Lockhome Syndrome


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As if this was the most normal thing in the world, Josh reached down and brushed my hair behind my ear to get a better look at his cock disappearing into my mouth. I continued sucking on him for a few more minutes before letting it slide out of my mouth with a popping sound.

"Good morning!" I said while slowly stroking him. "How was your sleep?"

"Fantastic," Josh mumbled still waking up.

Now that he was awake, I needed something for myself. Yeah, I did love sucking on that beauty, but I couldn't cum from sucking alone. I crawled my way up straddling his hips, feeling the slickness on my thighs rubbing off onto his. Wasting no time at all, I eased his thick rod into my begging cunt.

"Ohhh God!" I exclaimed as I slowly inched my way down to the bottom. "So good!"

I sat on him for a minute just enjoying the feel of fullness and the incredible warmth of him throbbing inside of me.

"So, what do you want to do today little brother?" I asked as if sitting with his cock buried in my pussy were the most normal thing in the world.

"Hummm." he hummed as his hands slid up my hips and started rocking me slightly onto him. "We could play rummy... or watch a Steven Segal movie." he teased.

"Really?" I asked adding a little more motion to my hips making circular gyrations that I know guys love. "I was thinking we could work out together... You know..." I paused letting out a little moan. "We could really work up a sweat."

"I don't know, I work out pretty hard," he said thrusting up into me roughly to emphasize his point.

"Ohhh!" I squealed. "I'm still tender baby. Go easy on me," I smiled. My thighs were pretty bruised, and my pussy had taken quite the thrashing yesterday.

We were quiet for a while as I slowly worked myself on his cock. It felt dirty, but at the same time it didn't feel awkward or anything. I wasn't embarrassed having him watch me ride his cock, or watching him in turn. Even looking each other in the eyes while we fucked felt natural. It wasn't love. I know that for sure. It was just a familiarity and a feeling of comfortableness. We both knew what we felt about each other and where we stood. We hated each other and loved the sex. The former was being slowly drowned by an overpowering lust, but still, we knew what was going on.

"Oh God!" I squeaked as my first orgasm washed over me. It was a small one, but it still felt amazing.

Josh kept his strong hands on my hips, continuing to fuck me through my first climax. When that small wave of bliss subsided, I resumed fucking him on my own. The pain from my sore, over worked pussy mixed with the pleasure of being so completely full of my brother's cock was indescribable. I was so sore, but that pleasure just pushed me farther and farther along

"That's my girl!" Josh said smiling up at me. "Ohhh fuck! Just like that!" he said as he started to slightly buck his hips, fucking into me as I slowly rode him. "You're such a good little slut for me, aren't you?"

"Ummmm!" I moaned feeling another climax building.

"What's that sis? I didn't hear you?" he said as he reached up to pinch my nipple hard eliciting a squeal from me.

"YESSSSSS!" I screamed through the pain and pleasure. "I'm your good little slut!" I answered. "Just keep fucking me!" I begged as I rode him.

His bucking became stronger and faster signaling his soon release. Knowing I had to beat him to the finish, I increased my pace and the pressure of my clit grinding on his pelvis. Both of our breathing quickened as our bodies fought against each other, desperately reaching for that moment of bliss.

"I'm so close!" I moaned feeling myself getting near.

"Me too Sis!" Josh announced. "You better come soon, because I'm not waiting for you."

"You're such a fucking ass!" I moaned punching him hard in the ribs as I fucked myself on his tool.

"Keep that up and I will be fucking that ass!" he said giving it a little pinch.

That thought made me even more excited, and scared. His cock was massive, and I had never had anything that big up there before. Hell, before yesterday I had never had anything that big in my pussy.

"Sure baby, you can fuck my ass." I said making him smile in anticipation. "Just after you let me fuck you in the ass," I said moaning.

In reality, the thought of him taking my ass really turned me on. Just the thought of it was whipping my oncoming climax into a frenzy. The pleasure just kept building and building. At this rate, when the damn broke, it would be massive.

"Oh God, yes! Just like that!" I pleaded, so close.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" I moaned. "OH FUCK!" I screamed as the pleasure washed over me.

As my pussy convulsed on his cock, I could feel my brother's shaft swell, stretching me even more until he gave one final thrust into my quivering cunt, and with a grunt shot his warm seed into me. With each blast I could feel it splashing against my insides, flooding me and seeping out of me around his over-sized cock.

Feeling him release inside of me sent me tumbling all over again as an even more intense burst of pleasure shot through me, starting from my juicy center and spreading all the way throughout my body. Lost in the bliss, I collapsed on top of him.

"Wow!" I exclaimed letting out a long breath once I had come back to my senses. "You sure can make a girl feel special."

I could still feel his cock inside of me. It wasn't as hard as it had been, but from a little experience I knew that with only a little coaxing he could be ready to go again in no time.

"I'm hungry," Josh mumbled tiredly into my hair.

"Good, because there is about a gallon of sperm in my cunt you can eat," I giggled joking. "It's good for you. It's got lots of protein... it also cures acne and sore throats... whitens teeth too," I mused, listing all the lies men tell women.

"I think I'll pass," he mumbled. "Starvation sounds like a good plan right now."

I just giggled into his chest. It would have been kind of hot though, having him lick his cum out of my pussy. Thinking about it got me all horny again. With his cock still inside of me, I flexed my pussy around him, quickly reviving my new best friend and making Josh moan.

"I hope you're ready to go again, baby brother," I said sitting up again. "I'm not done with you yet."

"Oh, I'm ready," he said smirking. "I plan on fucking some sense into you before mom and dad get back."

"Oh?" I asked amused. "Is that how it's gonna be?"

Before Josh could come back with a witty response, we both heard a loud thud coming from upstairs and we instantly froze as one. I strained my ears to hear, and I was sure Josh was doing the same.

"Josh!" A worried, high-pitched voice called. "Are you okay? You haven't been answering your phone."

Mom! We both mouthed to each other frightened.

"I'm sure he's fine, Edith." The deeper voice of our father called. We could hear his heavy footsteps on the landing headed to the second floor.

Hearing our fathers voice shook us both into action. I quickly climbed off of my brothers bulging tool and scampered to the dryer to grab our clothes. Josh jumped up as well, quietly cursing our parents timing.

"I thought you said they wouldn't be back until Monday night!" I exclaimed, as I tossed him his boxers and he snatched them out of the air.

"They were!" he said in a hushed voice as he dressed.

Deep down I already knew what had happened. Our mother probably called to check in on him, like usual, and he never answered his phone. A hundred calls later, and she must have been sure that something was wrong...or he was up to no good, and came home early.

Scared out of my mind that one of our parents would open the door to see me naked with my own brother, I hastily slipped on my t-shirt and panties, and tried to make myself look as normal as possible.

While I worked on myself, Josh, thinking quickly, hosed down the whole area with air freshener. The entire basement smelled of sweat and sex. With one quick look around the room, and checking that I was decent, or at least as decent as my limited wardrobe would allow, he began shouting for 'help'.

"WE"RE DOWN HERE!" he called as he raced up the stairs with myself close behind him. "MOM! DAD! LET US OUT!" he called, banging on the door before turning to me in a quieter voice. "I hate you." He said bluntly. "And you hate me...Got it?"

"Yeah." I said stunned, feeling like I had just been slapped, or kicked in the stomach.

That was it? The parents come home and everything that happened between us gets dropped like it never happened? I felt that rage for him coming back, that rage that had somehow been suppressed in our captivity, but now it was accompanied by something he had never made me feel before, pain. My fists clenched at my sides.

The doorknob jiggled and then opened.

"What are you doing down here?" Our father asked confused. "Dora? What are you doing home? And what the hell are you two wearing?" he asked suspiciously.

"The doorknob is broken on this side." Josh said pushing past our father impatiently, looking relieved to finally be out of the basement. "I've been stuck in there since Thursday. Genius here came back to raid the refrigerator and got herself trapped as well."

"Are you two okay?" he asked.

"Nothing a shower won't fix." Josh said snidely, carefully eyeing me before walking away to go upstairs.

"Are you okay, Dora?" dad asked me, putting his hand on my arm comfortingly.

"I'm okay." I told him.

"Are you sure pumpkin?" he asked. "You don't look it."

"I'm fine." I assured him as I tried to compose myself. "Why does he have to be such a dick?" I asked, immediately regretting my choice of words. I could feel Josh's cum oozing into my panties, and the thought of it sickened me. I couldn't believe I slept with him.

Feeling awkward that I was standing there in my underwear, I pulled my arms around myself embarrassed, and excused myself to go up to my room. As I climbed the stairs, I heard my father telling my mom what happened, and explaining that no one should go into the basement until the door was fixed.

As I reached the top landing, I heard the shower running in the bathroom, and cursed my brother yet again. He could at least have let me shower first. I was the one dripping his bodily fluids down my thighs right now. Feeling frustrated and dirty, I walked down the hall and into my room, slamming the door behind me.

As soon as the door slammed shut, hands grasped my shoulders from behind, startling me to jump as I quickly turned. As I did, my eyes fell upon my brother Josh, who had been concealed behind my open door. At the sight of his smirking face, standing there still in his boxers, my rage intensified.

"Fuck you!" I hissed, throwing my small weight futilely into his much larger one. "What are you doing here. Get out!" I continued, my arm swinging of its own accord to slap him as hard as it could.

He recoiled slightly in confusion, but still his hand was quick enough to catch mine. His fingers tightened around my wrist firmly, and his mouth parted to speak as I swung at him with my other hand, this time landing squarely on his cheek with an audible smack.

"Damn it! What the hell Dora?" he asked angrily, a red mark quickly forming on his cheek. "Have you lost your mind?" he asked as he struggled to trap my free hand before I could slap him again.

"I must have!" I spat, squirming as he finally secured his hold on both of my wrists. "I thought you were different now. I thought things had changed. I let you..." I trailed off, not able to admit my shame out loud, even in private.

His eyes bored into mine, sickening me. Desperate to free myself from his touch, I aimed a knee at his filthy cock, but he was prepared this time, pressing his thighs together to catch my assault.

With a growl, he twisted me roughly around, pinning my arms across my body as he pulled me securely against him. I could feel the firmness of his muscles against my back as he marched me toward my bed and threw me face first upon it. Afraid, I quickly rolled to my back and inched backwards on elbows and feet.

"I meant what I said, nothing has changed." he paused, staring down at me. "For them at least." he nodded toward the door, and our parents in the house beyond it. "Their two children who hate each other so much that they couldn't possibly be doing the unthinkable beneath their noses." he continued as he crawled onto the bed with me.

"But you said you hated me." I accused as he drew closer.

"Yeah. I was telling you our game plan. It wasn't a statement of fact." he laughed, his face now only a foot away from mine and his body hovering above me.

My fury for him transformed into something else. It didn't evaporate or even lessen. I was still filled with rage, but of a different kind. What his careless words had put me through, even for a short while, had hurt down to the bone. Whether he meant them as I heard them or not, the fact that I had to endure that tempest of emotion was his fault. Coupled with the fact that part of me reviled the confused feelings I had for someone I had hated my entire life, I was experiencing an existential crisis.

"You're an ass." I told him angrily, trying to mask my frustrations.

"It's not my fault you were too stupid to understand." he grinned, leaning forward to steal a kiss.

Against my immediate wishes, my lips parted for his tongue. His familiar, forbidden touch, warmed my thighs and sent electricity to tingle across my skin, threatening to wash away my anger. Struggling to hold my resolve, and not give in so easily, I punched him hard in the ribs, receiving a grunt in return.

"Damn it, Dora!" he hissed pulling back angrily. "Will you quit that?"

His callused hand gripped my throat roughly, and eased me back onto the bed slowly, following until he was on top of me. I could feel the hardness of him pressing through the thin fabric of his boxers and my soiled panties, reminding me of how wet they were.

I tried to tell myself that they weren't wet because of desire, that it was just his cum still leaking from me, but with my brother nestled tightly between my thighs again I couldn't deny that spreading warm tingle of my body betraying me.

Josh leaned down to kiss me again, and I turned my cheek to avoid him. His lips closed on my neck and he licked and kissed, teasing me beyond the reason I was desperately trying to hold to. His other hand moved between us, slipping my panties to the side, rubbing his now bare cock against my traitorous folds.

My body ached with desire and a moan escaped my lips, condemning me.

"I hate you." I whimpered breathily, truly hating myself for giving in.

"Show me how much you hate me." he whispered coyly into my ear as he positioned his cock at my entrance.

With barely a moment's hesitation, I lifted my heels around his thighs and pulled him into me.

As he bottomed out inside of me, my brothers lips met mine and passion engulfed me. I didn't know how I would reconcile the man I hated with the lover I craved, but with his cock deep inside of me...I could think of nothing else.

Please rate, and/or leave a comment if you enjoyed this story. It only takes a moment, and it's things like that that mean the world to me. There's also some great potential in making this a trilogy or a series, we'll have to see.

If you are wondering when Women's Studies will be continued, it'll be a little while longer. I am currently on a deadline for a main stream novel, and once that is finished, I will be diving back in to WS.


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

agree on the trilogy part... thanks for this great story

fuze33fuze337 months ago

Slut sister and six pack brother with a massive penis that gives multiple orgasms is an overdone trope. I liked the trapped together in the basement part though because it was something different.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

3 star

Sister is a real cumslut and brother has a pornstar dick. Not the most original but good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

POV changes always, always, always suck. No matter how good the plot, yoinking the reader out of immersion, over and over, is just awful. 3rd person is your friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm speechless. This is most amazing brother/sister story of all time. Please continue this 🙏🙏

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