Megan's Summer Education Ch. 06


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Mick, Harry and Kasey got out of the car. Mick opened the back door on the driver's side. He had Jackson and Megan get out on that side so the car was between them and the front of the shop.

"You ready?" Mick asked Jackson.

"Yes, sir," he said.

"Good, fire when ready," Mick laughed. He and Harry stood to the side and instructed Kasey to kneel down and suck their cocks, getting them primed to dump their loads on Megan's face as well. The guys took turns with her mouth while they watched Megan work on Jackson. He was stroking his cock while she sucked on his balls.

"Any particular place I should aim for?" Jackson asked.

"Nope, anywhere on her face, hair, ears - wherever you like," Mick said. "You can get some on her clothes too, if you want. It will all show up. We're just making it clear to anyone who sees her that's not only a slut, but that she's our property."

"So, we're marking our territory?" Jackson asked, grunting as his cum began to spill out once more. He didn't have as much volume as his earlier efforts, but he still blasted a couple of long white streams across her cheeks and forehead, then tapped the last drops on the tip of her nose before wiping his cock across her tits, leaving a white streak on her dress.

"Yes," Harry said. "We are marking our territory, reminding Megan that, even when we're not around, her body belongs to us. We might tell her to use that body to satisfy a stranger, like Kasey did with Jerry. Or we might tell her to tease all she wants, but save the pleasing for us, as is this case this time."

"I like it," Jackson said. "Man, it would have been so cool to have been dating Megan in high school and cum all over her every day before school."

"That's the idea," Mick said. "You got a hot piece of ass ready to kneel down for you like these two do, you show them off but you also keep that leash tight on your property. You only share if and when you want to."

"But their beauty should be a gift for everyone," Harry added.

"Look but don't touch," Jackson nodded, zipping up his pants. "I get it."

He stepped away and Harry took his place in front of Megan, who wrapped her lips around his cock, which was slick with Kasey's spit. Kasey, meanwhile, now gave Mick her undivided attention. Harry came first, but Mick was right behind him. Harry nailed Megan in the nose, cheeks and chin with his thick wads of cum. Mick stood behind her and poured his cum into her dark hair. They gave her moment to collect herself, then she stood up slowly, cum now dripping into her ears and onto her dress. None of them had packed a massive load since the girls had been so diligently draining their balls all week, but she was a sticky, gooey mess nonetheless. The white cream stood out against her dark hair, tanned skin and dark dress. It was impossible not to notice that it was all over her.

"Show time," Harry nodded, slapping her on the ass as she started toward the store entrance.

Megan was on her own now, 100 feet of pavement to gather her thoughts and prepare for whatever awaited inside the shop. She didn't mind the cum on her. It was warm in the cool evening air and she was happy to be wearing it for them. In some ways, she liked wearing it more than swallowing it. While their cum diet training had worked in terms of getting her to enjoy the act of swallowing a fresh load, there was something more exciting and sexy about having it all over her. It was taboo and naughty and for the whole world to see. That was the part that was hard for her come to grips with - was she looking forward to being seen like this or dreading it? Such diverse reactions, both legitimate, duking it out in her tummy, which churned with butterflies but not cum.

The guys had told her not to touch the cum or brush it away - just to let it drip if that's what it wanted to do. But they didn't have to tell her that. She knew that would have ruined the lesson. And, even though she knew that many of the things the guys had done this week had been for their own pleasure more than her education, she was still intent on treating every minute of this week as a learning experience. It had been her goal when she first started thinking about this and there was no reason to divert from that now. She had actually learned a great deal already, though she had to admit it was less about the how to do things like suck cock or fuck properly and much, much more about the mindset and attitude involved. It was about understanding what the man wanted and why. That's what she had learned most so far. She was struggling to understand the desired to mark their territory, but she realized it was part of the training.

The only way to learn the lesson was to complete it. She opened the door.

There was a young woman at the counter. She was wearing a t-shirt with the shop's logo on it and a pair of jean shorts with tennis shoes. She had long, autumn colored hair and a pretty smile. She was tall and slender.

"Hi!" the girl said in a bubbly, high-pitched voice. She had a name badge that said her name was April. "How are you this evening?"

"I'm good," Megan smiled back. "How are you?"

"I'm great! I'm April. Can I help you with something?"

Megan introduced herself explained what she needed, well aware that April was carefully studying her face and dress. The girl was smiling so Megan decided to get it over with. "Is there something wrong?" Megan asked.

"Oh, no!" April replied. "I'm sorry if I was staring. I just really like your makeup. I've never seen anything like it. You mind if I ask who makes it?"

"Men make it," came a snarling voice. Megan turned and saw a man emerge from the back of the shop. He was also tall and slender, young, but older than April.

"What do you mean?" April asked. "Uh, Megan, this is my big brother Al."

"Hello, Al," Megan said, extending her hand. Al refused to shake it.

"That was rude," April said.

"It's OK," Megan said.

"I'm not shaking her hand," Al said. "I'm not touching her. You see what's all over her?"

"Her makeup?" April asked.

"Good lord you're an idiot," Al said. "It's not makeup. It's jism. Cum. Sperm. Get it?"

April looked at him blankly and Megan could see that no, poor April did not even come close to "getting it".

"Fuck," Al said angrily. "Some guy jerked his penis and shot cum all over her."

April looked at Megan, who nodded that Al was correct.

"Oh my," April said. Her surprise was just that - genuine surprise. She didn't seem disgusted like Al did. Just surprised, like a child seeing fireworks for the first time. Poor April's mind was blown away. Megan liked her instantly. And disliked Al intensely. He didn't need to be so mean to his little sister or so judgmental toward Megan.

"Well, I still think it looks good," April said, as if, after careful consideration, these new facts hadn't changed her mind.

"I bet you do," Al said. "You want some guy to cum all over you so you can look like this slut?"

"That's very mean, Al," April said. "I'm so sorry, Megan. Al, why don't you leave so I can help Megan with her order?"

"Fine with me," Al said. "I don't want to be around trash like this anyway."

Megan would have been hurt by such harsh words except that, having seen Al's treatment of his sister, she knew that she would be taking nothing the man thought, said or did seriously. He didn't show them respect, so she didn't respect him. It made her realize the difference between genuine dislike and judgement that men like Al held in their hearts versus the appreciation that Mick, Harry and the others showed for her and Kasey even while they were using them for their own pleasure. They had never talked to Megan and Kasey with such disdain. Megan was happy to see Al go away, leaving her and April smiling awkwardly at each other. Megan could feel a glob of sperm hanging from her earlobe and wondered when it would drop.

"I'm so sorry about all that," April said. "I think the, uh..."

"Cum," Megan smiled, nodding.

"Yes, the cum looks lovely," April smiled. "It glistens on your skin. It makes you glow. You look lovely."

"Thank you," Megan said. "You're so sweet. How are you two related?"

"Not my fault," April giggled. "Uh, well, let's get your arrangements put together."

April started cutting flowers and putting them in vases while Megan watched. April was very sweet and treated Megan like any other customer. She was definitely like her brother, who came back a few minutes later. He noticed the cum hanging from Megan's ear.

"That's fucking disgusting," he snarled. "If you're in my shop, the least you can do is wipe that shit off your face."

"Of course," Megan said. "I'm sorry it offends you. Do you have a towel I can use?"

"Fuck no," Al said. "You aren't using our stuff. I see your black panties under that dress. Use those."

"Al..." April said.

"This is my store, April," Al said.

"Our story, you mean," she corrected.

"Well, it's half mine and I don't want jizz all over everything."

"Then you shouldn't jerk off in the back all the time," April said. Al raised his hand as if to hit her.

"Wait, wait," Megan said quickly. "I agree. I'm sorry. This is not my store and it was rude of me to come in here like this. I will use my panties to clean my face. Just please relax."

"Let me see you do it, then," Al grinned.

"You want to watch me?" Megan asked, acting surprised even though she wasn't. "You want me to take off my panties in front of you?"

"Shy all the sudden, huh slut?" Al teased. "You're all cocky and slutty until it comes time to put up or shut up."

"I just don't feel comfortable -"

"You don't feel comfortable taking your panties off but you feel comfortable flashing your tits and ass and a face full of fucking cum?!"Al said, his voice grow loud and angry again.

"You're right, you're right," Megan said, holding up an open palm to calm him down. "Just relax. I'll take the off while you watch. Then I will clean my face while you watch."

"Obedient," Al smiled triumphantly. "Just the way a slut should be."

"I'll be obedient in your store," Megan smiled, reaching under her dress to pull down her thong. "But just so you know, it was the guys who were obeying me when they came on my face."

"Guys? Plural?" Al said.

"You think one guy produced all this?" Megan laughed. "Yes, plural. I told them to cum on me and they did."

Megan stood up, holding her tiny thong. "Shall I start cleaning up?"

"Yes," Al said lustily. "Wipe it all off. Fuck, I'm surprised a whore like you even wears panties. Sure don't wear a bra."

"I wear what I want," Megan said, well aware she was much more defiant than she would ever be with the guys. She hoped she wouldn't be in trouble. She was taking her cues from Kasey, though, who had been so fun and confident with Jerry. This was not fun, but Megan would not be intimidated by this jerk. Howard, the man on the Ferris wheel a couple of days ago, had been disrespectful and demeaning and she had taken it out of fear and a lack of confidence. She realized she would probably be feeling fear now if not for the presence of April, whose naiveté made for a friendly, calming presence.

There wasn't much cloth to wipe her face with, but Megan held the little triangle that had just covered her pussy and wiped it on her face, trying to collect as much of the slowly drying cum as she could. She wiped her face and chin and neck, then her ears. She didn't bother with her dress. The cum there had already soaked in. Likewise, the cum in her hair was there to stay until she showered and washed it properly.

"Happy now?" she asked with an intended bratty tone. She really wanted to get under his skin the way he had hers.

"Just throw those things away and get out of here," Al said.

"She can't leave yet," April said. "She needs to write her cards for these flowers."

Megan threw her cum-soaked thong in the trash can Al indicated and then turned to April, "Oh dear, my hands are a little messy. Would you mind writing them for me, April?"

"Of course not!" April smiled. "What would you like to say?"

Megan smiled naughtily at Al as she stepped toward the counter. She gave April the names for each card, then told her to write the same thing on each one, "Thank you so much for helping with my car wash. Your donations were so appreciated. Thanks to you, my wardrobe got the upgrade it needed. And thank you so much for the delicious snack. Your cum was so yummy! It was so refreshing and tasty. Your little sperm in my belly gave me so much energy. Hugs and big wet kisses, Megan."

"That's so sweet!" April beamed as she wrote the note.

"Sweet?" Al scoffed. "Don't encourage this slut."

"That's really mean," April scolded in her unintimidating voice.

"It's OK," Megan waved it off. "I'm not determining my self-worth based on his opinion."

"OK?" April said, looking at her blankly. Megan realized the poor girl didn't understand what she meant.

"I don't care what he thinks," Megan said, dumbing it down for her.

"No one does!" April giggled.

"Watch your mouth, or I'll leave you to run this place by yourself," Al snarled. "We both know how that would go."

"I think she would do great," Megan said.

"Yeah, like I care what you think, either," Al said. "You're good for one thing and one thing only."

"Gee, first time I've heard that," Megan scoffed. She noticed April's blank expression. The poor girl was lost. "He thinks I'm only good for sex."

"I bet you are good at it!" April said in a high-pitched cheerleader-level outburst of enthusiastic support. Megan couldn't help but smile.

"I've received a few compliments," Megan shrugged. "It's not the only thing I'm good for, but yeah, I get the job done."

"Care to put your money where your mouth is?" Al said.

"What do you mean?"

"Show me how good you are. Make me cum in less than 10 minutes and I won't charge you for these flowers."

"And if I don't?"

"You pay for the flowers and you sleep with me tonight."

"Deal," Megan smiled. She instantly regretted it, knowing she couldn't leave with him tonight. She had backed herself in a corner. She would just have to get the job done. Fast. "Clock starts when you are naked and your dick is hard."

"Deal," Al grinned. He locked the door and turned off the sign on the storefront. He stood in front of her and pulled down his pants. April looked on, wide-eyed. "Start the clock, April."

"You're not hard yet," April said, shaking her head.

"Thank you, April," Megan smiled. She put his hand on his soft cock. "Need a hand?"

"You're going to need two in a minute," Al said.

"Ooh, too big for one hand, huh?" Megan smiled. "I hope it's not more than a mouthful."

"If you choke, I'm not apologizing," Al grinned. "Like I said, put my cock where your mouth is."

He was getting hard fast now and Megan knelt in front of him. She pulled on his average-sized prick a couple more times, then turned and nodded to April, who started the timer on her phone. Megan was trying to do what she thought the guys would want her to do. Despite Al's attitude, she felt like they would want her to tend to the needs of a hard cock per her training. It had been fun to taunt the guy and put him in his place for treating her and April so rudely, but now she was in her place - on her knees with a hard cock pointed at her face. She really didn't like Al and she was tired and ready to be done with this day. Sucking his cock did not appeal to her. But she had made a bet and the competitor in her was determined to win that bet. Yes, he would win regardless by getting the blowjob, but she would gain her own private victory if she could make him cum fast enough.

Despite her outward arrogance to Al and April, she didn't really know how quickly she could get him off. If he was used to just jerking off as April had teased, then Megan's touch should be a welcome change that would get him there faster. But if he had jerked off recently, he might have considerable staying power. Plus, with April in the room, who knew if that was a turn on or detractor for him. In athletics, she had always prided herself on preparing for her opponents and scouting them before the match, but she knew so little in this situation. But it boiled down to her putting her mouth to work for this man's erect cock. She knew she could get him off. Really, it was the clock - not the cock - that was her opponent.

"Never met a cock I couldn't lick," she laughed to herself. She looked up at him instinctively now, locking eyes and winking as she wrapped her lips around his head. He smiled down at her triumphantly, as if he had won a prize. It was sort of flattering to be viewed that way, really, like your presence was a prize, a treat, a trophy.

Megan's tongue went to work now, twirling around the head, then sliding along the shaft. She kept her hands behind her back while she nuzzled his balls and the base of his shaft, then went back down on him. She wasn't sure how much time she had but she didn't look. She focused on him, his eyes, his cock. The task was the same, clock or no clock. It was a task - this wasn't fun sex. But as tasks went, there were worse ones than cock sucking, Megan thought. She lacked confidence in many areas, but in one short week she had become a very confident cocksucker. Was there room for improvement? Of course. But she knew she could lick, kiss, suck and slurp on a big dick with plenty of skill and genuine eagerness. She took pride in her work. It was an odd way to look at it, but it was the truth. This was her job at the moment, and she wanted to do her best.

The look on Al's face told her that he was enjoying the experience very much. His hands ran through her hair and she laughed inwardly that he had probably touched some of the cum that had dried in it. It was funny only because of his disgust at her cum-covered face.

"Time?" Al grunted toward April. Megan didn't hear April's response but Al groaned and Megan realized that April had probably held up the phone for him. She also realized from his response that she was probably winning. He was getting close and was realizing he wouldn't last long enough to win the bet. Her coach had always taught her that when she had an opponent on the ropes, to finish them off. She decided to finish Al off. He was trying to slow down, but she pushed her head all the way down on him, flicking her tongue on his shaft. She felt him deep in the back of her mouth. She looked up at him. He was straining, fighting. She winked again. He came. Big spurts poured out of his mouth and straight down her throat. It was a large gush of cream and she realized he had likely been holding that in there for a couple of days. She swallowed, of course, continuing to lick and suck, happy to see the mixture of ecstasy and defeat on his face.

Megan sat back when he was done and looked back at April. She held up the phone. There were still over four minutes left on the clock. April smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"That was great!" April said.

"Of course it was," Al said. "Fucking slut probably eats cum every day."

"You have a lovely cock and your cum was yummy," Megan said, taking the high road. "I really wasn't sure how much time I had. It's hard to have a clock in your head when there's a cock in your head."

April laughed at her joke. Al frowned, not liking the bond between Megan and April nor the fact that Megan hadn't taken his bait. He loved her body but was tired of her superior attitude. He had gotten what he wanted from this bitch. It was time for everyone to go.

He went to the restroom and when he came out, he saw Megan and April talking and exchanging phone numbers. "Best friends now, huh?" he laughed. "You sure know how to pick them, April."

"She's a nice person," April countered.