Megan's Summer Education Ch. 06


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Just then Judy came back out to the front of the store. She was not naïve about the girls' attire nor the show they were putting on. She also knew well what the man was doing with his phone. "Sir, I'm sorry for the delay," she smirked as he hurriedly stuffed his phone in his pocket. "What can I help you with?"

"I, uh, wanted to get some roses for my wife," he said. He tried to hold Judy's gaze but he couldn't help but glance back at the girls. He had caught glimpses of both their thongs and was certain they weren't wearing bras. He was married, yes, and faithful, but he wasn't dead. When beauty and perfection were presented to you, you were compelled to admire it.

"That's very sweet," Judy said, pretending she didn't notice his wandering eyes. "I'm sure your wife will love them. Maybe a dozen red roses in a vase?"

"Uh, yes, that would be perfect," he said. For some reason Megan was bent over again while Kasey was arching her back. He didn't care why. He just stared. Those long legs and tight bodies were just too much.

"I assume you like them uncut?" Judy asked.

"Uh, what?" he asked.

"That you want the long stems," she smiled. "I see that you seem to like long ones. Stems that is. So, one dozen uncut long-stem roses?"

"Oh yes," he smiled. "The longer the better. Uh, I mean, yes long stems are great. Thank you."

Judy handed him the flowers and he paid and left, looking back at the girls even as the door closed behind him.

"He really liked you two," Judy smiled. "Liked teasing him a bit too, didn't you? It's OK. I was teasing him too. It's fun to make men squirm sometimes, isn't it?"

"Yes, it sure is," Megan smiled, walking toward the counter, Kasey right behind her. "Sorry if that was inappropriate. He just was staring so we thought, why not have some fun."

"It's OK," Judy said. "No harm done. So, my assistant is in the back finishing up your arrangements. How about I go ahead and write those cards for you?"

"Yes, that would be great," Megan said. It was weird how much more confident she felt with Kasey here. Even though they were the same age, in this particular situation it was like she was the big sister showing the little sister how to do something. Even though this sort of thing was still pretty new to Megan, her day of going into the offices and other public places with the guys was far more experience than Kasey had with this. So, it made Megan feel protective of her friend and like she needed to show more courage and confidence than she really felt.

Megan pulled out her list of names and addresses. "Um, the first one is to Mr. Walters. Can you just write, 'Dear Mr. Walters, thank you so much for helping us with fundraising car wash and for giving us such a yummy snack. Your cum tasted delicious. Hugs and kisses, Megan and Kasey.'" Megan tried to say it calmly, but her voice was shaking. Her hands were trembling. She felt Kasey put her hand on her elbow. Kasey's hand was ice cold.

To their surprise, Judy wrote the card, smiling but not shocked. "That's a lovely note," Judy smiled. "Can I assume all of these notes will be similar? Did you, um, swallow cum from eight different men at this car wash?"

"Um, yes, ma'am," Megan said, her voice cracking. "I, uh, we, well..."

"It was actually 14," Kasey broke in, anxious to have her friend's back. "It wasn't, well, it wasn't a bad thing even though it sounds like it."

"You don't have to apologize or make excuses to me," Judy said. "What you do is your business. And it sounds like it might be profitable. So, good for you if you enjoy it."

"It really is fun," Megan said. "I mean, the guys were all nice and respectful."

"It was just supposed to be us washing cars and them donating money for some new clothes," Kasey added. "But, well, we felt like they deserved more."

"And we really were hungry," Megan added.

"It's a protein-rich snack," Judy smiled. "You girls look like you eat healthy and stay fit. Who am I to judge?"

"Thank you so much," Kasey said. "You're the coolest person ever."

"Yeah, can you tell my parents?" Megan laughed.

"I'm not sure I can help you there," Judy said. "So, they don't know about the car wash and whatever this is that's going on today?"

"No, ma'am," Megan said. "I mean, we're both 18 so these are our decisions. But they are going to find out and they won't be happy."

"Probably not," Judy said. "But be honest and confident like you are now. They will respect your decision more that way and eventually will come around. I take it from your concern and attire that this car wash isn't just a one-time thing?"

"No, ma'am," Megan said. "This is who I..."

"We..." Kasey interjected.

"Who we want to be," Megan said. "It's fun and well, there are some job opportunities too. Legitimate jobs."

"I'm sure there are," Judy said. "Listen, just be careful. Take my card and if you're even in trouble, call me. Otherwise, be safe and have fun."

"Thank you so much," Megan said. "I can't believe you are so cool about this."

"Look, I started my own business when I was only a few years older than you two," Judy said. "I did it all on my own. It's not easy. I respect any women who figure out their own way to make a living and manage to have fun doing it. I love plants and flowers. But if I was 18 with a body like yours, I would love wearing outfits like that, turning heads and getting men to give me money for some teasing and the occasional pleasing. The shame you think you should feel is societal pressure, not human nature."

"I like that," Kasey said. "Makes me feel a lot better about all this."

"Good," Judy said. "One thing I've learned is to own your decisions, make no excuses for them and, whether they turn out good or bad, don't look back."

The girls were stunned by Judy's wisdom and understanding and joked with her as they recited the other thank you notes. All the while, Mick and Harry listened on the phone and Jackson sat on the bench, recording everything.

"He's not really your brother, is he?" Judy asked.

"No, ma'am," Kasey said. "He's a, um, friend."

"I see. And the two men in the car out there. They are friends too?"

"Yes, ma'am," Megan said. "They are kind of like the grandpas I never head."

"They take good care of you?"

"Yes, they are very sweet," Kasey said.

"OK," Judy said. "I'm on your side. I respect your decisions but I also know they are risky. Choose your, um, friends and grandparents wisely. Understand?"

The girls indicated that they did.

"So, you said there were 14 men but we're only send eight thank yous?" Judy asked. "Were the others not so nice?"

"Oh no, they were fine," Megan assured her. "We, uh, well, we wanted to do this together and then each try doing three on our own. You know, stepping out of our comfort zone. It's not easy to tell a stranger that you want to write that on a card."

"I'm sure it's not," Judy said. "Well, if you would like to have some fun with your next stop, my husband is at our other location tonight. Normally he would be here, but our manager for the other store called in sick so he's over there tonight. Why don't you pay him a visit. Don't tell him you were here and just see how he reacts."

"You want us to tease your husband?" Megan asked.

"Yeah, it will be fun," Judy said. "He won't hurt you but you will definitely have him flustered. If your 'brother' could send me a video of his reaction, that would be a lot of fun for me to see."

"Um, well, I think we can do that," Kasey said.

"Yeah, you've been so nice to us it's the least we can do," Megan said.

Judy gave them the address and sent them on their way, giving both girls a big hug first and a reminder to call her if they ever needed anything. Megan wasn't sure what she expected when they walked in that shop, but she was pretty sure walking out with a hug and the support of the woman owner wasn't it. She was slowly learning not to trust preconceived notions. She had to be prepared for anything.

They got back in the car with Jackson. Mick and Harry commended their performance and agreed that visiting Judy's husband at the other shop seemed like a logical next step. They had planned all three shops based on location only - they hadn't wanted to prep the owners or clerks ahead of time. Who the girls encountered and interacted with would be random. That was the whole idea. So, even though the drive to the other shop was a bit further, the fact that Judy had been so nice and had encouraged them to visit her husband and tease him made it a simple choice.

The guys decided to send Kasey in for this one. It was time for her to step out and do this on her own. Megan had been her security blanket throughout most of her initiation to this point. Kasey needed to do this one alone and really see how it felt.

Kasey felt a little more confident feeling that any many married to Judy was probably a nice guy. She had told her to tease him, make him flustered. That could be fun. Megan gave her a nod and a smile and Kasey had flashbacks to their pregame pep talks to each other during their playing days. Here they were again, teammates encouraging each other to succeed.

She was about to go in, but Jackson stopped her. "Hold on, let me do a video check," he grinned. Holding his phone close to her, he slowly moved it up her body, starting with her legs, moving up her to her waist, hovering over her breasts, then holding on her beautiful face.

"Working OK?" Kasey asked.

"Oh yes, every inch of it works," Jackson grinned. "You're unbelievable. That dude's jaw is going to hit the floor."

"Thank you, Ja-, uh, master," Kasey smiled. With his nod, she got out of the car, popping a blowpop in her mouth as walked into the shop with Jackson trailing a few steps behind, camera trained carefully on the wiggle of her taut ass.

She entered the store, which, like the last one, was empty. The bell on the door announced her entry and a middle-aged man of average height and build with flecks of gray in his brown hair emerged from the back. He wore dark framed glasses but they failed to hide the popping of his eyes when he saw Kasey. She noticed it and smiled inwardly. It was so flattering to have men be instantly attracted to her.

"Hello, how my I help you today," he said, regaining his professionalism. His name badge said Jerry.

"Hello, Jerry," Kasey said. She decided to be bold. It was sort of like the first time she went off the high dive at the pool. Hesitating only made it worse. She jumped right now. This was the same. She could be shy and reluctant to tease Jerry, or she could dive right in. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing well, miss..."

"Kasey," she smiled. "With a K. For kiss." She puckered her lips and kissed the blowpop, the popped it in her mouth and winked at him. He was clearly taken aback. "And this is my dumb brother Jackson."

"It's nice to meet you both," he nodded, trying not to stare at her mouth as it worked on the blowpop in a most seductive way. "So, are you looking for anything particular today?"

"Yeah, I want something long, strong, thick and full," Kasey said slowly, holding his gaze. He was slack-jawed and he was turning red. "And I need three of them."

"I, uh, you mean..."

"Flowers, Jerry, flowers," Kasey smiled. "That's what you thought I meant, right? I want a thick, full arrangement with long stems and a strong, sturdy vase."

"Oh, yes, of course you meant flowers," Jerry said, surprised at how flustered this little tart had made him. He had seen plenty of pretty young beach babes and wasn't easily swayed by beauty alone. But this girl oozed sex. Not only her natural beauty, but her attire and her personality. In a matter of minutes she had wrapped him around her little finger. She was a very impressive young woman indeed. "May I ask what the purpose of the arrangements is?"

"Of course you may, Jerry," Kasey said, wondering if she would get in trouble with the guys for not calling Jerry "sir" or "master". "I need to send three thank you arrangements to three men. Older men."

"I see," Jerry said. "Well, I could put together a nice arrangement of some summer flowers that will look nice in their offices or that they can take to their wives or girlfriends."

"That sounds good," Kasey said. She walked over to a tall, slender vase on one of the display shelves. "I like this vase here, but the top is so skinny. Can we get the flowers in there? Do they teach you how to stuff things into small holes in gardening school, Jerry?"

Jerry glanced over at Jackson, who just smiled back at him, nodding, his camera still trained on Kasey. Jerry was eager to change the subject. He had no desire to answer Kasey's question. "Your brother always do that to you?" he asked.

"Oh yes," Kasey rolled her eyes. "He's such a dirt bag. He takes videos and pictures of me and sends them to his buddies. They pay him for them. But he gives me half, so, whatever. I just roll with it."

"I see," Jerry said. "Well, to answer your question, we can work with whatever size vase you like. I will, uh, make it fit."

"I bet you will," Kasey winked. "All right, Jerry. Three arrangements in these tight little vases, please."

Jerry excused himself and Jackson did too, having been summoned by the guys in the car. They had been listening to everything and loved what Kasey was doing. They didn't want Jackson to interfere with the growing interaction between Kasey and Jerry.

Megan had been listening as well and was initially stunned by how outgoing Kasey was. But then she thought about all the big matches they played in high school. Every time they were up against an opponent that was supposed to be significantly better, Kasey always played her best match. She always rose to the challenge. That same mentality seemed to be at play here. Megan hoped she could do as well when it was her turn. She had not been nearly so bold nor comfortable going into the offices or modeling in the park just a few days ago. Even though she felt more understanding of her role now, she still wasn't sure it would come quite so naturally to her.

She didn't get to think long as Jackson piled in the back seat and started kissing and groping her. Watching Kasey had made him horny. Again.

"Suck my cock and be sure to send me a nice thank you card," Jackson chuckled. He leaned back, unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. "Yes, you may suck your master's cock."

"Thank you, sir," Megan said. She knelt on the seat and began sucking on him once again. She performed her duties while they all listened as Jerry came back with the floral arrangements.

"All right, Miss Kasey," Jerry said. "How do these look?"

"They look lovely," Kasey said. "I went ahead and wrote the notes but I want to make sure they sound OK. Do you mind if I read one of them to you? They are all basically the same."

"Of course," Jerry said, leaning against the counter ready to listen - and stare - intently.

"Dear Mr. Meeks," Kasey began reading, "thank you so much for supporting my car wash fundraiser. I have already bought some new clothes that I hope to show you sometime. Thank you also for helping quench my thirst in that heat. Your cum was delicious and gave me the energy I needed. Hugs and kisses, Kasey."

"So, what do you think, Jerry?" Kasey asked, biting her lip as if nervous about his answer. It was a subtle change in attitude she hoped would lead him to be more aggressive toward her. Not physically, necessarily, but less intimidated by her appearance and boldness and more in control like the mature man he was.

"I think they better hope no one else sees these notes before they do," Jerry chuckled. "Their wives or girlfriends might not be too happy."

"These will be sent to their offices," Kasey said, rolling her eyes as if to say 'I'm not stupid'. "Besides, their wives or girlfriends have nothing to be upset about. We didn't have sex. They just jerked off watching me and I gave some of them a helping hand. But there was no intercourse."

"But you drank their cum?"

"Of course," Kasey said. "It's very nutritious. Plus, it tastes good once you get used to it. It's like one of those little energy shots only way, way better. And more fun."

"Well, I understand what you're saying, but I still don't know that their significant others would agree with you," Jerry said.

"Are you married, Jerry?" Kasey said, glancing at the ring on his finger.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Does your wife get upset if you jerk off?" Kasey asked.

"Well, no," Jerry said. "I mean, I don't advertise it, but she knows I do sometimes and she doesn't seem to mind."

"Do you look at porn when you jerk off?"

"No, I mean, not hardcore, maybe just a sexy picture."

"OK, fair enough. Do you think I'm sexy?"

"Uh, well, yes, of course, you're very lovely."

"Sexy, Jerry," Kasey said. "Am I sexy?"


"Thank you," Kasey smiled. "So, if you jerk off to sexy women and you find me sexy, why is it OK for you to jerk off to a picture but not the real thing?"

"It's just different," Jerry said. "It's like I'm doing it behind her back, you know?"

"Hmm," Kasey pouted. "I don't understand men sometimes. So masculine sometimes, such pussies others. Let me put it this way. You get hungry. You get something to eat. You don't look at a picture of food. You actually eat it. Hunger gone. Wife not present. Is she pissed? Do you feel guilty?"

"Depends on what I eat," Jerry laughed, patting his belly.

"I'm serious," Kasey said. "Sex is a drive, a natural need and urge. Just like sleep and eating all that. When you jerk off, you're not cheating. You're not engaged in a different relationship with me any more than you are with the woman who makes your sandwich."

"I don't think most people see things that way," Jerry said. "But I have to say, you make a very compelling case. It's food for thought for sure. I like that you don't accept societal norms blindly."

"Thank you, Jerry," Kasey said. "Most people see a young girl who chooses to dress a certain way and they make assumptions about my intellect."

"I'm guilty of doing that myself sometimes," Jerry admitted. "But you've opened my eyes. Thank you, Kasey."

Kasey smiled and moved towards him. "If I leave now, you're going to jerk off thinking about me tonight, aren't you? Or maybe you'll fantasize about me while you're fucking your wife. If you do, don't feel guilty. I'll be thinking about you too."

Jerry swallowed hard. What the hell was with this girl? Just when she couldn't get sexier, she hit him with another surprise.

"What do you mean, thinking about me?"

"The way I think about all men I interact with and like," Kasey said. "What they would be like in bed. How they would treat me. How they would like it. You are super sweet and gentle, but I bet in bed you ravage your wife and she loves every second of it. You everything in and then that passion and energy and lust just explode when you fuck her."

"Damn, the way you talk," Jerry shook his head. "You always talk like this?"

"No, silly," Kasey said, sucking on her blowpop for a moment as she studied his face. "Only with people mature enough to have a real conversation with. So, Jerry, am I right? Do you ravager your wife? Does she like it? Will you picture me the next time you do?"

"Yes," Jerry said, his voice deep, his eyes narrowed. He didn't know why, but he wanted to be honest with her, tell her exactly what he was like. "Yes, I fuck the shit out of my wife and yes, she cums every time. And yes, I will probably picture you while I'm fucking her."

"Mmmm, naughty," Kasey smiled. "But honest. I like that. So, what part of me in particular will you think about, Jerry? You an ass man? Legs? I hope not tits - mine are perky but not exactly the massive jugs that tit men like."

"You're stunning head to toe," Jerry said. "Don't sell yourself short. But honestly, your mouth, your lips, your eyes. That's what I'll picture."