Me, Sis and the Hot-tub Ch. 01


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"It's ok. No harm done."

"Would you like a refill?"


She lifted her glass and I filled it before filling my own.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," she said with a wide smile.

"I must have dozed off."

"Yes, it does happen," I agreed. "Though dozing wasn't what you were doing", I thought.

We sat in silence for a while losing ourselves in our own thoughts. My thoughts were swamped with visions of her cumming by pleasuring herself on the Jacuzzi jets and my first touch of her boob. The softness of her skin. The firmness of her B-cup, as well as wondering what her nipple would feel like. Wondering if it was stiff. My cock twitched once again in my shorts. I felt guilty harbouring such thoughts and having my cock re-act the way it did.

"Any plans for tomorrow?" asked Gwen.

"None at all maybe a bit of shopping. You?"

"I need to maybe get a better bikini for the tub," she said smiling.

"Bikini? Bottoms would be more like it now that you're letting the girls out," I laughed.

"Maybe I will then," she replied. "In fact I have some panties that just might do. I'll have a look later."

The thought of her wearing just panties made my cock stiffen even more. I don't think I'll be getting out of the tub anytime soon.

We chatted on for another while before Gwen announced she'd better get out before she fell asleep again. She stood up showing off her bare breasts. Put her fingers under the crotch of her bottoms and tugged them free from her ass crack. The water ran off her boobs dripping from her stiff nipples. It was an awesome sight and I had a very stiff cock now.

"You coming bro?" she asked.

"Think I'll sit a while. Give you time in the shower before I go for mine," I lied hoping she wouldn't realize my true reason.


She stepped out and didn't bother with her robe. Bending over to put her slippers on she gave me a great view of her ass and as she skipped along the side of the house I watched her ass sway. I just had to release my cock. It was getting very uncomfortable. So, there I sat waiting for my erection to subside.

It took a while but eventually it did soften. I climbed out of the tub, secured the lid and went inside. Gwen was nowhere to be seen so guessing she was in her room, I had a shower. As I emerged from the bathroom to cross into my room, Gwen came out of her room still wrapped in her towel and carrying a bunch of what looked like panties.

"Is that your potential tub wear?" I asked.

"Could be," she winked. "You'll have to wait and see."

"Ooohhh sounds promising," I laughed.

"Goodnight sis."

Once in my room I dropped my towel and gripped my stiff cock. In the past few days I'd not only seen my sister's boobs but grabbed one, albeit accidentally and now she was sorting out hot-tub wear that will allow her to sit topless. She'd also masturbated on the jets while sitting beside me. Before I realized it, my balls were tingling and starting to fire their seed. I managed to aim it at the towel so as not to get it all over the carpet. I let out what I hoped was a muted moan, hoping Gwen didn't hear. My legs buckled under the release and my heart pounded as I staggered to the bed to sit down. That was even stronger than my last orgasm and once recovered I wiped my cock with the towel before throwing it into the wash bin and crawling into bed. Sleep came easily.

The next morning I woke late. It was 10am. Putting a top and trackies on I went into the kitchen. There was a note on the table from Gwen telling me she'd went shopping and should be back around dinner time. I had a quick breakfast before starting my chores of laundry and cleaning. The day flew by and I was eating dinner when Gwen arrived back with all her shopping.

"I bought a few nibbles for later," she said.

"Sounds good sis. What did you get?"

"Nachos, dips, nuts and crisps," she replied.

"We have wine, don't we?"

"In the top left-hand cupboard."

"You want red or white?" she asked.

"I don't mind sis, whichever you prefer."

I heard the kettle being boiled and something being put into the microwave. A few minutes later she joined me at the table and ate her dinner.

"Buy anything nice?" I asked.

"Just some tops."

"For anything special?"

"No. I just needed a few new ones for the summer. Last year's aren't great but do for lying around the house or now hot-tubbing," she laughed.

"You're really getting into the hot-tub culture, aren't you?"

"I really do enjoy it. Don't you?"

"I do and more so now I've company," I said.

"Ahhh, that's sweet of you to say," she said blushing slightly. "And it's nothing to do with my naked boobs," she said with a wink.

Now it was my turn to blush.

"Well?" she said.

"I'm certainly not going to deny they help," I laughed.

"I'm glad you approve." Gwen laughed too.

We cleared the table and did the dishes before settling in front of the TV. After a couple of quiz shows and a talent show, Gwen wanted to know if we were tubbing and whether I'd prefer our nibbles in the tub or after. I said during would be fine and went out to check that the hot-tub was ready. I'd set the timer earlier hoping she would want to use it again. Gwen prepared the nibbles.

I went to my room and got ready. When I came out Gwen was standing in the kitchen in just a pair of white panties.

"Someone's keen," I laughed.

She turned quickly causing her bare breasts to swing back and forth. It was highly erotic. I tried not to look. I failed. Her white pants were what I think are called 'high legs'. They were brief but covered her modesty adequately. I was just curious about them being white and what would happen when the water hit them. Did she realize too? Was her choice deliberate? I felt my cock twitch with anticipation.

I carried the plates of nibbles while Gwen brought the wine. We settled into the tub, chinked our glasses saluting each other's health and started to relax.

"How're the repairs coming on?" I asked.

"The builders say things are going well.

They've replaced the pipes and are almost finished with the floors and ceilings. Another few weeks should do it."

The thought of just having another few weeks saddened me. I had gotten used to her company and was going to miss it. Then my brain asked if that was all I was going to miss. I chided myself for thinking of my sister that way.

"I think the wine is running through me. I need a piddle," she said.

She stood up and stepped out of the tub with her back to me. As I thought, her pants had gone see-through and her ass was clearly visible, her cheeks jiggling as she walked along the side of the house. Thankfully I was able to adjust my cock to a more comfortable position while she was gone. Just as well I did because as she turned the corner of the house on her way back, I could see her pants were still very wet and her brown pubes were visible. A lovely thick rug with some wisps poking out the sides. I hoped I wasn't busted and if I was she didn't make it obvious.

We settled down to our usual comfortable silence. I was lost in my incestuous thoughts about her wonderful breasts with the very stiff nipples; her jiggly ass cheeks and the vision of pubes showing through her wet pants. It was just as well I'd adjusted my cock as it was now very stiff and threatening to poke out over my waistband.

Soon it was time to call it a night. As usual Gwen got out first. She stood up and let the water drip off her body. The sight of the water dripping from her stiff nipples never ceased to enthral me.

"I thought you'd be used to seeing them now," she said teasing me.

"They're a sight that will always be good to see," I replied.

"Perv," she laughed as she stepped out and walked away. Her virtually naked ass cheeks wobbling as she walked. My cock was now at full-mast. I would have to wait a little longer. Afterwards I had my orgasmic shower before bed.

Sunday morning, I woke late again and found a note from Gwen on the table. She was meeting up with a few friends for a day out and hoped to be back in time for our evening hot-tub.

I set the timer again and spent my day watching Jason Bourne and Mission Impossible DVDs. By 8pm, Gwen still hadn't come back so rather than waste the hot water I got into the hot-tub alone, missing my hot-tub buddy. It was only then I realized how much I'd gotten used to having her around.

I must have dozed off because I was startled by the sound of the patio door opening. Gwen then came round the corner of the house wrapped in her robe.

"Sorry John. I didn't mean to be this late, but Sarah has been having bf problems and we were trying to re-assure her and help her decide what to do."

"Not a problem. I thought you were going to miss out on your relaxation."

"I thought you wouldn't turn it on and I would miss out. I'm glad you did."

She removed her robe to show her naked boobs and very skimpy thong bottoms. From what I could see in the fading light she must have trimmed her pubes as the front of her thong was quite narrow and no hairs were in sight. That view made my cock rise quite quickly and as she stepped in she showed off her bare ass cheeks. She was either getting very relaxed in our new relationship or she was teasing me. I fought hard to stop my incestuous thoughts going into overdrive.

She sighed heavily as she sat down and relaxed.

"This is wonderful," she said.

After a few minutes she asked if I would turn the jets on. I did and she sighed again. I closed my eyelids as far as I could but still be able to see her and watched. Was she going to use the jets to masturbate? I didn't have to wait long for my answer. Slowly she adjusted her position, moving I'm guessing, until she was positioned over a jet. Her facial expression changed and soon she was biting her lower lip. I noticed her hand moving down to her crotch and her legs spreading. Had she moved her thong to the side to let the jet blast her bare pussy? That naughty thought made my cock twitch and get very stiff. Slowly her body started to move. Her hips seemed to be moving in a small circular fashion and her breathing was getting heavier. She glanced quickly over at me to see what I was doing. Hopefully my almost closed eyes fooled her into thinking I was possibly asleep and that I wasn't watching her. Still watching me I could see her eyes starting to glaze over. She was close to cumming. I hoped she wouldn't bust me and I also hoped that the intense tingling in my cock and ball sack wouldn't end up with me cumming too. The shower wall was going to get another pasting later.

Her breathing got heavier and more nasal. Her boobs were rising and falling quicker; her nipples were very stiff. Her eyes suddenly closed and she held her breath. Her body twitched and her boobs jiggled as her orgasm hit her. By the looks of it, it was a big one. Slowly she relaxed and released a long, quiet breath. She relaxed her jaw and opened her eyes. I made no movement allowing her the dignity of thinking she'd cum without me knowing. I would remember this for a long time and no doubt use it many times in the future to help me cum.

After a few minutes Gwen leaned over and tapped me on the shoulder.

"John. Are you awake?"

I pretended to stir.

"You OK sis?"

"Yes. Just thought I'd head in. I didn't want to leave you on your own sleeping."

"OK. Thanks. I'll follow you in."

She stood up, the water running down her almost naked body. Droplets dripping from her stiff nipples. Still a highly erotic sight. Stepping out of the tub she walked towards the door. It was then I made my mistake. At the door she stopped and looked back. I hadn't noticed and stood up. The bulge in my shorts was obvious, even in the poor light. I caught her looking and her mouth gaped slightly.

"Oh f**k," I thought. "Do I cover up or do I pretend I haven't noticed her looking?"

Unfortunately my brain wasn't working quickly enough and I instinctively covered up. She smiled and went into the house.

Next morning we chatted over breakfast but she never mentioned my cock stretched shorts from last night. Maybe she hadn't seen as much as I'd feared.

"I'm finishing early today," she said. "I'm owed some time so I'm taking the half-day to do some shopping. Is there anything you need?"

"I don't think so," I replied. "We've enough food haven't we?"

"Yep, plenty. What would you like for dinner and I'll have it ready?"

"Can't think of anything I'd particularly like.

So whatever you fancy making will suit me."

"OK, I'll check the fridge when I get home."

When I arrived home at 6pm, I was greeted by the wonderful aroma of spaghetti bolognaise.

"Hi sis," I announced. "Spag bol for dinner?"

"Yes, you don't mind? You said whatever suited."

"I don't mind at all. Am quite hungry so hope there's plenty," I said as I entered the kitchen.

Gwen was standing at the cooker wearing a full apron as she stirred the sauce. The apron didn't fully meet at the back and showed off her bare back underneath. Should I say anything? Or just ignore it and see what happens?

"It'll be another couple of minutes if you want to change," she said.

I took the chance to escape and got changed into a t-shirt and shorts.

When I returned Gwen was putting the finishing touches to the dinner by grating parmesan cheese over the dishes.

"Can you do the wine bro?"

I poured two generous glasses of wine and we tucked into a very tasty meal.

"This is great sis."

"Thank you. I suppose it's my special since I cooked and experimented with it quite a lot in my own place."

"Talking about your own place; how're things going with it?"

I thought I caught a glimpse of sadness pass across her face.

"The builder says all is going to plan and it should be ready on schedule."

"That's great," I said smiling.

Her face fell slightly and then I realized how that remark must have sounded. She probably thinks I can't wait for her to go home. That was so not true. In reality I was going to miss her company. How am I going to rescue this without me digging a deeper hole?

The rest of the meal passed quietly. It seems my comment killed the mood.

Once finished I insisted on doing the clearing up since Gwen had done the cooking. She left and went to her room, returned in her jammies and picked up her wine before heading to the living room to watch TV. As I cleared up I thought about how to let her know that I wasn't looking her to leave so soon. I decided to just take the bull by the horns and hit the problem head on.

Once everything was tidied away I lifted my own glass of wine and sat on the chair next to Gwen. Then taking a deep breath, I started.

"I think you may have misunderstood me earlier sis."

"What do you mean?" she said nonchalantly.

"I enjoy having you stay here. My comment about your flat being ready on-time was not an indication that I was looking rid of you. I was just happy for you."

She turned and looked me in the eye.

"I know that you'll have to leave soon and get back to your own place. No matter how welcome I make you feel, you won't be as comfortable and relaxed here as you would at home. I'm not particularly looking forward to your going back home, but I know it will happen. I just hope that when it does we'll make more of an effort to keep in touch and meet up more often than we used to. Maybe occasionally make dinner for each other. Have movie nights or just meet up for a coffee."

I saw her face soften and the spark return to her eyes.

"I'm sorry if what I tried to say made you feel unwelcome. It certainly was not intended to sound that way."

"That's OK bro. In my heart I knew what you meant, it was just that it sounded harsh. I'm just being too sensitive."

She reached across between us and squeezed my hand.

"I'll head off to bed now if you don't mind," and at that she rose and went to her room.

Shit, I thought. I've ruined everything.

The rest of the week went quietly. Evening meals were consumed with the usual polite small-talk. How was your day? Any plans for tonight/tomorrow, etc. I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever get back to what we had. The thought of that not happening saddened me. Then on Friday, as we had breakfast together Gwen spoke.

"John, I'd like to apologize for how I've behaved this week."

My puzzled look seemed to make her explain herself better.

"I over re-acted to your comment earlier in the week and I was just feeling sorry for myself. You've been a great host and brother and I don't want to spoil the memories we've shared recently."

"It's OK sis. I understand. I just didn't think carefully enough about what I said."

"Fancy a take-away tonight?" she asked.

"That would be fun."

"Pizza? Chinese? Indian?" she asked. "My treat."

"OK, on one condition?"

"What?" she asked somewhat nervously.

"We have a hot-tub session after?"

She smiled broadly for the first time in days.

"Deal," she agreed.

We hugged and I left for work giving her the choice for dinner.

Work that day went well and there was lightness in my step. All was good with the world again.

When I arrived home, Gwen was already there with Chicken Korma, Lamb Biryani, pilau rice and peshwari naan. The smell of the food made me realize how hungry I was.

"I'll serve if you do the wine bro."

While we made short work of the food and we filled each other in on how our respective days were.

"I'll sort the dishes if you sort the hot-tub?" she said.

I cleared the dishes to the sink and went outside to check the hot-tub had turned on. Back inside I dried the dishes as Gwen washed before going to get ready for the tub.

We sat on the sofa sipping some more wine as we waited for the tub to finish heating and our dinner to settle within us. After an hour, the water was ready and so were we. I followed Gwen out to the tub carrying our glasses of wine. Gwen took her robe off revealing yet another skimpy thong. Keeping her back to me, she leaned slightly forward, held onto the side of the tub and stepped in sideways. As she lifted her left leg and stretched it into the tub her thong wedged between her pussy lips. It left very little to the imagination. My cock twitched its appreciation. Did she realize what she just did? Was it deliberately for my benefit? She then turned ready to sit down. Her glorious breasts with their stiff nipples, bounced as she lowered herself into the water. I prayed she didn't catch me ogling her and mentally slapped my perviness. I handed her both glasses as I took off my robe and hoped she wouldn't notice the bulge forming in my shorts as I gently stepped in.

"I missed this during the week," she said.

"What's going to happen when I move out? Will I still be able to come over and use it?"

"Of course you can. Just because you move back home shouldn't stop us using it," I replied.

"You can even sleep over rather than drive back home if you'd like."

"Can I?"

"Of course."

"Thanks bro," she said as she got up and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek. However, she slipped and instead of a kiss on the cheek I got her left boob squashed into my face. As I tried to catch her my left hand ended up grabbing her other boob. Her left tit was on my face and my hand held her right one. What a picture that would make.

She managed to regain her balance and sat down again.

"Well that didn't go as planned," she laughed.

"I'm not complaining."

"I'm sure you won't," she said. "A tit in your mouth and another in your hand. What man would complain?"

"Well, you're mostly right," I said.


"The tit wasn't in my mouth," I replied with an exaggerated frown.

That seemed to relax her all the more as she let out a real belly laugh.

"More wine sis?"


I climbed out, brought the bottle from the kitchen and split what was left between our two glasses, before climbing back in.