Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 08


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I had a chest full of fire holding the bag literally. There was a stringent smell of weed emanating from it and I could feel something dangerous inside. I shoved it right under her seat bristling with righteous indignation.

"Can't you be nice to him?" Vicky scoffed at the question rolling down the window letting her arm hang out.


Tressie gunned it taking us forward into another wild turn as she sped along the street across the intersection behind the first set of row houses pulling up to the second from the last. The stunningly rude beauty quickly hopped out of the car pulling the seat up sticking her hand in my face.


"GIVE ME THAT BAG FROM UNDER THE SEAT DUMBASS!!" She snatched it out of my hands just as I was pulling the bag from its hiding place.

My arm was jerked forward by the sudden violent motion almost dragging me outside of the vehicle. Vicky stalked off into the back door of the unit returning moments later in heated conversation with some rail thin guy following her outside. I didn't feel comfortable wondering if I were looking at a drug deal.

The shady looking guy made the mistake of grabbing her bicep. Vicky pivoted launching a powerful looking sucker punch into his chin. The guy keeled over head first into the door as she stutter stepped back fists raised in anticipation of a fight. Drawn by the noise, a large obese sister appeared at the back door surveying the physical carnage.

"I'M GONNA TELL ON YOU VICKY!!" Her voice was surprisingly juvenile as I figured out I was looking at a teen probably the same age as the kid nursing his chin laid out.

"You better get your fat ass out that door before I come give you something to live for, bitch!" The girl damn near vanished while the thin kid remained on the pavement likely waiting for her to leave. Vicky pointed at him as she walked back to our vehicle getting inside.

She gave me this look as she got inside that was pretty much daring me to say something as Tressie drove off thankfully leaving the neighborhood. I thought about Renee Kelly finding some parallels in this equally stunning alpha female. The blows to my ego would continue as long as I was in the toxic Chernobyl-like sphere of this woman.

It gave me a bit of reflection and sad realization that I was little more than a plaything for women like this and a nuisance at worst. Rene was right about me benefiting from her presence, sexually and otherwise. I'd helped her mostly curb my cousin Jaquan and provided manual labor eventually giving her another easy side hustle.

Vicky Stone was my unwanted confirmation in some respects leaving me shook as I struggled to control my bitterness. Everything had become so easy with the presence of esteemed baby mama number two. She'd opened doors for me that were now likely closed.

"We're here; you don't mind chicken, do you?" Tressie asked pulling into the parking lot of a mid-city greasy spoon. It was a converted chicken outlet painted in red and white partially occupied by students from a local college.

"Who cares; I'm hungry!" Vicky was beyond boorish.

Predictably she got out of the car slamming the door behind herself, but Tressie opened her door letting me out on the driver's side instead. Vicky lingered for a second arms folded, before both girls began walking towards the takeout joint. I couldn't take it anymore having already pulled my camera bag from the backseat. I leaned against the side of the car getting my emotions in check pulling up Uber on my phone as Tressie noticed.

"Come on, we're getting something to eat."

"I'm gonna call it a night." I was already on the App looking for a bargain when Vicky decided to verbally stick another pin inside me.

"Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" She taunted.

"Yeah you did; I think I hate you." I admitted without looking at her face.

Both girls exchanged glances, each looking amused for one reason or another. Unexpectedly, Vicky walked back arms folded across her chest with this impish smile on her face that pissed me off. She rested an arm on top of the car leaning against it biting her lower lip for a few seconds studying my face. She rolled her eyes in a playful manner looking away at Tressie before turning back to me.

"I really did hurt your feelings." She gloated.

"Hate you."

"So, I'm supposed to like you and be your friend because you know Tressie. That's supposed to make you some kind of nice guy, make me comfortable enough to breathe the same air as you when we both know you really just want me to bend over so you can have your nerdy little five minutes of fame. Am I getting hot?"

"Hate your guts." Vicky put a knuckle in her mouth partially stifling some laughter.

"Tressie likes having sex, a lot; so just because you were probably fucking her before I got to church doesn't give you a panty pass with me. Man I gotta be honest; it looked like you were gonna cry when I told you to piss off back there in the church. Are you gonna cry now because I won't "act" nice?"

"Over it; enjoy your chicken."

"I don't believe you ."

"I don't care." Vicky looked glib suddenly cupping my cheek drawing my head in her direction. I couldn't help internally wilting in her presence hating her classic beauty. Her thumb brushed my bottom lip and I gingerly pulled it away.

"It doesn't matter if you hate me, because I know that you'll come running if I bend over."

"Fuck you."

"Now ain't that the twelve hundred dollar question?" Her hand was caressing the back of my head, but I parried it away as she backed off insufferably smug.

"Fuck you!" I didn't know what else to say.

Vicky Stone walked five paces before stopping in her tracks to peel those leopard print leggings down revealing her big, elongated heart shaped butt, fuchsia thong, and all. I reacted involuntarily popping serious wood at the sight of her derriere.

She continued standing there literally mooning me with her warring cheeks devouring that thong. It was a morality trap, the sexual Kobayashi Maru that dictated a no win situation. If I followed, she would be right in classifying me as a thirsty simp, but if I didn't move, I would never find out if she were simply teasing me or offering an opportunity.


Vicky laughed hard yanking her leggings up jostling about until they felt comfortable. She returned wrapping an arm around my bicep pulling me away from the car. It seemed she was meeting me halfway leaning into my body as we joined Tressie who took my other arm. All three of us walked into the takeout joint together. Vicky remained in custody of my arm while we ordered still warmly smiling because she'd rattled me. Both girls sat opposite me eating ravenously while I mostly watched picking at my food.

"Hey, you in love with me yet?" Vicky asked between bites of chicken strip.

"I don't think so."

"Man, you're really playing the role; you know you're getting hung up on me and I know it too. I hate it when simps get caught up just because you smiled at them. Wanna take me home to meet your mother?" Tressie side eyed her running buddy knowing she'd set up a date with me on the low.

"God yes; that would teach her a lesson about meddling in my life." Both girls burst into hysterical laughter for a few minutes drawing the attention of some of the other patrons and a few of the counter staff.

"This guy is funny; what's he like in bed?" Vicky asked her friend tearing into another strip.

"Shockingly good, no shit." They snickered again; the kind of chortling heard in a locker room after a dirty joke. Some elderly woman and two preteens were in earshot. She didn't look pleased.

"No shit?"

"We did it four times before you showed up." Vicky leaned forward resting an elbow on the table, chin in her palm.

"Damn, that's quite an endorsement considering you're a simp."

"Hate you." I followed this up with a loud slurp from my cup of soda.

There was this weird sensation in my crotch; I found Vicky's bare foot between my legs. She sat across from me nibbling on a fry with a sly half smirk. Tressie sat there also looking mischievous as she rubbed my business using the ball of her foot and eventually her toes.

The booth we were sitting in really didn't obscure anything as I found the elderly woman sitting across from us, horrified. She gathered up her young charges quickly ushering them out of the restaurant making the girls at the table burst into more laughter. I went to move Vicky's foot, but she pressed further pushing into my crotch.

"Not into feet, cut it out." I tried to move her foot, but Vicky held fast.

"Give me a massage, pull my toes." She snickered.

"Ew, I'm eating."

"You could be eating, if you play your cards right."

Vicky raised an eyebrow glancing over at Tressie. Both of them exchanged glances looking back at me silently implying something that caused a bulge in my crotch. Vicky tapped my tumescence with her foot, actually used her toes to gauge its size with a pinch.

"Cut it out."

"You really not gonna rub my feet?" Some of the workers behind the counter were looking directly at us. Her actions were out in the open, much to my chagrin.

"She really likes getting her feet rubbed; maybe you should do it." Tressie advised.

"Do you rub her feet?" I countered still cognizant of the eyes watching us. Vicky continued rubbing and squeezing my cock with her feet under the table while snacking above it, wholly engaged.

"I rub a lot of things." Tressie half turned in the booth blatantly planting her hand down between Vicky's thighs.

Both girls bust up laughing continuing the cringe factor as a nervous looking manager approached. I shifted a bit as he got closer trying to hide what was happening in my lap. Vicky stared pointedly at him radiating menace.

"Uhm, I'd like to ask you guys to keep it down a bit; and stop doing that."

"Uh alright sir."

"Stop doing what?" Vicky challenged.

"You know, what you're doing."

This middle aged guy somewhat paunchy in the middle with a weird gait was infinitely out of his league with Vicky before he even realized it. She continued rubbing my crotch more animated this time as I cringed trying to shrug away the embarrassment.

"No, I don't; why don't you tell us what we're doing that makes you so uncomfortable, eh Kennard?" She motioned with her pointer finger at his nametag.

"Ma'am we have other customers here."

"So, they're more important than us?" Vicky challenged again.

"There are other customers here; we can see what you're doing from the counter ma'am." Store manager Kennard was doing his best to handle the situation with kid gloves.

"What am I doing?!"

"Uhm, that." He motioned towards her foot in my lap.

"I don't understand, Kennard." Tressie was having the time of her life watching the manager twist in the wind. I tried to get Vicky's foot out of my lap, but she suddenly nudged me in the balls with more force than intended while he watched. I doubled over from the pain bumping the table with my head.

"WELL, NO SHOES NO SERVICE!!" Kennard had enough asserting himself as Tressie leaned forward rubbing the back of my head as Vicky relented. She jumped up in his face causing the meek looking gut to flinch like he'd been struck.

"Kennard, I think that I'd like to leave your establishment; the accommodations are severely lacking. I am considering filing a very detailed report for shabby service with the better business bureau." Her flippant behavior drove the embattled manager to his limit, blinking profusely and gritting his teeth.

"OUT, ALL OF YOU!!" There was a tinge of falsetto tone in his voice.

Vicky suddenly sat down, planting her huge, elongated butt in my lap. I was so hard, there was no way she didn't notice my business deep in her crack. My face registered the sudden stimulation making some of the other patrons burst into laughter. Vicky went with it popping and rolling her hips on my junk as the manager had a conniption. Tressie slid out of the booth behind the much shorter, slight man. Vicky snatched at his hand still twerking on my junk.

"HELP ME KENNARD; HIS THING IS SO HARD!! WANNA TOUCH IT, HUH?!!" He panicked slapping away at her hands so flustered that he turned to scurry off only to run face first into Tressie' huge bust. She grabbed him by the shoulders gently pushing him back.

"Sir, that was uncalled for; I'll have you know I'm a born again Christian."

"IT-WAS AN ACCIDENT!!" Manager Kennard blurted out.

"Right, so tell me sir; would you like to come to our fellowship orgy?"

Vicky leaned back into me essentially turning me into a human chair still playing to the laughing crowd. The manager shrank away from Tressie horrified even as some of the teen workers behind the counter laughed. Tressie grabbed his hand pressing it to her right breast, but he snatched back.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" He was gone back through the counter door letting it slam loudly. Tressie scurried behind him at a stutter step until the heavy door closed in her face. Vicky's huge butt was bouncing in my lap as I gave up hiding my face in my hands.

"IT'S ONLY "ME TOO" IF I REPORT IT!!" Tressie yelled as Vicky finally got out of my lap. She snatched up her empty soda cup walking to the dispenser refilling it. I was grabbed by the forearm and snatched out of the booth by Tressie to much raucous applause from the other appreciative customers.

"There's no free refills, you have to pay for that." One teen employee informed Vicky as she replaced the plastic lid and straw.

"You gonna take it out of my hand?"

She turned glaring at the employee daring her to reach for the soda as she took a long slurp on the straw. I kept my hands over my face letting Tressie lead me out of the takeout joint while Vicky brought up the rear moving slow enough to give them an opportunity to oppose her.

Wisely, nobody did.

"What's wrong with him?" Vicky asked as Tressie led me back to her parked car. I was still covering my eyes with both hands, camera bag hanging from my shoulder.

"Nothing, he's just got this stick up his ass."

"LET ME PULL IT OUT FOR HIM!!" Vicky clawed into my butt like she was trying to rip it off. I hopped up in the air running to the car with her at my back. She definitely had a latent tomboyish vibe that was hard not to notice.

I got half tackled into the side of Tressie's car as she used her keychain chirping the doors unlocked. Vicky opened the door, pulling the passenger seat forward. I was glad to get into the back seat, but Vicky crawled in behind me.

"What're you doing?!!"

"What, I can't sit with your dumb ass?"

"I don't care!"

Tressie was already driving out of the parking lot, but Vicky remained on all fours across my lap. I found my face uncomfortably closer to hers unsure of how to react. Her expression was a veritable enigma giving me nothing to go on but sight alone. She got close enough to kiss, glistening lips right in front of mine.

"Go ahead."

"Huh, what?" Vicky answered with a bounce of her hips, making her butt jiggle.

It looked pillow soft and inviting with a bit of her gluteal cleft present. She was right across my lap too close for comfort to look down at her chest. Her head matched my movements as she looked me dead in the eye wagging her big butt as the car rocked and shook while Tressie sped down the street.

"Don't you wanna feel it?"

Vicky popped her hips for emphasis getting an unintended result as the tops of her rounded hips appeared along with part of the thong which rode way too high. My endowment was literally pulsing just from looking at her backside alone.

"Cut it out." I tried to look away, but she followed my movements making sure her face and butt were the only things I could see.

"What if this is your one chance? What if this is the only chance you get to at least touch it? Come on, we both know you wanna do it; so why don't you?" Her breath was hot on my face and she was impossibly beautiful getting even closer.

"Fuck." My finger barely grazed her right butt cheek finding it as soft as it looked.

My fingertips dipped and sunk into the flesh taking stock of the feel of the leopard print legging s covering her butt. My hand slid down palming the undercuff for a few seconds when the car suddenly skidded to a halt. Vicky quickly gave me a wet peck on the lips.


She suddenly drew back laughing her ass off making me feel like an absolute idiot. Vicky Stone sat there with her back against the passenger side window holding my phone and wallet. Tressie got out of the car walking around to the passenger side window as Vicky pulled a ten from my wallet handing it to her.

"HATE YOU!! GODAMMIT, I HATE YOU!!" I was forced to lean over in several failed attempts at snatching my property ending up with her palming my face like a basketball.

"Relax simp; chill yourself before you kill yourself nigga!" Her tone let me know she considered the blatant robbery horseplay.

"SHIT!!" She pushed two fingers into my temple shoving my head in the other direction while hiding my phone under her huge butt.

"Come on bruh; it's just the price of admission. Besides, I want something to drink, don't you?" Tressie was walking into a corner liquor store. I'd been so caught up in Vicky's features, the entire jaunt went over my head until we were parked.

"Help yourself, oops, you already did; petty criminal much?"

"Extra much?"

Despite the limited space in the backseat, Vicky leaned towards me giving my cheek a slap with my own android phone. It fell into my lap as she leaned back still in custody of my wallet. She started looking through it pulling out my id card perusing it for a moment before tossing that at me too.

"You gonna let me look through your purse?" The wallet hit me in the chest as Tressie walked out of the corner store handing her a paper bag through the open passenger side window.

Vicky opened the bag revealing a bottle of Hennessey and a pack of Twizzlers. I watched her pour some of it into the soda cup from the restaurant. She offered the bottle, but I declined as Tressie pulled off doing a jerky wide U-turn back down the street probably faster than she should've. It was still early evening, and the street lights were already on as I put the things back in my wallet while Vicky bit into a piece of red licorice.

"What do you do for fun?" She asked between sips of her brew and bites into the elastic candy.


"Come on man, you wanted me to talk to you; I'm fucking talking to you and everything. Want me to smile too, huh?" I side eyed the disingenuous wide grin on her face in response to my well justified attitude.

"No matter what I say, you're just gonna burn me."

"You're right, I am." She started laughing taking the time to pour a little more Hennessey into her cup. In truth I considered mentioning my recent activities but declined internally horrified at what she might say or do with the information.

"Excuse me for asking, but are you always this rude?"

"Well that depends on your definition of rude; I've known Tressie for a minute and you-well, I consider you a work in progress anyway. You know you wanna get in my panties, so stop acting like a nice guy."

"You haven't given me a chance to act like anything except your straight man in a lopsided comedy act. I like to think I am a nice guy overall even though; I do wanna get into your panties. Ever since we met I've been going back and forth between fighting you or fucking your brains out, honestly. Personally though, I think you're a glorified tease."

"Wow, an honest thought from a simp."


Both of the running buddies started laughing again as Tressie continued being the chauffeur from hell. I glanced out my backseat window noticing we were speeding down a really long street bordered on one side by the same railroad overpass from earlier. We were definitely back in Vicky Stone's project stomping grounds and this made me uneasy.
