Luscious Young Neighbor


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As soon as Scott got to his house, he ran upstairs, pulled off his trunks and started jacking off. He was so whipped up by that little show Dani had given him, he didn't need any lotion.

His young neighbor was turning into a sexy little vixen and was, whether she was doing it on purpose or not (he thought yes), making him crazy with lust.

All he could think about was that spectacular ass of hers in that tight bathing suit and how he'd like to yank it aside and plunge balls deep into her juicy pussy.

And that's all it took to make him erupt. He was standing over his bed and he simply let his cum fly onto the bedspread - fuck it, he'd have to get it cleaned later. A considerable amount of jism got all over his hand, too, but he didn't care.

Dani was driving him wild, and he knew he couldn't take much more.


After lunch Saturday, Trina dropped by Dani's house to check on the plans for the party. Dani assured her everything was good - she had snacks and cups and stuff, and Scott was bringing over the alcohol that afternoon.

Dani almost started saying how much Scott turned her on, but she decided to keep that to herself for now.

"Dani, have you thought about what happened Tuesday?"

"I have."

"Well, was it a good thought?"

"Yeah. Honest? I was thinking about it when I went to bed that night and I got pretty excited. I had to, ya know, get myself off."

"Me, too! I was worried I was the only one feeling that way. I've got about an hour before I need to be home, so do you want to do it again?"

Dani moved closer to Trina on the couch, and said, "Does this answer your question?" before giving her a big kiss. After a few more kisses, they stopped to take off each other's shirts and bras. This time Dani took the initiative and bent down to suckle Trina's tits first. She couldn't believe how quickly her fire was lit, but she was having fun.

Then it was Trina's turn and Dani fell back on the arm of the couch to give her more room. Trina used a lighter touch than Dani, but it was just as effective and Dani could feel the heat being generated between her legs. That heat got even hotter when Trina reached down and used her fingers to push on Dani's crotch.

"Oh, my," Dani breathed out loud.

"Should I keep going?" Trina asked.


Trina's fingers continued to push against the material of Dani's shorts, then she boldly stopped, reached down with both hands and undid the top button and pulled the zipper down. Then she grabbed the hem and pulled down as Dani arched her back and the shorts came off. Trina did the same thing with Dani's panties, then looked up into Dani's eyes.

"I think I want to taste you - is that OK with you?"

"Oh, god, Trina, go ahead. Do it."

So Trina kneeled on the couch as Dani fell back against the arm rest. She could not believe this was happening, but she also couldn't wait to feel what it would be like when Trina did what she thought Trina was going to do.

And then Trina dipped her head and gave Dani a kiss on her pussy lips. Dani wasn't shaved, but she had a light thatch of red pubic hair that she had trimmed recently. After some light kisses, Dani felt Trina start to use her tongue, and the first time she licked hard enough to get past her lips, Dani thought she was going to come right then.

As it was, Trina was only down there about two or three minutes before Dani felt herself start to shake and moan, and a spectacular orgasm rippled through her young body. She had no idea that would have been possible with another girl, but since it was the first time she'd come other than on her own, she was thrilled.

"Oh, my god, Trina. That was awesome! I've gotta do it to you now."

Trina stood up and Dani worked her pants and briefs off quickly. She had Trina sit on the couch and got on her knees in front of her and pushed her legs apart. Dani saw that she was completely shaved, and realized the time might be here when she'd have to do that, too.

At first, Dani just used her fingers on Trina, playing with her and then pushing one, and then two, into her hole. She was psyching herself up for what she knew she wanted to do, and finally, she leaned forward. Just as she reached out with her tongue she could smell an intensity coming from Trina's pussy that was exciting.

As Dani made contact with her face, she felt Trina's hands on her head, urging her to push in more. So she wormed her tongue into the opening and wiggled it around. The taste was surprisingly sweet, so she speeded up her licking moves for several minutes, moving back out to lick the lips and finding Trina's clit.

And that was all it took to set Trina off, although Dani kept her face buried between her legs as she rode the orgasm out.

Dani sat back and smiled at Trina, who was trying to recover. Both girls gave a sort of nervous laugh.

"I can't believe how fast I came," Trina said.

"Same here. I guess we were both pretty worked up."

"I'll tell you what, if the boys aren't nice to us tonight, we may have to do this again."

"Good idea. We can give them a chance, but we'll have a Plan B."

"Either way, you should get a nice birthday present. Hey, I've gotta get going. What time do you want me here, 7?"

As the girls stood up to put their clothes back on, Dani said, "Yeah, sometime around then will be good."

Then they embraced and had one long last kiss.


Scott had been out running errands and arrived home with his truck full of groceries and the beer for Dani's party. He put away all of his stuff first, then carried two cases of beer into Dani's back yard. As he passed the side window, he thought he saw some movement, but kept going.

On his way back out front, he snuck a look in the window and thought he saw Dani's friend Trina getting up from the couch, which was set right in front of the window. And about a second later, he realized that it had looked like she didn't have any clothes on.

This time, he carried a third case of beer and the vodka to the back yard and stayed below the window ledge. On the way back, he peeked in and this time all he could see was what looked like the top of Dani's head. What the hell was going on in there?

For his last trip, Scott carried a plastic tub and three bags of ice back, trying to be as quiet as possible. He put the stuff down, thought about what might be going on, then slowly walked back toward the window.

As he took a quick look, he saw them standing up and apparently putting their clothes back on. When they gave each other a kiss, Scott was given a big clue - and he remembered that kiss he'd seen the other day.

"I'd bet those two are getting it on," he thought. He tried to picture that in his mind and all it did was give him an erection. "I'll be damned."

He wasn't sure how to play this, so he hustled over to his house, just in time to see Trina go out the front door and take off in her car.

Scott still had to put the beer on ice, so he took a chance and walked back over to Dani's back yard. About a minute after he began filling the tub with ice and beer, Dani came out of her back door.


Holy shit, Scott was outside!

Dani was still in a state of satisfaction and confusion when Trina left, and then she heard noises out back. She looked through the kitchen and saw Scott pouring out a bag of ice.

She was caught off guard, that's for sure, but she knew she should go and help him.

As she opened the door, she said, "Hey, Scott, I didn't hear you bring this stuff over. I was busy."

Scott straightened up from the tub and Dani saw right away that his bulge was showing again. Damn, my hormones are going crazy right now!

As they finished the job, Dani kept sneaking looks at her neighbor, almost as if her eyes were being drawn like a magnet to that lump in his pants.

Scott said, "I put the vodka over there on that table. Is this where you want the tub, or do you want it back in the shade?"

"Let's move it there, yeah."

"So, anything else I can do for you? If you're having a party to celebrate your 18th birthday, it should be special, so if I can help with anything else, let me know."

"No, I think I'm good ... wait, there is something. Are you going to be around tonight?"

"I was going out to grab dinner, but I'll be back by 8:30 or so."

"Well, I invited about 15 or 16 people for tonight, but I'm worried word might get around, and I can't let it get out of control. If I need you, can you help me ask some people to leave?"

"Sure. Tell you what I'll do - I'll be sitting out on my back deck watching a ballgame. If you need help, just holler my name."

"Thanks, Scott."

"Any time. Have fun."


Scott grabbed a shower and went to his favorite tavern for some beer and a burger. He bought a six-pack of Yuengling and made it back home by 8:15.

He had a nice little setup on his back deck, with a couple of comfy reclining chairs, a 50-inch flat screen TV and a refrigerator. The party next door must not have gotten cranked up yet because all he could hear was some hip-hop music and a bunch of giggling girls.

He kept the sound down on the baseball game and enjoyed listening as the party developed. He heard a bunch of guys arrive and the noise went up from that point on. He could remember back 15 years or so when he been at some pool parties that got pretty wild.

The next time he had to take a leak, he wandered upstairs and had a look through the binocs. The scene looked just about as he expected, with about six or seven teenagers in the pool horsing around, a few sitting on the side and the rest on chairs. They had pulled the beer out into the yard so it was nearby and everybody had a red plastic cup in hand.

He couldn't help but notice Dani, though, because she had that fabulous yellow-striped bikini on. She was sitting alongside the pool with a guy beside her, obviously hitting on her and just as obviously - at least to Scott - getting a great view of her left breast. He sighed and wished that was him sitting in that spot.


Things were going well, Dani thought. Everybody was having a good time and she got to spend a good bit of time with Brad, who was pretty good-looking, but seemed to have a very high opinion of himself.

Then about 10:30, she heard noises from out front and car doors slam shut. Suddenly, a group of five boys, all already carrying beers, walked into her yard. She had no idea who they were, and didn't like the way they looked.

Trina quickly came over and said, "Dani, those guys are from the South side and they're bad news. We've gotta get rid of them."

So Dani stood up and walked over to them, and asked the guy in front, "Hey, who are you guys? I don't think you were invited."

The guy in front of her, clearly their leader, said, "I'm Chuck. We heard through the grapevine there was a party here, so we thought we'd bring you some more fun. How 'bout it, guys?"

The other guys piped up - "Yeah." "Where's the beer?" and "Yeah, and where's the chicks?"

Dani, not wanting this to get out of control, simply turned to her right and yelled: "Scott!"


Scott had already noticed that all the usual chatter next door had stopped, and then he heard voices, but couldn't hear what was being said. But he clearly heard Dani call his name, so he slipped on his flip-flops and jogged around the front to get on the other side of the fence, and then went into her yard.

He could immediately see that a gang of new boys was standing in front of Dani, with the friends who were already there beginning to gather behind her.

"What's the problem, Dani?"

"These guys showed up, but they're not invited. I don't even know them."

Scott said, "In that case, I think you guys should leave."

"Yeah, who the fuck are you to tell us to leave?" Chuck said.

"I'm Dani's friend next door. You're not invited. It's her party and she doesn't want you here. That's all you need to know."

"That's bullshit. We came here to party and drink some beer, so we're fuckin' staying."

"What's your name?"


"Well, Chuck, here's how this is going to go. There are five of you," Scott turned around to see who was behind him, "and seven of us, plus the girls. I will personally kick your ass if you don't leave, and I'm betting your buddies won't make out very well, either.

"Meanwhile," and Scott pointed to the girl closest to Dani, "you get your phone and call the police if these guys don't leave. And, Chuck, just to be nice because I know you'll make the right decision here and leave," he pointed to one of the boys behind him, "go get Chuck and his friends a beer as a going away present."

When the kid returned with the beers, Scott handed one to each of Chuck's buddies, and the last one to Chuck, who Scott could tell was pissed, but was probably going to do the right thing. So he gently took hold of Chuck's elbow and led him out front just to make sure.

"Good decision, Chuck. I get it that crashing a party can be fun, but not here, and not tonight, OK? And don't even think of coming back, because I'll be here waiting and I just memorized your license plate. Go find somewhere else to have your fun tonight."

He could tell Chuck wanted to save face, but he just put his head down and got into the pickup, and when his guys were all inside, he took off.


Dani watched Scott lead Chuck out front and held her breath. Finally, Scott walked back to the yard, and signaled her with a thumbs up, then turned to go back to his place.

But Dani ran up to him and clearly surprised him by putting her arms around his neck, pulling him close and saying, "Thank you, Scott. You were amazing and you saved my party."

Then she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and ran back to her friends, thinking, "I wish I could thank him the way I really want to."


Scott stood frozen in place for several seconds, mesmerized by the touch of Dani. His skin tingled from where she had pushed her ripe young body into his and as he watched her backside moving away from him, the blood rushed to his dick.

"That girl is going to kill me," he muttered to himself.


The party got back on track for the next half hour, and when the buzz about the intruders died down, the vibe changed - now everybody was looking for somebody to pair off with.

Eventually, Dani found herself connected to Brad again, although she was thinking as much about Scott as she was Brad. They talked for a while, and Dani could see that everybody had found a partner and most were at least in the early stages of making out.

So when Brad invited her to share his chaise, she did. He immediately starting kissing Dani, then after about five minutes, his hands started to get busy. She was lying on top of him, so his hands moved from her shoulders to her back and quickly to her butt, which he roughly squeezed. Then he pulled her toward him, and it didn't take Dani long to realize that his hard cock was pushing into her abdomen.

It had been a sexually charged week for Dani, and what Brad was doing got her hot quickly. So she began squirming her hips lightly, grinding back into him a little. That little bit of movement placed his shaft right against her already damp pussy and the intensity level rose.

Dani put her hand on Brad's chest and started to get up, and he said, "Where are you going?"

"Follow me."

She grabbed his hand and led him to the deck, where there was a much larger outdoor couch with thicker cushions and much less light. They sat side-by-side and Brad immediately put his right hand on her breasts, squeezing and stroking them. It didn't take long until he pushed aside the little bit of material of the bikini and started grabbing her naked breasts.

"Brad, take it easy, that hurt."

She reached down into his lap and felt his stiff dick, tracing its length inside his swim trunks. Even in her excited state, she thought, "Well, he's not nearly as big as Scott," then tried to put it out of her mind.

By this time, Brad had leaned down to kiss her tits, but he was rough with that, too; it was nothing like how it felt when Trina had done it. To distract him, Dani pulled the drawstring on his shorts and worked her hand inside and played with his cock.

Apparently, that was all Brad could take. He sat upright and pulled his shorts off, then turned to Dani and started to yank her bottoms off. He was not gentle, and Dani was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Brad, slow down."

"Come on, just lie back, we're gonna to do this."

"I'm not sure I want to do that yet."

"C'mon, Dani, you've got me so worked up, I need to put it in you now."

"Brad, no. I'm not ready for that. Just be patient."

"No way, baby, I need it now."

"Brad, you're scaring me. I said no."

All at once, Dani felt a presence, and a shadow fell over both of them.


"I believe you heard what she said: she said no."

Scott had noticed that the noise from the party had died down and he figured there was some serious necking going on. He had to admit, he felt a stab of jealousy, because he wanted to be in the shoes of whoever was with Dani.

But then he heard voices coming from Dani's deck, which was only about 25 feet from where he was sitting, and the more he heard, the more disturbed he got. When he clearly heard, "I'm not ready for that," he stood up, and when he heard, "Brad, you're scaring me. I said no," he was on the move.

When he skirted the side of the O'Connor's house, what he saw was Dani lying on her back, with Brad kneeling on the couch trying to pry her legs apart.

Brad looked up and said, "Hey, you got no right to barge in like this; this is private."

Scott looked Brad squarely in the eyes and said, "The lady said no. I could hear that from next door. It doesn't look to me like you're stopping. Get up."

As Brad moved to get up, Scott reached to a nearby chair, grabbed a beach towel and held it out to Dani so she could cover herself. A sulking Brad put his trunks back on and walked away.

"You all right?" Scott asked Dani.

"Yeah. A little embarrassed, but yeah. Thanks for coming when you did. I was OK with a little messing around, but then he went a little nuts."

"I'll turn around so you can get dressed."

Scott was looking at the yard and several of the couples had already reacted to what they'd seen. He heard Brad tell his buddies that it was time to go and he heard a couple of curse words in return, but eventually everybody started to get their stuff together.

Dani walked past Scott to talk to her friends and Scott went back to his deck. It wasn't long before he heard car doors closing and vehicles taking off, and then the music was shut off.

He could hear Dani moving around next door, apparently cleaning up after the party, so he decided to give her a hand. She did not look happy as she picked up a bunch of red cups.


Dani was overcome by a sad mood and she felt like crying. She went from having fun at her party, to getting together with Brad and looking forward to trying some new things with him, to being totally devastated when he tried to force himself on her.

If Scott hadn't intervened, she didn't know what might have happened. But now that everybody was gone, she was totally bummed about how the night had ended. It was hard to hold back the tears.

And then she saw Scott walking toward her.

"Need some help?"

"No, Scott, I can handle it. Besides, you bailed me out twice tonight already."

"I guess it wasn't exactly a normal party, huh?"

"You can say that again. I was having fun, until ... you know."

"Well, look, let me help you clean up, and then maybe you and I can sit down and have a toast for your birthday."

"OK, thanks."

So the cups were put in the trash, all the pool toys were put away and the lounges were moved back into place.

Dani was feeling better, her mood obviously brightened by being around Scott. He had really helped her out tonight and she wanted to make sure he knew how grateful she was.