Me, Sis and the Hot-tub Ch. 01


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We sat in silence each lost in our own thoughts. Mine were reliving holding her boob again and feeling her boob squashed against my cheek. If only I'd turned slightly, maybe I would have got her nipple in my mouth. Those thoughts were getting me stiff. I needed to try and calm down.

"Think I'll head to bed bro. The wine and the heat are making me sleepy as usual."

"Goodnight sis. See you in the morning."

Gwen got out in a similar way to how she got in. However, the fading light deprived me of another clear glimpse of her pussy. I watched her virtually bare ass cheeks jiggle as she took her robe and walked back into the house. This time I remained seated so as not to show my stiff cock straining within my shorts.

The next morning I lay on, deciding what to do with my day. Apart from my usual housework, I had nothing planned. My mind went back to yesterday and I was pleased that Gwen and I had sorted out our difficulty and my morning woodie twitched as I remembered the 'boobs' incident. Before I got too distracted by it all and would need to jerk off to relieve the pressure, I got up, dressed in trackies and a t-shirt and went into the kitchen.

Gwen was ironing her blouse and dressed only in a skimpy thong. Her breasts swayed beautifully as she used the iron. It was still hypnotic and I was amazed at how relaxed she had become about her showing-off her body. I said nothing as I went to fetch a bowl and some cereal.

"Morning bro."

"Morning sis. You heading out?"

"Yes. Some girly time then lunch."

"And no doubt sorting Sarah's bf troubles too."

"No doubt," she laughed. Then lifting her blouse off the ironing board she walked towards me and draped it over the chair beside me. As she walked back to the iron she held her right boob and pushed it towards my face aiming it for my mouth.

"Since you complained last night that you didn't get a suck," she said as she brushed her nipple across my lips.

I instinctively opened my mouth and she pushed her nipple in. I kissed rather than suckled before she pulled it out.

"Happy now," she said with a wicked grin.

"I suppose it'll have to do," I replied with my mock frown.

She laughed and went back to her ironing.

What just happened my brain screamed? Did my sister just get me to suck her tit?

I could feel my woodie returning. I'd better get busy before I do or say something silly. So I got up, hid my crotch and headed back to my room to gather my laundry.

When I returned to the kitchen, Gwen has just finished her ironing and was walking back to her room. Her ass cheeks jiggling as she walked. For all she was wearing she may as well be naked I thought. I wished and then felt guilty for thinking that. Over the past few weeks that Gwen has been here, there has been a lot of guilt about the incestuous thoughts I've been having. I'm not into incest and don't want to have sex with my sister, but that doesn't stop me enjoying the sight of her body and the few feels I've had of her boobs, not to mention the feel of her nipple in my mouth.

Right, I'd better get busy and distract myself.

As I loaded my laundry into the machine, Gwen said her good-byes and left, saying she should be home about 5pm.

"If you want pizza for dinner then text me when you're on your way home and I'll order one in. What would you like on it?"

"What about chicken and mushroom?" she replied.

"Fine by me. Let me know when you hope to be home and I'll have it ready."

With that she left.

Her text arrived shortly after 5, telling me she was on the bus and would I prefer if she collected the pizza. I told her that would do and finished off the ironing I was doing. Twenty minutes later she came through the door. I hurriedly sat the table and poured two beers from the fridge.

She told me about their girly lunch and how Sarah was going to dump her boyfriend. I didn't really know him. I'd only met him the once when I bumped into Gwen and her friends in town one evening a few months back. Apparently he'd been cancelling dates too often at the last minute without any great explanations. Sarah was a nice girl. She was about the same height as Gwen, shoulder length fair hair, quite thin and a nice smile and deserved to be treated better.

By then we were finished eating. I cleared the table and put the pizza box into the recycling bin.

"Are we hot-tubbing tonight?" she asked.

"Sure, if you want."

I left to check it had already turned on and when I returned Gwen must have been in her room. I lifted my clothes off the ironing board and went to my room to put them away and change into my tub gear. As I did, I wondered what Gwen would wear tonight. The skimpy thongs she'd been wearing lately barely covered her modesty. I'd have to wait and see. My cock twitched, no doubt it was anxious to find out as well.

I went back out to the tub to check the water. It was warm enough so I removed my robe and climbed in. A few minutes later Gwen came out. She removed her robe to reveal the most revealing thong yet. It must have been smaller than she imagined as the small triangular piece at the front did not hide her bush completely. Did she not check how she looked in the mirror? Or maybe she did and had deliberately not trimmed to tease me. Whatever the reason my cock twitched its appreciation. Climbing in, she settled herself and let out a soft sigh as she sank into the warm water.

"This is the life," she said smiling.

I agreed.

Silence reigned for the next few minutes as we both relaxed and enjoyed the warmth of the water on our skin, letting the heat ease away the tensions of real life.

"Is it OK the turn the jets on?" Gwen asked.

"Of course," I said. "Fire away."

In anticipation of what I thought might happen I closed my eyes, but not tightly. I wanted to watch sneakily as I'd done before. Soon after turning the jets on, Gwen checked what I was doing. Satisfied that I wasn't watching I saw her hand slip towards her crotch, and then she adjusted, I assumed, to get her bare pussy over the jet. Her eyes shut tightly. Her head went back and she bit her bottom lip. It seems she's found the jet and was enjoying its ministrations. Her breathing quickened; she glanced quickly at me to check I wasn't watching. She did all she could to hide her orgasm before her body relaxed and she smiled a satisfied smile. I said and did nothing for a few minutes to let her enjoy the thought of secretly cumming beside her brother as well as giving my stiff cock time to deflate.

"Fancy a beer and some crisps?" I asked.

"Thanks bro. That would be lovely."

I stepped out, put on my slippers and went to the kitchen to retrieve the beers from the fridge and lift the crisps. When I returned Gwen had turned the jets off. Her beautiful boobs were clearly visible through the water and her nipples were very stiff.

"Enjoying the view bro?"

I was busted.

"What's not to enjoy," I said trying to laugh it off.

"Perv," she replied waggling her eyebrows.

"Want more to look at?" she asked.

"More?" I replied puzzled.

"Well, as you've no doubt noticed, my thongs don't really hide much. I may as well be naked. So how about we try it?"

"You want to go naked?"

"Not just me," she laughed.

"Me too?" I said shocked.

I almost dropped what I was carrying.

"Yes, you too."

What was happening here? My sister wanted to get naked with me.

My brain was screaming "Noooooo."

But my cock was saying yes.

"Er, ahmm... I don't know sis," I stammered as I stood rooted to the spot.

A fantasy was about to come true and I was hesitating.

"I would just like to find out what it's like to be naked in the tub. I've been trying to find out by wearing skimpier thongs, as you've no doubt noticed," she said with an exaggerated wink.

Boy, have I ever noticed.

"I think you'll enjoy it too and if you don't we don't do it again," she said pleading slightly.

I was still hesitant.

"If you're worried about an erection..."

There she said it. What was coming next my brain screamed?

"... then don't be," she continued. "I almost saw it a few nights back when you stood up and I turned around un-expectantly."

I knew I'd been busted that night, but thought because of the fading light she hadn't noticed. But she had.

Slowly she stood up. Once she'd gotten her balance, she slowly peeled off her thong. Then stepping out of it the tossed it onto the ground and stood up straight. I couldn't help but look her up and down. Her beautiful, firm breasts; water dripping from the tips of her stiff nipples; her thick but trimmed bush glistening. My mouth dropped open.

"Can I assume you approve?" she said.

I closed my mouth and stammered, "Yes."

"Well," she said waggling her eyebrows again and staring at my shorts.

I can't back down now.

I handed her the two beers and crisps and as confidently as I could I dropped my shorts and stepped out of them. Thankfully my thickening cock was pointing south. But if I didn't make a move soon it would be pointing at the sky. I stepped in and sat down as quickly as I could.

Big mistake!!

Gwen turned to face me and hand back the beers and crisps so she could sit down. Her pussy was directly in my eye line. My cock stiffened. Could she see it from where she was standing? I hoped not and could feel my blush spreading across my face and neck.

Reaching up I took the beers and as she lowered herself down, her knees spread revealing her pussy lips in all their glory.

Was that accidental I wondered? Or was that deliberate? I wasn't sure. The male in me wasn't complaining.

Once settled I gave her her beer and a packet of crisps; we said cheers and took a swig. Boy did I need that swig.

Not a word was spoken for what seemed an eternity but in reality, was probably only seconds.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked.

"About what?" I replied.

My head was in such a muddle I didn't know what she meant. Did she want a comment on her body? Her boobs? Her delicious pussy? What do I say?

"About being naked in the tub silly."

My brain breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"It is strangely pleasant," I replied.

"Have you never been naked in the tub?" she asked emphasising the never.

"No, never."

"You never even contemplated it?" she asked with surprise.


She took another drink, settled back and closed her eyes. I did the same.

Meanwhile my brain was racing. Thoughts were careering and cascading around in my head. In a few short weeks I've moved from modestly sharing my home and hot-tub with my baby sister, to sharing my home and hot-tub with my beautiful and very naked sister. How had this happened? Did I want this to be just a one-off? Or was I happy to let it continue? My real head was saying no, be very careful. My 'other' head was saying happy days but be careful.

"You OK bro?" she asked with some concern in her voice.

"Yes I'm fine," I replied as confidently as I could.

"You sure?" she continued. "I didn't think you'd mind."

"I don't," I tried to say with a smile. "I just wasn't expecting it."

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you," she said apologetically.

"Seriously, it's fine. Like you said; you've been more or less naked for a while now. Your thongs didn't leave much to imagination," I said hopefully with a convincing smile.

"Well that's true, but I've now forced you to go naked. I should've talked it over before pushing you into it," she frowned.

"It's possible if we had talked it over and you hadn't 'pushed it', it may never have happened," I managed to say with confidence.

"Thank you," she smiled.

A few minutes of a more comfortable silence followed. I relaxed and enjoyed feeling the warm water on my cock and scrotum. It was indeed a strange but pleasant feeling. Is this what skinny dipping feels like? I could definitely get used to it.

"Fancy another beer?" Gwen asked.

Her question roused me from my thoughts.

"Yes please," I replied. "Can you manage a bowl for the crisps too, or do you want me to get it?"

"I've only two hands bro," she said with a smile.

We both stood up and carefully stepped out of the tub. I watched as her naked ass cheeks jiggled in front of me and hoped my dangling cock didn't stiffen and embarrass me. Gwen got the beers from the fridge while I got two bowls to put the crisps into. I got back in first, set the bowls down before taking the beers off Gwen, allowing her to step in. She stepped in as she did once before, with her ass facing me. This time there was no thong to obstruct the view of her pussy. Did she realize what she was doing? Was she deliberately teasing me or did she not know that she was displaying herself? I couldn't look away. It was an amazing sight. Her lips were plump and it wasn't just the water that made them glisten. They were slightly open and my cock went straight to its full 5½ inches. I was hoping she wouldn't notice. Once she was seated I handed her both beers while I opened the crisps and divided them into the two bowls. I gave her a bowl and she gave me a beer. We cheered our good health, had a sip and ate the crisps in silence.

After a while, Gwen announced she was getting tired and climbed out. No show this time. Why was I feeling disappointed? I mentally chastised myself for even thinking that way. This was my sister I was thinking about. It was wrong on so many levels. But I couldn't help it.

Sunday morning arrived. I was up first and making my breakfast when Gwen sauntered into the kitchen. She was stark naked and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Suddenly she realized I was there and attempted to cover her pussy with her hands.

"I'm so sorry John," she said with conviction.

"I didn't realize you were up."

She then spun around, went back to her room and re-appeared with a long t-shirt on.

"Sorry," she said again with what seemed a slight blush.

"It's not a problem," I assured her.

I couldn't understand where this modesty had come from considering the show she'd put on in the hot-tub. Was it the beer last night that made her do it? Was she separating the hot-tub behaviour from the everyday life behaviour? I didn't know. I was confused. Time would tell.

Breakfast was eaten quietly.

I went for a shower before leaving to visit friends. I told Gwen I'd be back mid-afternoon and to make dinner for herself, if she wanted, rather than wait for me to come back.

It was good catching up with my friends and much as I trusted them I didn't mention the hot-tub incidents:

1) They didn't know about the hot-tub anyway.

2) Even if I'd dressed it up as being accidental nudity and what should I do? I didn't want them thinking about Gwen in any way pervy nor our behaviour too.

So, I made my way back home shortly after 3pm.

"Hi sis," I said on the phone. "I'm on my way back home. Have you had dinner yet?"

"Hi John. No I haven't. Would you like me to put something on?

For a fleeting moment I wondered if I could try and be funny by asking if she meant clothes. Would she see it as funny though?

"Only if you're cold?" I said risking her wrath.

"Cold?" she replied puzzled.

I left it for a few seconds to see if the penny dropped. It didn't.

"I can call in for a take-away if you want?" I said.

"That would be nice. Shall we go for Chinese this time?"

"Not a problem. Your usual?"

"Yes please."

I arrived home with sweet & sour pork with fried rice for Gwen, Kung poon chicken with boiled rice for me and a portion of prawn crackers for us to share.

Gwen was dressed in a figure hugging camisole and tight Lycra exercise shorts. The pokies showed she was bra-less and her breasts jiggled and swayed as she ate. A nice view that didn't do me any favours. I could feel my cock thickening.

"You realize I had a whoosh moment when you rang," emphasising my comment had went over her head.

"Whoosh moment?" I replied having my own.

"When you said,' Only if you're cold.'"

"Oh," said laughing. "I hope you weren't offended."

"I wasn't," she said with a smile that reached her eyes.

She ate in silence for a while.

"It seems lately that I'm always saying sorry," she stated. "Am I being a nuisance John?"

"Not at all. Why would you even think that?"

"I don't know," she said struggling to get her thoughts into words. "First of all I go topless in front of you and I never even thought to ask how comfortable you were with that. I just assumed since you'd more or less seen them when I went all 'Miss Wet T-shirt', that there was no real point in hiding them away."

I didn't want to interrupt to re-assure her that I was comfortable with it all in case I put her off her stride. I could see she was struggling to talk this through and assumed she'd been rehearsing this all the time I'd been away.

"Then last night I co-erce you into going nude. Again, without asking if you'd mind doing it and justifying it to myself as inevitable as I'd been virtually naked the last few times anyway. You have to agree that my thongs hid very little. They never even covered my bush," she said going slightly red in the face.

Again I waited.

"Then there was this morning. Walking out totally naked. Convincing myself that since you'd seen me naked last night, then there shouldn't be a problem today. But, at the last minute I lost my nerve. I probably looked a right fool."

Her face clouded over with a look of shame and disappointment.

Again I waited. She didn't continue.

"First of all," I said softly. "You didn't make me do anything I didn't want to do. Secondly, you haven't done anything to make me ashamed of you. In fact I admire you. You were confident after the Miss Wet T-shirt incident to go topless. You could so easily have gone back to the one-piece or even a substantial bikini. But you didn't. Similarly with the thongs and yes you're right, you may as well have been naked. They didn't cover much."

I smiled and she smiled back.

"So, sis, please don't be beating yourself up over this. If you like or want to parade around naked? Or just leave your room naked to get something from another room, then feel free to do so. I think the shock has already passed. So there should be no reaction."

"No reaction?" she queried, waggling her eyebrows.

"You're incorrigible," I said laughing. "Well maybe a little reaction then."

"Just a little!" she said mockingly. "I think my body has just been insulted."

We both laughed. It seems the elephant had left the room.

We finished dinner with small talk. She knew most of my friends and I brought her up-to-date with their goings on. We cleared the table. I washed and she dried and put the dishes away.

The next hour or so was spent watching TV. I sat in my usual armchair while Gwen lay on the sofa. Her pokies had softened but not enough to have disappeared. It was then as she shifted her position that I noticed her camel-toe. I had a sharp intake of breath, a very quick look away hoping I didn't get busted looking or being seen adjusting my crotch. I had to admit I have a very beautiful, hot and sexy sister.

"Are we hot-tubbing tonight?" Gwen asked.

"We certainly can. I'll go check."

I got up and checked the timer had kicked in.

"I know it's a work night, but, do you want a drink?" I asked.

"I suppose we could risk a beer. Couldn't we?"

"I'm sure we could. Any nibbles?"

"Of course there'll be nipples," she said with a wicked smirk.

"I'll bet," I laughed.

When the tub was warm enough I left to get changed and as I did, I turned to Gwen and said, "Remember sis, nudity is not a problem. You dress whatever way you want."

She didn't reply. She just smiled appreciatively and went to her room.

I wondered if I should dress in my shorts to be safe or go naked. If she goes naked that would be fine. If she doesn't might she feel pressured or re-assured? I decided naked.