Life with Nano


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She grabbed my tshirt, and pulled it over my head, then latched onto my left nipple, swirling it with her tongue. She moved over to my right nipple, and lowered her hands back to my groin. I thrust my hands between us, and began unbuttoning her shirt, from the bottom up, and pulled it off of her shoulders and it dropped to the floor.

"Dios mio, what are you doing to me?" she whispered.

"Me? You started this," I responded.

"Ha! I was actually asking God why I was so turned on all of a sudden," she said, looking upward briefly, before kissing me again, and gradually working her way down my chest and stomach, until her face was level with my shorts.

It was then that I realized that my abdomen was much flatter than it had been just the day before. I hadn't had the chance to weigh myself yet, but it was apparent that I'd somehow dumped a lot of body fat overnight. While I was marvelling at that, my pants and briefs went down to my ankles, where I stepped out of them and my sneakers, and I became aware of Sofia sniffing at my crotch, before taking my cock into her hand and rubbing it along her lips under her nose, inhaling my scent, then she began licking it, moaning all the while.

"How do you smell so amazing?" Sofia asked. I had no answer.

I was as hard as I ever remembered being, and my cock even looked bigger, my usual 6 inches looking closer to 7, and thicker as well, and my balls began tingling like my lips had been. It was the strangest sensation, but entirely pleasurable.

Sofia took me into her mouth, swirling her tongue around and around, gradually working more and more of me into her mouth. I felt my dickhead bump into the entrance of her throat, but she made no effort to push me into her throat.

Instead, she focussed on swirling her tongue, attacking every inch she could reach. My balls suddenly exploded, shooting several potent spurts of jizz into the back of her mouth, as the tingle I had felt before turned into fireworks. She swallowed and swallowed, but some still spilled out of her mouth, and onto her chin.

"Aaaah!" she cried, opening her mouth. "It burns..."

I asked, "What? I've never gotten that complaint before."

She shook her head, took a deep breath, then said, "Your semen was burning the inside of my cheeks and tongue, not really painful, just intense like a really strong mint, but breathing in didn't produce cold like a mint would. Now the feeling is spreading through my body. Gods, I feel it in my pussy already. I am so wet! I can't believe how much I want you right now." She stood, gave me a quick kiss and grabbed my hand, pulling me into her bedroom, where she shoved me onto her bed, and stripped the rest of her clothes off.

As her bra slipped off of her breasts, she lifted each one in a hand and smiled. "Your girlfriend doesn't have these, does she?" I could just make out the darker shade of a tan, where she had already been tanning with a bikini, even though it was just late spring. Her areola were a darker brown and about two inches wide, her nipples thick and hard. Her breasts were too heavy not to have some sag, but they looked fantastic nonetheless. I was almost drooling. And I was still hard.

I smiled and shrugged, saying, "No, she doesn't, but her tits fit her build, and I love them on her. But I'd rather not talk about her right now. Okay, Sofia? If you make me feel guilty, I would have to stop, and I really don't want to." Deep down, I knew I should have been feeling guilty, but instead I was only feeling horny for my upstairs neighbor, whom I had heard having sex many times since she'd moved in. Even if it condemned me to Hell, I wanted her body.

Sofia shrugged, as she unzipped her shorts, and let them fall to the floor, then wriggled out of her pink panties. She stretched her arms out, and did a slow revolution, letting me see all sides of her.

It was my first view of her entire body nude, and she was spectacular, and could tell that I thought so from my eyes, when she turned back to me. "You like?" she whispered.

"Sofia, your body should inspire statues, and never be clothed." I extended my hand, beckoning her onto the bed. She knee-walked onto the bed, and we wound up in our first naked hug together on our knees, and when we kissed, I felt those tingles again, and apparently, so did she, pulling back to run a finger over her lips, before kissing me once more.

It was my turn to kiss down her body, lingering for quite a while on her breasts, sucking on her gumdrop nipples, kissing and licking all over their expansive surface. She ran her fingers through my hair, gasping and squealing and moaning in turns. "You do like doing this, don't you?" she said. I nodded my head, without breaking contact.

My left hand inched its way down Sofia's abdomen, until it reached the little bit of fur that she hadn't shaved over her pussy, and plucked at the hairs, while I continued suckling at her breasts. She was moaning, not yet impatient with me. After a couple of minutes of this, my fingers slid into her lips, and her back arched as I made my first brief contact with her clit.

"Oh, David! You've got me sooo turned on! I'm cummmminggg!" I felt her whole body spasm as she said it. She shook for about 40 seconds, rubbing her pussy into my fingers, and soaking them in the process, while holding onto me against her chest.

As she slowed down, I laid her down onto the bed, and moved to eat her out. She was soaked, and the juices were a little sweet, a little musky, and I slurped and sucked and nibbled my way through four more of her orgasms.

Finally, she stopped me, and said, "Ohhh... my... god. I need you to stop, because if you don't, I'm going to be too tired for you to fuck me. Fuck me, David, please?"

I kissed my way back up her body, and when I reached her face, said, "With pleasure," and slipped my cock into her as I kissed her, and began slowly thrusting in and out. I had another enlarged erection, and she felt extremely tight around me, but was so wet that I had no trouble moving inside her. If not for the earlier blow job, I would not have lasted 30 seconds. Instead, we managed to last 30 minutes, as I backed off from my orgasm each time she came, then worked her back up to another. She thrust her hips under me until she was too tired to do any more, and I finally let myself come in her, realizing as I did that I had not asked her about birth control. 'Too late now,' I thought.

As I pulled free of her, and lay on her right side, her left hand clasped over her pubes, and she said, "That same burning. tingling sensation, it's in my pussy now. What... what... oh fuck... I'm cumming again!" She shook for another minute, then collapsed, breathing hard. I, on the other hand, didn't feel particularly winded at all.

Through the damned vents, I could hear my cell phone, which was still downstairs, ringing. Sheepishly, I said, "I need to go answer that, Sofia. I'm really sorry I have to leave. Can we talk later about what just happened?" She nodded weakly, and I got up, dressed and left, and Sofia was already asleep before I walked out her door.

On my way down the stairs, the import of what had just happened began to hit me. I'd fucked my neighbor, one of my tenants, and cheated on my girlfriend. How was I going to explain this to her, when I couldn't even explain it to myself? The arousal I felt seemed like it came from nowhere. And Sofia's aggression seemed way out of place for what I knew of her.

Back in my apartment, I checked my phone, and I had half a dozen missed calls, one from Sheila, and the rest from my Dad. He left a voicemail, saying he needed to see me at Dynatech immediately. Well, that wasn't going to happen today. I was due to meet Sheila for a lunch date, leading to spending the rest of the day and night with her, now that she was done with finals too, and I needed to shower first. It just wouldn't do to show up smelling of Sofia, even as I felt my guilt would give me away anyway.

Before I jumped in the shower, I stepped on my scale, and confirmed that I had lost 20 pounds, just overnight. Showered, shaved, and redressed in pants that felt baggy now, I drove my beater 1990 Honda Accord to the local sub shop we chose to meet at, and I went inside.

Sheila was already there, and beamed when she saw me. She was wearing a short denim skirt, and a pink tank top, and I could tell she was braless. God, I loved when warmer weather arrived in New England - no more sweaters covering up all that sweet skin! We hugged, and she grabbed on and wouldn't let go for a minute. I could literally hear her smelling my skin. I flashed back to Sofia smelling my crotch that morning, and thought, 'Something really weird is going on here.' Like that was my first clue.

When she finally stepped back, her face was flushed, and I tell you this girl never blushed. Until right then. She whispered, "Did you buy a new cologne or something? You smell.... Fantastic! You've got me wet just from a hug."

"It's just me and some soap, sweetie," I responded. "But if that's how you're feeling, how about we order to go, and head to my place?" She agreed, so I ordered a large roast beef and bacon sub, feeling really hungry, while Sheila ordered her usual turkey and ham on pita, with a little vinaigrette instead of mayo.

We drove both of our cars to my apartment building, mine going into its reserved spot in our little parking lot, Sheila's on the street, and headed into the building and opened the door to my apartment. Just as Sofia had done hours earlier, Sheila attacked me the moment we were through the door, kissing me against the door, producing that same tingling sensation in my lips and mouth. The sandwiches made it to the counter, and were promptly forgotten. We were hungry for each other.

"God, I'm so hot for you, Dave! Take me, now!" she cried, pulling her skirt and panties off, and leaning over my sink, waggling her tight ass at me, her wet lips peeking at me between her legs. I had no intention of arguing.

My pants were down at my feet in a flash, my cock hard as steel, and I stepped behind her and slammed into her, actually lifting her off her feet, and pushing her body further over the sink. She cried out, "You feel so big! Oh, fuck, that's so good!" Her hips were pressed against the sink edge, and we rutted like that for fifteen minutes. Despite being my third ejaculation of the day, I couldn't hold back any longer the third time she came around me, and I launched shot after shot into her.

And just as Sofia had done, Sheila had a reaction to my sperm inside her. As I slid out, still hard, she turned around, and finally saw my newly toned body, and clasped herself between the legs. "What the hell is going on, Dave? Your cum is burning inside, the feeling is spreading in me, and you suddenly look like the statue of your namesake, except your cock looks like heaven!" She reached out, and grasped it, sliding her fingers up and down.

I hugged her to me, before saying, "I'm... I'm not sure, sweetie, but I think it might have something to do with my Dad's lab." I told her the full story of the previous 24 hours, even confessing to what happened between Sofia and I, because I thought it was important that she know that Sofia had the same physical reaction to my sperm. She frowned at that, but kept listening.

You see, my girlfriend is the nerd I'm not. She loves science fiction, while I avoid the whole genre just because it has the word science in it, preferring to read almost anything else. Plus, she was majoring in biology, with an eye towards going to medical school. So, she was the first one to figure things out.

When I was done talking, she said, "Dave, from what you describe about the vial and the grey goo entering your hand, I would have to guess you've been exposed to some kind of nanites your Dad's company has developed. Nanites are miniature machines that are supposed to have the ability to be injected into a human, and I've read all kinds of science fiction stories that describe them having pretty amazing abilities to operate down at the cellular level, whether delivering medicine or repairing shit. If I had to guess, they are responsible for your sudden weight loss, and have supercharged your libido and pheromones, which turn women on. You turned Sofia and then me on just by us smelling you, and we were almost helpless to resist you, or you resisting her. I still feel like jumping your bones right now. I would also have to guess by our shared reaction to your sperm, that something about that has changed, maybe it's even charged with some of those nanites and they're now in us, too."

It was at that moment that we heard a moan coming down through the vents. I could tell instantly that it was coming from Sofia's apartment, and it wasn't a sexual sound, it sounded like pain. I turned to Sheila, and said, "If you're right, I think Sofia's probably going through what I went through last night right now. You might experience it, too. Are you okay with going up and helping to explain things to her, so she knows this is just a brief thing?"

"Of course," Sheila responded. "She's sounds really scared." We got redressed, and walked up the stairs.

Before we reached Sofia's door, I said, "I think whatever this is fixed my hip, too. I've had no pain today at all."

"I wonder what the full capabilities are," Sheila said, before I knocked on the door.

Sofia didn't answer, but I could still hear her moaning. Maria Angela poked her head out of her apartment, and seeing me said, "David, she's been moaning like that for a couple of hours, you know how the sound travels here. She didn't answer the door when I tried, although she shouted she was okay. I was about to call 911. May I come in with you?"

I started to say 'Si,' but caught myself and said, "Sure," instead and unlocked the door. As suspected, the moaning was coming from the bathroom, and Sofia was on the toilet, naked and sweaty.

She looked up at us, her face a mix of fear and fatigue, and barely whispered, "What's happening to me? I can't stop..."

I dropped to my knees in front of her, and took her hand, and Sheila did the same by my side, while Maria Angela sat on the edge of the tub. I started out with, "I think it's partly my fault, and I'm sorry. I went through the same thing last night, and I think I transferred it to you. It does end without harming you, though it's uncomfortable for a while."

"But what is it? Is it the flu?" she asked.

I squeezed her hand and said, "No. Sheila and I talked about it, and her best guess is it's these miniature machines called nanites that I got exposed to yesterday. Apparently, they're reducing the amount of body fat in our systems, and it's coming out of us pretty quickly, because the same thing happened to me last night, and I lost 20 pounds. They might also have boosted my production of pheromones, which would explain why you got turned on by me this morning. And some of these nanites must have transferred to you when we had sex."

Sofia turned to look at Sheila, then back at me, and whispered, "You told her we had sex?"

I shrugged, saying, "I didn't think I had a choice - she had the same arousal reaction you did, and the same response to my sperm. She's the one who came up with the... hypothesis that this is nanites, and how that affected me, and now you."

"Oooh, hypothesis is a science word. Dave, we'll get you to like science, yet," Sheila teased.

Maria Angela jumped into the conversation, "I think you might be right, Sheila. I mean, I'm a lesbian, and even I am getting the tingles being this close to David's scent. It's unnerving, really. Guys have never turned me on before."

Sheila turned to look at Maria Angela and said, "If I'm right, Sofia and I could wind up with supercharged pheromones, too, and what you're sensing now could be coming from her, not from Dave. This is still just a theory at this point."

Sofia laughed. "Theory or not, David's still managing to turn me on right now. Gross moment to be this wet."

We spent the next couple of hours trying to help Sofia be more comfortable and kept her hydrated, until finally she could leave the toilet, and lie down in her bed. Just in time for Sheila to start experiencing the same damn thing. But we guessed because Sheila had so little body fat to start with, she was back to normal in a half hour.

When Sofia got out of bed again, we weighed her, and she'd lost 25 pounds, and her curves, while definitely still there, were less pronounced, more the result of muscle and skeleton than fat. Even her tits had eliminated their sag, sitting higher on her chest, although maybe a cup size smaller. Her skin adjusted to the changes, too, remaining snug or perhaps getting tauter than before. The overall result was to make a hot girl even hotter, and I could see Sheila and Maria Angela both drooling over her body as much as I was. I was certain she was producing pheromones to draw us to her.

I felt the urge to toss her onto her bed and have my way with her, but instead said, "I need to go talk to my Dad, and figure out for sure what's going on here. I'm going to keep the two of you out of it, though. Maria Angela, can I ask you to keep an eye on both of these ladies, to make sure they're okay until I return?"

She tore her gaze from Sofia's glorious ass, and said, "Sure, David. I'll stay here until you get back."


It was now about 4:30 PM, and I fired off a quick text message to my Dad to make sure he was still at Dynatech. He responded that he was about to leave, but would wait for me.

A security guard let me in the front entrance, since it was a Saturday, then escorted me to Dad's office and left. I looked at Dad, and felt a wave of shame come over me for how I had acted the day before. "Dad, I'm really sorry for yesterday. Can you forgive me?" At the same moment, I was feeling something weird going on with my left eye. 'What next?' I thought.

Dad stood, and came over and gave me a hug, like I hadn't received from him since before the accident. "David, it is me who should be asking you for forgiveness. You were right. I have been blaming you for Ann and Carla's deaths, and that's unfair to you, son. And we can talk about how I can make that up to you later. I forgive you for being angry, but we do need to talk about that vial. I need you to know it's not more important to me than you are, but it's still pretty important that I get that vial back."

A blinking green rectangle had appeared in my vision, to the lower left of my left eye's field of vision. Shaking my head, I stepped back from my Dad, and held up my right hand. "It's in me. I was holding the vial when I punched you, and it shattered. Whatever was in that vial flowed into the cuts, and is in me now. Dad, are these nanites?"

Dad looked surprised by the question, but nodded. "Yes, they are. An incomplete and frankly unauthorized experiment by one of our scientists here. Unfortunately, Dr. Borelli had been going through some severe depression when his wife left him for another man, and destroyed all of his research notes after producing that one vial, and then committed suicide. We're not even sure what he meant for them to do, never mind whether they do it. The vial was here in my office while I figured out what we were going to do with them."

"Great. I'm loaded up with these things, and you have no idea what they're going to do to me?"

At that moment, the blinking green rectangle burst into a short line of text.

[NANO Initiating]

...then it returned to a blinking rectangle.

"Are you okay, David?" Dad asked. "Have you been having any negative reactions?"

"Reactions, yes," I said, lifting my tshirt to show my dad my new six-pack. "These nanites really seem to dislike body fat. I lost 20 pounds last night, in ways I'd rather not describe. But I wouldn't call that negative. You really have no idea what else these things might be doing to me?" I wasn't ready yet to tell Dad the rest of what I'd experienced. How do you tell your father you've become a chick magnet?