Lockhome Syndrome


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Without Josh talking, he wasn't that bad to be around. It seemed like as long as we didn't really acknowledge each other's existence we could get along just fine.

Once he fell back asleep, I was left to sit quietly by myself. Examining my shirt, I realized that I looked disgusting. I had smears of that sauce all over the place. I looked like a baby that didn't know how to feed itself and was wearing more food than I had gotten into me. There were even some O's stuck in my long brown hair.

I quietly got up, making sure not to wake Josh. Generally, I didn't care whether my actions woke him up or not, but I figured I had a couple of hours until he woke up on his own and I wanted to do a little wash.

As quietly as I could I prepped the washing machine for a small load, stripped down, and threw my things in. My underwear wasn't really that dirty, but if I was going to wash my shirt I might as well wash that too. And I might not always have a good opportunity with both of us sharing this room 24/7.

It felt really awkward to be standing there naked with my brother there in the room. He was still asleep on the couch with his back to me, but if he woke up this would be humiliating. However, if the intensity of his workout was any indication, he would be asleep for quite a while.

With the washing machine running I set to work cleaning the Spaghetti O's out of my hair and trying to straighten it out a bit.




I was jolted awake by the sound of metal on metal in a slight banging. I quickly turned around to see what it was only to find my sister standing with her back to me in front of the dryer. Dora was completely naked. The only thing she was wearing was her long dark brown hair that fell to just below the middle of her back. It was a little messy, but it was thick, and with her being naked it had a wild sexual look to it.

All I could see was her back, but I couldn't look away. She had the firmest, roundest ass I had ever seen, and it was nice and perky. She even had these two cute little dimples on her lower back that gave me the impression that her nakedness was smiling at me.

I couldn't see her breasts, but for some reason I was dying to. And when she bent her tiny little body over the dryer to set the dial, I got a brief glimpse of her bare pussy. I couldn't speak for the whole thing, but it was hairless and magnificent. Her tiny inner labia were just peeking out between her larger, and her pussy sat firm against her body, no puffiness or fat, just young and trim. I began to feel myself harden at an increasingly rapid rate and I quickly adjusted myself.

Right before she turned around, I feigned sleep. I couldn't find any after that though, all I could think about was her body. My sister's body. My stupid stuck up bitch sister's hot as fuck body. I'm not sure what I hated more right now, myself for wanting to fuck her, or her for just being the way she was. She was such a bitch... all the time.

I had to sit there awake for the whole dry cycle with a hard on in my shorts and a desperate urge to take it in hand. I was pretty sure she wouldn't come anywhere near me while she was naked, but I hoped to God she never saw my erection.

With my eyes closed and my painful member sitting in my lap, I listened for what felt like an eternity for the sound of the dryer. Finally, I heard the door open before the alarm could go off- she was being cautious not to wake me, and then I heard the quick rustling that could only be her putting her shirt and panties back on.




I had thankfully gotten through washing my clothes without Josh waking up. It would have been unbearable to be stuck down here with him after that. The last thing I needed was for my brother to see me completely naked and then have to be stuck in a room with him for the next three days. Josh would never let me forget it either. He slept for a little while longer before eventually coming to and I silently praised my timing.

Josh seemed to notice that my shirt was clean again but didn't say anything about it. It seemed that our unspoken truce we had developed around our silence was still in effect. Sitting on our separate sides of the couch, we spent the rest of the day pitching washers into a jar or just sitting in silence.

After it got dark out we were both thinking about sleep. There was only the couch and I knew I would not be sharing it with him. That was too much to ask. And there was no way in hell I would be the one to sleep on the floor.

"I get the couch," I declared starting to stretch out on it. Funny enough, Josh didn't argue with me on it. He just dug around in the camping gear and pulled out a large sleeping bag. That would have come in really handy when I was butt naked earlier. It's not exactly making a fashion statement or anything, but it would have at least covered me up.

He rolled out the sleeping bag on the floor a little ways from the couch and turned out the light. It was completely dark, and I couldn't see a thing, but I could hear rustling as he climbed into the sleeping bag.

I quickly understood why he didn't argue about the couch. No matter how I positioned myself, it felt like I was being stabbed in several places by springs. I didn't know how our dad slept down here when our mom was pissed at him. I would have thrown this thing out a long time ago and replaced it.

As the night went on I tossed and turned, and the temperature dropped. Uncomfortably so. It was just to the point where I started shivering before I'd had enough. Carefully making my way through the dark, I found Josh on the ground and gave him a soft kick to wake him up.




"What!" I said, being shocked awake with what felt like a kick in my side.

"Switch with me, I can't sleep on that couch," my sister said firmly.

"Not gonna happen. Besides, you were so adamant that you should get it earlier. So, guess what, it's all yours," I told her with a little joy at her present and future discomfort. "You get to sleep there until mom and dad get back."

"Switch with me or I'm going to keep kicking you until you do," she threatened.

"Try it and I'll tie you up and hang you upside down from the ceiling. I'm not a little kid anymore," I delivered in a calm even voice.

She seemed to think it over before changing tactics. "I'm cold and that couch is horrible... Could you at least scoot over?" she sounded like she was pouting. Either it was real, or she was a very good actor.

We were entering dangerous ground. Since I had seen her naked, I had been having an exceedingly difficult time maintaining my composure. By composure, I mean not getting a raging erection every time I looked at her. It seemed that since I had seen her naked, I could envision what she looked like underneath with every glance at her clothed body.

"Please," she said. This was really unlike her. She actually sounded sincere.

"Fine," I said scooting over. The sleeping bag was rather large, our mom and dad used it together when they would go camping, but it was somewhat of a tight squeeze for two people. When Dora got in and situated, her side was pressed firmly against mine.

It was uncomfortable. I can't speak for her, but feeling her right next to me...I was afraid to move and have my skin brush against hers. I felt awkward and I couldn't move around to get more comfortable. On top of all of that, my cock was standing straight up like a flag pole causing a major tent in the fabric. I took a small moment to thank God for the darkness, and for the awkwardness between us that prevented either of us from moving. If she accidentally touched it, I think I would have to kill myself to prevent the horror of having to hear about it from her for the rest of my life. And she would most definitely never let me forget it.

It took a long time, but I finally drifted to sleep.




"What the fuck sis?!" I woke hearing my brother's panicked voice.

It was dark out and I was completely under the covers. It took me a few seconds to realize where I was. I was in the basement of our parents' house, trapped with my brother.

The covers were pulled back, blinding me with the light of day coming in from a small window and my brother was looking down at me. Oh shit. I was laying on his chest with my leg hooked over him. This was embarrassing, I must have moved in my sleep.

"You can let go of me anytime now," he said with a panicked edge to his voice.

Still sleepy, I was trying to process what he said and then I felt it. It jumped in my hand. I was cuddling on my asshole brother and I had my hand wrapped around his hardened cock. My hand jerked away as if burned and I threw myself away from him in panic only to slam into the side of the closed sleeping bag. Ignoring the zipper, I scrambled out of the bag and scurried away backwards on hands and feet until I made contact with the side of the couch where I huddled around my knees.

This had to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. I had been holding my brother's morning wood. And I couldn't stop thinking about how big it had felt in my hand. I was 22, I'd had a lot of sex and seen a lot of dick, but from what I had felt this one beat them all. Part of me wanted to see it, to touch it again, but it was my brother's!

Being slutty was one thing, I had learned early on that that was my lot in life, loving sex, but thinking about your brother like that was just totally wrong.

After I had scampered away, Josh quickly slipped out of the sleeping bag and made a beeline for the tiny bathroom holding his crotch. I didn't know if he was peeing or jerking off, but I tried desperately not to listen.

Part of me deep down, really wanted him to be jerking off.




Slamming the bathroom door, I couldn't help but let out a small moan. I had woken up and Dora had been laying against me with her hand wrapped around my cock through my boxers. I was so shocked by the feeling of her holding me I had cried out. Her hand had been slowly gripping me over and over and it had felt amazing.

I couldn't get that feeling out of my mind as I stood there gripping my hard shaft and I began to unconsciously stoke myself. I almost creamed the inside of my boxers before I realized and pulled them down, shooting off into my hand.

I couldn't believe I had just jerked off thinking about my sister's hand on my cock. I quickly cleaned the cum off my hand and peed with my cock now deflating and hoped that Dora wouldn't think I had rubbed one out after that whole ordeal.

I stepped out of the bathroom and quickly washed my hands in the sink against the wall, trying to wash away the smell of my cum before Dora could detect it.

She was still sitting stunned in the same place I had left her in front of the sofa. She had the look of someone who had been hit between the eyes with a hammer. This dazed, shocked look, still holding the traces of fear that they had when they saw the blow coming.

I avoided her. Hell, I avoided the whole situation. The last thing I needed was for her to give me shit about being a perv because I had a hard on sleeping next to her...even if she was the one holding me and squeezing me in her sleep.

Not wanting to go through opening a can of soup with the knife, I opened the freezer and pulled out an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. Not healthy, I know, but I had a hell of a morning already and it wasn't like we had many nutritious options.

I lingered by the washer and dryer behind her, eating in silence.

Silence. It was deafening. It was even worse than yesterday it seemed. We had been rather quiet the whole previous day, but that was out of our controlled anger and hate. This silence was born from shock and embarrassment... Shame.

After I finished eating, I worked the outside of the room peering into boxes, seeing if there might be anything I had missed from my original examination. There wasn't much of interest. I found some old baby stuff of mine and Dora's, a couple of lousy board games, at least they were in my opinion. Who actually plays Monopoly still? You never finish the game anyway; someone always ends up getting pissed and shit starts flying. There were also some old Steven Segal VHS tapes of my dad's hidden in a box I'd previously overlooked. No wonder they were down here. First off, VHS. Second, our dad is the only person in our family who can stand to watch them. Our mother has made it clear that he is not to torture anyone in the family by watching them with us.

On the upside, I found Candy Land. And no, I'm not a Candy Land fan. There just happened to be enough cards in that game to make a deck of playing cards out of.

While the silence stretched on, I stood there with a pen writing out the numbers and letters and drawing the suits. I figured I could waste some time playing solitaire... Since now that my sister was here, I couldn't waste my time away playing the other kind of solitaire.

I stood playing a few games on the top of the dryer, lost in thought, when Dora walked by me and scared the shit out of me making me jump. She pretended not to notice my skittishness and proceeded to pull out a frozen strawberry popsicle, the kind made of real strawberries, and ignoring me she went back to sit on the couch. The day pretty much went like that until about midafternoon.

"Do you want to try watching a movie?" Dora asked breaking the silence that had gone on for so long.

"Fuck! I almost shit my pants. You scared the hell out of me," I told her.

It seemed she had found the box of movies that I had, and out of extreme boredom was willing to try anything to break the monotony.

"Sure, whatever," I told her still avoiding any potential eye contact.

She picked one at random and popped it into the VCR and turned on the old TV set. You could tell right away it was an old movie because the quality was garbage. I grabbed a couple of ice cream sandwiches from the freezer and as I sat on my side of the couch, I handed one to Dora.

The movie started off a little weird, there weren't any credits or a title, unless I missed that part somehow, and the acting was cheesy. I kind of felt like I was watching a really old soap opera. About seven minutes in there was this sex scene that was starting, and I was feeling a little uncomfortable watching this while sitting next to my sister, especially after what happened this morning.

A minute later I realized it wasn't a Steven Segal movie. What made you realize that you ask? I think it was the full on full-frontal male nudity and this forty something blonde woman taking a cock in her mouth.

"Are you sure you got the right movie?" I asked getting nervous. My erection had started to form, and it wasn't like I had jeans or some other thick material to keep myself discreet. Casually placing my arm across my erection to keep it down I asked again.

"Sis? Sis!" I said breaking her from the screen. "Are you sure you put in the right movie?"

"It was the one in the box..."

She got up and hit the eject button on the VCR and pulled out the tape. The second she moved I could smell it. I hadn't slept with many girls, but I knew the smell of wet pussy when I came across it. It had this earthy musk that was unmistakable, and it could quickly fill a room and linger for some time. I was sitting, locked in our basement with a huge hard on and my sister's wet pussy. I was so hard I could use it as a battering ram to break down the broken door. Not really, but if I could have I would have been out of there.

"Oh my God! This says Slutty Housewives #2! This is porn! I just watched porn with my brother!" she whimpered, dropping the tape to the ground and backing away from it.

"I guess this explains why mom doesn't want dad to watch his Steven Segal movies around us," I said trying to take the edge off. It was either that or it was the reason he hid his old ass porn in Steven Segal VHS sleeves.

"I think I might be sick," Dora said.




I rushed into the small bathroom and shut the door behind me. My hurry had nothing to do with sickness. I quickly pulled my panties down around my knees and began to rub my clit with a fury. Seeing that porn, even as old as it was, with my brother, turned me on. When I looked at him, I could see him trying to hide his hard cock down the leg of his boxers and I couldn't take it anymore.

I have a pretty high sex drive and all of the stimulus I had been getting, with no release, was starting to really get to me. I just need to take the edge off and then things will go back to normal. I lied to myself. The whole time I touched myself, I couldn't get the sight of my brother out of my mind.

I was dripping down my thighs as I rubbed my pussy and I jammed two fingers up my sloppy cunt, imagining it was my brother's cock. My knees were shaking slightly, and my hips were bucking into my hands as I stood there working myself over. I was so close already, but I needed more. Josh's cock. I slipped one more finger into my slick hole and fucked myself harder.

I came hard, biting down on my lip to keep from screaming out anything...my brother's name most of all. Shaking and panting I quickly cleaned myself up with some tissue, pulled up my panties, and flushed the toilet.

When I came back out, I quickly went to wash my hands in the sink trying to get rid of the smell of my arousal. I spent longer than necessary scrubbing my hands most likely in an attempt to wash away the shame and disgust I felt for thinking about my brother while I had gotten myself off. It didn't matter how good he looked or how big his cock was, he was my brother! Thinking about him was just so gross! And I had hated him since his birth. I wasn't sure which part of this disgusted me worse, but I was now feeling slightly nauseated.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked me. He actually seemed concerned.

Thinking quickly, I washed my mouth out like I had been puking and spit it into the sink.

"I'll be fine...Thanks," That last part had been a little difficult to get out. It was just so easy to hate him.

"I checked the other movies, they're all porn, so no luck there. There is even a Bambi movie case with Bad Babysitters in it. Dad sure likes his vintage porn I guess," he said with a forced laugh. "Do you want to play some cards?"

"Sure. Is rummy OK?" I asked trying to keep my composure.

We sat and played quietly on the floor in front of the couch for a while with his modified Candy Land deck. The game was helping to keep my mind off things...mostly. I would get caught up in our game and then it would sneak back up on me and hit me all over again, giving me naughty tingling feelings before I could crush them again underneath my shame and loathing.

"Do you want to get drunk?" I asked. I figured that it was pretty much the only way we could make this lock-in bearable.

"No booze," Josh replied with a sigh.

"I um...found some earlier. I wasn't going to share, but this weekend is fucked and there just might be enough for two of us." I confessed.