Kathy and Gregg


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She looked at me with a sadness I had never seen on her face before, "I don't know what to say Dad. I want to tell you to think about it but to be honest with you it sounds like your best option."

Joan stayed with me for a few hours more and made a dinner for me to eat later. When she left she kissed me and said again how sorry she was. As she was leaving I asked, "Why did you show up here today anyway?"

She looked into my eyes, "Mom called and asked me to come by and check on you but she never told me why or where she was." I nodded like I understood, which I didn't, "Ok, well thanks and drive carefully sweetheart."

Monday I did call in sick and also saw a lawyer. The upshot was that even though a divorce was a slam dunk in my favor for spousal abandonment and it might preclude her getting half of my retirement the other assets of the marriage were still fair game. For the first time I realized that Kathy's year hiatus might be just the ticket to eliminate some of those assets.

The next three weeks rolled by quickly. I was really surprised how soon I adjusted to being alone. The upside is that I realized that I felt like a weight had been lifted from me as I no longer felt responsible for another human being. The downside was waking up alone and going to bed alone.

I didn't see or hear of Kathy until mid-July. I had stopped in for a few drinks on a Saturday at Flynn's, an upscale tavern in our town. I was sitting at the bar when the two of them walked in hand and hand like two lovesick teenagers. They were so involved with each other that they never even noticed me sitting at the bar.

As I watched them I took particular note of Gregg. He was well muscled and moderately attractive and I could see why Kathy was attracted. But he seemed to almost dominate her as she seemed to cater to his every whim. He talked and she listened. He moved and she accommodated him in every way.

When she got up to go to the ladies room she finally saw me sitting at the bar and flashed me a tentative smile. Upon her exit from the ladies room she hesitantly came over to me. "Hi Tom, how have you been?"

I wanted to tell her to scram but I kept my manners and smiled before replying, "Oh about as well as can be expected when your wife of thirty years just leaves you for some piece of scum. What else can I do for you?"

She seemed confused by my sarcastic response but stood firm, "Tom I need to get back in the house. I left some personal things there and when I tried the other day my key wouldn't work."

I kept smiling and used a friendly tone as I responded, "Oh wow Kath, sorry about that! However you should haven't been surprised that your key doesn't work at my house as you no longer live there. As for getting back in, I don't think so, but thanks for asking."

She just stood looking at me with a bewildered expression before I spoke again, "I guess you'd better get back to your boyfriend before he gets all shook up." I could see the tears now welling up as she whirled and left while I returned to more important matters, namely finishing my drink.

Two minutes later I felt a rough hand on my shoulder as I was spun around in my chair to be greeted by a very ticked off looking Gregg. "Hey asshole you made my girl cry and I don't like that!" I could sense he was getting ready to punch me and my heart started pounding as I knew that this guy probably could kill me before any help could arrive.

With more conviction than I felt I went on the offensive, "Hold on Spartacus! If anyone has a right to be ticked it's me! That is my wife you are talking about not your girl and since you stole her you don't have jackshit to say about what goes on between the two of us. Now get this straight asshole, you can punch me out and impress her but how impressed are the cops going to be with you?"

I could see the wheels spinning in his head and knew that Gregg was not one of the great thinkers of the world but it heartened me enough to continue on with my verbal onslaught. "Now shit for brains you have two choices, One, punch me out and spend a year in jail, or two, back out of my face and go sit your dumb ass down!"

My heart was pounding in my chest and inside a part of my brain was screaming "why did you antagonize him! He will kill you!" but I kept up my façade of bravado as Gregg stood there mulling over his options. Thankfully the manager came over at that point and asked what the problem was. Gregg looked at him belligerently before replying, "Nothing" as he turned and slowly retreated back to Kathy. Five minutes later they paid their bill and left.

As I went home that night I wondered what personal thing Kathy had wanted from the house and determined to find out. I spent about three hours going through cabinets and drawers without luck until I pulled out the drawers from her bureau. Under the drawers were letters addressed to Kathy from Gregg.

As I read through them it became very clear that this year of being with Gregg had been in the works for a very long time. One of the letters dated five years earlier stated;

"It was a relief to know that you still want me as much as I want you. When I come home I want us to be together so you will have to find some way of getting rid of that wimp of husband of yours."

Reading through them all was like reading a trashy porn novel. In most of them he describes either what he intends to do to Kathy or what they did do in high school. By the time I finished I was finding it a lot easier to be without Kath.

I did not see or hear from Kath until September 1st, which was my birthday. Coming home from work that day I found a covered pot and a birthday card on the porch. I took them inside where I found that she had cooked pot roast which was my favorite dinner. The card was to wish me a happy birthday but she had written in it;

"Tom, I know that we are not to communicate but I couldn't just ignore the birthday of a man I love so much. I dream about us at night my love and know that when this year is over I will be yours completely and he will be gone. Please don't ever stop loving me or give up on us. Kath"

My daughter Joan had kept pretty close tabs on me since Kath had left and she called me for my birthday. After some small talk she finally got around to her real reason for calling, "Dad, you know that my due date is in three weeks, right?"

How could I forget the birth of my first grandchild, "Yes I know sweetie. You and Frank must be getting so excited."

A momentary lapse in the conversation alerted me to the potential problem when she spoke again, "Dad, Frank and I went out to dinner with Mom and Gregg. Mom wants to be there when my baby is born and wants Gregg to be with her. I know that you and Mom agreed that you would not communicate during the year but can you make an exception for me? Just this once, please!"

I was a little taken aback by finding out that Joan and her husband had dined with those two but I would not spoil the birth of her first child. "OK Joan, she can come and bring shithead along if she must."

Joan corrected me immediately, "Dad stop calling him names. He is not that bad of a guy actually and he is making Mom really happy. I haven't seen her so euphoric in years."

Now I was taken aback and then I felt a flush of anger overtake me as I spat out, "Wow, first you're all dining together and now you are defending him. I don't know what he has but I sure wish I could bottle it! Soon he will have taken my entire family from me. Just out of curiosity when are you going to start calling him Dad?"

She spoke up quickly and I could hear the regret in her voice, "Dad I am so sorry! I didn't mean it to come out sounding like that! I can imagine how you are feeling and I really am sorry!"

I cut off her apology and coldly said, "It's alright, forget it. Listen, I have some stuff on the oven that I have to take care of. Be good okay?" She said she loved me and rang off.

I guess it was then that I realized that my life would never be the same again and that it was time to start fighting back.

First, start liquidating my assets to get my net worth down. Second, get out of my funk and start to get back into the world again.

The next few days were busy ones for me. First I got some advice from my lawyer on what I can do with my assets legally. Check. Next, I got a little self-protection insurance in the form of a Taser. I figured that next time Gregg was coming at me I would not be able to talk my way out of it. Third I booked a trip to Vegas in October. And fourth I went on line to find a woman of my age who wants a good man for a stable long term relationship.

With regards to my assets I could spend them or give them away. As my wife is not living with me it apparently is up to me how to disburse our assets. The reason I found this interesting is that it gave me quite a bit of leeway in what my future plans would hold.

When Joan delivered her baby I was at work and my secretary took the call. The call came from her husband Frank and he was overjoyed to report that I now had a grandson. I congratulated him and told him I would be right there.

When I arrived at the hospital I found out which room Joan was in and went directly there. As I approached the door I accidently overheard her and Kathy talking. "Mom, what you are doing to Dad is unbelievably senseless! Do you really want to lose him for Gregg?"

Kath's voice was soothing, "Don't get excited Joan I am not going to lose your Dad, he loves me too much to ever let me go. Besides, what I have with Gregg right now is magical. It's hard for me to describe it, but every day is just like it was in high school only better now that we can sleep together. He treats me like I'm his princess and every night he curls my toes! I have never had such wonderful sex in my life! I will truly miss it when I go back to your father."

Joan sounded disgusted, "Mom, I don't want to hear about you and Gregg's sex life. I admit he is a terrific guy and you two do seem to fit so well together, but I want my baby to have grandparents that are together, not divorced or bickering. Please Mom, you have to go back to Dad and you'd better do it before it's too late. He might be boring and predictable and definitely not in the same league as Gregg but Daddy will always be there for you. Gregg is a dreamboat without any doubt, but sooner or later all boats sail. Dad on the other hand is a rock; he won't ever leave you if you make this right. Beg him on your knees if you have, but get him to take you back!" She paused for a moment before making an impassioned plea, "Mom, don't wait too long or I'm afraid you'll lose him."

Kath's voice once again showed how deluded she really was, "You don't have to worry about your Dad and me, when the time comes that I'm over Gregg he will gladly take me back."

Joan's voice was a little skeptic, "I understand that you think you know Dad, but I have seen and talked to him and he is definitely changing and it doesn't seem for the better. He seems bitter and more detached since you left him. Are you really willing to risk thirty years of a good marriage all over being with your high school crush?"

I had heard enough so I chose that moment to enter the room and with a forced smile called out, "Hey Mommy, congratulations on your new son. You two kids must be delighted!" I went over and hugged Joan but pointedly ignored Kathy. I know it was immature to ignore her but it was getting easier to do in my life.

Kathy gave me a dirty look but Joan was elated as she asked, "Did you see him yet Dad?" I shook my head, "No baby, I came directly up to see how you are doing."

Finally, tired of being snubbed, Kathy interjected in a less than cordial tone, "Hello Tom how have you been?" I looked at her for a moment replying in a polite but non-committal tone, "Good." And then I returned my focus to Joan asking her about the delivery and the name for the child.

At the last question Joan's face lit up and she burst out happily with, "Frank and I both agree that we want to name our baby Thomas, after you Dad." It was at that point that Kathy sullenly left the room telling us she was going to see the baby.

When she left I took Joan's hands and held them as the tone of my voice became serious, "Joan you already know that your Mom and I are probably not going to make it." I could see the truth of my words hit her hard, "No Dad, don't think like that! She'll come around soon and be home again!" I felt my eyes misting as I continued, "Baby, I realize now that I was never enough for your mother which explains why she continued to write shithead. I guess something will have to happen soon."

Her face registered shock and disbelief, "What???"

I smiled a sad smile, "In the next few months I am going to start divorce proceedings after I tidy things up just a bit."

She was in tears as she replied, "Oh Dad, I told Mom that she should be begging you to come back but it really is too late isn't it."

I nodded my assent. "Yes, I couldn't take her back now. The memories of her deceit would be too much for me but please don't tell her anything yet alright?"

She nodded and then pulled me down for a kiss. We talked a few more minutes about a myriad number of things but pointedly avoided all reference to my wife or her boy toy. Finally, I told her I would be back tomorrow and left her to see the baby.

I found my way to the nursery and discovered my grandson among the numerous babies there. I was in awe over how small and precious he was and I realized that he was beautiful. Frank immediately came over to my side putting himself between me and Kathy and Gregg. With a smile on his face Frank handed me a cigar, "Here Dad have a smoke to celebrate!" I put the cigar in my pocket and clapped him on the back, "I'll save it for later son. Thank you."

Looking at my wife and her lover holding hands like two kids made me sick to my stomach, "Look Frank, I'll come back tomorrow when it isn't so crowded, if you know what I mean." Frank smiled a knowing smile, "I understand completely Dad and don't blame you a bit."

As I was beginning to leave Kath sheepishly called out to me, "Gee Tom, it seems like just the other day that we were bringing our baby home and now it seems so strange that our baby now has one of her own. I don't know where the time went but it went too soon."

I looked at her still holding hands with Gregg and replied as noncommittally as I could, "Well Kath it looks like you two now have all the time in the world." She looked perplexed as I left them standing there.

October came and it turned out to be the best month for me since Kathy left. I took a trip to Vegas with the intention of playing the tables and losing as an excuse to draw down our joint assets. But what made the trip so good was a hooker I met while I was there. Her name was Miranda and she was a mature woman in her fifties. I was surprised that she was still in the occupation but she said a lot of men want an older woman and in my case she was right. Miranda was expensive but she made me feel more alive than I had in years. For the first time since she left me I really didn't miss Kath at all.

Miranda was good both in bed and out of it and seemed to take an interest in me as she milked me for all the information about my soon to be ex-wife and her new lover. Before the night was over she knew as much about me as I did myself. Miranda was stunned by my story and as she was leaving that night she gently caressed my face, "Tom I have only known you a few hours but I want to tell you something, you are a good man and that is not all that common. Trust me on this as I should know, I've seen and been with thousands of men and I can count on one hand the number I truly liked and respected. You are one of them. Your wife doesn't have a clue what she is going to lose. One thing though, don't let her actions and stupidity change you. You are honest and good and those are your strengths. Don't corrupt them. And if you are ever back in town call me as I would really like to see you again."

Miranda and Vegas left me more confused than I had been when I arrived. I thought about Miranda's words and realized that she had a valid point. I was going to screw over Kathy for betraying me but she had been a good wife and mother for thirty years before the betrayal. No, I would be fair and walk away from this marriage a broke but honest man.

When I returned from Vegas I told my lawyer to start preparing the paperwork for the end of the year. I also decided that I needed to know a little more about Gregg Hollander. With the recommendation of my lawyer I hired a firm to get his history from high school to now. The firm was expensive but I didn't care as half of it would be coming from Kathy's end. The firm was also reputed to be very thorough and assured me that they would have all the information I requested before Christmas.

I also asked my boss about relocating within the company. At first he was shocked as I had always said I would never move, but that is when I still had a family. He told me he would make enquires in the home office and let me know.

Thanksgiving was the next hurdle I had to get over. Joan called me about a week before the holiday to ask if I would have dinner with them. When I asked if her mother and the slug were going to be present she hesitantly told me yes. When I heard that I firmly told her no and hung up.

Surprisingly it was my son-in-law who next approached me. Frank called my office and asked to meet me. We agreed on the time and I met him in a bar downtown that was convenient to both of our work places, ostensibly for a quiet drink.

That night when we met I could see that he was agitated. After our preliminary greeting I wound up ordering two double scotches. I could sense that something was bothering my son-in-law so I sat back and listened to Frank fill me in on what was happening with my wife and daughter. "Dad, you wouldn't believe the two of them! It's Gregg this and Gregg that! You'd swear that he was that guy on the beer commercial, you know the most interesting man in the world." He stopped talking to take a sip of his drink.

I was surprised as I thought he was coming here tonight to talk me into coming over for thanksgiving. I had to know so I asked, "Do I take it Frank that you don't like the esteemed Mr. Hollander?"

Frank looked at me with anger written all over his face, "Dad, that man is an arrogant, self-centered, self -serving blow hard. He is so in love with himself that for the life of me I don't see where he has anything left over for Kathy!" Realizing what he just said his face became crestfallen and he quickly backpedaled, "I'm sorry Dad I meant no disrespect!"

I gave him a smile, "Don't worry son, none taken. When did you start calling her Kathy instead of Mom?"

He looked downcast, "When she left you. I have never had any respect for her since then."

I was interested now, "Why does it bother you that she left me if I may ask?"

His face once again was aglow with anger. "I'm sure that you've noticed in all the time I have been with Joan that I never talked about my parents with you guys and I appreciated you never asking about them. The truth is my mother cheated on my father. Well, my parents split after that and my father never got over it. He drank himself into an early grave and my Mom was killed with her lover in a car wreck. I don't like cheaters and now that Kathy is one I really cannot stand her anymore. I put up a front for Joan's sake but I'm worried."

I had never known about Frank's parents before and felt his pain but I was also perplexed as to the source of his worry. "Frank, you say you're worried. What is bothering you son?"

He took a long pull on his drink and called for another round, then he faced me, "I'm probably going to piss you off when I tell you this but you asked. The old saying, like mother like daughter scares me. If Kathy has turned into a cheating slut and keeps harping to my wife how glorious it is, how long do you think it will be before Joan gets it into her head to try out some new talent also? We've got one cheating slut how long before we have two?"