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Because of the shorter length of her skirt, he couldn't miss the gorgeous set of legs she had, also appreciating how they looked to be well taken care of. And when she turned around to go sit back down at her desk, the doctor's very firm, heart-shaped rump appeared mouthwateringly to him as well.

Something else about her that he distinctly found attractive was her facial features, which were very easy for him to look at as well. Her eyes were equally set nicely apart, above a nose that wasn't too big or didn't stand out in any obscene way that he could tell.

'Yes,' Brett thought to himself, 'hopefully this gorgeous specimen is the one who can help us.' And he also thought, 'if she couldn't help us, then at least I'll get my money's worth just being able to look at the hot-looking doctor who would try to assist in thawing out the 'ice queen' that his pretty wife had regrettably become in the bedroom over the last twelve months.

Wondering if it was just his imagination, it seemed to him that the dazzling doctor might be ogling him in more than just a professional manner.

And just as Brett had been evaluating the psychologist's beautiful appearance, she had been doing the same with her two prospective patients.

Appreciating their still-youthful looks, the doctor noticed the well-maintained body of Kathy with her sandy-blonde hair, a good figure, with a not-too-large set of breasts and excellent hips, with an ass to match in the back of her.

And as she assessed the masculine qualities of the husband, when she had greeted him at the door of her office, she felt a little flutter between her legs when she looked up into his eyes while shaking his hand. It was also the strong, manly, maybe-six-foot-two-inch frame of his, that stood out to her. She also appreciated his handsome but rugged-featured face with the dark, short-cropped hair on his head. But it was his rather big hands that made her also wonder how large the appendage between his legs might be.

"Just so you know, doctor, I'm here mainly in a marital consideration to Brett. I can only imagine what he's going through, not being able to have sex. And it isn't like I don't care about my husband's natural urges, but I'll just tell you, the way things are going for me these days, if I never have sex with him again, I'm really fine with that. But, I know he's not going to be okay with it."

"And excuse me for asking this, Mrs. Martin, but do you sometimes think or are concerned that Mr. Martin might try and find sexual comfort and companionship elsewhere?"

"Yes doctor, I do worry about it. But maybe because we don't have any kids yet, if he was to leave me for another woman, I'd probably be able to make out some way, somehow."

"Kathy, I've told you...there's never been anyone else since we were married. And I don't want there to be...but...but."

"But if we don't start having sex pretty soon, you're going to go out and find somebody. And then leave me for her. Isn't that what those 'buts' mean, Brett?"

As the doctor noticed the husband's uneasy facial expression and the tension between them at what his wife just told him, he brusquely answered back to her.

"No Kathy, it doesn't mean that at all. I'm just trying to figure out why you seem to think it's okay that your twenty-seven-yer-old husband is forced to suffer pretty much every night, even though he's got a very attractive and healthy wife sitting at home that should be available to him and his needs."

As the doctor could see the tension quickly rise from the seemingly unconquerable problem, she wanted to try to find some unifying ground that both husband and wife wouldn't have any disagreements about.

"So, let's change gears here for a moment, okay? Tell me, how did the two of you meet, and how long did you date until you decided to get married? Mrs. Martin, why don't you fill me in on that? And then I'm going to want your husband to give me his answer, too."

"Well, we met while we were in high school. It was the tenth grade and Brett and I had a few classes together. But what was really fascinating about us meeting was that we found out that our houses were only a few streets away. I think it was five blocks away from each other, wasn't it, sweetheart?"

"Yeah babe, it was. The first day I started noticing you, it was like Cupid had shot an arrow into my heart. Look, doctor, I guess that doesn't sound like what most guys would normally tell you...but believe me, it's true. Seeing Kathy that day at school changed my whole world. My family and I had just moved to the area from across town that summer. My dad had died, so it was a little tight for my mom financially, but she was able to eke by while taking care of my sister and me. After first seeing her at school, it was maybe about a couple of weeks until I got up the nerve to talk to Kathy. But when I did, it seemed like she and I hit it off big time. It wasn't long before we were walking each other to school, and it was as if we couldn't live without each other. About a year after we graduated from high school was when we got married. The rest, as they say, is history."

"I can tell that you both love each other very much. But during our session today, regrettably I do need to ask Mrs. Martin what was it that happened when she had her run-in with Mr. DeWitt?"

"Believe me, doctor, that piece of shit doesn't deserve to be called mister. What he did to my wife is—"

Abruptly cutting him off, Dr. Alexis Rumsfeld knew she needed to show her authority while they were in her office, because she was the professional trying to get to the root of the problem with this husband and wife who had been referred to her.

"Mr. Martin!! Please, I need your wife to answer."

"Okay...sorry. Go ahead and tell her what happened, Kathy."

"Like I said, doctor, Mason DeWitt, for all I could tell, looked harmless. But from what we found out later, because of him being my husband's supervisor, he'd started having a thing for me because of the conversations he and Brett would have during their hours at work together.

"So what he ended up doing at the Christmas party, while we were alone in Brett's office, was sweet-talking me. And, after a while, I guess with him not getting the results he was hoping for, that's when he talked me into going into the supply closet with him."

The doctor, picking up on the furtive way Kathy Martin had talked about being tricked by Mason DeWitt into doing something that should've seemed suspicious to her, asked the young wife about it.

"Well, at the time, Dr. Rumsfeld, I didn't have any reason to think there was anything fishy with him asking me that, so I did what he asked. That's about all there is to it."

"Hmmm, I see. So let's move on from there. You, without being forced by Mr. DeWitt, are in the supply closet with him, and then what happened?"

"He started talking to me kind of sexy like, but for some reason, I can't seem to remember exactly what was mentioned right then. But after hearing some more things he said to me, I seemed to have just...blacked out."

"Let me get this straight, Mrs. Martin. You're saying that as he was talking, you suddenly became unconscious; is that right?"

"Yes, doctor, that's right."

"And what happened after that? I guess I should ask, what do you remember after that?"

"Mason DeWitt had his hands on the private places of my body that only up to then I had allowed my husband to touch. Oh my god, he was..."

Suddenly looking unnerved, the young wife momentarily stopped talking.

"Mrs. Martin, Kathy please. I need you to know that you're safe here. No one's going to harm you in any way, and you're free to discuss this with me. Without any disrespect to Mr. Martin, but would you be more comfortable if the two of us talked alone about this?"

"No, it's okay if Brett stays and listens. He's heard it all before from the other professionals that we've gone to, so it isn't anything that I don't want him to be aware of, because, by now, he knows everything there is to know about all this."

As Brett listened to his wife explain to the doctor about the whole sordid Mason DeWitt affair, he knew there was much more to it. And with the things he knew, Brett wondered when, or if, it would ever be a good time to reveal how complicit he had been with the ravishment of his wife that up to that time, had been fully blamed on Mason DeWitt.

"Good, that's very good. I'm glad to hear that. It sounds like you trust your husband to understand your feelings. Is that right, Kathy?"

"Yes, yes I do." With her voice taking on a very serious tone, she told the psychologist, "And even though we're here because of our issue, I know I would never want to live with anyone else beside Brett."

"I can tell from the way you two interact with each other, that you want to stay together. But please, we weren't done with you telling me what happened when you were taken advantage of. I have very strong opinions and theories, not to mention unconventional methods regarding how to get past traumatic events like what you've gone through. So, please go on, Mrs. Martin."

"At this point, with what happened, I'm ashamed to admit it now."

"But you need to, Mrs. Martin. From this point on, for me to get all the information on what took place, that's what's going to help me guide you and your husband in what steps will need to be taken to get the both of you past this."

As the doctor was explaining to her prospective patient why she needed to tell her what happened, she could see a resolve come over Kathy Martin that told her she was getting ready to find out all the sordid details of that day.

"He was inside me, doctor. Mason DeWitt had his pants and underwear pulled down as far as he could above his knees, he was crouching behind me, and had me on the floor of the supply closet on my hands and knees. One of the times I came around after having my blackout, while I was on all fours I could tell he'd pushed my skirt up and pulled my panties down enough so he could have sexual intercourse with me."

"Oh my god, Mrs. Martin, I'm sure that had to be traumatic for you. Are you able to continue telling me what happened? If you can't, I understand, but I need to know as much as possible to help you."

"Yes, it's still not easy for me to talk about. But if you need me to, I'll tell you as much as I can about it."

"Yes, please do, Mrs. Martin."

"Well, like I said, Mason DeWitt was having sex with me and I wasn't sure what I should do."

"What did he do when you told him to stop?"

"That's just it, doctor. I don't remember telling him to. I'm not sure, but maybe I was still in a half-dazed state from blacking out. I was somewhat caught off guard with what he was doing to me."

As the doctor intently listened, it didn't take her long to theorize that due to the way the young wife was calmly explaining what had taken place, the incident had aroused her. But not being sure, she wondered if it wouldn't be too risky to specifically ask her if she enjoyed how her husband's boss had defiled her, or not. So for the time being, she decided on another type of question.

"Can you tell me, do you remember anything that Mason DeWitt said to you while the two of you were physically connected and he was making you have sexual intercourse with him?"

"Yes, but from what I can hardly remember, what he said was very nasty, doctor. Are you sure you want to know what he told me?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it's necessary to get all the facts out about this, unpremeditated, on your part, encounter between the two of you."

"Okay, doctor, I'll try as best as I can remember to repeat what he said, even though I was going in and out of consciousness, while it was all going on.

"Uhh, he said something like, 'How does my cock feel inside you? Oh my god your luscious pussy feels so good!! I love that I'm finally fucking you like this!!'"

"I am so sorry, Kathy!! Is that the extent of how he violated you?"

A sudden hint of arousal came to Kathy Martin's face when the doctor asked her to describe anything else that she remembered from that day.

"Yes, Dr. Rumsfeld, I do remember how loudly he groaned when he ejaculated his semen inside me. It seemed to be very intense for him and there wasn't any doubt that he was loving every moment that he was...having sex with me."

When Brett heard Kathy again give intimate details to somebody else about all that happened between her and his former boss, just like in times past, he began having an intense erection. And like the times before when she relayed about the jizz she'd taken into her pussy by his former friend, he was almost ready to cum inside his own pants right there in the office.

And as Kathy audaciously recounted the sexual interaction she'd experienced with Mason DeWitt, it wasn't just Brett who had become aroused by what was said. Alexis Rumsfeld began admitting to herself how turned on she'd become by the young wife's stimulating summary of events.

"Was there any other way he violated you besides what you've told me?"

"Yes, doctor, there was something else that happened that day. Mason had me, actually he had to've forced me to perform oral sex on him. And up to that time I hadn't ever done that for any man, including my husband."

"I see. But what was it he said when he forced you to perform fellatio on him?"

"Uhh, I actually can't remember what he told me. All I can recall is that after I came out of another of my blackouts with Mason, I had know...his...penis, in my mouth and his hand was on the back of my head because he wasn't allowing me to sit back up. He had to have forced me to go down on him, Dr. Rumsfeld. And because I wasn't resisting at all in what he had me do to him, after a few more minutes, he finally ejaculated in my mouth. Like I said, I had never even done that for Brett."

As the doctor's mind became stirred with erotic thoughts, she knew she needed to continue acting in a professional manner with the young wife, if she hoped to convince her to use her services.

"Mrs. Martin, I can see this has been very difficult for you. Not to mention how it's affecting Mr. Martin. But I want to assure you, with my help, you can, you both can recover from this."

"You say that I can recover from this. I hope you're right about that. Even though I'm not interested at all in sex with my husband right now, I'm so sorry for what this has done to him. He doesn't deserve to go without any sexual companionship."

As she looked over at her husband, Kathy could see Brett had an eager look on his face because of what she'd just admitted to the doctor.

"Let me ask you, Kathy, are you wanting this stalemate with Brett to change? Yes, I realize that right now you're not drawn to having sexual intercourse with him. But I need to ask you, what has gone through your mind in the last year when your husband has tried to get you to make love with him? Is there anything specific that you can share with me about that?"

"Right now, all I can tell you is I feel like I have a big hole inside of me, and anything related to having sex with Brett just doesn't make me interested whatsoever in it. It would be like if someone were to ask me if I was interested in climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with them. They'd get a big fat no from me on that. And it's the same as far as any kind of sex between the two of us is concerned."

And then Brett spoke up.

"I guess there's been too many times when I'd get angry after being turned down by Kathy. And I'm doing my dead-level best to try and be as patient with this situation as I know how to be, doctor."

"Good, Brett, that's very good as well. Let me ask you, when you've been upset with not being able to make love with Kathy, have you ever thought about masturbating in the same room with her?"

"Uh, no, Dr. Rumsfeld, I've never done that. In fact I've never ever masturbated in front of my wife. Matter of fact the thought of even doing that's never even occurred to me. That sounds like it would be a bit on the 'weird' side."

"Brett, haven't you ever done it in front of anyone? And believe me, there's a good reason I'm asking you this."

"Uh, doc, you're kind of scaring me a little bit with these questions of yours. I don't think I'm the problem here. Isn't it Kathy that we're trying to help?"

"Mr. Martin, what I'm trying to do is bring a husband and wife back together again, who both have suffered an alarming event. So I need you to understand, that if I try to help your wife, I'm also going to try to help you, too.

"And something else that you both must, and I mean absolutely, must understand is that my methods of treating and caring for my patients are considered very unconventional by most professionals in the world of psychotherapy. And if we come to an agreement for treatment, you and your wife are going to be required to sign unmodifiable contracts with me. One of them involves agreeing to nondisclosure!"

Seeing that she had their attention, the doctor stood up behind her desk and slightly raised her voice to emphasize how important it was what she was about to tell them.

"One of the ways that I get my patients to willingly comply with my directives is that during their treatment program, they assign all of their assets over to me as a co-owner. I share possession of all that they have."

"But, doctor, isn't that too extreme? I mean, come on, that doesn't even seem to make sense to me!!"

"Mr. Martin, does having your wife cured of this problem of hers, does that make sense to you?"

"Well, yes, of course it does. But this all seems to go way over the top of what's normal in a doctor-patient relationship."

"And that's exactly what I just told you a few minutes ago. My rehabilitative procedures don't line up with other treatment programs. But, most other treatment programs don't have anywhere near the success rate that mine does.

"That means if you tell anybody, and I mean anybody, without my consent about what we did to treat your wife and you, I will have the total legal means, capability and authority to sue both your asses into the next century!!! Do you understand what it is I have just told you?"

Hoping that her emotional delivery would be persuasive enough to make her point, Dr. Rumsfeld sat back down at her desk as her diplomatic smile returned, just as it had been when they first entered her office.

"So, let me ask, would you be willing to think about going through my Sexual Therapy and Treatment program? I'm happy to tell you I have a 98.7 percent success rate so far. And with each patient that successfully advances through my program, I learn more about working with those like yourselves who've had to suffer these horrendous types of psychological traumas in their lives and relationships.

"If you're not sure, why don't you go home and talk about it, and then get back to my secretary, okay?"

As Brett mulled it over, and then took into consideration the success rate quoted by the doctor; he knew exactly what he wanted to do.

"Hey honey, I think we should go for it. Oh, but wait a minute...Dr. Rumsfeld you never told us what this program of yours is going to cost. I guess we need to get that out of the way before we can make up our minds for sure, right?"

"Of course we do, Mr. Martin. And I'll tell you, this is the point in the interview when most of my patients ask the same question you just did.

"The financial cost of my program, zilch. You'll pay absolutely nothing out of your pocket. And what you'll gain, I believe, will be getting back your relationship with each other.

"But you must understand completely what I'm going to tell you. You are going to be shocked at some of my methods. And you need to know that once you commit yourselves and sign your contractual agreement, I will hold you totally obligated to abide by all of the terms of the contract. Not only the nondisclosure part of our legal arrangement, but also the asset dispossession part of it, too."