Kinky Tina Needs Help Pt. 01


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His girl cleans him off and then continues sucking him back to hardness. They now swap positions. Tina resists eating pussy but doesn't really have a choice. The guy appears to have a small dick, he isn't in a rush, he starts off slow, can't help himself, he is noticeably increasing his speed to an almost blur.

He may be small, but it sure goes quick. Tina is having a hard time eating pussy so that earns her a slap from the woman. That brings her back to her task. This isn't going to last long so I get up and start walking to them. I am not really a big guy but compared to the girl and the guy, I am like a giant at 6' and 130 lbs. At best, the guy is 100 lbs. They see me coming and they are trying hard to finish, I slow down.

The guy stiffens, shooting his load into Tina. The girl stops eating and looks at me.

I look directly at the girl, "How about putting that talented tongue to work and slurp that spunk from that well used pussy."

She eagerly gets into position and start slurping. The guy pulls his girlfriend's panties all the way off and rolls up the dress. She is on hands and knees slurping the cum from two loads in my sister. This is an invitation I can't pass up. I am much larger, I push in slowly, hitting places no other man has.

She lets out an "OH FUCK, he is huge, he is splitting me open! Fuck, fuck, I am so full, fuck me harder!"

I say, "Eat that cunt bitch!"

I start slamming in and out of her tight cunt. This will ruin their experience for a while but hey, he suggested this. I was already horny from watching the previous events, I want this to last. However, we have been here a long time and we are pressing our luck.

I tell the guy, "Unbind my pet."

A few longer, harder strokes, and my balls swing up hitting her cunt, the two of us orgasm at the same time. I pump seven monster loads into this woman.

I pull out and the guy cleans me off. Not what I wanted.

I roll the girl over and tell Tina, "Return the favor, clean her up."

This time Tina is very willing to eat a cunt. It's possible that having my cum dropping out doesn't hurt any. I pocket the bra, pull up my underwear and shorts, then put Tina's dress in place so it covers her boobs. When Tina finishes, she licks her lips then gives the girl a hot and heavy kiss. She smiles and then looks at us.

As we walk away, Tina says, "See you at school on Monday Beth and Jim!"

She holds my hand and we walk back to my car. We don't say a word.

Once in the car with air conditioning going, I ask, "You have any fun?"

I wasn't going to let her know the guy was a buddy of mine.

She shocks me, "Your buddy was very sweet."

Swell, he told her. What an asshole, I told him not to.

Tina explains, "He told me you set us up, he wasn't ugly, told me I was beautiful, and he was going to fuck me good and hard. He then freaks out a bit when the couple shows up. They didn't talk much so I didn't realize it was my friends until after you took the blindfold off. It was a wonderful experience being fucked by strangers, however, I would not have let my friend Jim fuck me, he is weird."

Relieved, I say, "Ok, then I will find something else. We are going home, will take a shower, then I need some gaming time, I am in withdrawal."

We drive home, mom stops us as we walk through the door. She is still in a good mood.

Mom naively asks, "How was your day?"

Apparently, Tina has no filter, "We had a great day shopping. I was eaten, I ate pussy, I got fucked twice, Tony got fucked twice, I ate four loads of sperm. I was restrained and blindfolded by my brother. Could a day get any better?"

Mom is shocked, "Did he fuck you?"

Tina now has a sad face, she mumbles, "No, he won't fuck me."

I can see the disappointment in her face. The worse part is that mom looks just as disappointed.

She is happy to report, "But I did clean his cock once and eat two of the loads. I ate one from his cock after he pulled out of Kim, a sales person. The second was from a pussy he just fucked. It wasn't a total loss of the day."

Mom looks sad and says, "You get all the fun."

Tina runs up to her room.

I ask, "Have you been home all day?"

Mom replies, "No, I did grocery shopping and got snacks for movie night tonight."

I curiously ask, "Not going on a date tonight?"

Mom smiles happily, "No need, I am happy in my life again, he fucked me good and let me enjoy it. I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me." She runs to me and strongly hugs me.

Mom has tears in her eyes, "I don't deserve you. I love you so much. Thank you for all you have done."

She holds me a few seconds.

Mom smirks, "You smell, go take a shower!"

I walk upstairs, strip, and then walk into my shower. I turn the water on and adjust the temperature. Quickly the bathroom door opens and closes then the shower door opens and closes and a wet naked Tina steps into my shower. She immediately puts her hand over my mouth.

In a very commanding and scary voice she says, "Shut the fuck up and listen to me good."

Tina presses me up against the wall.

Tina is possessed and continues, "You have made me do some very perverted things, I have loved them all. I had sex with men and women and I wasn't grossed out with the women. You have expanded my notion of sex and for the first time since I started having needs about four years ago, I am satisfied. I can sleep at night with ease and wake up refreshed.

"The sex has been mind-blowing; a bunch of fantasies have been fulfilled. You have been an amazing brother. You haven't received anything close to as much fun out of this as I have. You don't get sex nearly enough for a guy your age. Right now, I don't give a damn about society, morals, or laws. You are going to fuck me good and hard. You have two seconds to shove that joystick up my pussy."

Tina put both hands on the opposite side of the shower after she bends at the waist. I thought I couldn't move a muscle. I look down and I see that my cock is already aligning with her hot wet hole. I have enough control that I thrust hard into her, hoping it will hurt and she will never do this again. I had the opposite effect. She is so wet already that I slip right in. Yes, it had to hurt a bit because she isn't accustomed to something my size, however, she purrs like a cat. Like she requests, I quickly fuck her hard and fast.

We both need this, she really wants this, I didn't. As I am fucking her hard I am angry at myself for giving in. Something I promised myself I would never do. She is my sister not a fuck buddy. I just want to help her out, something any sane brother would do. So how do I go from making an off handed comment to fucking my sister in a week? This is stupid. I am now taking my anger out on Tina.

I am grunting and slamming into her much harder than I normally would a woman. I must be hurting her, yet she is moaning. She could move yet she doesn't. The slut is loving this I bet. What a sick family I have. As I snap back to my actions, I am pumping rope after rope of cum into my sister's pussy.

Chapter 5 -- Enough of This!

When done, I pull out, Tina falls to the ground, her orgasm still rippling through her. I rinse off, turn off the water, dry off, and then go back to my room where I dress. I am full of anger, I go downstairs so I can go for a walk. Mom stops me by grabbing my arm.

Mom senses my anger, "What's wrong honey?"

As I turn towards her, she can see the anger in my eyes. She looks scared, she lets go.

I angrily say, "I am done with you two! Done!"

I walk out of the house and didn't stop walking. Three, or is it four miles later I am at the mall just walking around, drifting. There is a book store there. I buy a paper and there is a free apartment guide there as well. I buy a pen and a notebook for taking notes. I get kicked out at 1 AM. I start walking and run into a local college. Their library is open 24 x 7. I can get my old resume off Indeed, update it, and then start sending out resumes. I don't have a college degree nor much experience. The best thing I have going for me is I don't change jobs often.

I am looking for entry level jobs or jobs that require smarts and no college. I start researching the companies to see which ones I can advance at. I stay clear of sales and telephone jobs, not my style, I want something I want to do. One caught my eye, "Like to play games, call ..." Short and to the point. The phone number was unlisted so probably a disposable and a scam. They got a special resume, just as simple, a game I liked, my name, and my email address. My cover letter: "I like games and want a job. Tony."

A lot of night manager jobs online and that would not be so bad, I can easily adjust my game times. I use the washroom, go to an outdoor café, have a coffee and a muffin. I realize I didn't go home and I don't have my phone. I don't feel like dealing with them anyways. They will live without me, soon it will literally be true. I start looking for a place to live. There is a direct correlation between the cost of an apartment and where it is located. I need a place in a good enough location that when I go home, my PC will still be there. Then I notice there are places looking for roommates.

I have two roommates already; not sure I want to go through that again. One bed and bath studios are reasonable. I don't have a deposit though. I am stuck for a while. Oh crap, I am late for work. I get to walk two miles to work. Yippee. I am late, they give me grief, mom called but I wasn't there at the time, I can't call now. They let me stay two extra hours to make up my time and I eat there. I am hungry. I just realized its Sunday night and mom and Tina haven't seen me since about noon on Saturday.

I get home real late, there is a police car out front and only one light on in the house. I walk up to the house and the officer is at the front door knocking on it.

I ask, "Can I help you?"

The guy's stunned, he didn't expect someone coming up behind him. His hand goes to his gun. He didn't pull it out, just has his hand resting on the gun handle.

I put up my hands, "Hey, I live here, I am just getting home from work. Why are you here?"

The door opens. Mom doesn't see me, she didn't turn on the outside light. She asks the officer to come in, he makes me go in first.

I follow mom in and sit on the couch. She sits in the chair. She looks like shit. She has been looking at the floor and sits stunned.

I say, "Hi mom."

She can't process what I said. She didn't see me come in. Does she think I am a ghost?

Finally, the officer asks, "Is this your missing son?"

Mom looks at me, all she can do is nod yes.

I add, "I think I can explain..."

There are many details I leave out. I explain where I was, when I was there, what I was doing, and showed him my notes from the last 24 hours. For my effort I got a lecture on how to treat my mother and he leaves. Mom sits in silence as I explain about looking for a better job and my own place. Tears run down her face. I let the officer out, thanked him for his help, and then I go up to bed. No shower, no changing, just put my stuff down, turn off the lights, fall in my bed, and fall asleep.

Monday, I wake up, breakfast alone, and then go to work. I get off work, shower, dress, and start playing online. I have a lot of explaining to do, I wasn't on for two days. I wasn't up for discussing my life, I made that clear, we just go about playing. I get a bunch of private "tells" from the group, but I wasn't talking, I still have that anger. I played right through dinner and at the midnight alarm I log off, changed into shorts and go to bed.

I hear Tina throughout the week but never saw her, she stays out of my way, good. Mom seems to do the same up until Friday morning. She is waiting for me at breakfast.

Mom is annoyed and hurt, "So, you are just going to ignore us and run off on your own sometime soon?"

I reply, "I would not so much say running off as I would say maturing and moving out on my own. I have been a lazy good for nothing child that needs to grow up and do something more with my life than the crappy restaurant job and gaming. I need more from life. I want a girlfriend that isn't just a fuck buddy. I want someone that will love me and that I can love. My life is hollow, I need some meaning."

Mom suggests, "You sister loves you very much, she would do anything for you. She is cute, much like I was at your age when your father made me his."

Frustrated, I explain, "Mom, I am not like dad. I don't want to own my sister. I love you two but only as a mother and sister. No more."

Mom is confused, "Then why did you leave?"

Ouch that hurt, I can't say I was starting to have feelings about my sister.

I try to explain my feelings, "A lot has been going on, most of it within me. I have needs, wants, desires and a lot of guilt. I just need time. I will never leave your life completely, I will just be a smaller part of it. I must go to work. Bye."

Chapter 6 -- Changes

I get home from work, mom has two wine glasses, one filled in her hand, the other and a bottle on the table. Airplane, my favorite movie is on and only about five minutes in to it.

Mom asks, "It just started, pour yourself a glass, and come join me."

I pour myself a glass, sit down next to mom and she curls up with me. I put my arm around her and she looks at me like I gave her a million dollars. We watch the movie, I drink the wine, and slowly, I get very sleepy.

I am woken up later. My limbs are tied to the couch and two chairs. I am naked. My naked mother and sister are sitting on my side rubbing me.

Mom sounds crazy, "We own you now, you are ours to enjoy the way we want. You better get used to being tied up. From now on I am Mistress. You lost your name, you are a slave. You live to please us."

Freaking out, I ask, "What the hell is the matter with you?"

Mom pulls out a thin crop. It's about 2 feet long in total. There is a long firm handle, a flexible section that is firm, and then on the end is a bit of leather for inflicting pain. A slight but forcible flick of the wrist creates a fair amount of pain. An overhand hit can make a man cry. I am given a light whack to my inside thigh. It didn't hurt much, however, I scream out in pain.

Mom says sexily, "Naughty boy, my name is Mistress. Use it or you will get more taps and they can get much harder. What is my name?"

Eventually, I will get free. They are going to pay big time for this.

I reply defiantly, "Mistress."

Mom teases, "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

I give no answer.

Mom is curious, "Let's see what talents you have. Eat my pussy."

She moves over my face and smothers me, I reluctantly eat her pussy. She then tilts back so I can breathe through my nose. Mom tastes good, I take my time.


She isn't very good at the pain part, but to keep it that way I scream, "Oh, Fuck, that hurts!"

Whack, whack, two more.

Mom explains, "I didn't say you could talk, and you took too long to get me off. Better go faster or you get more."

I start moving much faster. She starts to moan and breath hard. She gave the crop to Tina. Tina hit me once on the lower ribs, I screamed into mom's cunt which she likes. Tina can't possibly think that hurts.

Tina explains, "That was for treating me like a slut."

Wait a minute, you are a slut! Whack! She hit the back of my leg near my ass. That one I could feel.

Tina is angry, "That was for making me feel like shit and running off."

You practically raped me! WHACK! She hit me hard on the underside of my arms. If she does it again that hard, we are going to have a serious problem. Defiantly, I stop eating mom.

Tina explains, "That was for making me feel cheap in the shower."

Mom gets up, my eyes close. Tina grab my balls in her hand like she is going to squeeze them.

Mom screamed with power, "No! I want those intact. I love cum."

Tina swaps position with mom and I eat her out. I picture Kim from the swim suit experience, that made it a lot easier to accept and I am much better to Tina than mom.

They each orgasm three more times before they got tired of me and go upstairs to bed. They leave me alone on the floor. My jaw is sore from eating pussy, and I am tired from the night. I am unable to move. I pull one of the chairs to me. It isn't that heavy. With the slack I can undo one arm. Once it is free it isn't that hard to escape from the rest. Wait a minute, this is too easy.

I sit there and think. Is this a set up? What do they really want? They want me as master. They get me mad, I go upstairs, beat the living daylights out of them, make them my slaves, and they are happy. They get what they want, I will be miserable. Nope, not doing that.

I sit at the dining room table and write them a note:


To my mom and sister,

I love you both, but I can't play your games. I am not that kind of guy. I must leave for a while. I hope to return but that may not be possible. I will leave that up to fate. Tina, I am leaving you my car and my computer. Mom, I will send you my savings and will send home money as I can. I would like Tina to use the money I send home to attend college. That or my death benefits should be enough to get her through school.

Don't bother with the cops, they will be able to find me, but they won't be able to bring me home. I am a grown man and I have made some decisions of my own free will. You forced me to make this decision and we will all need to deal with it. I don't know how this will work out. No matter what happens to me, I still love you both.

When I am ready, if I am capable, I will come back.

Love Tony.


I leave my keys on the counter and walk out of the house and down to the recruiters. The few, the proud, and now, the Tony. I stop using my old email and only send email to my online friends to say good bye and that I will be back in about five years. I did stay in touch with a few.

Chapter 7 -- Home

Five years later...

I spent five years in the Marine's. First in basic training and then I shipped out and was sent to fight overseas. That's where I learned to be a Marine and I became a man. I did all the hardest work I could find and during those years, I lifted weights, worked out, and went from 130 to just over 200 pounds and it's all muscle. Before I had none, now I am about as fit as you can get. My hair turned a darker brown as I aged, I now have a full beard although I keep it short. My hair is also short.

I just got out of the Marines. The bus takes me within a few miles of home. Five years ago, I would have called a friend. Nobody to call and now and walking a few miles is nothing. I have on my standard fatigues and a hat. I learned to wear a hat in the hot desert sun and now it's part of me. I have a big backpack with all my life's belongings. It's basically just two uniforms and some old underwear.

I see the old house. My old car out front confirms they still live there. Now it will be interesting to see if I am welcome or not. I set mom up with a good guy, is she married? Hopefully Tina went to college, she should be graduated, working, maybe met a boyfriend at school. I guess she could be married. Just two cars in the driveway, the same two that always sat there. Not promising.

I walk up to the front door and for the first time in five years I am scared. Being shot at and being shot didn't scare me. Happens too quick to be scared. Training takes over and you deal with the task at hand. The thought of the beating I might endure or the screaming I might hear scares me. I deserve it for the way I left. That was a terrible thing to do to them.

I knock on the door, doorbell doesn't work. No answer. I knock harder, no answer. I knock again.

Mom yells, "I don't want whatever your selling! Go away."