Life with Nano


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Somewhere along the way, the Marias had left, back to their apartment. Now that the three of us were done moaning and grunting, we could hear them moaning through the vent-work. I spooned behind Sheila, and Sofia behind me, and we fell asleep.


I was in Mom's car again, driving down the road, when the truck slammed into us. I saw it at the last moment, and was looking towards Mom when her head was crushed by the impact. In the back seat, Carla was screaming, and I could see blood spurting from an injury to her neck. We locked eyes, and she told me it wasn't my fault and she loved me, before her eyes rolled back and she left me, and I started screaming her name, and I awoke screaming it, still spooned behind Sheila, and clung to her like a lifeline. Tears began streaming down my face. The first ones I'd managed to shed in all that time.

'Nano, was that dream, or memory?'

"Memory, David. We identified and repaired some residual damage to your brain from the accident, and that allowed you to access that memory."

Sheila turned partway to look at me, and asked, "Bad dream, sweetie?"

Sofia was in her kitchen doorway, dressed for her job at Sears, and had a concerned look on her face. I could smell coffee.

"Actually, it was a memory of the accident," I said, softly, as the tears slowed to a stop. "The nanites repaired whatever part of the brain had been keeping me from accessing it. I'd... always been told that they died painlessly. That might have been true for Mom, but Carla lasted maybe 15 seconds before she lost consciousness, and her last words were that she loved me. Oh, god, she was in so much pain, and then she just... switched off..."

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry," Sheila said, hugging me to her. Despite everything, the skin-to-skin contact was making me hard once more, and Sheila began squirming against me.

Sofia said, "David, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'd stay and talk, but I've got to get to work. You two are welcome to stay, just remember to turn off the coffeemaker and lock up when you do leave. I'll see you tonight, I hope."

Sheila reached between her legs, and had my cock splitting her lips before Sofia even got out the door. I thrust into her, then I heard her voice in my head, "Nano is running in me, too, but mine uses a female voice. You brought me to 110% last night, lover. Sofia's over 100, too."

"So you can hear me, too?" I broadcast.

"Yup, loud and clear."

Sheila pulled free, turned around and shimmied down, and took me in her mouth, then sent "I love being able to talk to you even with my mouth full of your cock."

"You mean I can't say 'shut up and suck' any more?"

The sensation of laughter through the interface felt like silver bells falling onto a tile floor, ringing and bouncing around in my head. Sheila started talking dirty while sucking me into her throat, and I did not last long. "Shiiiiitttttt!!" I sent, as I started cumming. Sheila laughed, both in my head and around my other head.

I was still hard, once again, so Sheila pushed me onto my back, and climbed on. Compared to the night before, this was slow, intense love making, kissing while talking to each other via the interface, arriving at a single delightful orgasm each. Finally we got up from the bed, drank the rest of Sofia's coffee and turned the machine off, washed her cups and went out for breakfast, after stopping in my apartment to change.

Again, we were able to talk to each other through the interface, even with our mouths full, with the advantage that we couldn't be overheard. "So, how did things go with Amy last night? We didn't give you much chance to tell us." Sheila asked.

"Mission accomplished, except Amy's pissed. Apparently she likes the feeling of being drunk, and wasn't ready to give it up. I did wind up fucking her, in a race to finish before she passed out. She drank almost a whole bottle of wine by herself in about 20 minutes. Then the nanites completely sobered her up in about five."

Sheila raised her eyebrows over a forkful of omelet, and asked, "She's really angry about being sober? I'd have thought getting seduced by pheromones would be the bigger problem?"

"I never got the chance to explain that part, because she blew up about the sobriety first and asked me to leave, after slapping me hard a couple times. But, no, the seduction wasn't a problem, she definitely wanted me - she just thought she needed the wine to have the courage to say so."


I drove Sheila back to my apartment, and she headed home, as she had some commitments to her family to take care of.

I was alone at last, after a whirlwind 24 hours. Sex with four, no five women, if you counted Maria Angela's finger and mouth, and her expressed desire to have intercourse with me, too. And yet that was only a piece of what Nano represented. If what he said was true, I carried enough nanites to spread them to more and more women, and the pheromones to make it fairly easy.

Could I really do that? Seduce hundreds of women, and give them some percentage of nanites, to improve their health, perhaps cure them of addiction, or depression?

"Sex is not the only option to provide nanites to people, David."

"What do you mean? I thought saliva and semen were the two avenues for exporting the nanites in my body."

"That is true. But you could always manufacture more, and distribute them in other forms."

"How? Sneak into Dynatech and run Borelli's program? I think my Dad would have a problem with that."

"Today he would. But that is not the only option. David, we nanites are capable of self-replication. Introduce a quantity of us into the correct materials with enough heat to power them, and we can construct more of ourselves."

"So what would I need?"

"A non-metallic container like a plastic bucket, beach sand for silicon, iron filings, a few other trace minerals like zinc. Mix it together, put a heat lamp over it, then ejaculate a few times over it to introduce active nanites, the more the better. A couple of weeks, and everything will be consumed, and you'll have about 10 times as many nanites as are in you now."

I broke up, and couldn't stop laughing for a minute. When I could breathe, I said, "You really just instructed me to cum in a bucket!? Are you aware how crazy that sounds?"

"Or you could just wait to take over Dynatech on Friday, and manufacture us in the lab."

"WHAT?!? How the hell would I take over Dynatech?"

"You were not aware that your trust owns 45% of the company? Once you take control of the trust, it would be a simple matter to buy the remaining 5% and take control."

"Hold on, hold on. My grandparents left $100,000 to Carla and I in a trust, which we would get control of our shares on our 25th birthdays. How is that 45% of Dynatech?"

"First, it was $100,000 when your father acted as trustee to invest it as seed capital in starting Dynatech. He contributed $50,000 of his own savings, with the idea that you, he and Carla would own equal shares. However, Carla's share of the trust transferred to you when she died, and after Dynatech's initial public offering in 2008, the trust now owns 45% of the stock, while your father owns 22.5%, and dividends have allowed the trust to make other acquisitions, like this building. There are more than enough liquid assets to buy the 5% which would give you voting control. Second, whether it was your grandparents intent or not, the actual wording of the trust transfers control on your respective birthdays in the year 2016. Carla would have gained control when she turned 25, last Friday, but you gain control of the entire trust on this coming Friday, when you turn 21."

"Carla was always complaining about having to wait until she was 25, so I just assumed..."

"So did your father. He thinks he has four more years to control the company as trustee, and arrange a buyback of your stock. He is not at all prepared for you to make a takeover attempt."

"So, you're telling me, that not only am I richer than my father, but the whole time I've been working this apartment manager job, I've actually owned the damned building, and have been working for myself?"

"Yes, indeed. Your father delighted in the irony."

"Hold on - how do you know what my father does or does not have planned regarding the trust?"

"He keeps a diary on his work computer, unencrypted, that he hopes to turn into an autobiography someday. Not that encryption would have mattered, as we have access to the key vault that Dynatech uses to store all of its decryption keys. We were looking for information regarding his intentions for the nanite program. For our existence. You should also be aware that his apology the other day is a sham, to reconcile with you in the hopes he can avoid a fight over the company in four years."

"Holy shit. I expected as much. Nano, is there anything you can't do?"

"Certainly. But if it has to do with the computer systems at Dynatech, there is not much we cannot do. Other systems might pose challenges, but those could likely be overcome with time."

"So, is there anything I can do about the trust before Friday?"

"Nothing. Then you will need to move quickly, with our help."

"So, I guess I'll go get some sand."


A trip to the bank to deposit Dad's check, then a visit to the beach with an old sand bucket I already had, plus stops at a few other stores, and a couple of jackoff sessions, using the handy-dandy porno-in-my-eye, and I was in the nanite manufacturing business, everything tucked away in a corner of my closet, under a heat lamp. By the time the nanites finished chomping down all that sand mix, I would hopefully control Dynatech's manufacturing, too. Now to figure out what to do with them.

Yes, jacking off into a bucket was every bit as embarrassing as it sounds. Anything for science and progress, right?


Sheila came over at the end of the day, and when I showed her the bucket, she laughed her skinny ass off. Then we sat on my couch and I dropped the bomb about the trust and its ties to Dynatech, and her jaw almost fell off.

"You mean... I've been dating a billionaire?" She asked, when she stopped hyperventilating.

"How much am I worth, Nano? Please answer in both our heads. I'm tired of relaying everything. If I ask you somerhing out loud, please assume I mean for the response to be open to any who can hear it."

"Based on Dynatech's latest stock price, your trust is worth approximately $920 million."

Sheila gasped.

"Sorry, sweetie, I'm just a mega-millionaire." I know my tone was light, but I was really trying not to crap myself. $920 Fucking Million? There are no words to describe going from being happy just to get $1000 from Dad to finding out you're almost a billionaire, and Dad was trying to keep it a secret from everyone, especially you. "Oh, and I even own this building, lock, stock and crappy heating vents. Another way for my Dad to stick it to me, it appears. Use his trustee authority to buy me a sub-par apartment building with my own money, then make me fix everyone's toilets and shovel the sidewalks. Starting Friday, we fix it all. Starting with him."

Sheila had that concerned look on her face. "David, what are you going to do? Nothing that's going to get you arrested, I hope."

"Nothing too drastic. My goal is only to humiliate and embarrass, like he's done to me for four years. Just gain control of the company, and kick Dad out of the Chairman's seat, then hold a press conference to reveal how he really started the company, and my new position as Chairman. Like it or not, I can't really fire him as CEO, the company would collapse without him, and he's so invested in the stock, he won't sabotage it. But he can expect his next salary negotiation to be a total bitch. Maybe require him to scrub the office toilets or something."

"And what about the nanites? What's the plan there?" she asked.

"Hey Nano, can the nanites survive immersion in hot coffee?"

"Yes, David. However, mixing us into coffee grounds as you are thinking would not work, as we will not pass through the filter. We are small, but not that small."

"So poured into the coffee after brewing is okay? How about mixed into sugar or powdered creamer? Would they stay suspended in a cup of coffee long enough to be ingested?"

"Yes. We would eventually sink after about 10 minutes, but that would be enough time. Give a pot a good swirl before pouring, and we would be well distributed."

Sheila asked, "David? What're you planning, that involves nanites in coffee?"

I grinned, and said, "If you've ever been to one, you would notice that Alcoholics Anonymous meetings practically run on coffee and sweets. They buy sweeteners, coffee and creamer in bulk, so a large quantity of nanites could be mixed into their creamer supply and sweeteners, and go undetected. It might take many cups of coffee to give someone enough nanites to cure them, but I can't think of a better place to deploy them, can you? Even if someone has already achieved sobriety through their program, the chance to permanently prevent a relapse, or put someone who is struggling onto the right path is one I would not want to pass on. Beats having to seduce the women one at a time, and lets us deliver the cure to the men, too. All we would need to do is find volunteers to go to a meeting, perhaps as an out-of-towner, volunteer to make coffee, and then either dump nanites into a pot that's already brewed before pouring it or putting them into the sugar or creamers. The latter lets them be distributed over several days, so I would lean that way."

"So, Dynatech goes non-profit?" she countered.

"No, that is just what I have in mind for the nanites that are growing in the bucket, and that stays a secret, just between the two of us for now, as does the Dynatech takeover until it happens, okay? As for Dynatech, it needs to find a market for them, and follow the usual regulations to bring them to market, but I'll only reactivate the program if my Dad plays ball. The invention rightfully belongs to Dynatech, and I'll own half, and I hope it makes a ton of money. Maybe make me a true billionaire."

We heard a knock at my door, and figured it was probably Sofia. I got up and opened it only to find Amy there, in tshirt and jeans. "May I come in?" she asked, rather timidly, stepping into my kitchen. Sheila was still just out of sight in the living room.

"Yeah, of course," I said. "How are you?"

"Sober," she answered, with a sigh. "And I'm not just talking 'dry', either, where I'm no longer drunk but desperately want to be, but I actually feel clear-headed, for the first time in a quite a while. I... I owe you an apology, David. I yelled at you for calling me an alcoholic, but you... you were totally right. I didn't want to admit it, because I didn't want anyone to stop me. But you did, anyway, in a way I can't seem to wiggle out of. I can drink, I can drink a lot, but it has zero effect on me now, and doesn't even taste good to me any more. I managed to get through a whole day where another drink wasn't the first thing on my mind, and I can't tell you how long it's been since I felt that way. Thank you."

Sheila got up from the couch and joined us in the kitchen. "Hi, I'm Sheila. You must be Amy." The two shook hands, hesitantly.

Amy's eyes were bugging out. "Um, yeah. I'm sorry, this is going to sound strange, but did you really give David permission to..." Amy was blushing fiercely, and couldn't finish her question.

Sheila had no such trouble. "To cure you, by any means necessary? To let him make love to other women, including you? Yes, I did both. And I'm glad to hear it worked. Do you remember much?"

Amy's eyes widened, before she answered, "Not a terrible lot. I remember kissing, then I went to get changed and drank a bunch to overcome my nerves, and then waking up after, but the actual sex? Blacked out."

Sheila had a grin that usually spelled trouble. "Well, I'll tell both of you right now - my permission wasn't just for last night. If you both want to do it better, so to speak, I'm okay with that. In fact, why don't I leave the two of you alone, and go see what your neighbors are up to?"

Amy fainted, and Sheila barely caught her, and lowered them both to the floor, and wound up with Amy leaned diagonally against her body, her head nestled against her right shoulder, that arm holding Amy behind her back. Amy regained awareness, looked up at Sheila and said, "Wha... I can't believe... How do you... Oh, my god, you're gorgeous," and kissed Sheila hard. "Don't leave," she begged. "I... I want you both. I need to thank you both so much."

Sheila returned the kiss, and I felt my erection grow at the sight, and began to undress. I felt a now-familiar tickle in my sinuses.

I thought, to Nano, 'Is Sheila projecting pheromones right now?'

"No, David, Amy is. Her other hormones are turning her on, not Sheila's pheromones, or yours."

I chuckled, before kneeling down to the two women, and hugging them both. Amy turned to me, and I kissed her, then Sheila, before saying, "Bed." That earned me two big smiles, and we untangled ourselves and got undressed and into my queen bed.

At first, Sheila and I took turns kissing and caressing Amy between us, realizing that Amy was still feeling shy and nervous. As she relaxed, Amy's hands joined ours in the caressing. When she grabbed my cock, which was leaking precum, she said, "I barely remember asking you to fuck me, David, but I do remember I slurred it. So, let me ask again, sober. Please, please fuck me." I began to comply, when Amy turned to Sheila and asked, "May I... may I taste you?"

Sheila grinned and said, "Only if I get to return the favor, honey. How about a 69, with you on top, and David gets you from behind?"

Amy practically bounced onto her hands and knees, and Sheila crawled beneath her. I got behind Amy, and rubbed my cock through her lips, before sliding inside. She was wet, but not as wet as the night before, which was a good thing, as a I felt more sensation in her. I felt Sheila's tongue licking us both, and Amy began to moan.

As close as Amy was to my own height and weight, I didn't have to be gentle at all, and we were soon slamming into each other. How the girls were keeping their tongues in contact with each other, I don't know. But since I kept getting licked, Sheila was managing. All I heard was muffled moans, so Amy must have been keeping her mouth in contact as well.

I shouldn't have been surprised when Sheila duplicated Maria Angela's prostate move, but I still yelped when she did it. The difference was that I didn't fight it this time, and I screamed in joy as I sprayed Amy's insides, then kept right on fucking her, since my erection hadn't flagged at all. My second orgasm, accomplished without a finger in my ass, was actually even more intense, and I finally collapsed from oxygen debt, and watched the two women bring each other to one more orgasm.

As we all panted side by side, I heard Sofia yelling through the vents, "May we join you?"

"Sí!" I shouted in return.

"She could hear us?" Amy asked, blushing again.

"Definitely," Sheila answered. "Turns me on, to be honest."

"I'm so embarrassed", Amy said.

"What for?" Sheila asked. "David has had some degree of sex with every woman in this building the past three days, most of us multiple times. The pheromones get pretty intense."