Mark and Micki, Julia and Fitz.


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Shit! How false did that sound, 'We' -- who the fuck were 'WE'?!

OK, it was mostly true, in the old, wonderful family home there was a certain relaxed attitude to clothes and they had all at one point pottered around the house in undies, nightwear, towels, dressing gowns and no one turned a hair. She decided she was going to brazen this out, "please, don't be embarrassed, this..." she waved a hand around, "this is my room." She tried to think of what else to say that didn't seem like she was jabbering.

"Sorry Julia," he said, thinking on a believable defence, "The cat, it pushed your door open, I wasn't..."

His discomfort made her feel braver,

"Don't worry Fitz, honestly, please," her brain thundered, "come in, take a seat..."

WHAAAAT!?! She was stood in her bra and panties and her panicked brain had just told him to SIT DOWN!?!

Strangely enough he did, perching on the bed next to the slacks and blouse she had discarded.

She could feel the heat radiating from him on her bare skin, not even two feet away from her.

"That beer was rather strong I think Fitz, I feel a bit woozy!" Must be the beer, she figured and went with it, sitting on the bed next to him with a bit of a pissed fall.

"Julia!" he said reaching for the unsteady woman and grabbing her with an arm around her shoulder.

"Thank you," she said, feeling the excitement of a man's hand on her bare skin after so long.

The silence was deafening, so she turned her head to peck a thank-you kiss on his cheek, instead he turned his face and their lips met instead.

Their eyes closed slowly with Julia very much in charge making the peck a proper lips and tongues kiss, her first such passionate embrace in many years.

For Fitz it was his first real kiss of this type. Yes he'd been grabbed and snogged by the occasional pissed female classmate at a few Christmas parties and they lasted a few seconds but this was slow and sexy with his arm around a virtually naked older woman.

They were both evidently enjoying the moment so much, so she turned to face him, took his arm not around her shoulder and put it to her waist and he squeezed slightly.

OK, she was hardly a fashion model but she had to be the sexiest image he'd ever clapped eyes on, internet porn and all, and he was arms around her. To make matters better, she moved her hand down to his gently pressing on her waist moving it up to cup her right breast. She gave it a squeeze just to let him know it was OK to do so.

The kissing continued until they had to stop for breath. He straightened up and looked down, his hand still massaging her boob, making up his lack of subtlety with enthusiasm and Julia smiled.

"So where you Impressed with the view through the door Fitz?" she said with a girlish grin.

"You look amazing Julia," he said with a smile, "nicest I've ever seen."

"That I don't believe," she said with a chuckle.

"Nope," he gave an honest eyebrows-raised shrug, "First I've seen not on a beach, honest."

She paused,

"You can't be a virgin Fitz? Looking as gorgeously hot and handsome as you do, you must have girls throwing themselves at you."

"Yes..." he said after a few stops, "yes, I am, and no I don't; at least I don't think I do!"

She could almost feel the blood thundering in her veins,

"Well, I think you look pretty gorgeous too, what I can see of you of course." She leaned back at bit and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh... right," he said, standing and nodding to himself. She stood as well and stepped across to the windows. The boy was doing what he was told, this boded well and Julia felt the buzz of control with her horniness.

He reached for the belt on his chinos, stopping then starting again as he realised that despite only having known this quite sexy MILF for less than five hours, she was quite pissed and it looked very much like he might get his first shag. He pushed his trousers down and stepped out of them, then it was the T-shirt straight over his head standing there with a bit of a silly grin conscious that his erection was straining against the front of his briefs and the older woman stood across the room closing the curtains, semi-naked in front of him as well, would be able to see it.

"Cooooor Fitz!" she said admiring his muscles and slim build and that bulge in his pants; Carol's step-son Daniel hadn't been lying.

"No girls trying to take advantage? Well, that's their own stupid mistake isn't it." She turned around and leant to her right hitting a light switch that made the two beside lights come on, illuminating him in just his grey shorts and her in white lace panties and bra, the subdued lighting throwing her cleavage into a perfect contrast. "You aren't looking so bad yourself, and goodness gracious - Fitz," she said as she moved closer to the bed and looked down, "Is that a baseball bat in your pants or are you REEEEEALLY pleased to see me?"

She nodded her head to the bed having pulled the duvet down, and he climbed onto it nervously, settling himself roughly in the middle, bviously not having the first clue on what he should be doing.

She knelt next to him on the bed, drawn to the bulge in his pants. Without a word being said she grabbed either side of them and dragged them down, causing him some temporary pain as the helmet caught in the waist band, and he flinched.

"Oh Fitz!" she said with a squeak, manoeuvring the band around him and pulling them down to his knees, "Are you OK?"

Fitz smiled and blew out,

"A close one!"

"Tell you what," she said dropping her head down, "Let me kiss it better."

Fitz had never known such an exciting moment in his entire life as he watched her red-lipped open mouth drop down to his groin.

She took hold of him by the shaft and pulled it up, her complete focus on his knob. She smiled and her tongue slid out to lick around him.

"Just building up some moisture on it Fitz," she said, "It'll make the whole thing so much nicer and way more fun!"

He just nodded stupidly and watched as his prick changed texture as she licked wet swathes around it making him cringe and squirm at the most amazing sensations he'd ever known or even thought about. He all but folded up when she lowered her mouth a final time over him and he felt her lips and tongue work their magic on his cock.

Fuck but it was amazing, and he wasn't sure for just how long he was going to last as he watched her mouth slide up and down his cock -- just as all of the MILF's did in the porn.

"Julia," he said with a pleasured hiss, "there's a very real chance that I'm going to come quite soon so..."

"I'll slow down a bit then," she said with a wrinkled nose, "I mean, that is the aim of the game Darling, but I want you to enjoy yourself a bit first." Her smile lost as her open mouth closed over his helmet again.

"Julia..." he said feeling his sap rising for real, "could you..." he nodded to her chest and waist and caught his breath, "take your bra and panties off?"

Ooh. Fucking. Yeah.

Julia felt the complete femme fatale; Mrs Robinson, Stifler's Mom, Heather Locklear, Christa Miller, all of the movie and TV sexy older women, MILF's and Cougars and it felt absolutely brilliant.

She sat and reached behind to the hooks on her bra, unclipping it and sliding it down her arms freeing the large boobs he'd been so pleasantly groping a few moments before. Then raising herself up she slowly slid her panties over the curve of her bottom then down to her knees, before dipping to one side to slide them over and down her calves and off of one foot then the other.

A quick glance down showed just the hint of her crack and the hints of the very short pubic hair she kept trimmed if not totally shaved down there for her regular trips to the gym and the pool with her friends, who all had a similar look to her after all.

Now naked she leaned forward, down to take him into her mouth again, slowing the action and licking the places that she had done with her ex-husband when they licked, teased and sixty-nined each other back in the good old days; days not so long past in fact.

She carried on though, thinking on how she might introduce Young Fitz to the concept of cunnilingus. Yes he was a virgin but he was writing a doctoral thesis after all, only made sense that he was a bright lad that would learn fast.

She paused and thought about her own schooling at the all-girls Church of England School she'd gone to and the bitchiness about boobs, bums and pubic hair, or the lack of it that had proliferated.

"So did you go to an all-boys school Fitz?" she smiled at him as she said it.

"No, mixed," he had a slight tremble to his voice as she all but dived down on his cock again.

She rubbed her tongue against his frenulum running to the tip and was pleased at the reaction.

"So did all the girls want to go out with you when the word got around you were hung like a horse?" she grinned cheekily and sucked him again. She was really starting to like watching him squirm in the pleasure she was bringing to him, her ex was more used to it and while he'd enjoyed it, she couldn't remember him being this sensitive.

"I got rather teased Julia," he said gripping the bed sheets either side of him.

"Really?" she said looking surprised, "How long ago?"

"Oh, right my way through secondary school."

"Boys or Girls?" she sat up but continued wanking him.

"A bit of both, but mostly boys."

"Well," she said, "How's this for revenge..." she wrinkled her nose in understanding then opened her mouth, licked her lips and dropped over his knob, licking, sucking, mouthing before starting to fuck him with her lips and tongue.

"Shit!" he flinched, "Julia!" She carried on regardless "Julia I'm gonna come!"

Julia leaned back slightly then looked up at him with a smile either side of his cock that let him know she knew that and he watched as her splayed index and middle finger pressed down on his groin and stretched the skin tight, and she sped up maintaining eye contact with him until his uncontrollable thrusting spasm let her know she had done well and his semen started to pump into her mouth in spurts and she was able to tame him, continuing to suck and draw out his seed, sucking then licking at the last trickles coming from his snake eye and running down his length.

She licked her lips catching the last escaping drips,

"You were saying about how much they teased you Fitz?"

"Yeah..." he gasped looking down in shock at the naked, big titted, smooth skinned beauty that had just blown him.

"How many of them do you think have a huge dick that any woman I know would die for, that's just been blown all the way to orgasm by a MILF?"

Fitz smiled and shook his head and gulped,

"A... MILF?"

"Yeah," she said proudly, "you do want to fuck me don't you?"

"Yeah... I mean... Christ Julia," he breathed out, "I mean... WOW!"

She crawled up the bed on her hands and knees, large dark-nipples breasts hanging down perfectly and he reached out for one.

"Oh please feel free to touch what you like Fitz," she said, "or taste, whichever floats your boat... oooh that's very nice!" she said as a man softly held and squeezed her sensitive breasts for the first time in well over two years. She lay down next to him her arms on the pillows under her head. "Fitz..." she said quietly and quite deliberately, "would you... and only if you want to, please... would you..." she paused for effect, "would you suck my nipples, only I really like..." she stopped short as he rolled across her, his mouth falling in her left nipple and greedily sucking it hard into his mouth. "Ooh yeah!" she cradled his head in her hands and stroked his cheek just as she had with the two infants that had suckled there all those years before.

He could only mumble a 'hmmmph-mmumph' as he did as instructed.

"That's it Fitz," she said, "suck harder... yeeeeeah! Oh fuck that's nice." She felt a shiver run through her and just knew it was a taste of things to come.

He sucked and nipped at her hard points and she started to tremble, moving a finger down to her pussy, dipping in to get some lubrication before moving up to her clitoris.

Fitz watched out of the corner of his eye,

"Here," he said reaching down to strum, "let me."

She figured he probably had never done this before so took his finger and using it as a sex toy frigged herself to her first climax in many months, Fitz still sucking on her rock-hard nips, and seeing how she diddled herself until her groin was up and off of the bed, thudding back down with a deep sigh and deeper breathing.

Her thoughts on the research student on her bed were proved exactly right, as he let her nipple slip from his mouth,

"Julia," he said inquisitively, "please, show me what you did there..."

This was going to be good.


Michaela and Mark.

Michaela watched as the new guy entered the office, tall, with light brown hair that thanks to the hints of grey looked almost metallic. He was very tall and looked extremely hot!

"TEAM! TEAM!" called out Julian her line manager in that whiney voice of his that she had started to hate the first day she heard it. He was an arsehole of the first order and bitched and bullied where his knowledge or instinct let him down. He was the king of the 1-2-1 meeting and he would call them at the drop of a hat. She'd had colleagues that had suffered two or three a day just so he could whinge and whine at them, and they would go on for hours while he went over the same shit because he liked the sound of his own voice.

"This is Mark!" he said in his reedy voice, "Mark is joining us after having a career break, I'm sure it won't take him long to settle into how we do things here!" That was Julian, things had to be done his way!

Julian introduced him to everyone and it was almost like an electric shock when he took her hand and she was sure she blushed at this good looking older man, old enough to be her Dad at least. He had tonnes of banter for them all and was very well received, and she could see Julian aching to get the attention back to him.

"Ooooohkaaaay," said Julian with a single raised eyebrow.

'Here we go' she thought.

"Just one thing Mark, we don't wear denim here," he wrinkled his nose in that patronising way of his. Just to make it clearer, he leaned forward and tapped Mark's hip.

"Really," said Mark.

"Yeah... REALLY," Julian affected his 'I'm the boss' look, and turned -- job done, "OK team a few things..."

The huge newbie leaned forward and tapped Julian on his hip -- just as had been done to him,

"Err... Julian, I can see two people over there wearing black jeans, three now actually..."

Julian looked down in shock where the man he considered his underling had touched him. His underling folded his arms and smiled straight back at him. This suggested rebellion so they all suddenly paid attention. Julian saw this and gave a deep sigh,

"THEY aren't MY team," he said with a hint of contempt.

"So black jeans ARE OK then," Julian sighed and made to roll his eyes, "only I did read the policy and terms and conditions when I signed them on Friday and it does say smart casual is OK, wouldn't have worn them otherwise."

"Yeah well I don't consider it smart and it's waaaaay to casual!" he said with a denigrating laugh.

"In your opinion."

"In my opinion," said Julian with a hand on his chest, emphasising that his opinion was the only one that mattered.

"Aren't opinions great?" said Mark, "absolutely everyone gets to have one and everyone gets to choose whether they wish to agree with it." Mark's smile now had an edge to it.

"Well this one you don't have a choice to agree with, moving on..."

"Julian, the policy states a list of clothes that are unacceptable for work and black jeans aren't on it. I'll continue to wear mine until it does." He smiled a big smile, "sorry to interrupt, please carry on!"

Julian's face flustered at this unaccustomed challenge to his authority.

"Eerrrr..." he put a dramatic hand to his forehead and closed his eyes as if he really didn't have time for all this, "will you come into the interview room with me for a moment?"

"Why?" said Mark with innocently raised eyebrows, "if it's just so you can tell me about your opinion on black jeans I already know that so it would be a bit of a waste of everyone's time wouldn't it." He perched on the edge of Michaela's desk casually.

A crowd from the other team had picked up on the body language and were at cupboards, cabinets and the multi-function printer-copier and 'not quite gathering'.

Julian's face was at its most put upon.

"I told you my feelings on black jeans and..."

"Feelings, just like opinions Julian," said Mark, "when its policy and written in black and white you come back and tell me, always happy to discuss things sensibly, you were saying?"

"Didn't I just tell you that I said black jeans were totally unaccept..."

"Now here's this nice lady from the Adults team, looking just amazing I might say, in her black jeans Julian, she works for the same department and she CAN wear them?" Michaela looked and saw Katie, her blonde drinking buddy from those few weeks before.

"She's a girl!" he snapped.

"Julian!" Mark said dramatically right back at him, "why I do believe that's a blatant breach of the Equality Act 2010 for you treat me any differently to..." he paused and looked at the gorgeous blonde with the mischievous smile, a messenger bag and carrier bag of files who had stopped to watch the fun.

"Katie!" she said holding out her hand which he took and held.

"...For you to treat me any differently to the lovely Katie here because of my gender!"

To add to the fun the lovely Katie stepped closer to Mark, and the watching Michaela envied her for it. Katie waved to her friend Rachel who was wearing black jeans just as tight as the ones Katie had on and she took up station the other side of the new hero of that morning.

"What?" the team leader snapped back.

"A breach of the Equality Act, Julian; gender my friend, one of the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act. You must have heard of it?"

"Of course I have!" he snapped, "but this has nothing to do with..."

"I'm sorry Julian," said Chris, one of the older guys on the team, "it has everything to do with it. The Girls in the Adults team wear them and no one cares, but we can't even though we're dealing with the kiddiwinks." He looked around at nodded heads around him and inspired he carried on, "I'd love to wear black denim, very comfortable, cheaper and much harder wearing -- if I had a pound for every time I've had to go home with another rip in my £40 or £50 smart work trousers from some house or garden or playground I've had to clamber through, I'd be much better off. So tell us about the policy please Mark."

Julian had lost control of the airspace, grunted loudly and turned to walk away. The team clerk and his unofficial PA Maria gave him a maternal look that pretty much screamed, 'this is it -- if you walk away now your little Junta in this corner of the office is OVER!'

He tried to retake the high ground.

"Mark," he said with a sigh that all of this was below him, "my office please."

"You don't have an office," said Rachel, the black-jeaned senior social worker from the Adults team on Mark's other hip. She was a bit older and had taken the same long route as Julian but worked outside of his sphere of influence.

"Why?" said Mark just as simply as he had before, "if you think you're going to give me a bollocking for not agreeing with your own personal interpretation of policy then like I said, No."

"If you force my hand this will result in a disciplinary..." he said slowing at the end at the portent of such a terrible thing to happen to a man on his first day.

"Force your hand to do what? Julian, you have a problem with me wearing black jeans in your team, something that YOU have unilaterally banned without authorisation or indeed the power to do so, so HOW will this become misconduct on my part and result in disciplinary action against me, I'm intrigued -- but..." he smiled a direct challenge across the room, "you do what you think is right mate..."