Little Tish Ch. 10


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"I think all three of us need sex and we need a lot of it. We could do it all the time and always want more. To be honest, I really love being like that when I'm around you guys. It's like magic," Billie said smiling. "I get horny and you always just chase away the emptiness and keep me happy and satisfied -- see? No problem."

"But Tishie, when she's horny -- and she is very, very horny right now -- she is very receptive and susceptible to any kind of sexual stimulation or suggestion. You just look at her a certain way and it's like she's in heat or something."

Kelly was feeing better but she still looked troubled. She knew she had to accept the new reality of her children and of their forbidden love. She just needed some time to adjust and to put it all into perspective. She was starting to think of how she might be able to help them -- to help smooth their path. She was just staring up in the general direction of her son's bedroom window.

Little Billie is a very smart little cookie and very intuitive. She was groping for a way to smooth things over for all of them. So she looked thoughtful for a minute and then, very carefully, she said, "Kelly, I really don't mean to be rude, but . . . was it . . . like that . . . for you?"

"Yes Billie. It was terrible for me. First, I didn't have anybody to talk to about any of it and, second, I had no idea what was even wrong with me. But my body knew what it needed and it's like I was just along for the ride. At least you guys -- well the four of us now, I guess -- know what the score is. And we have found some ways to alleviate the worst of our urges -- urges that are very, very powerful and very compelling -- very had to resist."

"Okay then Kelly, good news -- bad news. The bad news is that we are all off the charts as far as being over-sexed it concerned; the good news is that we are all off the charts as far as being over-sexed is concerned but we have beautiful people around us who love us and can help us remain at least marginally sane.

She looked up at Kelly and she appeared to be carefully considering what little Billie was saying. So Billie just continued.

"Personally, and assuming I am still welcome here now that you know that I share your 'problem.' I love being over-sexed and I love helping to keep us all sane." She looked at Kelly for some reassurance that she was still welcome.

"Oh god, Billie," Kelly answered reassuringly. "I love you so much and I love you being a part of our very strange little family. I know I love you but I don't know if I love you as a daughter, or as a sister or as a friend or as a lover. Hell, Billie, I probably love you like them all. And I -- well, we all, obviously -- love you and this place would seem a sad, empty shell without your beautifully sweet smiling face in it. I just wish you could live with us fulltime."

Little Billie had tears in her eyes when Kelly finished. She had never been happier or felt more loved.

"I'm serious little Billie. And assuming all this," Kelly continued and she motioned up towards Jack's room, "works itself out and if it's okay with everyone, there's a room here just for you; it's a damn big house." She said with a twinkle in her eye and a warm smile. "And I'm pretty sure you could have your choice of beds."

Billie smiled gratefully, sniffled, and with her voice cracking with emotion, she said. "Oh Kelly, you all mean so much to me. I love you all so much. I know this situation is -- well, it is about as strange and beyond the pale as far as society is concerned as you could get. But, surprisingly, it doesn't seem at all bad or immoral to me. I've seen how things are here and I know how much love you all clearly feel for each other. It's -- well it's beautiful and it makes my heart happy. It just feels -- well it just feels 'right' to me.

"It's like we are this little enclave out here and, if we remain careful and don't flaunt it, we get to make up our own rules, don't we? We aren't hurting anybody, are we? And the driving force around here is LOVE. That's the most important thing to me."

"I suppose you're right again, my sweet little redheaded angel. You have wisdom beyond your years. I hadn't thought of things quite like that before but it sure makes sense to me."

"The only thing," Billie said carefully, "is that, if we all aren't extremely careful and generously sympathetic to each others' feelings, things could get unpleasant in a hurry. We always have to assume the best of intentions from everyone in the 'family.' We have to be very forgiving and very slow to condemn. Does that make sense?"

Kelly was listening and knew in her heart that little Billie was right. Her frown was deepening though as she looked up at her son's bedroom window and wondered what was going on up there. She knew she had some serious reconciling of her own feelings and fears to do if things were going to have a chance to work out. And she knew that she really wanted things to work out.

Billie continued to work her magic and cast her spell. "And your two loving, wonderful children, for better or for worse Kelly, are head over heels in love with each other and they aren't going to be able to stop themselves. Their mutual attraction and their intense need for each other is just too powerful to deny.

"They are going to have sex, even though they may have both made up their minds not to. But their bodies and . . . their souls, I guess, need each other too much. And I know you understand . . . don't you? You've been there, right?"

"Yes my sweet little Billie," the beautiful young mother said with a sigh. "I do and my problem is that I'm just so conflicted about them being together. Part of me hates the idea and I know it will probably hurt them sooner or later. I just want to protect them from that and from all same sorts of misery I received as a result of following my own heart all those years ago.

"But," she continued, "The really strange part is that I am also terribly aroused and excited by them -- by what they are doing, probably right this second -- and by their love. I know it's very, very powerful. Billie, sometimes when I see the loving way they look at each other, it just makes my heart sing with happiness. If only it weren't so taboo and so forbidden by society.

"But Billie, I just love them soooo much. I would lay down my life for either one of them -- and that goes for you too now. A mother's love can be ferocious and I know my love for my children is all that and more."

Billie heard Kelly's voice break at this last declaration and noticed her eyes start to fill with tears.

"The selfish part of me is simply terrified of losing them forever and being left all alone. This place would feel like a ghost town." She almost whispered, the tears slipping down her soft cheeks. "They have been my whole life, Billie -- well, at least up to now and I just don't know what I would do without them."

"When I watched them walk in the house to go up to his bedroom, my mind was terribly torn. I was a little mad, a little sad and a little fearful. But Billie, part of me was really, really happy for them. And, I was surprised to discover, I was also extraordinarily aroused by it all. Just thinking about them up there right now . . . and about the sheer beauty of what they are probably doing with each other, has me positively dripping."

And then, in a very soft whisper that Billie could barely hear, Kelly said, "I want to be up there with them. I want to be right in the middle of them. Oh god, what's wrong with me?"

Billie had a thought and gazed up longingly once again, wordlessly looking for a kiss, a kiss that Kelly was more than happy to provide.

As they were kissing, Billie got up and straddled the pretty but conflicted young blonde and began kissing her loving way down Kelly's sensitive, flawless body.

After their lips parted, Kelly was already panting when the loving little redhead started kissing her nose and her eyes -- her throat and her ears and shoulders.

When she took one of Kelly's hard, pink nipples into her mouth and began nursing, Kelly gasped at the heavenly touch and pressed her breasts back into Billie's loving, wet mouth. She whimpered and she froze, just wallowing in the blissfully, loving attention Billie was lavishing on her sensitive breasts.

"God, it feels so good when you do that Billie." She whispered breathlessly. "I can feel it all the way down to my clit and then deeper. It almost feels like I'm cuming. Oh please keep doing that. Please? I love you my sweet little Billie."

By the time little Billie had kissed her loving way down to Kelly's soft mound, the pretty blonde was beside herself with the desire for Billie to start licking her pussy. And just as Billie's loving mouth descended to suck Kelly's dripping lips into her mouth, they clearly heard Little Tishie cry out in ecstasy from up above.

Kelly came then -- powerfully -- but it was only the first time among many that afternoon. This was to be all about Kelly, Billie knew, and about helping her to accept the bonding of her two adored children. And little Billie could sense that the loving attention she was lavishing on the young mother for the next little while, was her attempt to help Kelly enjoy the ride right along with her offspring.



He was buried so deeply inside me it felt like my little body had almost doubled in size. The feeling was indescribable and I was left momentarily breathless at the magical sense of a surprising and utterly complete feeling of intimacy with my own brother. It was otherworldly -- cosmic -- brother and sister, man and woman, two separate souls, lovers now, finally joined and becoming ONE.

I was at a total loss for words. I could only bury my face in my big brother's neck, completely carried away, and lost in emotion and a feeling of finally being fully complete for the first time in my life. It was like nothing I could have ever possibly imagined and I was once again moved to tears -- tears of total joy this time. I have never felt so complete, so whole, so alive or felt so much all-encompassing ecstasy in my entire life.

When I finally trusted my voice enough to speak, I pulled back and looked deeply into my brother's eyes. I saw magic there -- a glorious sense of cosmic connection and his strong hunger for me -- that same loving hunger that always makes my pussy convulse and whips it into melted honey. I was lost in his eyes and I will never forget it.

I touched my forehead to his and, still looking into his beautiful eyes I whispered, "Big Brother, you're inside me." Mine was a voice so choked with boundless love and awe I could hardly draw a breathe.

"I know," he whispered back. "I love it in there -- in you. You feel so warm and so wet and so heavenly and I'm completely surrounded by your lovingly delicious silky-wet warmth. I'm IN YOU Baby Sister -- INSIDE you!"

I felt his cock jerk inside me and I groaned as my vagina convulsed in response. I was so aware of every square millimeter of him throbbing and rubbing against the silky-wet, warm walls of my quivering pussy. We seemed to get caught up in that heavenly rhythm for a while, pulse -- convulse -- pulse -- twitch -- pulse -- convulse and so on, each one eliciting ecstatic groans from us both. Sooooo gooooood!

"We can't leave it in," I said breathlessly but with regret. "But we are going to leave you in me for a just little while longer. I've dreamed of this for so long and I just can't give you up for a little while yet, okay? Oh god Big Brother, I just wish I had the words to describe how wonderful it feels to have you so deep inside me. My pussy feels like it's just melting around you and I'm in heaven. Thanks you my Jackie for doing this with me -- for being here with me. I love you so much and you feel soooooo good in me.

"But just feel how we fit together so perfectly Big Brother; it's like my little pussy was made just for your wonderful cock. I love you in me Jackie and you own my whole soul."

"Oh Christ baby! Oh Fuck! Oh God how I love you! You feel soooo wonderful to me inside!" He marveled -- awed -- and practically in tears.

He pulled his hands back down from the headboard and took hold of my little butt. He took my butt-cheeks in each of his strong hands and he just held and squeezed them, loving the soft firmness of my tender little ass.

"Yummm -- yummmm . . . " I whispered as I felt the rhythms of his butt-squeezing inside my happy little pussy, now rubbing up against the entire surface of his delicious hard cock buried so deeply inside of me.

After a second or two, he softly whispered, "Just let it be for a minute Tishie. Just relax and get used to me -- being in you. Oh baby, I love the way you feel on my cock! God, you're sooo tight Little Sis! Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Now I know I'm just a tiny little wisp of a girl. And so, I suppose is my vagina. But apparently it was just large enough for my big brother to fill it perfectly. I could feel him, every square inch of him and, within my honey-walls I could feel myself mold to him sooo tightly it seemed like we were truly one -- made of the same flesh.

But if there was any pain, at the moment at least, I blocked it out. I just sat there, delirious with satisfied happiness; impaled completely on his wonderful, delicious cock and basking in the wonderful glow of the delicious way it filled me so completely.

"Shhhhhhh Jackie. I love you beyond words Big Brother." I soothed softly. "Let's just stay here and let you soak in me for a little while, okay?"

"Are you sure you're okay with this Little Sis? You are such a tiny little thing and it would kill me if I ever hurt you."

"I know it's supposed to hurt and, I don't know, maybe it did for a second, but now I just feel soooo full and so loved and soooo goooood! It's almost like our bodies were made to fit each other, such a perfect fit! I love it! But, Just hold me baby, okay? We'll pull it back out in a minute or two. Let's just enjoy this for another little while."

So we just lay there, holding on for dear life and, with every passing second, growing closer and closer to each other.

"God, my Jackie," I exulted, "I just can't believe how wonderful you feel inside of me. I feel soooo full and you are so huge in there! Please, let me just sit here for a minute and just bask in the glorious feeling of your beautiful cock inside me.

"Just keep soaking in me for a while, Big Brother. Just let me hold you there . . . inside of me. God I love this! I'll probably be very sore tomorrow but right now I'm in heaven! I'm in total ecstasy! I do love you soooo very much my Big Brother! I am yours -- for keeps!"

We just lay there in total bliss for a minute or two. And then Jackie pushed me into more of a sitting position, eliciting a whimper at the delightful sensations of my brother's cock sliding around inside my happy "Little Girl" and stimulating more nerves and pleasure spots.

He then resumed squeezing my sensitive little buns and began moving me around and around on him, much to my delight. All I could manage to do was moan in surprised ecstasy as I felt his girth rolling all around inside my vagina, rubbing against a multitude of brand-new delightful places just tingling and singing away with pleasure.

This new exciting and very intimate genital contact was blissfully stimulating to me. It was pushing all my buttons and it renewed the tingling ache that had been compelling me to pull my big brother deep into my body. It was making me wild with renewed arousal. I couldn't keep still.

"Oh Jackie, Ahhh yeahhhh! I love having you - Mmmmm . . . inside me. . . . Oh . . . fuckingggg . . . Yummmm! So . . . Mnuhhh . . . far inside . . . me! Yourrrrr . . . cock . . . in me . . . soooo good . . . mnphhh . . . Why did we . . . wait so long? It's heaven -- Big . . . mnuhhh . . . Brother -- and - I love you - sooooo much!"

And then, after a little while, I forced myself to settle down before I got too carried away. And finally I felt I needed to follow my original intentions and end this while I still had a measure of sanity left.

So reluctantly I sighed and sadly whispered, "Okay, I guess we have to pull it out now. Oh Shit! Be careful big brother." And slowly, I began lifting myself up by my knees and legs and I moaned at the terrible sense of losing that wonderful fullness that had been mine just a moment before.

I whimpered and whined at the terrible emptiness that was quickly replacing the glorious feeling of fullness -- of being 'complete' -- that had so recently sent me to my own personal paradise.

And that empty ache was quickly returning within me again and the need -- the hunger -- was just too strong to deny. I couldn't help myself. My pussy was really letting me know how unhappy she was. She wanted this too much and she made me relax my legs again and allow myself to sink back down onto my big brother's heavenly cock for 'just one more time'.

'Oh God this feels sooooo fucking gooood! I am finally home!' I realized with wonder as I felt that empty itch once again finally being scratched and growing quiet once more as I was filled yet again with indescribably euphoria.

"Oh Jackie . . . It's sooooo gooooood! I love you in me! I love this! I love you! And, I can tell you that we are going to be doing this . . . a lot!" I managed to gasp breathlessly.

"Okay, once more -- this time for sure. Ready?" And I began once again pulling myself up and off my brother's wonderfully thrilling cock -- his beautiful, vagina filling, soul satisfying cock.

But again, just as I was about to lift myself off of his heavenly cock 'for sure this time', I realized I just couldn't do it. I just rocked and wiggled around on the tip of his engorged member, savoring its teasing tickle just inside the lips of my freshly deflowered Little Girl and I suddenly realized I just didn't care anymore.

Whispering, almost to myself, I said, "I'm sorry Mom. I tried but, just like you I guess, I'm too weak to resist a good cock when it's right there for me. And I amso in love with this one and with the man it's connected to. You're just going to have to forgive your naughty little daughter, I guess because I just can't give this up yet."

And so, with oceans of love, my excited, smoldering eyes burned into his. I was not surprised at all to see the same loving, desperately hungry look in his eyes reflected right back at me. Our souls were communicating then and I knew that what we were doing was good and right . . . and perfect.

So I smiled at my much-adored big brother and whispered hoarsely, "Remember my talk with Mom?" He nodded his understanding with a very aroused smile of his own. My smile broadened into one that felt to me like it must have reflected my sheer wanton depravity; I winked at him and said, "Fuck her."

And with that, I drove myself back down, taking him back -- deeply inside myself, back inside my soaking wet, desperately hungry little vagina as far as it could reach and I groaned aloud in absolute ecstasy.

"AAHHHhhhhhhhhhhumm . . . Ummmmm Hmmmmm . . . Ohhhfuuuuck . . . Ohhh fuckkk Yeahhhh! . . . Mnuuung . . . Jesus! YESSSSSSSsssssssss! Oh god, JackieeyeeyeeI I jussst looovvvve yyoouuuu soooo muchhhh Jackieeyeeyeeyee! Ohhhhhhh Yeaaahhhhh!"

"Oh god - my Jackie," I exulted when I'd finally caught my breath, "you -- you - feel so - wonderful inside me! . . . Mnuphh . . . I feel - feel soooo - full and - you are so huge!"

And then sighing, I continued, "Please, just let me stay here for just another minute and enjoy feeling your beautiful cock inside me. It's sooooo gooood! God I love it! And I love you too my wonderful Big Brother, soooo very much! I am yours!" And then smiling delightedly I added. "You get to keep me!"
