling into bed naked and content.


Jim Cox rounded the turn from Maple Street to his home and saw his Aunt Jean's station wagon sitting in the driveway. He parked carefully and entered his home with curiosity.

"Aunt Jean," he called looking around. Just then he heard the toilet flush and saw Jean Cox walk into the kitchen from the hall outside the bathroom. She was stark naked and smiling.

"Hey Mister Jim, have you been avoiding me?" she asked as she strolled sexily across the kitchen toward him.

Jim slowly pushed the front door closed as he said, "No ma'am; just been leaving you alone until I was sure you was ready to see me." His voice was soft and happy.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with an open mouth, her tongue seeking his. Sure enough their tongues found one another as the kiss deepened; it lasted a long time.