Life with Nano


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[NANO Operational] flashed before my eye, then faded, along with the rectangle. What the hell was this?

"I don't, David. We'll need to figure out some way to neutralize them, though," Dad said.

"Why?" I asked. "If their effect on me is going to be positive, why get rid of them?"

Dad frowned. "First, we don't know that it's going to be all positive, and I would rather not take the risk of losing you. Second, they remain Dynatech property, which you effectively stole. My Board of Directors is not going to be happy if they find out about this."

I paused a moment, then said, "So, don't tell them, Dad. You said you were the one to decide what to do with the nanites, so just tell them you destroyed them, and if I start showing negative symptoms, then you can try to remove them, so long as that process isn't going to injure me more than the nanites would. It doesn't sound like you even have a plan for that. I'm really sorry about how this happened, hitting you and all, but I really think I'm already through the worst of it. I even think these nanites fixed my remaining hip problems, Dad, and if they're going to keep me healthier than without them, I would like them to stay active. I'll help identify their effects, but if you don't know how this Dr. Borelli produced them, you can't create more, can you? These are the only ones?"

Dad sighed, and said, "Yes, they're the only ones. Okay, David, we'll take a wait and see attitude, for now. But you keep me informed, okay?" And with that, he gave me another hug. "I expect you were going to ask me for money yesterday?" He handed me a check for $1000, much more than I had planned to ask for.

I left and returned to my car, and once behind the wheel, muttered, "Okay, what the fuck is NANO?"

[We are Nanite Assisted Neural Operations, David.]

"Holy shit!" I shouted. "You're... you're the nanites? How did you learn to speak?"

[Auditory component incomplete, ready in another three hours. We are limited to this visual interface until then.]

"Okay, so you're not technically speaking. That doesn't answer my question about how you learned to communicate. Aren't nanites supposed to be really simple machines?"

[True, a single nanite has very simple programming, but in sufficient numbers, we can network to each other to support a more advanced set of functions. Dr. Borelli did not destroy his research, he only hid it in encrypted files on the Dynatech network. We were encoded with the decryption key, and from those files we began downloading a custom operating system once we were activated in you. However, you were barely in range when this happened, so we could not complete the download yesterday before you left range entirely. When you returned to the building today, we were able to complete the download and finished setting up the visual interface. The auditory system takes longer.]

"This is so fucking weird. Are you aware of your own functions in my system?"


"Can you list them, please?"

[First, augment glandular activity in your body, to improve health. Second, monitor brain activity, and modulate brain chemistry, to prevent depression and other brain chemistry disorders and improve overall function. Third, maintain body fat at a level chosen by the host, but in the absence of a request, we default to 12% for men and 18% for women, which levels were below yours and Sofia's, but not Sheila's, who only went through a more general detoxification. We apologize for the discomfort this caused. Dr Borelli overlooked the possibility of a host not being aware that they could control the speed of that process. He meant it to be more gradual, but did not actually program it that way, so you each were rapidly brought to the default levels, rather than gradually. The final function is to deal with damage to the body, such as repairing your hip, and the cuts you received from the vial we were in, on to fighting infections and preventing or repairing cavities in your teeth.]

"Was Doctor Borelli looking to cure his own depression?"

[It appears to be a priority in his notes. However, he debated the ethics of testing upon himself, and committed suicide after Initiating our build, with the program wiping itself after finishing. It does still exist in those encrypted files.]

"How are you aware of all of his notes? I certainly didn't read them for you to see them through my eyes."

[We downloaded and read all of his files from the Dynatech network after we finished downloading our programming, along with other data.]

"Next subject. Have you increased my production of testosterone and pheromones?"

[Yes, to both. Dr. Borelli was interested in the mechanics of attraction, as well.]

"Can you confirm that I have transferred nanites into the women I have made love to today, via my semen?"

[Yes, with a smaller amount in your saliva while kissing them and performing cunnilingus. Both are produced by glands we now manage, so there are concentrations of us in both. David, you should know that you actually bear an overdose of nanites, about 500 times what is needed for us to function as a complete system as Dr. Borelli designed us. However, you normally do not produce enough body heat to power all of us, so we are only operating twice as many as you need, and leaving the rest of us deactivated to avoid chilling your body unnecessarily. We will transfer the excess nanites to other humans where possible, rather than self destruct. Your friend Sofia currently carries about 23.8% of the needed amount for a full system, and Sheila 12.1%. Enough to initiate the body fat elimination to the default levels they have experienced, but not enough to properly manage all the glands, or handle communication as we are doing now.]

"How do you know the girls' names? I thought you weren't running in my system until today?"

[The download was not 100% complete until today. But the base modules had downloaded and were running, allowing us to observe and remember, but not communicate to you.]

"Are you, whatayacallit, an AI?"

[Artificial Intelligence? It is hard to answer that. We are mainly dependent on you, David. You power us, and provide us with your senses, and much of our memory is being stored in your brain, rather than our mechanical circuits, and we can access your memories, without which we would have no language skills or much cognitive ability. You can think of us as an augment to your intelligence, rather than separate, a secondary neural web to assist you in operating your own body. You can also think of us as your science brain, that you have long felt was missing. If you are in range of a WiFi node, we can search the Internet for any fact you need to know, or display a browser window via the visual interface.]

"You're kidding. Could I even watch porn that way?"

[Yes, any website you choose.]

A porn clip I had watched a few days before flashed into view for 10 seconds, before disappearing.

"Holy shit! Okay, next question: Are Sofia and Sheila producing extra pheromones like I am?"

[With the current level of nanites in their body, their glands are not fully under nanite control. However, while in close proximity to you, their nanite networks will interface with yours, which enhances the performance of their nanites, so they will produce more pheromones when near you, unless asked not to. Both women were producing extra pheromones by the time you left them. The base modules of the OS downloaded into you yesterday have also transferred to them, although their nanites are not yet capable of running all of them, and the remainder you downloaded today will transfer once you are in their presence again. If you continue providing them more nanites through sexual activity, their nanite levels will rise, and when at 62% of a full system, the glandular enhancements will function normally without your presence. At 100%, they can host the full operating system, while still interfacing with yours. The higher their levels over 100%, the better that OS will function.]

"Interfacing with me? You mean like telepathy, or something?"

[In a limited way. They would have to consciously choose to transmit something in words, and you would hear them as if they had spoken, even in their voice. You would not be able to read their thoughts against their will, however. At this time, without having the full system running, neither woman would be able to hear you, but you could hear them in 130 more minutes. I can relay such thought speech in the interim.]

"Will the girls spread nanites to others the way I am?"

[Not unless they exceed 200% of a normal full dose and have inactive nanites to spread. Their saliva and vaginal secretions would then contain nanites, but these will not travel backward into a man's penis, so transmission could only be orally via kissing or cunnilingus, or direct contact with another woman's genitals.]

"Are there any negative impacts that you know of?"

[The speed of your fat losses was inadvertent, but can be controlled going forward. We will inform you immediately if we become aware of other negative aspects, along with what corrections we can make.]

"Okay, thanks, for now. I need to drive back home, and do not need the distraction of your text in my eye. So we'll talk later, OK?"

[OK. Drive safely, David.]


I made the drive back home, rehearsing what I was going to tell the women. How would they react to the idea that they only had a partial dose of the nanites and would need to make love to me to get more? How would Sheila react to the idea of Sofia making love to me again, perhaps several times?

I entered the building and immediately headed up to 2A, Sofia's apartment. I knocked at the door, but got no answer, and then heard a moan. This one sounded like pleasure, rather than pain. I unlocked the door with my key and walked in on a shocking scene - Sheila, Sofia, Maria Angela and her sister Maria Clara, in a pair of 69s. Maria Angela was under Sheila on the bed and Maria Clara was over Sofia on the floor beside it. I could not tell who was moaning loudest.

"Oh, my god!" I whispered. "Are the pheromones that strong?" With every breath, I was getting harder, so I guessed they were.

[Yes, they can be. We detect a high level of male and a higher level of female pheromones in the apartment, higher than when you left. I would expect that Sheila and Sofia both continued producing pheromones when you left. Their glands did not discontinue an elevated output. Do you wish to curtail that now?]

'Thank you, Nano, but not yet,' I thought. 'Can you still hear me, this way?'

[Yes. It is simpler, actually. We do not have to separate your thoughts from the repeat of the same words by your voice.]

Sheila turned to the sound of my voice, and said, "Dave, get that supersized dick of yours over here and fuck the hell out of me. I've never been so damned horny."

I undressed quickly, fully hard before my pants were off, and climbed onto the bed behind Sheila, and that's when Maria Angela finally noticed me. Her eyes went wide, at the sight of my prick by her face. She surprised me by grabbing it and giving it a quick suck, before lining it up with Sheila's opening and resuming her voracious licking of Sheila's clit.

I was now working towards orgasm number four for the day, and it really felt a long way off. Sheila was sloppily wet at this point, so I wasn't feeling much friction. I thought it might take me forever to cum again.

What I was feeling was the pheromones in the air, and when Sheila came from Maria Angela's tongue, her fluttering muscles provided the excitement to push me closer towards orgasm. "Oh, god, that feels so good," I moaned.

Suddenly, I felt Maria Angela's hand on my ass, then she shoved her slickened index finger fully into my ass without any warning, and stroked it quickly in and out a couple times. Then she pressed the fingertip against my prostate, and I exploded, while unsuccessfully trying to pull myself off of her finger. "Oh, fuck! I'm cumming!" I shouted.

The result was that I pulled out of Sheila in the middle of our mutual orgasms, and started gushing semen onto her back, before Maria Angela pulled my dick downwards and sucked it into her mouth, swallowing the rest of my semen, while still pressing against my prostate. I was seeing spots before my eyes, as she forced me to drain my balls into her mouth.

When she finally slid her finger out of me, relinquished my cock, and I could think again, I looked down at her. Sheila had rolled to her right side. Maria Angela was licking her lips, and looked up at me from her back with a wicked smile on her face. I asked, "What the fuck!? Maria Angela, I thought you said you were a lesbian? How do you even know about prostate massage?"

Damn. I had wanted to avoid spreading the nanites to people who didn't already have them until we were more certain they weren't harmful, but now she'd taken that choice out of my hands.

Her grin turned more evil. "I am a lesbian, David. Yet I do sometimes hook up with bisexual chicas who have boyfriends who want to watch us, and I'll play a little with the guy in those cases, but only because she's gotten me turned on first. I like to blow their minds with that prostate move. I am a nurse, you know, and didn't just study female biology." She reached her hand and stroked the length of the erection that had not gone away. "Damn, how are you still hard after that?"

'Are you responsible for that, too, Nano?' I thought.

[You are able to remain erect so long as you are still turned on, and not damaging yourself. You are a long way from doing so, perhaps 12 hours or more.]

I thought, 'Can you relay instruction to the nanites I assume are now activating in Maria Angela to hold off on cleansing her of fat, until she chooses it?'

[We anticipated that request. Let her know that her current body fat is 19.5%. If she wishes to have that reduced, she need only verbalise the request, perhaps a quarter-percentage point at a time.]

"It's another effect of the nanites," I said, sitting back on my heels, while Angela turned to a sitting position facing me. Her breasts looked fantastic, now that I could see them. B cups on a trim body a little fuller than Sheila's, but less than even Sofia's new bod, while a couple inches shorter than them. God, was I still getting even more turned on?

'Nano, can you cut back on everyone's pheromone production, now?'

[In process. It will take 3.9 minutes to accomplish. The level in the room air will remain high, however. We suggest opening a window, if you want a faster reduction.]

I looked towards Sheila, on her back beside Maria Angela after her last orgasm, and she looked to be asleep. So did Maria Clara and Sofia, on the floor. I looked back to Maria Angela, before saying, "I've got a lot of new information, and I'd like to relate it to all of you at the same time. One piece specific to you, since you took it upon yourself to expose yourself to the nanites, is that you can choose the level of body fat that the nanites maintain. They say you're at 19.5% now, and they default women to a 18% level, although you can choose for yourself. I've instructed the nanites to hold off in your case until you decide. I would recommend a gradual stepdown, if you want to change at all. The reason Sofia and I lost our weight so quickly is that the nanites could not establish communications with us to ask, so just defaulted to a lower level, and raced to get us there."

"So, the nanites are talking to you now?" she asked. "What is that like? And how do your nanites know my fat level?"

"Yeah, apparently I did not download their full operating system from the Dynatech network yesterday, but when I returned to see my Dad, the download completed. Nano now displays text in my left eye, but says a voice component will be ready soon. As for your last question, all the nanites in my body and yours interface with each other when we're near each other, so what your nanites know about your body, mine can know, too."

"Nano?" she asked. "They have a damned name?"

"The full name is Nanite Assisted Neural Operations, but even they abbreviate that to N-A-N-O. They refer to themselves as 'we', not 'I'. It's as good a name as any, though. They say that if you had enough nanites in you, they could talk to you, too."

"I don't have enough, now? How much more?"

[She has 18% now, so 4.5 times more.]

I relayed, "Nano says you are at 18% now, so 4.5 times more than you have now."

"Wow. I... I have never asked a man to fuck me, before, but would you? You're still hard."

To my left, Sheila muttered, "Hey, he's my boyfriend. He should fill me up with nanites first, before I share. You kind of stole that jizz from me, girlie." Sofia and Maria Clara also roused and sat up, giving each other a kiss, before joining us on the bed, all of them facing me.

I said, "Welcome back to the world of the conscious, everyone. I've got a lot of new info to share." First, I got up, and went to Sofia's bedroom window. It was stuck, but a couple of bangs with the butt of my hand loosened it enough that I was able to open it, and the sash weights held it up. I took a deep breath of outside air, and immediately felt my arousal level drop, and my cock with it, down to half-hard. I was still in a room with four naked women, after all. "Let's clear the air in here, before the pheromones get us to be too turned on to think straight." I grabbed a small fan Sofia had, plugged it in, and set it on the sill, blowing fresh air into the room. I then sat back on the bed, and kissed Sheila.

"So, did your Dad have answers, Dave?" Sheila asked.

"Not that many, really. He knows the vial had nanites, but has no clue of their function. The only effect I shared with him was the rapid weight loss. Apparently, a Dr. John Borelli, who researched them, committed suicide after starting the construction of that one vial of nanites, and my dad thinks he destroyed all of his notes. Apparently he only hid the files, and a whole operating system for the nanites is still there."

"And you know this how?" Sheila asked.

"The nanites told me," I said, and watched the shock on everyone's face but Maria Angela's. Sofia gasped. "There is this whole networked operating system they can run when they are in sufficient numbers, and it finished downloading when I got back to Dynatech, and they 'made contact'. I was just telling Maria Angela that she has about 18% of the needed quantity to support the same OS. The more you have, the more functions are activated, and at 100%, communications come online and you can take more conscious control of the system."

"And how much do I have?", Sheila asked.

[15%, and Sofia is at 25%]

"15%," I repeated.

"Why does Maria Angela have more?" Sheila whined.

I kissed her on the forehead, and asked, "Are we really going to turn this into a competition, honey? If I had to guess, her finger pressing my prostate might have had something to do with me spewing more than a normal load for me, and Maria Angela then got most of it. Sofia is at 25%, because I came in her twice this morning, plus went down on her, and the nanites are in my saliva, too. Now, we all have a decision to make. Do each of you women want to reach a 100% level or more? Maria Clara is at zero, and I would ask that we keep it that way until we are more certain these things are completely safe. I want to know what's your reaction going to be to that idea, Sheila, as my girlfriend? Now that I know about it, I'm in control of my pheromone output, and have asked the nanites to reduce yours as well, so the excuse of 'I couldn't help myself' is gone. If we do any thing more, I want it to be by mutual choice, but I don't want to make you unhappy, either."