Little Tish Ch. 10


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"But, seriously," I said, returning to the subject of 'my' little screw-up. "At least I've started taking the pills and hopefully they will have kicked in pretty quick.

"And if not, well it usually takes a while before the girl gets knocked up. Don't worry about it Big Brother. It'll be all right. I just hope Mom won't be too upset.

"At any rate, like I said, I plan on doing that a lot between now and when you have to head back up to school next week." And then I added smiling, "You'll need your strength."

As I lay there slowly coming to grips with the new reality of him leaving again, I shook my head sadly and whispered, "God I'm going to miss my Big Bother."

He came back over to rejoin me on the bed and we looked at each other and smiled -- me through my emotional, sad/happy tears.

He looked down at the sheets and said, "But we still need to do some thinking before we head back down to face the lions."

I just nodded and looked at him questioningly.

"Baby Sis, you and I are a lock; we are a done deal whatever happens. But we have two others to think about and they are still downstairs and no doubt more than a little worried. First of all, we do nothing unless we both agree, okay?"

Again I nodded my agreement.

Jackie went on. "First there's Mom to consider but let's leave her for a second. First I want to share my feelings about our little redhead down there."

I felt icicles in my stomach and looked on with what I'm sure was a face full of fear that he quickly picked up on.

"I know you love her Tishie and I know the rest of us do too. I mean, what's not to love? She's beautiful, she's smart, she's sexy as hell, she's delightfully innocent and I know you would be totally crushed without her. I want you guys together for several reasons.

"The first is that I just love her to pieces and I would really miss her if she weren't here. And, you know, I was actually delightfully surprised when I realized that I love thinking about you two together -- making love to each other. That is so hot and so damn sweet it makes me kind of emotional just thinking about it. You two are beautiful together; I love it. Funny, huh? Plus, the house would just seem empty without her in it. Agreed"? He asked.

Again I nodded, feeling much better now. As much as I love my big brother, loosing my little Billie would just break my heart. I'm so happy that Jack knows that.

"But just as important, I think, is what we've learned about both you and Mom lately. Tishie, I know you have very, very strong physical needs and you are blessed with a very responsive body.

"I'm sorry and I don't mean to offend but I'm kind of worried that without a sexual outlet for you when I'm gone, you might be needing some physical sexual contact that I won't be around to provide." He looked seriously in my eyes and went on. "So, just to be clear, I don't want you sexually involved with anyone we don't mutually agree on."

I just smiled and happily, nodded my agreement.

Undeterred, he just pushed his thinking forward. "Now I know that may not be fair to you, being all (air quotes) 'liberated' and all," he said to our mutual smiles, "but Little Sis, I simply can't stand the thought of you having sex with any other guy except me. I'm sorry but I just couldn't handle that. You are just too special to me. You are mine!" He said this so firmly, he almost looked angry so I knew he really meant it; "You belong to me! Okay?"

I just beamed my smile to show my happy agreement.

After pausing a moment to make sure we were both on the same page, he continued. "Now you know how I feel about little Beeje and, again, I sort of surprised myself when I realized that I really love the thought of you two being together. It is such a turn on!" He said shaking his head with a smile. "So Beeje is yours and, again I'm not bothered by, and I clearly love, the thought of you two loving each other. Okay?"

And then smiling, he went on. "If we have a 'freebee five'," he said with raised eyebrows, silently asking if I was aware of the idea. Again, I nodded my understanding. "If we have a 'freebee five', Beeje is at the top of yours. Okay?"

I giggled and delightedly smiled my agreement.

"It will be your call -- and Beeje's too obviously -- whether or not you guys want a third to join your happy little love nest. Think about it and talk to the redhead and let me know. Either way, I'll be okay with your answer."

"Okay Big Brother," I said. "My turn." He smiled and nodded. I puffed out a little sigh, smiled brightly and plunged right in. "Billie is such a joy and I love her -- I really do love her -- and I know she loves me too. Now she and I have talked about this and I told her that if you weren't okay with that, then I would just have to stop seeing her.

"You are the most important person in the world to me." I continued with a nod at Jackie so he would firmly understand that he was the subject of my little declaration. He smiled his agreement so I pushed on.

"She and I both agreed that the probability of my not being able to 'be with her' anymore was likely but we would just have to accede to your desires in this. We were both really worried about it. I'm feeling much better about that now." I said, smiling a radiant smile that my Jackie happily returned.

"And, I have done some deep soul-searching about you and Billie, or of the three of us together sexually and, like you, I was delighted to discover that I felt absolutely no jealousy at all with the idea of the two of you together -- joined -- sexually." I took a moment to look into his eyes very seriously, and finished my thought. "And, surprising me a little, spiritually as well."

I met his eyes and said firmly, "I have no interest in having sex with anybody I don't love. And I'm pretty sure you feel the same, right?"

He looked off in the distance, considering. After a second or two, he looked back, smiled and nodded his firm agreement.

I paused briefly to let all that sink in for both of us and then I continued. "And then, happily, I realized that the idea of you two being together, having sex -- with or without me there -- loving each other, in other words, is actually a huge turn on for me.

"It's funny. It feels sort of like I just baked a cake or something and I really want all three of us to share and enjoy it." And then, I added with a very naughty little turned-on grin; "Now this will probably sound a little perverse, but somehow it doesn't seem that way to me."

I paused for a moment to make sure I had his undivided attention and then I went on. "Big Brother, I would really love to watch you fucking Billie. I mean it Jackie. I want to see the love and desire and hunger on both your faces when you are really into the fucking and staring into each other's eyes.

"I want to see her beautiful face when you are rocking her world. Oh Big Brother, she is so damn beautiful when she is really turned on. And now, I really know you will rock her world -- big time!

"Oh Jackie, she has no idea what's coming her way -- no idea just what a lucky girls she is, getting to have sex with you -- to love you. God, the idea gives me the chills. Just thinking about that makes me so wet!

"I really want that for you two -- my favorite two people in the whole world. Well, I want that for all three of us of course, but I'm positive that you two will just love each other and that idea makes me really, really happy.

"The only caveat, is that you have to keep loving me too Jackie -- bottom line. I really think I would die if I ever lost you, Big Brother." I said with real emotion and tears starting to form in my eyes.

"So, what do you think, Big Brother? Am I too kinky for you?" I asked with a teary little grin.

He just smiled his loving smile and shook his head in delighted wonder.

And then, smiling happily, I went on, "Now I know you really like her and that she turns you on. I know she has a big crush on you and when I brought up the idea to her, I suggested that she consider you for her 'first' and she really seemed to love the idea. I mean, who better? Right? She's a virgin too. Well, now that I think about it, she is now the only resident virgin left around here."

Jackie just smiled his delight and I knew it was all going to be okay.

"Okay," I said seriously. "Then there is the issue with our mother." He looked at me with a serious expression.

"Now I know you saw me making love to her and I think you are a least partially okay with that."

I looked at Jackie and he was nodding his head thoughtfully.

"Okay, here is my thinking about our mother. Jackie, I know we both love her with all our hearts and, the other day when she told me about her sexual history and about all the hell she had gone though all her life, it just broke my heart. And you know I can empathize, right?" He nodded his agreement.

"And then I found myself thinking. Mom has given up so much for us. And considering how impossible it was for me without sex in my life, it's amazing to me how she somehow managed to choke all that back for all these years and still hold on to her sanity. Oh Jackie, I found out that 'not getting any' is hell. Big Brother, it's just awful. You know that, right?"

Again he nodded, thoughtfully.

"That wonderful woman has been lonely for years and I know she is unbelievably sex starved as well. Now she has given all that up for us, Jackie.

"All that was in the back of my mind when I was loving her the other day. And it wasn't out of sympathy either. I loved loving her, Jackie! I can't believe how much she turns me on and . . . I have it on pretty good authority, she turns you on too." He was nodding and smiling his agreement even as I went on. "She is delicious and drop-dead gorgeous in anyone's book.

"Oh Jackie, I know she's worried about you and me partially because she's worried we will just leave together and she'll be left all alone. Well, I can't see us doing that to her, can you?"

"No Sis," he answered thoughtfully. "Like you, she's everything to me. So what do you propose?"

"Big Brother, I want you to fuck her."

He just stared at me with wonder in his eyes and stood there, totally gob smacked.

"Think about it Jackie. I know you'd love to do it, right?"

He nodded, obviously thinking about it.

"And I'm pretty damn sure she'd like to have more than a little piece of that (air quotes) 'Wonder-Cock' of yours too. Hmmmm . . .?"

He just sat there, deep in thought. So pushed on.

"Jackie, I've thought a lot about this and I just can't see any way I'd be jealous of you and Mom loving each other. Just as long, that is, as you save some for your little sister.

"So what do you think? I mean, you did say that our 'family filter' is pretty dysfunctional, right? Well, I agree. So what do you think, Big Brother? Does Mom go on our freebee five?"

He just sat there, deep in thought for a long time. But finally, he looked up at me, smiled that smile I love so much and said, "Baby Sister, I like the way your mind works. For now, that looks like a good direction to head out in. So let's start heading there and see how everything shakes out, okay?

"We have some changes coming up: me going back to school, you figuring out what school you are going to and, of course, then there's the issue of little Beeje and Mom. But, whatever happens, let's just agree that we won't make any major decisions without consulting each other, okay?"

"Okay Jackie. I love you sooo much Big Brother. And I'm so happy we are finally together. Things aren't good with me when you aren't close."

"I love you too Little Sis." He said smiling. "But right now, let's get cleaned up and head back down and face the music."


Author's Note: I know this chapter was pretty long but we got some important things settled and many more heading in the right direction. But this story will probably come to an end pretty soon. There is a little more material roughed out but I have some other ideas I want to play with and I don't want my guys to wear out their welcome. So let me know what you think.

Again, thank you for reading and for your continued interest. Your comments and votes are gratefully encouraged and accepted. If you would like to comment, I can usually get a reply back to you inside of a week.

Next time: Kelly is very apprehensive about having sex with her much-adored son and the very idea just scares her to death. But, damn! That sweet women is so horny and it's sort of hard to believe that her "Itchy-Britches" are completely under her control. So, what do you think? Does Kelly deserve some good lovin'?

Thanks again,


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TaelynnTaelynnalmost 8 years ago
Can't wait for the next chapter!

This is my all-time favourite story series. I hope you continue for a long time!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Keep it Cumming,,

How could you even consider not enjoying writing about Kelly and Billie, cumming on board!!!

DickeydooDickeydooalmost 8 years ago

Add another Chapter or 2. Jack and Tishie's sex life with both Mom (Kelly), and Beeje just scream for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Hell of a story

I've loved the story so far. I know you're thinking about wrapping it up soon but keep it going as long as you can. Great job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
OK, nice but.......

...9 pages on a wednesday? Sure I'm still all in for long detailed stories but this was borderline! Sure there was lots to cover and discuss and sax to be had but man, 9 pages??? Preferred ti when it was 3 a piece, easier to manage and follow.

At least we got the so desired first time sex between Tishie & jack (much to moms annoyance) and it was glorious, her trepidation and indecisiveness prior to is was great to observe. Much like Tishie last time Jack displayed some balls of steel towards their mom, still he could have been at least a bit more sensitive about it. Not that their copulation didn't spark her sexual appetite thanks to Billie and her skills down under. But seriously now - did mom really think she had a change at stopping them when she herself almost couldn't say no to his cock?

Loved how they rationalised all their relationships and sexual needs to allow them to fuck Billie & mom while remain crazy in love & lust. Their reasonings actually sounded pretty convincing so I would have a hard time countering their logic, wonder what mom & Billie have to say when they reunite at the pool.

Still I had a fun time reading it all, specially Tihshies wishes to leave his cock in her for a week or two, so for the story part you get a 5* from me. But please for the love of all that is sane please do try dialling the scale back a bit.

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