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I was at the diner in late June when Alice and her daughter walked in, the place was packed, I motioned with my hand that the two chairs across were open, she nodded and headed my way. As she walked toward me I was beginning to wonder why I had done that, we'd never done anything but disagree, and yet I had voluntarily invited her to sit with me. "Dork". She politely sat and introduced her daughter, Angel, I thought it odd to name a child Angel but later came to realize it was fairly common.

My meal came about the time she was ready to order, Lydia (the owner and our waitress) gave me a funny look. Knowing Alice and I were direct opposites she was probably concerned we might get into fisticuffs before the meal was done. Her daughter rambled as seven year olds are prone to do, when she got to the part where she didn't like mister Kevin her mother quickly intervened.

"Honey, we don't talk about people, it's rude."

"But mama he's not nice to me."

I gave Alice a funny look, as if "what is she talking about".

"Kevin isn't very good with children, it can be a challenge at times. We get along wonderfully when it's just he and I. It's gonna take some time but it'll work out."

I wasn't looking for a fight but needed to say something, "My mom used to say that the way a man treats a child is the same way he'll treat his wife eventually. Not tryin to start a fight, just relating what she used to say."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Oh look, a table has opened up, we'll scoot over there. Have a good day."

As I was walking out a tall brunette was walking in, I stepped to the side holding the door for her, mid way she stopped and looked at me. Not quite sure what to do I stood there, when she spoke I immediately knew who it was.

"Is that you Dale Schilling?"

I smiled, "Betty Zindar, what a coincidence. How have you been?"

"We should probably stop blocking the doorway, come, have a coffee with me."

I asked how her husband was, why was she up north, how long did she plan on staying, all the normal stuff. As I spoke with her I could see Alice looking our way as she ate. Made me wonder why, she obviously didn't care for me in any sense.

"Gerald is not here, in fact he's not in my life at all, he now shares a cell with bubba the love god. When a young girl he was giving a physical for sports told her mother what had gone on it became evident I wasn't the only one he's was giving free breast exams. The aftermath was a shit storm, eleven other girls came forward, in the end he went to prison for a very long time."

"What about his position as a surgeon and the clinic?"

"With me working at the hospital as an RN I was caught in the middle of it all, I ended up resigning, selling the clinic and cashing out everything we owned. I divorced him and decided to get out of dodge, thankfully we never had kids. Say, did you know some of the equipment you sold the hospital is still there even after the remodel two years ago. The guy who replaced you was a jerk, he lost that account entirely."

Reaching across touching my hand she asked, "And you? What brings you to this out of the way diner?"

"I live here. I own and operate Dale's DX down the street."

"Oh my goodness, I stopped there to get gas, I love the way you have the inside decorated with all the memorabilia. It must have cost a fortune to obtain that stuff, those are all originals."

As Alice walked by on the way out I got an ugly look from her, I wondered what that was about, we'd barely said ten civil words to each other since she arrived in Longwood over a year ago.

"Truth be told Betty, they were all in the way back of the building when I bought it, all I did was clean them up. The DX sign is original as well, I had spots added to the pole so it was visible at night. You wouldn't believe the number of people wanting to buy those items and at ridiculous prices. The old Coke machine toward the back .... a guy offered me two thousand dollars. He was admittedly a bit drunk, but if I'd have said yes he'd have bought it. How long do you plan to visit, did you rent a cabin at a resort?"

Lydia was back with her meal, as she set it down Betty said, Thanks Lydia."

Now I was thoroughly confused. "How do you know Lydia?"

"Because I bought the place this past Thursday. I'm the new owner, the name will remain and all the people, it's just a new owner. Lydia has agreed to stay on for six months and all the others want to stay long term."

I grinned and looked down, then up again, "I knew Lydia had it on the market but wasn't aware she'd had any response."

"Well, we kept it on the hush-hush until things could be settled. I'm 41 and tired of being on my feet through twelve-hour shifts, not to mention the shift part, that gets old real fast. I started on ER shortly after you were no longer calling on us, I've seen enough guts and blood to last a lifetime. My grandparents had a place near High Ridge which made me think of moving north, and, here I am. Mind you I know nothing of the restaurant business, but Lydia and the others do. I'll learn from them."

It was a pleasant conversation and fun to catch up with an old-time acquaintance. Betty was a handsome woman, in the five nine -- five ten range, long natural brown hair, a slim figure but not skinny, all in all she was what some would say is average. She would never be on the front of a fashion mag, but then neither will 99% of the rest of humanity. I had always enjoyed talking with her in the past, as I was about to depart she stopped me.

"You were one of the good guys Dale, you never hit on any of the married women, which wasn't the case with most of the salesmen. You were spoken of in a favorable light by all of the nursing staff."

Over the next month we saw more of one another, I ate at the diner more, she would show up at the store to watch TV and hang out with me two or three nights a week. We were becoming cautiously friendly, neither of us wanting to be the first to make a move, there was chemistry present, but who would be the first to act on it. At about the two month mark we'd become quite comfortable and had kissed on occasion, nothing earth shattering, enjoyable none the less.

I was quite settled with the direction my life was going when out of nowhere Alice decided to re-enter my life, she was like a nagging cough that just won't go away for good. I was working a night shift for one of the regulars who went home sick, I mean barf all over the bathroom floor sick, home was where she needed to be. It was a few minutes before closing time and a car pulled into the fuel pumps, I was thinking no big deal, I'll close a few minutes late but a sale is a sale.

The car looked familiar but I couldn't place it, that is until a brown haired little girl got out of the passenger side and looked toward the building, thirty seconds later her mother emerged from the driver side. My body tensed and my mind was getting ready for a verbal confrontation, I had been able to avoid Alice for weeks, and here she was, as if the day hadn't been lousy enough I would have to deal with this cunt.

Prior to her showing up last minute it had been an incredibly shitty day, the computer for the pumps failed, it took over two hours to get things up and running again, just as we were sorting that mess Evelyn told me one of the pizza ovens was down and it would be the next afternoon before the repair guy could get to us. Just when I thought the morning couldn't get any worse the entire town lost power for over an hour, it was blamed on a squirrel, not sure how that works.

Once the substation was back online power was restored, which meant we had to reboot everything, what a frickin nightmare. Betty wisely closed the doors of her diner as soon as the power went out and didn't re-open. She had come to the station after supper to see how I was doing, I happened to be in the ladi-s bathroom mopping up puke when she stuck her head in.

"What a frickin mess, is she okay? That's a lot of puke."

I heard her call one of the pizza gals and told them to man the registers while I took a short break. In my little apartment we sat talking, or should I say it was me grumbling while she listened. She finally raised her hand for me to stop.

"I'm gonna head home for a bit, I'll get out of your hair and come back about closing time."

From that time until this moment the rest of the night had gone okay, the last thing I needed was an argument about who knows what with Alice. Walking through the door to pay she was all smiles, hi how are you, long time no see, and a plethora of other bullshit. My guard was up and I was ready to verbally duke it out. I asked about her boyfriend and she scoffed.

"Kevin, he's not my boyfriend, never was, we went out or a while but that was all. I was thinking maybe you and I should go out sometime soon."

I was about to tell her no thanks when the door opened, in strolled Betty, she smiled at me and politely nodded at Alice who took her change and brushed my hand with hers. Instinctively I pulled back wondering what the hell was going on. That's when Alice spoke again.

"So, shall we call it a date then? I'll give you a call and tell you what time to pick me up tomorrow night."

I bolted upright, "Whoa, no one was talking about a date. It was you who mentioned we should go out, I never answered. You see Alice, I'm content with the way my life is, I don't any of your drama, maybe you should go back to Kevin."

Her mouth was hanging open as she spit and sputtered trying to find something to say. Betty stood next to me and grinned like the cat that ate the canary as she spoke softly.

"Goodnight Alice. Drive safe."

Everyone else had clocked out and it was just Betty and me remaining, I locked up, doused lights and motioned toward the door to my apartment. Betty nodded and walked ahead of me. Once inside she spun and kissed me as her body pushed into mine.

"Does that door lock?" She asked.

"Of course it does. Why?"

"Because it's obvious we're both suffering with the same disease. Lack-a-nooky. I'm a big girl, you're a big boy, neither of us are a novice and it's obvious we feel something for each other. Let's stop circling the airport and land this plane, in other words, make love with me, not to me, with me."

I wasted no time locking the door, dousing the apartment lights so just the exterior lights gently glowed around the drapes, taking her in my arms and kissing her as passionately as I knew how. As I pulled back she grabbed the back of my neck pulling me to her lips. Stepping back, she began to unbutton her blouse as I stood mesmerized by her natural beauty, she didn't need a push up bra or anything else, it was all natural and all waiting to be caressed by me.

Unsnapping her bra she hissed, "Strip", as the bra hit the floor two perfectly shaped cones pointed directly at me, no sag, no droop, dark pink areolas and brown stiff nipples. I was down to my underwear as she shimmied out of her jeans, she was sitting on the bed to remove them when I put my hands on hers.

"Stop, let me do that. Lay back, let me worship your body."

As I was tugging them over her ankles I heard her mumble, "Worship my body, oh you're good, very good". I gently opened her legs and was greeted by a most wonderful aroma of erotic excitement mingled with tinge of anticing perfume. Moving forward toward the prize I so dearly wanted she opened her legs further, with my face an inch from her pussy I swiped bottom to top with my tongue. Her body stiffened slightly.

"Oh shit, that is so good. Nobody has licked my slit in years. Please continue."

Finding her hard throbbing marble of a clit buried within the small forest of pubic hair I sucked and licked until she pushed into my face and covered my chin with a large amount of pussy cream. I smiled as I licked trying to clean her of any remnants, I wanted to taste all she had to offer. Pushing my head away she sat up, pulled my underwear down and grabbed my cock.

"Nice Dale, very nice, this will certainly satisfy me. No blow job tonight, I need you buried balls deep. Get busy and make love with me."

We took our time, enjoying each other, talking softly, lots of kissing, rising up I bent to suck her nipples, it made her moan and arch her back. I could hear her mumbling softly and asked what she was saying.

"This is so good Dale, not to trash my ex, but he was never this tender. It was always hurry up and get his jollies. I can feel a climax coming on, don't stop, keep this tempo, I want to feel every tingle about to come my way."

Pushing up into me her breathing stopped, her body stiffened and a long low groan emitted from her lips. I could feel her vaginal muscles contracting, almost as though they were trying to draw me deeper within, I wanted to cum but knew she wasn't finished. As her body relaxed I commenced with full strokes, putting her hands on my hips she stopped me.

"From behind, I love that position, do me doggy. You can go harder if you want to, my kitty is all warmed up."

Ten minutes later she slammed her ass into my abdomen as my dick stiffened and began to spew gobs of joy juice deep within her body. Pushing back against my body she muttered over and over, "I can feel it."

As I lay down she moved into my side wrapping her arms around, "Cuddle me Dale. He never would."

We lay there an hour or more discussing our situation. It was clear we enjoyed each other and wanted to stay together, since she had a house we decided I would move in with her. We didn't run out and get married, instead we lived together about sixteen months before tying the knot and heading to Fiji for our two-week honeymoon. After all these years we still live in the tiny community of Longwood, we own the diner and Dale's DX but don't work them much anymore, we have people hired to do those tasks.

Alice? Things went from not too good to very bad. She allowed Kevin to talk her into investing what savings she had in his business which less than a year later went bust. She lost everything, including Kevin who split for parts unknown right after the business went into bankruptcy. Alice and Angel eventually moved away, somewhere Alice could be better compensated. I felt badly for her, but then again, she never would listen to reason. Last I heard Angel was a freshman in college and her mother had a full time live in boyfriend.

Our long-term plans are to stay where we're at, we've remodeled and enlarged my granddads hunting cabin where this all began so many years ago. Betty and I spend much of our time sitting on the front porch or in the boat catching bluegill and walleye. Andrew has made mention of buying me out, who knows, I may accept his offer. Star eventually met and married the perfect guy for her, they live on the rez where she and her husband own and operate a full service gas station along with their two son's.

I never in my imagined a trip to my grandfathers cabin so many years ago could lead to a life of being happily fulfilled, but it had and I don't regret ever leaving the thriving city I once called home. Nope, Longwood is where I belonged.

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storycentralstorycentral6 months ago

Not sure I’d call this a romance. Romantic interest doesn’t enter the picture until the end of act 2, followed by a rushed act 3. There is very little actual romance involved.

Falstaff60Falstaff6011 months ago

liked the story. Probably already mentioned but the saying, "Thou protesteth too much" is actual old Will Shakespeare, not the bible. It's from Hamlet act 3 scene 2 and is uttered by Hamlets mother Gertrude. The line she utters is actually, ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’ Just saying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Now that was another great story. Alot of drama, twists, and turns. loved reading it.

tazzman694utazzman694uover 2 years ago

Epilog: On the days that Betty did not fish with Dale she decided that she needed the attention of a younger man. Knowing that Dale had bedded a number of married women in the past, she was sure that he would understand. It is only sex after all.

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 3 years ago

Poor Alice, backing the wrong horse. Ending was a bit abrupt, but a good story nonetheless. 5 stars.

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