Like a Daughter to Me Ch. 02


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The model did indeed smell like Cait's pussy.

An evil smile crossed my face and I resolved to utterly destroy my foe, now that my models had the Lady's Blessing. I cricked my neck and played with renewed vigour, my opponent and those around me still perplexed by the subtle scent none of them could identify.

The game was set for five turns, but my foe didn't make it past three, as I'd destroyed or incapacitated so many of his troops that he couldn't take any objectives. I was declared the winner and Cait bounced up and down in glee, clapping her hands and making her boobs dance. She rushed up and gave me another big kiss on the cheek.

"I knew you'd kick his ass!" she whispered as she helped me gather up my models to make room for the next game and then lead me away to two chairs. She seemed very pleased, although whether it was with me or with herself, I wasn't sure yet.

"You really threw off my opponent and the nerds all around me with that stunt you pulled," I said quietly, squeezing her hand for emphasis. "Nice job."

"I'm glad," she giggled, blushing slightly. "I hope you appreciate it, though, sticking those things in my cunt wasn't exactly comfortable. The one with the sword? Yeah, didn't put him up there, I just got myself really wet and smeared him around a little when no one was looking."

"I was wondering why you sat off in a remote corner," I laughed. "I'd say you definitely gave me a tactical advantage."

"I'll do it again for the next round, if you like," she offered, clearly pleased to be helping. "Should I do the same models or some new ones?"

I grinned and held up the lavender and pink assault vehicle, which barely fit on my hand. Her eyes widened and then she gave me a skeptical look.

"Very funny," she said dryly. "That's not going in my cunt. I'll grease your command models again for you."

I kissed her on the head and let her return to the larger store while I watched the tournament progress. Things moved forward predictably, and it was another two hours before my next game. Cait returned and took me to the remote corner, blushing with excitement. She sat me down facing her, with her back to the crowds.

"Keep an eye out..." she whispered as she took the models from my hand. She furtively raised the hem of her skirt, exposing her pussy. I smirked as I noticed the pink folds were already glistening. She was turned on.

"You little minx, you didn't wear panties today?" I queried.

"They're in my purse," she replied quietly. "Once I knew I was gonna get your models wet, I just kept them off. Made sense to not get them sticky."

I kept an eye out but also watched as she took the models one by one and slipped them inside her pussy. She apparently felt no embarrassment in letting me see her do this, since I'd watched her fuck a sex doll already. She pulled the first model out, a delightful, glistening string of her lubrication stretching back with it. I took the model and put it aside, watching as she inserted three more, equally sticky.

"And now this bastard," she whispered, taking my army's captain, who was brandishing a large sword. She carefully pulled her sticky lips apart, revealing her inner pink. She then placed the model between the lips, holding it by the sword and letting her netherlips close around it. She swished it up and down between the lips. When she withdrew it, the model glistened delightfully, a perfect accent to any Slaanseshi model. She held the base delicately and gave the blade the same treatment.

I had my models back and she stood, smoothing out the front of her skirt. She seemed a little distracted, a flush to her skin.

"Where are the washrooms?" she asked, looking around. "Apparently having army men in me turns me on and I gotta take care of this."

I pointed to the washrooms and she scampered off, leaving me to my set-up. People were once again acutely aware of the scent, but nobody seemed to be able to place it. I just smirked and got ready to play.

Turn One had begun when I got a message on my phone. It was from Cait and it was a video message. What kind of video message could she be sending me from the bathroom?

I turned down my volume before playing it, making sure no one else could see.

She was whimpering and gasping, biting her lip and getting red in the face as she came. I could only see her from the shoulders up, but what she was doing was perfectly obvious. My game be damned, this had my full attention.

Another video message moments later. She was smiling at me tiredly and speaking, but the volume was still down, so I had to read her lips.

"I hope you had your volume turned down to that..." she was saying, I think.

I returned to my game and began beating the crap out of the Smurf player I was matched against. I was really enjoying the general confusion about the scent of female arousal that permeated the area, especially since there were enough girls around (including some moms for the younger players) to make it unclear where it came from and Cait was rarely near the table.

I won handily, to much applause, since no one else was playing Chaos Marines. Cait clapped enthusiastically and gave me another kiss on the cheek before helping me clear the models away. She returned to the corner we'd been sitting in while I casually looked on at the next game setting up.

I felt a dainty hand on my shoulder.

I turned to look and one of the mothers present was looking up at me. She didn't seem angry, maybe more perplexed. She gave me a wry look and beckoned for me to follow her for a moment. She took me away from the crowd and turned to face me.

"Look, I didn't want to say anything in front of everyone else, but is it really necessary for your girlfriend to do what she did to your models?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I didn't know she was going to do it, initially, although once I'd realized, I approved. It was funny because of my army type and a great distraction. She did nothing wrong."

She sighed. "I... maybe not, but my son smelled it and he's a horny fourteen year-old boy and he's going to be jerking it hard for days since he got a whiff of it. Like I don't put up with that enough or him stealing my panties."

"Well, I can't exactly wash my models." I pointed out.

"I understand, but does she have to keep refreshing the varnish she puts on them?" she asked, trying to sound reasonable. "I'm not trying to be a bitch, I think it'd be funny if I didn't have to deal with it for the next two weeks."

"I think you're the only person who figured it out." I mused before looking at the clock on my phone. "And as much as I hate it, I think I'm gonna need to bow out of the tournament, it's taking too damn long."

"Oh, that's too bad," she said, I think genuinely feeling bad for me. "At least that ups my son's chances of winning, since you're the biggest threat around."

"It's okay, I'd be quite the idiot if I kept playing this game when I could be paying attention to the girl who keeps greasing my models instead." I replied, smiling. "I think I'll go bow out now. Have a good night."

The guys running the tournament were disappointed, but understood. I went and told Cait, who seemed surprised but also did not object. I think she had spent as much time as her endurance would allow, in spite of enjoying giving my models her good luck charms. We gathered up all my stuff and headed out, the sun westering and spraying beautiful colours across the horizon.

"Beautiful sky." Cait said, staring at the sunset.

"Not as beautiful as my teammate." I replied, reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze as I drove. Cait blushed and looked at her feet. "So how can I thank you for toughing this out with me today, not to mention blessing my models?"

She made a show of thinking. "Hmmmm... wine me and dine me, I guess. And then... will you have more fun with Solitaire and Joaquin with me?"

"As much as you like." I said easily, looking forward to the rest of my night.


We went for Italian food and enjoyed ourselves. Cait nearly overloaded on garlic bread but still managed to put away all her food and three glasses of wine. She was rather drunk and silly at this point, so I drove to a park and walked her around to keep her metabolism going.

"N-hnnnnn, I'm drunk..." she murmured, sagging against me at one point, her face mashed into my torso. She frowned and pulled back a little, scowling at my chest disapprovingly.

"Yer not soft," she stated, poking my rather pronounced and sturdy pectoral muscle. "S'posed to be soft for me to rest my face on."

She pulled the top of her sundress down, exposing her breasts to me. Fortunately, it was dark and we were in a remote area of the park, so no one saw her. She took my hands and placed them on her breasts, making me massage and squeeze them.

"See? Soft. Like pillows. Soft, boobily pillows is what I need."

She awkwardly knelt in front of me, lifting my shirt and exposing my abs. She scowled at my segmented midsection and tried placing her face against it, clearly not satisfaction.

"No good," she muttered. "Every bit as uncomfortable as your dumb chest."

"You've slept on me before," I protested, watching her in bewilderment. "And I was muscular then, so nothing's changed."

"'cept I'm drunk an' I'm a girl an' I can complain if I want because it doesn't suit me right now," she announced, poking my abs before looking at my crotch, contained within my jeans.

"'s the one part of you girls don' want to be soft..." she mumbled, flicking me with her finger and making me wince. She then used my jeans and belt to pull herself up to a standing position, frowning up at me lop-sidedly. "You're s'posed to be soft!"

She pushed me down by the shoulders until my face was in front of her chest and then she pressed her breasts against me, clasping my head gently while wiggling back and forth.

"See? Soft! Tha's a pillow. Pillows. Whatever, you need to feel like that, you big jerk."

She turned around and lifted the hem of her dress, exposing her butt to me. With one hand, she pressed my face into her soft cheeks.

"Soft again! Wha's so difficult about this?" she demanded.

"I'm a big, brawny guy and not a cute girl?" was my muffled reply from between her ass cheeks.

She huffed in irritation and let me get up, crossing her arms over her still exposed breasts. Her skirt more or less fell back into place, covering her lower half. I reached over and put my finger under her chin, tilting her head to look up at me.

"Admit it," I said gently. "You're not the least bit interested in me being soft and doughy. You like my big, Viking self just the way it is."

"Yeah..." she said almost dreamily, looking into my eyes. I was quite lost in the depths of hers, reflecting the starlight on this cloudless night.

"Poo," she said, coming out of her spell. "Why can't you be even just ten years younger?" she groused. "I could explain that away."

I chuckled and took hold of the thing straps that went over her shoulders, slipping them back up to cover her again. She sighed and hugged me close, clearly over her drunken discomfiture. I held her for several moments before she resumed walking around, holding my hand and letting the alcohol haze leave her system.

"I don't wanna go home tonight," she said quietly. "Can I stay with you tonight at your place?"

"Of course, darling." I said readily. "You know perfectly well that you're always welcome to."

"That's not a problem, is it?" she asked, looking up at me, a hint of concern in her eyes. "I won't be interrupting, if, well... you and Anita..."

"It's fine, Cait," I assured her. "After all, I'm bringing you back to fuck the dolls, so I doubt I'll be doing anything with Anita tonight."

"Oh. Right." Cait mumbled, remembering the plan. "Would you if we weren't?"

"Not if you're staying with me overnight," I replied squeezing her hand. "You're my priority, not getting my futter wackened."

She tried to avoid snickering at my words and hugged my arm again, pleased with my answer. I finally took her back to the car and began the drive home. We were nearing my quiet residential neighbourhood when Cait unbuckled herself and then wiggled around before pulling her dress up over her head entirely, now completely naked in my passenger's seat.

"Ummmmm, what?" I asked, clearly perplexed.

"I've got just enough drunk dumb and courage to streak to your house from the driveway," she said, her voice indicating she was psyching herself up to do something. "Don't try to stop me."

"Oh, I wasn't going to," I replied. "Being seen on the street with a hot, naked chick can only do good things for my street cred."

"Don't ever try to say that again." Cait hissed as we pulled into my driveway. "You will never see or feel my tits again if you do that."

"That's a lie." I stated as I brought us to the halt. "You couldn't resist showing me your tits if I killed your entire family."

"I'd probably let you suck on them for that." Cait muttered, knowing I was right.

"So why hasn't anyone else had to kill your family to suck on your tits?" I asked, smirking at her while she sat naked in my car.

"Oh my God, shut up, you big, hairy troll!" she groaned, letting her head thunk back against the headrest in exasperation. I stepped out of my side and walked around to open her door. She stepped out and stood, her pale body almost glowing in the moonlight.

"Not fast," she said as she took my arm. "We're... we're gonna walk."

There seemed to be absolutely no one around on the street, which I suppose was a good thing. Anyone looking out their windows might get an eyeful, of course. She walked with a barely-there control, keeping her eyes directly ahead, toward the side door of my house, which led into the small foyer.

"Don't speed up," she whispered. "I'm gonna walk the whole distance..."

I nodded and walked slowly beside her, letting her control the pace. She stiffened as we got closer to the door, fighting the urge to dash. Her face was getting redder with each passing moment.

Finally, we reached my side entrance. Cait fidgeted and waited while I opened the screen door and then fumbled around for my keys.

"Let's see..." I said absently, searching through the dozen or so keys on my chain. "Which one is it?"

I tried one unsuccessfully. "Nope, that's not it..."

"Hey, wait..." Cait said, her eyes widening as she realized something. "You never lock your damn door!"

She pushed in front of me and turned the knob, opening the door into the house. She whirled around, glaring at me while I chortled heartily.

"You are not going to be touching these!" she hissed as she stood in the doorway, pointing to her tits. "For... for at least five minutes!"

She then stomped inside, leaving me to collect myself after laughing so hard. I finally went in, finding her standing naked in my kitchen, drinking one of my ginger beers out of the fridge. She looked at me sharply, her expression daring me to make one of my blithe or snarky remarks. I just stated silent and watched her, admiring her body.

She finally finished the bottle and sighed, leaning back against the counter, seemingly recovered from her ordeal and plainly not embarrassed about being completely naked in front of me.

"I forgot my dress and my little purse in your car..." she murmured. "You're not gonna make me go get them, are you?"

"Of course not, silly," I said cheerfully. "You've displayed enough bravery for one night. I'll get them for you at some point of our choosing."

"I guess now is good, since I really have to pee," she remarked. "Meet me up in your room?"

I nodded and turned around to head outside and retrieve her goods and my Chaos Marine army. No more than two minutes later, I was back in my abode and heading upstairs. Sure enough, Cait was waiting in my room for me, smirking as she looked at the sex dolls- I had positioned Solitaire so that she was sitting on top of my dresser with her legs spread wide and Joaquin kneeling between them, seemingly licking her pussy while she clasped his head, her eyes closed in ecstasy.

"What a dutiful boyfriend," Cait giggled as I joined her, shedding my shirt and then my pants and boxers, soon as naked as she was. Being this close to her nude form was making my cock swell, but I didn't get hard, thankfully. "How long has he been eating her pussy?"

"I changed their position every morning, so about sixteen hours now." I mused, thinking about the timeline. "Yeah, roughly sixteen."

"Jesus Christ on a cracker, I'd fucking die," she breathed. "But what a way to go, right?"

"Considering the number of times I've nearly suffocated between your tits, I'd have to agree whole-heartedly." I confirmed, making her giggle. I pulled Joaquin out from between Solitaire's thighs and deposited him on the bed. I then went to move Solitaire, but she slipped from my grasp and face-planted onto my wooden floor in a tangle of limbs.

"Ooh, ouch." Cait said, making a wry face. "That'll leave a mark."

"No worries, she likes it rough." I said simply, picking the sex doll up and moving her next to Joaquin on the bed. Cait observed the doll for a moment, considering something.

"So, she'd like it if I did this?" she asked as she slapped the doll across her surprisingly real tits, making them wobble.

"I didn't hear her tell you to stop." I said, shrugging. Cait smacked her breasts again and then twisted the nipples, giggling as she tortured the doll. She moved over Solitaire, straddling her and pinning her down. She laughed as she began slapping the doll across the face, knocking her head left and right. Gripping her hair, she punched Solitaire in the nose and then elbowed her sternum.

"This... isn't weird, is it?" she asked, looking over at me, worried. I shook my head that it wasn't and she grinned and continued abusing the female doll, going so far as to knee her in the pussy. She beat on the doll until she was panting and had a warm sheen of sweat on her skin. She finally looked over at me.

"Beating the fuck out your doll has made me horny," she said, a glint in her eyes. Still straddling Solitaire, she leaned over and took Joaquin's cock into her mouth, beginning to bob up and down on it. I watched in rapt fascination, willing myself not to get hard, although my cock did enlarge considerably. Cait hummed as she sucked on the doll's cock, her eyes closed. I could see her body beginning to squirm on top of Solitaire.

She sat back up, wiping at the corner of her mouth and looked at me. I could tell there was something she wanted to ask, but she was apprehensive.

"Something you want to ask?" I queried, smirking.

"It's really weird," she answered, blushing. "But, I'm hoping you'll do it for me, if no other reason. I..."

I waited for her to speak, my eyebrow raised.

She squeezed her eyes shut as she spoke. "I want to fuck Joaquin, but I was hoping you'd fuck him with me!" she said quickly.

That made me blink. I'm pretty sure she could hear me blinking. I really hadn't expected that. "You want me to fuck the male doll while you fuck it... like, bury my dick in his ass while you ride him?"

She blushed furiously and looked away. "I know you're not the least bit gay," she said in a tiny voice. "But it's just a lubed hole in a bunch of silicon and plastic, right? It's not like you're putting the doll's dick in you. It's just... it's about as close to you as I can get, you know? Not each of us on separate dolls. You'd be... right there with me..."

She was trying so hard.

"I'll make a deal with you, Cait," I said, walking up to her and taking her hands in mine while looking down into her eyes. "I'll join you tonight. I'll fuck this mass of plastic and silicon on the ass while you ride it."

Her eyes lit up in delight at my acquiescence. She plainly hadn't been expecting it.