Kinky Tina Needs Help Pt. 01


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I suggest, "Tonight, after dinner and until it gets dark out, you are going to the park down the street. This time when a guy eyes you, you will flash him your pussy."

We ate dinner and immediately after, Tina leaves the house for the park. I go upstairs and have a few nice hours of quiet time playing online. Everyone wants an update, I have a lot to report. I hear mom get home, I assume eat dinner, and then I hear the TV. Wow, a normal night for her. When it got dark outside, Tina came home and comes straight up to my room. She sits on my bed. I look at her, she smiles, pulls up her dress, exposing herself to me. Damn she is pretty.

Amused, I ask, "Have fun?"

Tina gives me a huge smile, "I tried to stay away from crowds and to the side. I ran into an old man walking his dog, two kids, a friend of mine, and a guy I knew from school. I did not flash the two kids, I assume you didn't want me to, right? I mean you can't be that sick, right?"

I answer, "You did the right thing. No, you should never subject anyone under 18 to our games. When in doubt, don't. This rule is in place forever. Failure to follow this rule will end everything. There is no gray area. You understand?"

Tina is surprised at my intensity, "Yes, no problem, chill dude. I could not and will not do that to minors. We are in complete agreement. My friend saw me and came to me. It was degrading flashing her, she asked about it. I told her my boyfriend has me doing this. She came with me to watch.

"When we ran into the old man, she watches me and giggles. When we see the guy from school, she holds my hands up, I stay exposed. She then takes a finger and puts it into my pussy. She squishes her fingers around and then takes it out and sucks her fingers clean in her mouth."

Tina gasps, "I was mortified, I ran off with her following me. We went into the woods and she took three fingers and shoved them in my pussy and starts fucking me with her hand. I was frozen, I let her use me."

Tina is slightly crying, "She is a girl, my friend, and she used me. She tasted my juices, loved it, and she orgasmed before I did."

I tell her, "Tina, I want you to go to your room and masturbate thinking about your friend."

She looked shocked, although she did as I asked. Everyone online liked where this is going. I am unsure. This is my sister and I really have no interest in helping her sexually. She ignored me my whole life and I in turn, ignore her. We have a good relationship as far as I am concerned.

I have little attachment to her other than I know she is related to me, for that I feel some responsibility for her and mom. It's not their fault dad took off. With as crazy as these women are, maybe he had the right idea. Maybe I should leave as well. I would have to get a real job. That would cut into my gaming time. Not going to happen.

About 10:00 PM mom comes upstairs, walks into my room and sits on my bed. She doesn't say anything, just watches what I am doing. I call it a night online, this is too weird.

Curiously I ask, "Ok mom, what do you want?"

Mom gets up, walks to me and sits in my lap sideways. She puts her arms around me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Mom is happy and explains, "I got a new job today. A nice raise comes with it. No sex, no games, no humiliation in or out of the office. He did mention that he's liked me since you and his son became friends. His wife took off, he has been lonely. I explained about my needs and so he fucked me good. Monday, he will escort me back to my old office, I will quit and get my stuff. He is changing my phone number so my old boss can't reach me."

Mom continues, "I know I have not been much of a mom for years and you have watched over me and Tina. Thank you."

I got another hug. She seems very sad.

She feels the need to continue, "When your dad left, I was a mess and I let men use me in ways you can't imagine, well I hope you can't. How is Tina doing? I noticed you two are getting along recently. I hope you aren't taking advantage of her."

Shocked and disgusted, "Mom! I could easily have done just that. She has a lot of you in her and she is going through a hard time. She can't satisfy her urges. I told her once to go away and do something. She did, and it satisfied her. She seems to like men telling her what to do and it has to be ... different."

Mom is curious and asks, "Different how?"

I explain, "Different as in kinky. I am worried. I see this escalating and then there will be nothing else to do. Then what?"

Mom is shocked and sad, "Then she crashes hard and we have to be there for her. Especially you."

Annoyed I ask, "Me? What did I do?"

Mom knowingly explains, "She is listening to you and when she can't get off, she will still have needs, you will be able to fulfill them."

Pleadingly, "Mom, I am her brother. I don't like her like that and it's illegal."

Mom smirks, "Then you better hope she isn't like me. You will need to watch out for her. She will be very vulnerable and aggressive when she is on the prowl for sex."

Relieved, "Oh wait, she isn't looking for sex."

Mom smirks, "Yet."

She smiled with a knowing smile, gets up off me, and goes to her bedroom. She left a damp spot on my shorts. Damn these horny women.

Chapter 3 -- The Mall

The next morning, I wake up with a grin on my face. I am still groggy, eyes not open, OK, focus ... hmmmm ... not working, but feeling something odd, it has me disoriented. I think I am close to release. What!! There's a mouth is on my cock. A blanket is over my head. I am furious. Why am I furious when it feels so good? Why fight it?

Only two people I know can do this on a Saturday morning, the only two in the house. Oh fuck! I push the person off my cock. I push away the bedding. Tina is sitting on the end of my bed naked and disoriented. She has tears in her eyes and now she starts to cry. Her eyes are puffy, she is looking at me like she is pleading her case.

A sobbing Tina asks, "Am I that bad?" She looks down.

Tina still crying and trying to talk, "My own brother would rather handle his cock that get a blowjob from me. I must give the worst blowjobs in the world."

Now she is crying hard and falls forward on my bed. I really don't need this, I should be eating breakfast or playing online. I move down the bed, pick my limp sister up, and hold her in my arms.

I try to calmly explain, "You were doing great, I was close to erupting. However, I like picking the time, place, and person. I will never pick my family. I am not that kind of guy."

She asks me, "After breakfast will you take me out shopping?"

That's a whole lot better so eagerly I reply, "Yes, shopping I will do with you."

She stops crying, sits up, gives me a quick kiss on the lips and runs off. Did she know I would react that way? Did she plan this? I want to play online, it's Saturday!

I take my shower and find Tina downstairs making breakfast for us. I watch intently so I don't get sick like the last three times. Sure enough, she almost screws up. She seems to think you can use few day old dirty dishes. Gross.

She is wearing a modest (for her) sundress that is about knee high, sandals, no bra, and I would guess, no panties. Almost no makeup, just a bit on her eyes and some cool pattern on her nails. Her hair is back in a single pony tail with a scrunchie. Today, she is good looking, even I would fuck her ... if she wasn't my sister.

Breakfast didn't kill me, mom slept in, we didn't see her before we left. Spring break is around the corner, she needs new panties, a bikini, and some shoes. We stop at a big-name shoe store; a young man verified her shoe size. She is sitting in a chair, he is on the ground with the shoe size device. He put his hand on her calf and moved it into position. He then gets a surprised look on his face and looks up at Tina who blushes. He pulls away his hand and brings it to his nose to smell and then he licks his hand.

Swell, she is horny and leaking on the guy. He puts his hand back.

I say to Tina, "Help him."

She looks horrified but smiles as she takes a hold of his hand and pushes it further up her leg. I can hear his fingers squishing in my sister. He puts a second hand under her dress. She moans softly. I get up to find some shoes in her size. The guy told me her size. I look around and find a nice pair on sale. They will do. Tina and her buddy are close, almost done.

Does he know she is about to squirt on him? Ewwwww. Nope. She gets up and we go pay. He is sitting on his ass with her cum all over his pants, shirt, hands, and arms. How does he go back to work now? How do you explain that? I grab the bag with shoes and we leave.

Tina takes my hand in her hand and says, "Thank you, that was great."

We go to a store with cheap clothes, you know the place, yes, that one. She picks up a dozen panties. I look at her, a dozen?

She looks at me funny, "Do you really want me to explain why I need these and what happens?"

I hold up my hand, "I really don't want to know, I trust you on this one."

We go to a store that specializes in sporting wear for runners and such. They also have a great selection of bathing suits. Very few people are in the store and a hot lady stops by to see if we need help. This "little" girl, her, I want to fuck. Time to play.

The girl is tall, nearly 6 foot. She has long black hair in a pony tail and it's perfectly straight. She has an angular face that ends at a point on her chin. High cheek bones, big smile, huge dark eyes. She has wide shoulders, a thin waist, and then it flares out a bit for the classic hourglass look. However, she is top heavy. They must be fake. Way too big and sturdy. They practically shoot straight out. They are huge round orbs.

She is dressed like she is ready to go dancing. A poufy blouse with two buttons undone and a short black skirt. Lets of great cleavage and leg showing. She ignores Tina and smiles big at me.

I talk like the Master of my pet, demeaning, "My pet here needs a new suit. I want her to try on something nice but not slutty. Then I want to see her in it. I need to verify it meets my approval."

Tina immediately swings her head at me when I say, "My pet" and she smiles. She seems way too willing to play this game. The first outfit is too much, it covers everything.

Displeased, I say, "No, I want to see that she is a woman. This is a burlap sack."

Next one is better but hot pink.

Displeased, I say, "I hate hot pink, still not revealing enough."

Third one was still too much. This surprises me, I thought she would go slutty.

I look at Kim, it's what her name tag says, "Can you help my shy pet find something sexier yet classy. I am getting bored, she is taking too long, can you help her change please? Let's pick up the pace." I give her my killer smile.

Kim smiles, Tina pleads, "Master please don't let her touch me."

I slap her face.

I raise my voice, "Go!"

Oh my, did I just do that? Kim gets several suits and Tina is out quicker.

Now happy, I reply, "This is much better, I don't like the floral pattern and it's not what I want, but much closer."

They go back, I hear Kim, "Just let me help, enjoy it."

They came back out in a canary yellow suit and has metal rings holding the pieces together.

Not my style, I dejectedly say, "Too bright and I am not a fan of metal."

They go back in, I hear a struggle, then silently they both come out. This one is light blue and a bit more suit than I like.

I compliment the choice, "I like the color; light blue is good for her. I would rather see something more ... revealing."

Kim smiles and get more suits.

Kim goes in, Tina says, "no way," I hear a slap, and a minute later they come out.

This one is much more revealing, it is practically transparent.

I am in awe, I love it, "As much as I love that suit, we will be on a public beach and it just won't do. You are close."

I smile at Kim and Kim smiles at me. They go back in, no noise this time and quickly they are back out. This is a darker blue than before, it has three blue triangles covering the important places with silver strings holding it together.

I am impressed, I smile, "Now this I like."

I take Kim's hand in mine and bring it to Tina's breast, "See how it covers her perky breasts just right."

I move her hand down to cup her pussy hiding bottoms.

I sexily add, "Can't see a hair and looks natural, yes this is perfect. Now go help her get dressed please. Whatever it takes. Tina, be nice to Kim, thank her for her help."

I smile at both girls. My meaning is clear. Kim has a huge smile on her face. She grabs Tina by the hand and takes her back into the room. I listen intently, sounds like clothes quickly falling to the floor.

I hear Kim command, "Open those legs."

I hear Tina let out a moan. I step into the room shocking both women. Kim is eating Tina, she is bent over. Perfect. I take Kim's dress and flip it up and then I pull her panties down. She widens her stance allowing me full access to her cunt. I stick a finger in and she is wet.

I pull down my pants and underwear, step behind Kim, and slowly inch my way in. She is no virgin; however, she obviously has not had a large cock inside of her. Kim is moaning now.

I give instructions, "Kim, keep eating, my pet needs pleasure."

As I say pet, Tina orgasms. Kim never stops. I am now all in on Kim, I hold for a moment, she adjusts and then I start a slow fucking. We need to speed this up, people will come looking. I quickly move to a much faster in and out motion. I can't possibly go any faster.

Kim continues to eat Tina's pussy, she whimpers, "Not in me."

Unprotected pussy, so tempting to not listen. She has been a great sport so why ruin the moment and besides no real man would do such a disrespectful thing. I don't want to ruin her life. I am ready, I can blow at any moment. I pull out, Kim pulls Tina to me, time is up, I push forward into Tina's mouth hard. Her eyes go wide open in shock. At that precise moment, I let loose several loads of cum.

With a smile on my face, I explain, "Don't swallow."

I stop, she sucks the last of my cum from my now shrinking cock. I then nod my head at Kim and Tina kisses Kim and transfers my cum. Kim shows me and then swallows. Tina goes back and cleans up my cock. I pull up my underwear, my pants, and leave the room trying to look calm, cool, and collected. In my mind, I am anything but. I feel fantastic, but I can't let it show. An older woman working at the store sees me come out, gives me a stern look, then laughs and smiles.

She nicely asks me, "Need some help?"

I politely answer, "Kim took care of everything, thank you."

We both share a knowing smile as I wait by the cash register. While waiting, I text one of my buddies. I pay for the bikini. It seemed like the least I could do. We walk out, Tina is arm in arm with me. We go outside to a bench, sit down, and talk.

Tina is very excited, "I got five orgasms in there. First as she was helping me change, she touched a lot of my body. Second was her eating me out. Third was you fucking her. Fourth was us swapping your cum, OMG that was super kinky. The last one, I was putting on my shirt when she takes that tiny hand of hers and shoves it up my cunt. She goes in to just below her elbow. When she spread her fingers open, I orgasmed again. She pulled out and we both finish dressing. She has a towel in there to wipe off her arm."

She sat still thinking about the encounter again. In a blur she leans over and grabs me for a hug as she orgasms again. My only hint, because of her movement, was the ripples I feel going through her body as she hugs me tight. When she recovers, I tell her we are leaving. We get up and walk to the car.

Chapter 4 -- The Park

I complement my sister, "You played the part well today. It was almost like we rehearsed it."

Tina confidently explains, "In my mind I already had a million times. My fantasy has always been for you to dominate me and make me yours. You never showed any interest. When you said pet, that triggered my fantasy and I was immediately in the role as pet and you as master. Because of your anxiety with me being a sister I never pushed it. You know I would do anything for you, yet you don't take advantage of me or mom."

Curiously, I ask, "Why would you mention mom?"

Tina replies with a silly grin, "Oh please, have you not seen the way she looks at you? Geez, you must be blind. You look just like dad and from the discussions we have, you two have a major thing in common."

I am disgusted, "How far away would I have to move?"

Tina is confused, "What?"

I am now explaining to a child, "How far away would I have to move before you two would forget about me and leave me alone?"

Tina thought about it and then says, "I think you would have to be at least on the International Space Station. We both love you but understand how you feel. We are your family, what we want, we know we shouldn't. You are the one decent person amongst us three and we respect you for it. We have both given you every opportunity to take us, use us, yet you have resisted. Part of me feels bad because I am not pretty enough, part of me is proud of you to be strong and follow your beliefs."

I console her, "Tina, you are pretty enough. If not for being my sister, I would want you to be my girlfriend."

I put the bags in the trunk, and we take off. Tina looks confused when we don't take the normal route home. We stop at a large park. Hiking trails, picnic areas, play-ground, lake, large fields for soccer, and jogging trails. We park, get out and I pull out a tie-down strap. We start walking on one of the paths. I take her to the picnic area and it is empty. We continue walking to the corner of a large field and to the edge of the trees.

I then take the tie-down and bind her hands and wrists together. It's loose but not enough to escape from. I then tie the long end to a small tree. I set her up against the tree. I pull her dress down revealing her bra. I take off the bra and wrap it around her head as a blindfold. It's not perfect but will mostly block her vision.

My only instructions, "Tell them what you want."

Tina is nervous, "I can't stop them."

I curiously ask, "Do you want them to stop?"

Timidly Tina answer, "Maybe." I walk away.

I am about 100 yards from her at a picnic table looking at Facebook. I keep an eye on her to see if she gets any interest. It takes about fifteen minutes before a single guy is jogging close enough to see her. He looks around. My head is looking down at my phone. My eyes are looking up at him. Looks like a decent guy and athletic. He walks up to Tina and they talk.

After about two minutes he slides her onto her back. He pulls her panties off, then drops his shorts and underwear. He looks about average, no beer can or foot long, that's for sure. He fucks her hard and fast. Strange, I feel a bit of jealously. I never expected that to happen.

A young couple on a walk are now nearing Tina. They stay at a distance and watch. It looks like they are checking on Tina and inching closer. The guy stiffens and stays deep inside Tina, obviously dumping his load of cum into my little sister. I just got her laid.

The guy quickly pulls up his underwear and shorts, then runs away from the couple. They go to her and start comforting Tina. The woman massages her chest, feeling her boobs and I would bet rock hard nipples. The guy is kissing my sister and has a hand in her pussy. His hand stops, did she just orgasm?

The jogger, now a few feet away, "Thanks Tony, your sister is a great fuck."

He hasn't had enough experience for that to mean much. The woman now moves down to eat my sister's cunt. The guy is positioned to receive a blowjob, or he is administering a face fucking, can't tell from this distance. I can see the guy tense, shooting a load in my sister's eager mouth.