Jim Cox's Summer of Sex Ch. 08


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"You have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen," he said plunging his tongue between her swampy wet labia; after a minute he popped up and said, "And the tastiest too!"

She laughed out loud, grabbed his head pulling him back down and locked him in with her legs. Jimmy sucked, licked and probed happily. When he worked his way up to her large pearl sized clitoris she sucked in her breath and began growling. Minutes later her body was racked with spasms as her orgasm swept through her.

When she calmed she pulled him up kissing and licking her fluids from his face, "Oh my sweet baby boy, I could love you so ..."

Jimmy was stunned and seeing his response she quickly said, "Straddle me, I want to suck your big, beautiful cock ... come on now."

Jimmy quickly stepped over her breasts and squatted down, his hard fat cock bouncing as his balls caressed her chin. Leslie gently pulled him into her mouth and cupped his balls. She sucked, laved and made sweet love to his cock until he began to show signs of cumming.

"Don't cum yet baby; mamma wants your special stuff deep in mamma's pussy."

Jimmy stood working his way back between her legs, using her hands she caught her legs behind her knees and pulled them up high to her shoulders opening herself up like a primordial clam. Her swollen red pussy gaped wide ready to receive his big throbbing cock.

Jimmy dropped to his knees and shoved his cock home; she could feel his cockhead slamming into her cervix and welcomed the jolt of pain. He was home, deep within her. In seconds she felt the rush of orgasm; he slammed into her over and over pinning her slender body to the bed until there was a rush of molten baby batter filling her fiery red maw. He fired salvo after of salvo of hot cum until he was exhausted.

He kissed her deeply and fell beside her; Leslie was exhausted but reserved the strength to slide a pillow up under her hips before resting. She turned slightly pulling Jimmy's face to hers and kissed him gently for a very long time.

He slid his arm under her shoulders and held her closely ... and they slept.

While they slept, 87 miles away in Chicago, Mitchell White sat talking with his cardiologist, Dr. Theodore K. Blake, MD, PhD.

"Ted, you know what I'm here for; is it ready?"

"Mitch, I have my reservations. You could easily live another year or two with proper care. Why not let me keep looking after you?"

"We been friends a long time Ted, don't you think I've thought this through? With all the shit the big boys at the bank are putting me through the old ticker is not going to last that long. I want to pick the time and place. Hell Ted, you'd do it for your dog ... and I've know you longer that the dog."

Dr. Ted Blake sighed deeply, nodded, stood and walked over to his desk. He opened a side drawer and took out a small rectangular brown envelope. Sitting down by his patient and old friend he handed him the envelope.

"There are six small tablets in there. If you decided to go forward with this, take them all at the same time with water. It won't take long. You'll feel very sleepy. Get comfortable and let yourself go to sleep, there won't be any pain. That's all there is to it."

Mitch White tucked the small envelope into his side jacked pocket and stood. He held his hand out and shook the doctor's hand firmly. "Thanks Ted, you'll never know how much I appreciate this." the Doctor simply nodded and watched his friend leave through the rear office door.


I felt her moving, turning in my arms as she snuggled against me. I stretched enjoying the warmth of her naked presence. As I stretched I felt my cock pull away from my thigh, it was covered in cum and pussy juice when we fell asleep, it had dried and stuck. Feeling it pop free I thought to myself, 'Jimmy, you are one lucky son of a gun.'

Turning my head I could see Leslie's long, sleek body; soft yet firm, rich with curves yet spare, something about this woman bewitched me. If it hadn't been for the small bit of common sense my mother and father had instilled in me, I would simply follow her around like a lost puppy.

She turned over and kissed my nipple, "Jim, are you awake baby?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm just enjoying being with you."

She took a deep breath, "Can you stay with me today?"

"Well, I've got some things ..."

She interrupted me, "Please ... is there any way you could stay?" her voice was soft like silk.

"I guess I could rearrange some things."

She crawled on top of me. The feel of her naked body on mine was intoxicating. I felt my cock begin to swell, reaching for the sky. She could feel my hardness between her legs and she began to pepper my neck and chest with little kisses.

She lifted her head and kissed my chin. "Thank you baby," she said with a sly, hot smile. Then she slid herself down my body until she could take my hard cock in hand.

She grinned at me with such happiness I almost blew my load right then. She took my cock in her mouth and began to lick and suck while she worked my balls with her free hand. It was magical lying there in the middle of her big bed; both she and the light seemed to emit a soft golden glow.

She leaned up and pushed my legs apart and up so that she could lick and suck my asshole. I shivered and shook; I simply could not believe how happy I was at that moment. She looked up at me with a big grin before sucking my cock all the way into the back of her throat and then she pushed two fingers up my hole massaging me.

In seconds I began squirting heavy ropes; she bobbed her head up and down as her fingers worked the top of my hole ... holy crap I nearly passed out.

When she'd sucked me dry she leaned up on her hands, "I love you inside me, all over me, in my mouth." I wasn't sure what to say after all that was the second time today she'd used the word love. Then she giggled and dropped her head rubbing my cock and balls all over her face again and again.

Finally she grinned at me, "Let's go clean up my beautiful boy."

After a hot shower and toweling fun we managed to get to the kitchen. It was nearly 2:00; I called Alice Redfern, no answer, so I left a message that I was stuck on a job but that I would be there tomorrow for sure.

We ate chicken salad with grapes and walnuts, ice cold melon and drank a white wine she called Chablis; it was wonderful. When we finished she said, "I need you to check out the house for me. Anything wrong, I really need you to fix ... please."

"Anything you need," I said and I mean every bit of it.

It took a good hour; I found a half dozen little piddling things. Two hours later with some screws, a nail or two and a little paint from the garage, I was finished. I put things up and realized that I'd been naked for hours and it felt great ... maybe I should be a nudist.

Walking into the kitchen Leslie turned from the counter, "Can you stay for dinner? I've got steaks as big as the plate. Will you barbecue them for us? And there'll be a huge salad with creamed potatoes and even a lemon pie for dessert."

The words came out in a rush, she seemed uncertain, hesitant. I was surprised, this intelligent, beautiful woman who'd given herself to me time after time. I would have done anything for her.

"Yes, absolutely!"

Her smile lit up the kitchen, "Great! You go get the grill out of the garage, there's charcoal right next to it and lighter fluid on the shelf. I'll get everything else started."

Leslie wasn't kidding; she brought me a steak that weighed over a pound and one about half that size for her. They were top shelf aged prime beef; I'd never had steak that good. The salad was delicious and the creamed potatoes with bacon and cheese, outstanding.

After we finished I begged off the pie, there was just no room. When I started to get up she pushed me back down in the chair, "You sit right there, I'll take care of this."

Watching her move around the kitchen naked is a feast for the eyes. She started a pot of coffee and then gathered, washed and tidied everything up. In short order the coffee was ready and the kitchen sparkled. She poured us a cup and we adjourned to the sun porch. The light was fading, it was almost perfect.

We sat on the wicker sofa holding hands and sipping coffee. We were quiet like an old married couple, satisfied and for the moment, at peace.

After a while Leslie turned to me, "Will you stay the night with me?" her voice was warm and soft. I could only smile and nod. We sat quietly for a bit longer and then she took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

In bed she mounted me and we made love long and slow.


Looking back on that summer I realize that those were the halcyon days of my youth. Sitting here looking out on the Caribbean Sea I have to confess that I have been one of the luckiest men on the planet. I have a good business, I live in Key West, Florida and there's money in the bank. Live is very good.

It's been 15 years since that summer. Leslie White and I made love all July long and then she was gone; she said she'd keep in touch, perhaps send for me. It was a sweet way to say goodbye; I knew in my heart she was gone. I was heartsick for a time and then there was the call of other lovers, gradually things got better.

Everett Murphy's surgery was a success and then it wasn't. Apparently his body sent a blood clot to end his life eleven days after the surgery. There was a huge funeral, it seemed like the entire town turned out to say goodbye. In September Linda Murphy sold her big home and moved in with Henry Baker. There was a lot of talk in our little town, but neither Linda nor Henry seemed to care. Mary Kate Murphy brought her roommate to the funeral, a nice Chinese girl. Katie and I hugged and talked, but the magic seemed to have faded and that was OK.

Missy Smith and I were thick as thieves the rest of the summer until she went off to University in September. We said we'd keep in touch; after all she would only be 90 minutes away. And we did for a while. I like to think that Missy and I could have gotten married and lived a nice life but I neither one of us were ready to make such a commitment.

When Missy and I weren't together my sweet Aunt Jean tried to fuck me to death at least twice a week. Her enthusiasm and affection were like a drug, I could not say no ... besides, Uncle Bill did give me permission. The middle of June the following year she had a bouncing baby boy. Uncle Bill was delighted; they named him James after me.

6 years later during a vacation back home Uncle Bill and I were sitting in the back yard talking when I said, "Uncle Bill, you have a fine son." Of course I really meant it; he laughed and patted my am affectionately then said, "Yes, you do."

When I looked at him startled he grinned and said, "Had a vasectomy right after Lizzie was born years ago. Don't worry; I love him to pieces ... and you too." He'll be 14 soon; when he comes down to visit his Uncle Jim this summer I'm going to teach him to scuba dive, I think he'll love it.

You probably remember Mavis Purdy, the assistant postmaster. She came up to me at the end of Everett Murphy's funeral and asked if I liked fried chicken. I remember looking her over, she had those nice wide hips, long legs, wide shoulders and large breasts and even though she was in her early 50's she was still an attractive woman. She made us fried chicken, potato salad, lemonade and sliced tomatoes every week the rest of the summer. Sex with her was straight forward, long lasting and very good.

Even though we flirted endlessly I never quite got around to Alice Redfern and that was OK too. There was so much sex and it was all so good; speaking of sex I don't want to forget Hester Perkins our next door neighbor and dearest friend. Although I'd never noticed, Hester wore an upper dental plate.

One day while I was fixing a dripping faucet she slipped it out and sucked me in ... if you never enjoyed such a blowjob, it is spectacular. Hester is no longer with us; I never think of her without remembering her kindness, good pie and sweet love.

I joined the Navy the end of September, Mrs. Perkins was right it was time to go. Four years and at least 100,000 miles later I found myself with an Honorable Discharge, an associate's degree and starting college to complete my bachelors degree in engineering. Three years later I had a master's degree in Civil Engineering. Today I build things; pretty much anything you want built in South Florida and in the Virgin Islands - it's a good life.

Mom kept in touch with Missy Smith's mother and through her we've learned that Missy is a University Professor teaching English Literature, married to a very nice man with a daughter. Mom and dad are well, the company he worked for in Chicago gave him stock options and when they were gobbled up he made some very nice money. He and mom found a nice place just outside of Tampa 2 years ago ... and yes, we still spend time together.

That reminds me; Mitchell White had a sudden heart attack while he was in Chicago that summer shortly after he sold their home. Leslie was only gone a few days when it happened, we heard that she had him cremated and took the urn with her. I'm not surprised, she really did love him ... I can just see him sitting on a mantle in her home.

I was talking with mom on the phone last week and she swears she saw her in the mall near their home in Tampa. She said the woman looked just like Leslie, a little older and she had a teenage girl with her. When I have some time I think I'll see if I can track her down.

That pretty much sums things up; well almost. I've met a girl. Right now I'm sitting on the veranda of a home we're finishing up on St. Croix. It's a nice home, nestled into the side of a hill overlooking Christiansted. One of my guys managed to shoot himself in the foot with a nail gun and I met this very nice woman in the Emergency Room.

She's a Nurse Practitioner, very pretty and smart. Her name is Angela; she grew up in Chicago but went to a small school in the Ozarks and then graduate school at the University of Florida. We've only been out a few times but things look promising.


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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 2 years ago

A fanatic story beautifully written. As an avid read of incest stories, this is one of the best. Hopefully, most of the story is true, per author's introduction. I would love to meet and know so many emotionally and mentally mature individuals. This is truly a 5-star series.

linnearlinnearover 4 years ago
Magnificent Series

I absolutely loved this series. I will say that from the first mention of Angela in part two I had a suspicion that they might get together. There where so many women that I thought he might end up with and it was fun to try and guess who it would be. Again a fantastic bit of writing and storytelling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

After this series I need a 6th star or I need to judge all other stories again I have read before! And thats a lot! If I would register here I'd definately add thist to my favorites.

When it comes to sex and incest the first occasions are hot and even boiling later the description is rather short and not very 'taking'. But the story considered as whole is rich and fun to read so you're never bored and I would just love to dig in that boys skin! So this was great and I would like to say thank you for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

So was that the sister of the 2 dirtbags that he might date at the end, cause I was wondering about her, she just seemed to disappear.

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
5 stars

just a very fun, well-written story. the ending was clever - not as good as "Casey's Recovery" - maybe my all-time favorite ending - but this ending was pretty great. i agree with the comment that it seemed to end quickly - it did - but that may just be me not wanting a great story to come to an end.

and to echo another comment - your stories are a lot of fun and very cleverly, smartly written. i hope you post more again soon!

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