Love Potions Don't Exist


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Preston considered it for a moment. "Or, more likely, I'll just redirect my guilt back to focusing on wanting to sex up my sister."

"That's the spirit!" London exclaimed as she stood up and started getting dressed. She got her jeans on, then grabbed the bottom of her tanktop and started to lift it, stopping partway up her torso. "You know I'm 'bout to pop my boobies out, right?" she said.

"Yeah," Preston said, his eyes transfixed on her.

"And while I am perfectly fine with you watching...I just wonder what effect it might have on your guilty conscience."

Preston thought about it for a moment, weighing his choices. "Shit," he exclaimed loudly, forcing himself to turn over on his stomach and bury his face in the pillow.

"You poor, confused soul," London sighed. A few seconds later, something soft and light landed uncerimoniously on the back of his head. Preston registered immediately that it was London's shirt. "Whatever it takes," London continued, "find Mervin and get that recipe for the antidote. Then, once you see how silly you've been acting...well, then we'll have some real fun, won't we?"

Preston moaned into the pillow. "God I hope Mervin is at home," he said quietly to himself.


Instead of dropping London off at school, they decided just to skip for the day and headed on to Mervin's place together. With as much time as they had been spending together, neither one of them were to keen to separate for the length of an entire school day. Their inability to detach from each other simultaneously bothered Preston and comforted him.

As they walked up to Mervin's apartment, just as he had done before, the giant bald man opened the door before they could even knock.

"What the hell do you-oh!" he exclaimed loudly, seemingly remembering them from before. "Well if it isn't my good friend, come back with his sister-girlfriend!"

Preston was annoyed that the man was clearly making fun of him, but also strangely relived that he didn't have to go through the song and dance again of explainig who they were and why they'd come. "Uh...hi, Mr....," Preston began, realizing suddenly that he had no idea what the man's name was.

"The Velvet Man," the man finished for him.

"Oh, okay...Mr. Velvet Man."

"THE Velvet Man," he corrected.

"Mr. The Velvet Man."

"Drop the 'Mr.", son."

"Right, sorry," Preston said nervously. "So anyway, Velvet Man, we-"

"THE Velvet Man, Preston!" London corrected forcefully.

The Velvet Man smiled at London. "I like this one," he said, winking at her.

Preston cut to the chase. "Is Mervin home yet?" he asked hopefully.

The Velvet Man paused for a moment, thinking. "Honestly...I have no idea," he said. "I ain't seen him at all since you were last here, but that don't mean he didn't sneak in without me realizing it."

"Well...could you check?" Preston asked cautiously.

"Is that a command, boy?" The Velvet Man replied threateningly.

"No!" Preston said. "I didn't mean-I just wanted-"

"Please?" London asked sweetly, cutting off Preston's stammering.

The Velvet Man's expression softened immediately. "Sure thing, sweetie," he said with a smile. He turned to Preston once more and glared. "You're lucky you brought your sister-girlfriend with you." Preston turned back to look at London briefly. She gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand gently.

"Sorry, sir," Preston said softly.

The Velvet Man ignored him. "Lemme go check for you," he said. He turned his body around to face the inside of his apartment. Just as Preston thought he was going to walk back to Mervin's room, The Velvet Man took a deep breath and screamed out loudly. "Mervin!" he yelled, sending vibrations rumbling throughout Preston's body. Moments later, a second voice called out from the other side of the apartment.

"What!?" the voice said.

"Are you here!?" The Velvet Man called out. There was a long pause, during which time Preston wondered if Mervin was also thinking about how dumb of a question that was.

"Yeah," Mervin finally called back.

"You got some customers!"

Mervin's bedroom door flew open almost immediately. As he walked towards them, Preston thought about how he had never seen anyone less magical looking than Mervin looked in that moment.

"Hello!" Mervin said with a smile as he came to a stop beside The Velvet Man. The teeth that he still had were quite discolored. "What can I do for you?"

"My friend was here about a week ago," Preston began. "Tall lanky dude, light brown skin, dark hair. His name is Renardo. Do you remember him?"

Mervin thought for a moment. "He's not dead or missing or something, is he?" Mervin asked cautiously.

", he's fine," Preston said.

"Well then of course I remember him! Let's see...what did he purchase from me?"

"Love potion recipe," Preston replied.

"Right, right," Mervin said with a nod.

"Well anyway, we need the cure."


"The reversal spell, or whatever," Preston explained. "The antidote. Whatever you call it."

Mervin looked extremely confused. "Why?" he asked.

"'Cause now his sister wants to fuck him," The Velvet Man explained. Preston had originally not planned on sharing that detail, but knew better than to correct the giant man who may otherwise eat him.

"Actually, he wants to fuck me now, too," London chimed in.

"London!" Preston exclaimed.

"Really?" The Velvet Man said, looking back and forth between them. He spent extra time looking London up and down. "Well, I can't say I blame you."

"Hold on," Mervin said. "Are you telling me that the love potion...worked?"

"Yeah...," Preston said slowly. "It was supposed to work, right?"

Mervin looked frozen with disbelief. After a few moments, he finally snapped out of it. "Well, yes, of course it worked!" he exclaimed happily. "I am a true wizard, after all."

"Right," Preston began. "Of course you are. But now we really need the cure for this thing."

"I see," Mervin said slowly, nodding his head.

"So...can I have it?" Preston asked again.

"Can you...'have' it?" Mervin repeated. "As in...I just hand you a cure?"


"Such disrespect," Mervin said, shaking his head and stroking his long, scraggly beard. "As if I, a great and powerful sorcerer, would ever just give away such valuable information for no compensation."

"We'll give you twenty bucks," London said as she fished some cash out of her pocket.

"Deal!" Mervin replied excitedly, snatching the money out of her hand. It was mostly small bills, so Mervin just stood there slowly and silently counting the money.

"So...the antidote?" Preston asked after a moment.

Mervin looked up. "Oh, right," he said. "Just cum in her mouth."

"What!?" everyone replied, including The Velvet Man.

"Yep," Mervin said, putting the cash in his shirt pocket. "That's the only way to break the spell. When's the last time you ejaculated?"

"The hell you need to know that for!?" Preston cried out, feeling very overwhelmed by the information he was receiving.

"Needs to be at least three days' worth of built up ejaculate," Mervin explained, as if he were giving directions on how to apply an ointment or something. "Otherwise it won't be strong enough. She blows you, you release in her mouth, she swallows. Spell broken."

Preston just stood there, completely immobile and unable to speak.

"So, how many days has it been?" The Velvet Man asked bluntly. Preston looked around to see all three of them staring at him expextantly.

"More than three days," he said quietly.

"What!?" London exclaimed. "Are you serious!?"

"Well...yeah!" Preston replied, not feeling at all comfortable with the setting of this conversation.

"With everything that's been going on between us, how have you made it this long!?"

"Haven't had much of a choice!" he replied. "We've been around each other basically non-stop."

"What about the shower?" The Velvet Man asked. "Why didn't you just squeeze one out in there?"

"That's what I've been doing," London admitted without shame.

"I've been feeling too guilty to even-," Preston began, stopping midsentence and turning to face London. "Wait, really?" he asked her softly. "In the shower?" She nodded her head.

"Every day," she said.

"Damn girl," The Velvet Man said. "That's hot."

"Indeed," Mervin chimed in, still stroking his beard. Not wanting the conversation to go any further, Preston grabbed London's hand and backed out of the doorway.

"Well, it's been a real pleasure," he began, "and thanks for the information, but we've gotta take off."

"Yo, I'm really feelin' this brother-sister vibe," The Velvet Man said as he continued to stare at them as they left. "Think I'll go look some of that shit up online."

"Okay, well...good luck with that," Preston said as they continued to back down the hall.

"And remember, shoot it directly into her mouth!" Mervin called out. "Right into the back of her throat if you can!"

"Okay, thanks Merv," Preston said as he turned around and rushed out of the building, dragging London behind him the whole time.

As they drove away, they didn't speak for quite some time. They did, of course, hold hands, though.

"Do you think that if we live for another hundred years we'll ever experience anything as bizarre as what we just experienced in there?" Preston asked after a while.

"Nope," London replied simply.

"I mean...there's no way what he said is legitimate, right? It makes no sense."

"If you buy into Mervin the wizard inventing a real love potion in the first place...which you have chosen to believe for some reason, then I guess you gotta go all in and trust his cure."

Preston sighed. "Dammit, you're right."

After a few more minutes of silence, Preston heard London let out a small chuckle.

"What?" he asked her.

"You remember a few nights ago when Renardo was over, and you guys were trying to figure out a cure on your own?" she asked him.


"You remember what you said to me when I didn't want to drink any random shit that you guys were hoping would snap me out of it?"

Preston thought briefly. "Not really," he said.

"You said that I might have to ingest some 'unusual things' to break the spell. Well, little did you know..."

Preston sighed. "Right," he said simply.

"You know, 'cause I'm gonna have to swallow my brother's cum," she explained further.

Preston felt his face grow hot. "Thanks for the clarification," he said.

"You're welcome!" she replied.


They spent the rest of the day just hanging out. They went to a movie, had a late lunch in town, then walked around the mall for a while. Neither one of them brought up the whole "cumming in London's mouth" thing until later that night when they were laying together in her bed.

"Can you imagine what we would say if our one-week-ago versions of ourselves could see us now?" London asked as Preston lay cuddled up behind her, tracing his fingers up and down her bare thigh.

"I'm pretty sure one-week-ago London would rip one-week-ago Preston's balls off," Preston replied.

"And shove them down his throat!" she added.

"Yes she would." Preston leaned forward and kissed her ear softly, simultaneously letting his fingers creep closer and closer to the front of her underwear. "So...shall we discuss the elephant in the room?" he asked finally.

"You mean how your dick is poking out of your underwear and wedged tightly between my ass cheeks?" she asked. "Because first of all, that's not the first time that's happened; and second of all, I know it's big, but don't compare yourself to an elephant, Preston."

Preston rolled his eyes. "My sister's such a comedian."

London wiggled her panty-clad ass against him. "You know you love me," she teased.

"More now than ever, apparently," Preston agreed. "Seriously though, should we talk about the new, you know...information we acquired today?"

"You mean how The Velvet Man is totally into incest now?" she asked. Preston pulled his hand back and smacked her butt playfully, causing her to let out a squeal.

"I'm serious, London!" Preston exclaimed. "What are we gonna do?"

"Well, isn't it obvious?" London replied. "I'm gonna suck your dick, silly."

"Just like that?" he asked. "No reservations?"

"You're the only one that's had any reservations this week, dear."

Preston nodded. "True," he said. "But, for the sake of saving you from this wretched love potion," he continued, turning on his back and swiftly stripping off his boxers, "let's do this thing!"

London turned to face him and looked at him with, apparently unimpressed. "Let's do this thing?" she repeated. "Is that the most romantic thing you can muster up?"

Preston thought for a moment. "Possibly," he said.

London rolled her eyes. "Well, as tempting as your offer is, I have a counter-proposal."

"A counter-proposal?"

"Mmhmm. I will go down on you and swallow everything you give me...IF you take me to the Valentine's Day dance tomorrow night."

"The dance?"

"Yep! I wanna go to the dance."

"But a brother can't take his sister to a dance. Especially a Valentine's Day themed one, and ESPECIALLY in front of a whole bunch of people they know."

"I'm not asking you to hold my hand and dance with me or anything," London explained. "Just take me. It'll seem like we're just going together as friends or whatever."

"I don't know, London..."

London placed her hand gently on his chest and looked sadly into his eyes. "Please, Preston?" she asked seriously. "This would mean a lot to me."

Preston knew she had him. He couldn't have said no to her in that moment if he tried. "Okay," he said softly, placing his hand on top of hers. "I'll take you."

London snickered. "I knew you couldn't resist the dough eyes," she said with a smirk. "So predictable, brother."

"It's partly the dough eyes, partly the promise of you sucking my dick afterwards," Preston replied.

London nodded. "Fair enough," she said. "Now, roll over on your stomach."

"My stomach?"

"I've gotta keep you from cumming in the next 24 hours or so," she explained. "If you keep spooning me and groping me, you're liable to explode all over my ass or something. And since Mervin said you've gotta be built up for at least three days, that would be no good."

"I'd argue that it would be very good," Preston countered.

"Not if you wanna break the spell, it wouldn't."

Preston turned over like she instructed, and London began lightly running her fingers along his back. It felt absolutely blissful. "Wait a sec," he said, his voice slightly muffled from being buried in the pillow in front of him, "I thought you didn't believe any of this 'break the spell' stuff?"

"Oh, I don't," London assured him. "I'm just playing along so that you can realize it's all bogus as soon as possible and stop feeling so guilty about doing stuff to me. Even though you seem more than eager all of a sudden to cum in my mouth."

"Only because it's for your own good," he said jokingly. This time, it was London who slapped his ass playfully.

"Just lay there and relax," she instructed as she continued to run her fingers all over him. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow night, after the dance, we'll come back home and you can give me my...medicine." Preston gulped. "Although, I do wonder..." she began, trailing off.


"If you fully believe all this love potion hocus pocus is real, doesn't that mean that after you cum in my mouth that I'm going to snap out of my stupor and fall back out of love with you?"

Of course Preston had thought of that. The thought hurt him quite deeply. "I honestly don't know what to expect," he said. "But I can't bare the thought of moving through life never knowing for sure whether or not what you're feeling for me is real. This seems like the only way to figure it out, and I'll just have to deal with the consequences, as awful as they may be."

Moments later, Preston felt London's warm body climb on top of his. She laid down on top of him, resting her warm breasts against his bare back. "You're so sweet," she said, kissing the side of his face that was still exposed. She rested her head against his upper back, relaxing her entire body on top of his. Her weight was extremely comforting on him.

"I am, aren't I?"

"Mmhmm. And pervy, too."

"Indeed." Before he had a chance to enjoy much more of the moment, he had fallen asleep.


"You know what you're gonna wear tonight, right?" London asked as she and Preston sat at their usual spots at the dinner table, having just finished a scrumptious dinner of canned ravioli.

"Of course," Preston replied.

"Oh good," she said. "What did you end up picking out?"

"Oh, well I haven't officially 'picked out' anything. I just have a general idea of what I'm gonna wear."

London looked mildly peeved. "And what is that, might I ask?"

"Just some pants and a shirt." London stared at him, mouth agape. "Maybe some shoes, too," he added.

"Idiot," she mumbled to herself.

"What are you gonna wear?" he asked.

She smiled coyly. "You'll see," she said with a wink.

"Mmm, is something slutty!?"

London threw her dirty napkin across the table at him. "Stop being so crass!" she demanded. "Remember, tonight is very special to me, and if you want your special Valentine's Day treat tonight, you'll be a gentleman."

Preston lowered his head in mock shame. "Sorry," he said quietly.

"That's better," she said. They grinned lovingly at each other. Then, a noise from behind Preston grabbed her attention, and as London looked past him for the source of the noise, her smile quickly left her face.

"Hey guys," Renardo said as he entered the kitchen, pulling out a chair and sitting down. He was dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a dark blue button down shirt.

London looked questioningly between Preston and Renardo, finally settling her gaze on her brother. "Why?" she asked simply, pointing in the direction of Renardo.

Preston scrunched up his face in guilt. "I...kinda asked him to come," he said carefully. "I thought it would look less weird if we went as part of a group, you know?"

London glared hard at Preston, to the point where he wasn't sure if his face was hot from guilt or from her eyes slowly burning holes into his skin.

"Sorry?" he said with hope.

London stood and picked up her dirty plate, pointing a threatening finger at Preston. "Thin ice," she said simply as she took her plate to the sink and left the kitchen.

Preston felt a little bad about inviting Renardo, but hoped that London would forget about it soon if he made sure to show her a good time at the dance.

"I'm gonna go get dressed," Preston said as he stood up.

"I'll be here," Renardo replied as he took out his phone and became lost in it.

Once he was dressed, Preston went down the hall and knocked on London's door.

"Hey, you dressed yet?" he called out to her.

"Almost," she called back.

"Okay. Hey...sorry about the whole Renardo thing. I should've run that by you first."

"That's alright, I get why you did it. We don't need anyone at school spreading nasty, false rumors about you and me being, like, a romantic couple or anything like that. This way we're just all going as friends."

"Exactly," Preston agreed.



"Let's just have a good time tonight, okay?"

"I'll do my best."

"Thanks. I'm gonna be a few more minutes. See you in the kitchen?"


When Preston got back to the kitchen, he found Renardo sitting exactly where he left him, as promised.

"So hey, why'd you guys miss school yesterday?" Renardo asked without looking up from his phone.

"Went to see Mervin."

Renardo immediately dropped his phone on the table and looked up. "The wizard!?"

"No, Mervin the water skiing squirrel," Preston replied sarcastically.

Renardo stayed silent for a moment. "Huh?" he said finally.
