Love Boat Cruise


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"You know this is just a seven day cruise..." Greg started to say.

"You sound like we've been married ten years instead of one day," I interrupted him as I threw back the sheet. "Why don't you quit worrying about my bags and just fuck me."

It was more a statement than a question and this time Greg didn't protest. Smiling finally he quickly undressed and soon was lying next to me in the king-sized bed.

"Mmmmmmm, that's better," I murmured as I reached down and grabbed his cock.

It was when I felt Greg's dick pressing hard into me, as if he was trying to inject his sperm as deep inside of me as possible, listening to him grunting and gasping as he came that it suddenly struck me. For the next week this man was going to be my husband! I thought of Steve, wondering if he was fucking Amelia at this same moment and if he was thinking of me. Probably not. I mean I know Steve loves me more than anyone in the world but it wouldn't be fair of me to expect him to think of his wife while he was having sex with someone else.

Greg gave his final gasp and pulled out, rolling over onto his back gasping for breath as I felt his cum almost immediately start to spill out of me and drip down my butt onto the sheet. Damn, how much had he cum? It was like a sea of sperm was spilling out of me!

"This week is going to be incredible!" he sighed as he closed his eyes and drifted off.

I hadn't cum yet, too many things on my mind I guess, so instead I got up off the bed and moved to a stuffed chair by the window. The curtains were open and I could look don and see where our ship was moored. So many people running around! Leaning back in the chair, I draped one leg over the arm and started to masturbate. Yeah, maybe Greg wasn't the lover my real husband was but I still had high hopes for the upcoming week. I reminded myself as I rubbed my clit that what really mattered was how much fun it was going to be pretending to be his wife, about all the places on the ship I dreamed we might have sex. Would I "cheat" on my new husband? Hmmmmmm, when else would I ever get the chance to commit adultery without actually sinning?

My thoughts focused on my hand as I rubbed myself faster, my fingers strumming my clit like a fiddle as my overdue orgasm consumed me. It was so cool to see the people below me as I came, none of them seeing me yet I could watch them as I trembled with the pleasure of my orgasm. Oh yes, I was planning on doing a LOT of this as well in the upcoming week...

A few hours later we met Steve and Alecia for dinner. We decided to take a walk to find something besides hotel food and ended up in a small place where a crowd had gathered so we figured it must be good.

"So how's married life," I asked Steve as he sat across from me. Of course my husband for the week was seated next to me.

"Let's just say we consummated our marriage."

Amelia actually seemed to blush but the way she looked at Steve seemed to signal more than just mild embarrassment. Trust me, a woman knows and a wife especially. It was almost the kind of look I probably gave Steve when we first started dating. OMG, Amelia was infatuated with Steve! Not that I could blame her as compared to Greg, Steve must have been quite an upgrade in the husband department. Steve of course didn't seem to have a clue and for that matter, neither did Greg or at least he wasn't letting on he noticed anything. Like wow, they couldn't SEE it right in front of them? Hmmmmmm, things could get interesting...

"You wouldn't believe what Kelly did to the poor bell boy," Greg told Steve as if Amelia or I couldn't hear everything.

Steve grinned and looked at me knowingly. "Let me guess, she gave him a BJ for a tip?"

"Steve!" I protested playfully.

Greg laughed. "Actually I think she would have if she wasn't so anxious for him to leave so we could get at it."

Oh man, what an ego! The ONLY reason I didn't blow the kid was because it would have likely embarrassed Greg to no end. And now here he was bragging he was the reason I turned down the opportunity to blow a cute guy in front of him.

Greg put his hand over mine and patted me like a puppy. I just smiled graciously but my eyes met Steve's and I knew he wasn't fooled. Steve had more than enough of experience with me to know better.

As we ate dinner I dropped my heel off one foot and reached out to touch Steve between his legs. He glanced at me over his fork and then at the other two who didn't seem to notice anything which only served to encourage me. Mmmmmmm, I loved to play with Steve's cock in public!

After dinner I excused myself to use the restroom. I asked Amelia if she would join me. Not like a girl can go to the restroom alone, right? Besides, it would give me an opportunity to see what was going on between her and my real husband.

"So what's with you and Steve?" I asked her when we were alone in the lady's room.

"Sorry... what do you mean?" she answered as if she really didn't know.

"Oh come on Amelia, I saw those doe eyes looking at Steve."

She blushed but I put my arm around her and said, "Hey, I don't blame you. I felt the same way about him seventeen years ago! He's quite a guy."

"Yes he is!" she gushed and then caught herself.

"It's OK, I know my husband so it doesn't bother me in the least if you fall in love with him. Just remember that one week from now and he's mine again."

"But I'm not falling..." she started to protest.

I broke her off, kissing her on the cheek softly. "Like I said, it's OK. Enjoy him for the week. I really want this to be a great trip so I'm counting on you to please my husband... totally, understand?"

"It's just... well I never expected it to be this way," she murmured.

"I know this is probably different than your other swaps," I said agreeing wither, "We've never done anything like this either. I mean, one night is the longest I've ever spent away from him."

For a moment I thought she might cry! Then she blurted out something I'd never anticipated.

"Easy then for you I guess. You guys must do this kind of stuff all the time. We only did it that once with you!"

THAT stopped me in my tracks. Oh wow, I would NEVER have expected that to be the case.

"You mean you guys had never swapped before you met us? But the way Greg talked you did it all the time."

Amelia shook her head, her eyes red. "HE said that, I never did. Steve is the only guy I've had sex with besides Greg... ever!"

Oh boy, wait until Steve found out! He was going to be in seventh heaven if I knew him at all. When had been the last time he'd been with a woman who had never had sex with anyone beside her husband? In fact, had he EVER had such a woman? Now if the roles had been reversed it would have been different as that was the sort of married guy I sought out. But Steve wasn't out prowling for married mothers looking to cheat like I was for married fathers. As if she could read my mind she pleaded with me. "Don't tell Steve... PLEASE. And PLEASE don't let Greg know what I just told you. He'd kill me!"

Well, hopefully that was an exaggeration but I could understand the reasoning. Greg was already "competing" with Steve it seemed and the last thing he would want Steve to know is his "amateur" status when it came to being with other woman. Amelia hadn't commented on whether Greg was been a virgin when they met but I wouldn't have been surprised since it was the sort of thing such couples typically shared.

"Greg was so thrilled after having sex with you," Amelia continued. "That's when he came up with this cruise idea. I thought it was going to be just the two of us as we haven't had a vacation alone together since the kids were born. I never even dreamed I'd be spending it in bed with another man."

We'd been in there for a while now and thankfully nobody had come in to disturb us but I knew we needed to get back before they wondered what was happening. Too long and Greg might even get the idea that his wife had spilled their secret and that wouldn't do.

"Don't worry, this will all work out fine. Just have fun, OK?" I encouraged her, "Trust me, just do whatever Steve wants and you'll have a great time."

"I'll try," she said, gathering herself together. "I was so afraid to tell you... you're great Kelly, even if my husband prefers sex with you over me."

What could I say? It wasn't my fault I'd had over 300 men more than her to practice with? I just smiled and we walked back out to meet our husbands, whoever they may be.

"Everything OK?" Steve asked when we returned. I just nodded and wondered whether or not I should tell him the real story behind this cruise. Nawwwwww, let him find out himself and if he didn't, so much the better. Not to sound too boastful but all in all I think of myself as a pretty darn considerate wife!

Chapter 5 - Cruise Highlights


Wow, I could write a book about our week so for now I'll just recap some of the more memorable moments while on board. We stopped at several ports where we did lots of things but those stories will have to wait for another day... sorry!


Not-So-Private Balconies


Back when I first thought about a cruise I had visions of tiny cabins with little portholes to peer out from, your basic claustrophobic nightmare. Sure I'd seen photos in the brochures but it was hard to imagine the real thing.

Once again the differences between our bookings was evident. Using my dad's AMEX card we'd booked a full suite of which apparently there were only about a dozen on the ship not counting the ridiculously huge suites for the rich and famous. Greg and Amelia had booked a standard size balcony room which were pretty much the standard for most people on board other than the inboard rooms for those on a tight budget. We hadn't really thought about the consequences until we prepared our luggage for pickup and Greg commented that I should use Amelia's tags on my bags so they would go to the right room. At first it didn't hit me but then a light went off over my head - no, a blazing sun! Whoa! That meant Steve and Amelia would be getting the big suite while I'd be in the smaller room with Greg. No way!

I immediately called Steve on my phone and laid it out... it was on my dad's credit card, I was his daughter, so I get the suite. Really, what was there to debate about?

The phone was silent for a moment and my face flushed as I prepared for battle should he disagree. Apparently Steve knew me well enough that he didn't even try to argue as he simply came back with, "OK." I'd been holding my breath so I let out it all out in a whoosh. I was almost disappointed as I had a whole speech prepared in my head should he even dare THINK about stealing that room.

Greg and Steve worked it out as Steve came to our room and exchanged tags with Greg. Before he left though, he gave me a kiss and whispered in my ear, "You owe me one." I just grinned from ear to ear. Meanwhile Greg was looking pretty pleased with himself. Obviously getting the keys to the bigger room while relegating his wife to one half the size didn't bother his conscience.

This whole thing of switching places was making things complicated as to get through Customs we had to have our passports and boarding passes that matched so we went through as "real" married couples. Then when we checked in to board we swapped boarding passes as another difference in our experiences as when we showed our boarding passes came to light. Apparently as suite holders, Greg and I bypassed the long check-in line and went straight to a special desk while Steve and Amelia were shuttled off to the cattle car line with a hundred people in front of them.

Greg and I checked in quickly and were led off to a special holding are with snacks and drinks. We bypassed a large room with chairs where everyone else had to wait to board - no food or drinks there! Poor Steve! Oh well, it wasn't like I hadn't earned it when I convinced my dad to pay out a fortune for the trip.

We struck up some conversations with other couples. Most were a lot older as apparently to reach this level you had to have taken a LOT of cruise before or paid a LOT of money for your cabin so that probably leaves out most younger families. One couple was on their 58th cruise! Of course I told all of them we were newlyweds. It was so much fun!

Finally the ship was ready to board and yet again we got to enjoy special privilege as out group was boarded before everyone else. Not that it really made any difference as it wasn't like a plane where overhead space was at a premium. A few wrong turns and we finally found our room which had balloons and a sign announcing our honeymoon. How sweet!

Walking in my eyes widened. OMG! No claustrophobia for me. It was bigger than our hotel room with a couch and chair, a queen bed, closet, restroom and a shower. It even had two TVs, one in the bedroom and the other you could watch from the couch.

Then I saw the balcony. Wow! It was the size of two balconies below us. One thing I noted was the balconies were staggered such that the people above could see about half of the balcony below. Above us we only had one room as it was a suite like ours but below were two sets. The walls between adjacent balconies were high such you couldn't see over them but anyone in the balcony above us, or even the ones to the sides of it, had a pretty good view of ours. I guess that wasn't so bad... if you don't mind people watching and if there's one thing I LOVE, it's people watching me.

Being larger than most our balcony had two lounge chairs plus a table and four chairs. I noted the ones below us only had smaller tables and a single lounge chair not to mention ours seemed much nicer. I guess that would be what Steve would be getting. Oh well...

"Hello neighbor," a voice from above called down. I looked up and saw another woman, maybe in her fifties, looking down at me smiling.

"I'm Nancy and my husband is Ron, we're from Chicago," she introduced herself and her husband who was out of sight.

I replied with our first names as well and added in we were on our honeymoon. May as well lay the groundwork from the start.

"Oh that's so sweet!" Nancy gushed, "Now you lovebirds behave yourselves," she teased.

"I wouldn't count on that," I warned her. Nancy laughed, thinking I was joking apparently. She'd find out differently before long if things went my way.

Greg joined me and I introduced him. Ron also made his appearance, evidently having heard his wife talking. They both seemed like your typical Midwesterners. Nancy explained to Ron that we were on our honeymoon. Ron looked down at us and congratulated us but I was pleased to see he wasn't paying any attention to Ron. My cami was pretty tight which served nicely to show off my boobs and nipples. It was cut low and while it offered a nice cleavage view, it was also tight so what you saw was what you got, nothing to gain from looking down from his vantage point. Hmmmmmm, maybe I'd have to keep that in mind for later though.

The next couple of hours were busy with unpacking and the silly lifeboat drill. Well, no lifeboats, just cramming into one area with a hundred other people holding our lifejackets listening to what would happen should the ship sink. Somehow I couldn't see the actual thing being nearly as casual and calm!

Later that night after we'd had dinner and explored the ship a bit, we returned to our room. It had been sort of surreal already, touring the ship with Greg and no sign of Steve or Amelia. There were over a thousand people on board and their cabin was a couple decks down and on the other side of the ship so it wasn't like we would routinely pass each other. Still, I wondered how things were going with him and Amelia, especially now that I knew her secret.

Returning to our room, I immediately made it out to the balcony. We were already out of sight of land and the other balconies were all empty so far as I could tell. Apparently the wonder of being at sea wore off quick when there was nothing to see but water. Greg was fooling around with the TV and his phone. Apparently there was some sort of app that worked on the ship's Wi-Fi where you could make reservations and such. Oh well, that was his thing to worry about. I didn't intend to use my phone for anything more than a camera all week.

Back in the room, I noted there were two heavy robes hanging in the closet. Hmmmmmm, they were nice! I thought for a moment and undressed, checking myself out in the bathroom mirror before donning the robe which came down almost to my ankles. If felt so soft and luxurious against my bare skin!

Greg was still fussing with things as I passed by him, hardly even acknowledging me as I went back to the balcony and rested my arms on the railing. I felt so calm as I watched the waves and the setting sun. The days were already getting longer and I wondered how it would be when it stayed light out past midnight!

I did a quick look around and seeing nobody was in sight I dropped the robe and tossed it over one of the chairs. Standing there at the railing barefoot and naked, I stretched out my arms and closed my eyes as I faced the sea. It was like a scene from Titanic, well, almost. It was a little chilly but if anything it felt good against my bare skin for the moment.

My thoughts drifted and I remembered what my dad had told me when I asked him about paying for the cruise. He'd just finished fucking me and I was laying on top of him, my boobs pressed into his hairy chest feeling his dick under me. It was the perfect time to ask him anything and I took advantage of it. Of course he'd said yes, what else COULD he say at that moment? Then he mentioned something about how maybe someday we should take a father-daughter cruise. It was just said in passing and I hadn't really thought about it until now. As I looked out over the ocean, feeling the breeze across my nude body, I wondered what it would be like to have my father press in behind me and fuck me as I leaned over the railing. It would be the most wonderful thing I could imagine!

Turning around, I laid out the blanket that was rolled up on the lounge chair and spread it out, then I stretched out and laid back. Looking up all I could see was the steel overhang of the balcony above with all its pipes and wires. My hand reached between my legs and I thought about Steve and wondered what he was doing with Amelia right at this moment. Knowing my horny husband, they were in bed for what would be an all-night fuck. Meanwhile, I was laying out naked on the balcony masturbating while my husband was playing IT guru.

Through the glass of the balcony I could see the ocean and I thought how it was the most beautiful scenery I'd ever had in front of me while masturbating. I wasn't really working for an orgasm yet, it just felt good to play with myself and touch myself. I tell people how much I love masturbating and guys usually think it's like watching some porn scene where the girl gets all hot and bothered and works like mad until she comes to a screaming orgasm. Well, that's porn for you which explains why in general I could care less about it.

No, what I was doing now was more typical. I looked down and dragged the backs of my fingers over my flat belly, going from side to side and then down, just over the top of my pussy and back up until they reached my boobs. From there I traced lines around my breasts, lightly touching my nipples and shivering as they responded. With my other hand I cupped my breast, squeezing it softly and massaging it gently as the fingers on my other hand ran over it. Oh it felt so good to touch my breasts!

Gripping my one breast with my left hand, my right moved down between my legs. I had my knees bent so my feet were flat on the chair, each at the edge of the chair with my knees bowed out. At first I just cupped my crotch, my palm flat over it with my fingers pressing down barely into the entrance of my pussy. The back of my palm rested perfectly over my clit, pressing down on it gently. I felt so warm and increasingly wet as I held myself while massaging my breast.