Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 08


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"We don't do that shit here; besides, I hired Rosa's janitorial company. You know I'm one of the church secretaries, right? I make the decisions about that contract; you think she's gonna fuck that up because she saw a penis?" Shades of Renee Kelly floated across my frontal lobe.

"You were naked, too."

"You know how many times Rosa's seen me naked?" She was getting ready to step into her skirt as I glanced at her underwire brassiere in my hand.

My free hand came swinging in an upward arch slapping her thick cheeks making them jiggle. Tressie glanced over her shoulder at me with a gregarious smile. I was just going with the flow determined to fuck her as many times as she would allow. She turned to me taking the brassiere tossing it on top of the washer before kissing me passionately. Her fingers unzipped me drawing out my erect penis. I put my camera on the washer besides her bra.

"Oh you're definitely joining my sewing circle."

"Shut up and fuck."


Tressie Fisher ended up on wobbly legs after our last hookup finally deciding it was better if I waited upstairs in the church proper while she got herself together. To that end I was unceremoniously ejected from the basement Sunday school instructed to take a seat in a row of pews at the front of the church.

The area was marked off with some flyers on the end of the seats for two rows. I experienced a bit of embarrassment having to pass janitor Rosa vacuuming the center aisle leading up to the altar. She briefly shot me a look, but otherwise kept her eyes low bearing out Tressie's assertion that she was their boss. A few people were gathered, about three. Two guys were engaged in spirted hushed tones.

"Hello." One of the guys with a topknot afro puff and beaded goatee shot me a look while his friend didn't bother to give me a look. I figured out pretty quickly they were a couple looking elsewhere to the only other occupant.

A woman was sitting alone the second pew from the front row facing the altar. This woman had a short, cropped head of curls with a slightly reddish tint to it. From my vantage point at her back, the woman was wearing a red leather bikers jacket. She looked at first glance to be somewhere between five seven and five ten in height. There were small ruby red earrings in her ears. My curiosity compelled me forward as I noticed the couple pensively watching me, almost waiting. I found myself hesitating but managed to get a gradual look at her face.

She was gorgeous.

I don't mean she was attractive, not cute but absolutely gorgeous in an old school way with a beauty mark on her cheek. She appeared to be a redbone, with somewhat of a deep tan enhancing her skin. I drew comparisons of her looks with a thick version of Eva Mendes. This woman was striking in all the worst ways instantly intimidating me on a whole other level.

I found myself comparing her looks with Renee Kelly finding the women on par with one another. I inched closer finding that she was sitting there with her arms folded across her chest, one leg folded over the other. She was wearing a black tube top and leopard skin capris leggings over black ankle boots.

She was incredibly thick, especially in the thighs.

Her head was at an angle, body language reading uptight, pensive as I noticed a slight tapping noise. The tip of her boot was hitting the back of that first pew. I stood there watching for a few moments eventually deciding to take a seat on the edge of the pew she was sitting, at the opposite end. This had to be the woman Tressie mentioned and I was filled with all kinds of thoughts as she glanced at me directly.

"Uh, hello?" I was in the process of sitting down.

"Don't sit here."

Her stern delivery hit me like a haymaker. I stumbled away across the aisle embarrassed.

I hadn't been that embarrassed in a long time, and it still didn't feel any better. The gay couple were snickering at my rejection while this woman went back to staring at nothing. I sat apart from them silently bristling. My ego was nuked to hell in that instant sending me mentally back in time in a review of all the women I'd bedded since starting my "career".

Renee would've laughed at the situation as I glanced over finding myself effectively marginalized, and invisible. Another couple arrived shortly afterwards looking decidedly vanilla compared to the first three members of this group. Tressie followed them up the aisle stopping at my pew away from the others.

"Are you gonna join us?" It felt like I was forced to look forward, because if I glanced I her direction, I would see that woman again.

"I can hear fine from over here." I mumbled feeling like a butt hurt geek.

Not to be denied, Tressie took my hand leading me to the first pew in front of the one containing the brooding sociopath who'd shredded my ego with little to no effort. In a bit of compromise, Tressie allowed me to sit at the very end of the aisle while the woman sat directly behind me in the middle some six or more feet away. The look on her face told me she understood as she regarded her associate sitting behind me.

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself, Vicky?"

"No, I'm not." She replied equally cold drawing clear parallels between her and one Renee Kelly. I was starting to wonder if all stunningly beautiful sisters behaved this way. This line of thought diminished me along with the urge to turn around and yell my sexual body count in her face.

"If you're on your period; it's okay to go home, bitch." I did a doubletake earning a light pinch to the cheek as she walked to a chair placed in front of the pews. It felt like Vicky's eyes were burning a hole in the back of my head.

Turns out the couple that preceded Tressie into the church were sent by the pastor, a young recently married and very vanilla couple by the name of Oliver and Phoebe. Their inclusion in the group meant that Tressie had to actually come up with something on the fly. She ended up giving a brief bible study class after we introduced ourselves.

The first couple I met were Deidrick and Cedric, high school sweethearts long before they'd come out of the closet leaving one Vicky Stone, who mumbled a greeting while checking her phone. Her eyes would remain glued to that burner for the duration of the meeting. I decided to force myself not to look at her in order to mentally cauterize my bruised ego. After a brief thirty minutes of bullshit, Oliver and Phoebe excused themselves to a prior engagement.

"Who invited the dead weight?"

"There was nothing I could do about that; they're friends of the pastor." Tressie explained rolling up the notes she'd faux-taken during the fake meeting.

"I wasn't talking about them." Vicky commented directly behind me as Deidrick and Cedric snickered. I didn't know what to do about the slight and I didn't feel like dealing with another female asshole. Her comment steeled my resolve.

"Be nice, he's cool."

"And perceptive too; I'm out." I got up without looking at anyone else starting back towards the front of the church with jeers following me from Deidrick and Cedric, Vicky silent. Tressie ran after me catching me at the double doors leading out into the church lobby.

"Hey, don't be that way; let me explain it to them."

"Nah, don't bother; I'm gonna get my bag out of the basement and kick rocks, but we can hook up sometime. I'd love another piece of this ass." I palmed a handful of her butt in full view of her cronies. Vicky remained facing the other direction looking at the face of her phone.

"Stay, lets hang out some more; I'll get rid of them." She whispered as I drew her closer, stoically.

"Eh, just uh, kick it with your friends like you always do. I'll text up a ride home." Tressie pouted.

"I'll drive you home; don't forget I promised your mom."

"You did." I was completely down for more shenanigans as Tressie went back towards the front of the church to address her friends.

I was still feeling the sting of that initial rejection beating myself up on the inside for getting overly bent out of shape. Downstairs I remembered Renee's brutal dress down days earlier about being intimidated by her looks. I gathered up my belongings walking out back into the yard leaning against the fence waiting for Tressie to join me. It was already dusk, and I was looking forward to getting home to my room after being away for some time. The sound of someone mowing the lawn could be heard in the distance as I considered things.

"Ah shit."

I found Tressie walking up the sidewalk from the far side of the church with Vicky, both in deep heated conversation. Both stopped a good ten feet away from me still verbally engaged as I made a concerted effort to look the opposite direction.

"Come on, I'll drive you home." Tressie rubbed my shoulder as I noticed Vicky lingering.

"What's up with her?" I nodded towards the girl still waiting pensively a few feet away. She appeared to be glowering at me still nursing her phone.

"She's coming along, I'm dropping her off too."

I glanced back at Vicky finding the reason for Tressie's earlier endorsement in the fact that she was decadently shaped like a coke bottle, maybe more like a pear overall. She was bottom heavy in a way that was unique with fairly long legs, but that look on her face.

"Why don't you just take her instead?"

"You don't wanna fool around?" Tressie replied trying to open my nose further.

"Three's a crowd."

"Man, she really got under your skin, didn't she?"

"Yup." I didn't feel like lying at this point and Vicky knew she got to me. She was still there, brow furrowed trying to intimidate me further.

"She's really a nice girl." Tressie offered.

"No she isn't and shame on you for lying in front of a church bitch." We both stared at one another for a few minutes chuckling.

Tressie leaned finding me more than ready as Vicky scoffed and began closing the distance between us. I couldn't help but notice her prominent hips; the saying in my mind "Ass so big, you can see it from the front" playing repeatedly in my mind as she appeared.

"So we going to eat, or what?"

"I've got to drop him home first." Vicky looked exasperated beginning to stalk off presumably towards Tressie's car.

"Why don't you just take her, I don't have a problem getting a uber."

"I'm not giving up my fun; I'll drop her home first." Vicky perked up hearing what was being suggested turning to both of us.

"NO, YOU TAKE HIS ASS HOME FIRST!!" She shouted overly dramatic.

"Vicky, it's no big deal." Tressie tried to mediate.

"I DON'T WANT HIM KNOWING WHERE I LIVE!!" She shouted again.

"Excuse me?" My brow furrowed at her behavior making Tressie snicker and pat me on the back. Vicky looked between us as Tressie folded her arms defiant.

"Alright, I'll walk home then." Vicky turned on her heel walking off in a huff.

I was beyond offended but noticed that this woman had a large, elongated pear shaped derriere. Her leopard print leggings did her no favors, skin tight enough that her thong was visible underneath. Her demeanor towards me was unjustified on the surface as Tressie took notice.

"Told you." She whispered.

"Ah fuck it; just take her home. I'll wait here for you to get back."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fucking tired of her and I barely know her name." I glanced down the sidewalk noticing that Vicky was standing there waiting despite her insistence on going it alone. Tressie walked down to meet her with both women disappearing shortly afterwards.

I decided to occupy my time sitting on the monkey bar in the little playground checking my messages. I found another collection of texted emojis in the triple digits deleting all of them after calling up the number and getting voicemail. I blocked the number and logged into the site I'd built that was now pirated. I discovered that my work had been continued with the social media accounts worked up in tandem with Renee all linked.

My idea was in full swing making the page come alive with views. I bristled feeling I'd played myself as I noticed a new window advertising another update with a disturbing thumbnail. It was a pic of Andre in the buff and the view count was extremely high comparable to the clips featuring the current marquee stars, Chi Town Thunda and Ms. WTF.

The scene was still locked so I went over the comments section finding that Renee's hastily slapped together alter ego had earned quite a bit of a following with most people finding her running coercion and subsequent tryst the stuff of legends as one hapless incel described. She'd only donned the wig and glasses to hide her identity, but now had fans coming out of the woodwork begging for more.

Renee Kelly had unintentionally become one of the girls on the website she owned. I wondered what my cousin thought about the situation realizing she'd buffered herself from blame by letting him have guilt free sex with two women over the last few days. The thumbnail depicted Andre looking once again, a deer in headlights. I figured it was the reason he didn't want to talk to me and couldn't blame him.

Renee Kelly was a beautiful great white shark.

A text popped up while I was looking at the site from my phone. I opened it finding a message from Tressie telling me to look to my immediate right. I glanced over finding her behind the wheel of a navy blue Toyota Yaris. There was no telling how long she'd been sitting there watching because I'd gone down an online rabbit hole.

"You having fun there?" She asked as I slid in beside her tossing my bag in her backseat.

"Shut up, getting a bite or did you already do that with uh, Vicky?" I intentionally behaved as if I didn't really remember her name, but Tressie wasn't fooled.

"Damn, she really got under your skin, huh?"

"Whatever gave you that idea?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hold the salt; so, what do you think of her?"


"My girl, Vicky Stone; she's got a big ass and I know you like that shit. She's a little rough around the edges, but couldn't you imagine her on that little porn site of yours, huh?"

"No way, she's toxic; a real fucking princess if I ever saw one. Probably slumming having a laugh down here with the little people so she has shit to talk about with her rich friends. Had the nerve to tell me not to sit next to her after I said hello-HELLO!! Fucking daddy's girl would probably send a team of lawyers after me for a selfie!!" Tressie watched amused at my rant.

"Is that right?"

Fuck that rich bitch." I scoffed.

Tressie laughed reaching over pulling a seatbelt in front of me before driving off. She turned up her music driving a bit faster than I was comfortable with making this ill-advised U-turn down a narrow residential street. Ironically, she was blasting the song "A Lot" by 21 Savage as she tooled down three blocks before making a shaky wide arc into a four lane street narrowly being missed by an approaching car. She giggled at the worried look on my face, bobbing her head to the music. I barely got my bearings as she skidded to a stop at a multilane intersection nudging me in the shoulder.


"Check it out; you know this place right?" I glanced across the intersection finding a section of low income row houses adjacent to a rust encrusted railroad overpass. In the distance was a boarded High-rise housing project building. The foot traffic in the area was sporadic with a cluster of verifiable thugs hanging out on the far corner.

"Eh, Tubman Estates, right?" Gentrification had come to the impoverished area threatening "neighborhood renovation" while the current clients were slated for new affordable housing in a similar looking suburb at the city's outskirts.


Tressie hit the gas speeding across the intersection making a sharp turn up an alley adjacent to the overpass. This alley was a mess of garbage, discarded stripped vehicles and random foot traffic with an assortment of unsavory types. I didn't know what was going on starting to get panicked as Tressie sped past the boarded up project apartment.

I rolled my window half up peering out at the property. Some of the boards had been pried loose by squatters seeking shelter. The property was bordered by a large temporary fence with plenty of NO TRESSPASSING signs visible everywhere.

"What the fuck is going on Tressie?"

"Relax, ain't nobody fucking with you." She replied calmly as we approached the end of the block and a half-length alley. She leaned forward with both hands on the wheel scanning the area ahead breaking into a knowing grin. I followed the trajectory of her gaze.

At the very end of the alley Vicky was just taking a seat on a discarded chair, cigarette in hand still watching her phone. Tressie lowered her music as we crept forward.

"What's going on?"

"I wanted you to see the rich little daddy's girl that pissed you off so much."

Tressie slowed her car to a veritable crawl creeping up right in front of Vicky Stone. I realized the cigarette in her hand was actually a joint. Her jacket, and phone were the most expensive things in her possession, apparently. The music eventually caught her attention.


If looks could kill, both of us would be dead in a hail of bullets as Vicky stood up quickly walking to my passenger side door. She started yanking on the handle as Tressie laughed eventually unlocking the door from her driver's side console. Vicky snatched the door open yanking on my shirt sleeve.

"GET THE FUCK OUT; GET YOUR ASS OUT NIGGA!!" I was half tossed from the passenger seat onto the yellowing, littered grass as Vicky jumped into the front seat on all fours.

"Hell, what's your problem?!!" I gathered myself finding her elongated pear shaped butt staring me in the face.


The masculine tone of her voice seemed to make the windows of Tressie's car shake. Vicky was kneeling on all fours with her face directly in front of the Sunday school teacher.

"I thought you was hungry."

"Bitch, please." Vicky settled down sitting in the passenger seat I'd formerly occupied.

She glanced at me standing there outside the car for a few moments bristling, then slammed the door with authority. I think she fully expected Tressie to drive off and leave me behind. The women talked a little as I stood there fighting the urge to sucker punch Vicky.

Vicky cursed under her breath opening the car door laboriously exiting it. She still avoided looking at my face as the bitch bent over pulling the lever under her seat. The passenger side seat folded sliding forward revealing a cramped backseat.

Her thong was visible riding high on her wide hips as she bent over along with the beginnings of a deep gluteal cleft surrounded by some light but visible stretchmarks perceptible because of her skin tone. She reached back roughly yanking up her leggings as she turned facing me. It felt like she thought I would rush her or something.

"Hurry up and get in; I'm hungry!" She had the nerve to bark at me motioning towards the backseat as Tressie watched amused.

She snickered when I reluctantly hopped in the backseat wanting to keep it moving. Instead of pulling the seat back we watched her return to her post retrieving what appeared to be a small shaving kit bag. Before I even realized it, Vicky was shoving it between the seats into my chest as she got into the car like she'd just committed a robbery.

"What's this?"

"PUT THAT BAG UNDER THE SEAT AND SHUT UP!" Vicky barked slamming the door hard enough to make the window shake.

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused; damn I hate when they talk too much. Simps be trifling pretending like they don't know their place. PUT THAT SHIT UNDER THE SEAT, BOY!!"
