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"Yes, that's a good girl. You like doing this, don't you?"

"I do, Alexis. I love your tits. And when you're ready, I want you to let me eat your pussy, too."

"Ummm, maybe during our next session I might have you do that for me. Oh God, I wish we had more time today, but..."

Suddenly, the doctor knew a question that needed to be asked of her mesmerized patient.

"And if the opportunity came up, I think you'd be willing to suck cock, wouldn't you?"

"Right now, Kathy won't let me do it if it's Brett's. But if it's anybody else, I'd be happy to and most likely let whoever he is, fuck me, too."

Alexis Rumsfeld realized that she had a very interesting case on her hands with the Martins. And she also knew it was past time to end the improper and extremely unethical activity that was taking place with her patient.

"We're going to be wrapping up our time together, but Kat before I talk to Kathy again, I want to give you a standing hypnotic suggestion."

"Uh, what's that Alexis?"

"It's actually very simple. Whenever we're somewhere together, but you're not in your hypnotized state like you are right now, there's something I want to be able to say to you that will immediately bring your alter ego to the forefront of Kathy. And when I say these three words to you, that will give you control over her, over Kathy that is."

"What are those three words, Alexis?"

"Kat, come forth!

"Those are the three words. And Kat, it is only those three words spoken in that same order, 'Kat, come forth' that will have any effect on bringing you out from Kathy. Do you understand me, Kat?"

"Yes, of course I do, Alexis. Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

"Ha-ha, you're anything but stupid. But you also need to know these three words, too."

"What three words are those now? Something different, I assume?"

"Yes, they're meant to send you back into Kathy's consciousness again. To give her preeminence over you."

"But what if I don't want that, Alexis? What if I want to be top dog between Kathy and me? Don't I have a choice?"

"Right now, Kat, you don't. You've got to realize that you and Kathy are one, and you're part of her. That doesn't make you insignificant, or of lesser importance than she is, she can't exist without you. Kathy Martin needs you, and you need her. And there are times when it's important that you get to have your say about things that happen in her life. But we do have to have limits as to what you can do.

"So, it's these three words that I'll use when Kathy needs to take back over again.

"Kat, go back!"

"Okay, I'll do what you tell me to, Alexis. I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"In this case, don't. But we always have our choices, Kat. And I'm relying on your best intentions for your host Kathy, right?"

"Right, Alexis. I'll do whatever you say."


"I absolutely promise."

"Good, now let me talk with Kathy again."

"Yes doctor, what do you want?"

"I want to bring you back out of hypnosis, Kathy, and I want you to be ready."

"Yes doctor, I'm ready."

But before doing that, she had another idea, to plant one more somewhat naughty suggestion in her patient's mind before bringing the young wife totally out of her mesmerized state.

"Kathy, I am going to bring you back to your conscious mind. And in your conscious state everything we've discussed will remain in your subconscious being, that is, only Kat will remember what was discussed, whatever it was. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand completely, doctor."

"On the count of five, starting at one, you are going to wake up feeling fresh, alive and happy. And when you awake, you are going to have an intense desire to give me a kiss on the lips. But, I will leave that totally up to you whether you do it, or not.


On the count of five, Kathy Martin compliantly and completely came out of her hypnotic trance wearing a bright smile on her face. Rising to stand, she arranged herself so that their feet were almost touching. Purposely leaning into her benefactor, the young wife put both hands on each of the doctor's shoulders. But then a few seconds later, moved them to where the fingers of her hands were entwined affectionately around Alexis Rumsfeld's neck.

Bringing her mouth in close, Kathy placed her lips to her intended target. With Alexis' full participation, the two women's lips tenderly connected. And it wasn't but a few heartbeats after, when their mouths reciprocally opened as the two began enjoying a steamy French kiss which took many seconds between them, until they were both satisfied enough to breakaway and bring it to a close.

And with the aroused young housewife fully returned from her mesmerized state, Kathy reluctantly removed herself from Alexis' nonetheless acquiescent open mouth. With a mortified look on her face, she confessed her embarrassment at what had just happened.

"I don't know what got into me, doctor. I'm so sorry. I hope that didn't offend you."

"No, of course it didn't, Kathy. I thought it was a very sweet kiss, and I didn't mind it at all."


After getting dressed, Dr. Rumsfeld summoned Brett Martin into the conference room with his wife; she thanked him for allowing her to spend time alone with her.

"I was able to place your wife into a state of hypnosis, so I'd have an easier time to get past some of the barriers that have come up since the episode with Mason DeWitt. So we're done here today, and I know you'll take care of contacting my associate about what needs to be done with him."

"Hypnosis? You hypnotized Kathy? Is she okay, I mean, what's going on? That's a pretty big step, isn't it, doc?"

"Relax Brett, she'll be fine. Kathy has some blockages in her memory of that day, and I was hoping that I'd be able to probe and get more answers about that."

"How'd it work out, uhhh, were you able to find out anything?"

She noticed he'd asked his question with a nervous look on his face, so she decided for the time being to keep her revelatory findings to herself.

"No, unfortunately nothing came of it today, and we'll probably need to do at least another session."

She wondered what might be possible for the two of them if they could go under another round of hypnosis. She was also curious if he could tell that she was blatantly lying to him?

"Okay, Dr. Rumsfeld, we're going to call Dr. Blackwood so we can get in there to see him as soon as possible."

"That's good, Brett. stay in my treatment program, you're both going to need to get a clean bill of health with him.


Once the Martins had stepped outside of the doctor's office, and into the hallway towards the exit door, Brett made a phone call to the physician Alexis Rumsfeld had directed them to make an appointment with.

"Hey Kathy, his nurse says they just had a cancelation about twenty minutes ago. And she says we can come by right now, if we can be there in the next half-hour. What do you say?"

Making their way to the doctor, husband and wife were able to fulfill the requirement of getting physically checked out by him. And were then told that the results would be ready by the early-morning of the next day. After that is when they drove themselves home.


As Brett and Kathy lay in bed that night, even though there hadn't been any sexual relations between them in at least the last eighteen months, they still found plenty they could talk about and share with each other.

"So, are you sure you're not going to leave me even if doctor Rumsfeld can't help us and I can't have sex with you?"

"No, honey. I don't want that to even be a concern of yours. But let's face it, it's not that you can't have sex with me, it's that you won't."

"However you want to phrase it, Brett. Does it really matter how we say it?"

"Well, technically, it isn't like your pussy won't physically accept me putting my dick in it. It's just that..."

"It's just that the thought of it doesn't even make sense to me, Brett. It's like if you said you wanted to put the Queen Mary in my vagina, it just isn't something that I see as possible to do.

"I'm sorry, honey, but right now I'm just not in any condition to feel horny for you or want to, to..."

"Fuck. You need to say the word, Kathy. You don't want to let me fuck you!!"

"Right. I don't want us to—fuck. I just don't know what to tell you. There isn't anything inside of me that pulls me in the direction of wanting something like that with you, Brett.

"And I am concerned that some horny woman's going to come along and grab my handsome husband and take you away from me. Like that woman you work with...Dallas Young. She's your assistant now, isn't she?"

"That's one of her roles. She's not just my assistant, Dallas is working with two others, I'm the third one."

"How many other men is she an assistant to?"

"Uh, just me. The other two are women."

"I know we haven't talked much about your job lately. Ever since...what know...but, how much do the two of you work together?"

"Pretty much every day, honey. And she's also involved when we have to go out of town."

"Okay, so when you're away about every other month on your week-long business trips, I guess you're all staying at the same hotel, right?"

"Well, yeah. The company sets up all the reservations. And, of course, Dallas stays in her own room while we're away, out of town."

"Have you and her ever done anything while you're away? I mean, like, do you go out to eat together, or do anything like that?"

"Yes, a few times. Every now and then everyone else is busy with their own projects or programs, so she and I have just made an evening out of it. But that's all there is to that, Kathy."

"So, while you're've never been with her—I mean, slept with her?"

"Of course not, oh hell, no...of course not!!"

"Okay. But have you ever wanted to sleep with her? I mean, come on, Brett, she's really gorgeous!! You and I both know that. So let's not try to hide that fact."

"Hey, she's not any prettier than you are Kathy. I hope you know how attractive you are."

"That's nice of you to say, honey. But she's attractive, and as far as I can tell, she's very available to sleep with, too. Does she date anybody now that she divorced Mason DeWitt?"

"No, uh, no she doesn't."

"I guess that's convenient for you, isn't it?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, she isn't held down by having to answer to a husband or a boyfriend while she's doing her job. I mean, she's free to be an assistant to you and the other two women, without having to be shackled too much to a home life, or having kids, y'know those kinds of things."

"Kathy, Dallas is a responsible and quite capable professional who's very good at her job. I hope you're not jealous of her or anything close to that. She helps me get my work obligations taken care of. And I'm really thankful for what she does to make my job easier for me."

"Brett, do you ever think about having sex with her? Even though I'm sexually frigid, it doesn't mean I'm naive, too. I know when you masturbate, you're thinking about something, or better yet, someone to make you get off.

"Matter of fact, it's like today at Dr. Rumsfeld office. I mean what she had you do was totally mind-blowing, wasn't it? And then when she let you see her breasts like that. The woman was totally showing herself off to you. I'm just curious— what went through your mind when she did that?"

"Yeah, that was fucking wild. Did that even make sense to you when she had me masturbate in front of both of you?"

"It wasn't like you didn't enjoy it, Brett. I saw the look in your eyes. They were really lit up. And then with her showing her boobs to you like that. C'mon, you can tell me, what went through your mind?"

"It's probably not good to let you know what I was thinking."

"Like you said today, you're a twenty-seven-year-old male. I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what you were thinking when you rubbed yourself off in front of her. But I'd like to hear you say it. Who knows, it might even help us get closer. Did you want her, Brett? Did you want to make love to Dr. Rumsfeld as you were gawking at her luscious looking tits? You can tell me."

"Yes, I did!!"

"You wanted her, honey?"

"In the worst way I wanted her, Kathy. I'm trying to hold it all in, but if I don't get to have a woman very soon, I think I'm going to go fucking nut-zoid."

"You wanted to have sex with her? What do you think you would've done if she had offered herself to you?"

"Please, don't ask me that question. At least not if you don't want an honest answer."

"It's not a rhetorical question, honey. I think I have a right to know."

"Okay, let me ask this question. What if she would've offered herself to me? Would you have been okay with me taking her up on it? Or for that matter, if any other woman was to invite me to sleep with her, would you approve of me going all the way with someone else?"

"I think you're just trying to get me jealous, Brett. Is this what we've come to with this problem I have? The whole reason I agreed to go see these psychologists is because I really believe that there's an answer out there to what's happening with me. And I'm hoping that you have enough patience to wait for me. I need you to hold on, just give me a little more time, honey."

"And I want to give you as much time as you need. But Kathy, if I slip up...and I'm not saying I want to, or that I will...but if I mess up and do something with somebody, would that wreck our marriage? Would you not want me after that? Honey, I really don't know how much more I can take before I might give in!!

"Kathy, have you ever wondered if it would be safer for us if we had something like a stand-in, an alternative to help get us through this?"

"Well, what about me, Brett? Where's my alternative? My surrogate? I feel like I've been such a disappointment, just a terrible wife for you. I know I'm supposed to let you have me like you're wanting. And I know that if I was a normal woman, I'd have the temptations that I used to have before Mason took advantage of me. Just about every time I look in the mirror I see a failure, and just so you know, I feel like a total fraud as a woman. Maybe you're right? Maybe it would be better if you were to have someone else right now. That is until hopefully Dr. Rumsfeld can help us."

And just like the idea he had shared with Mason DeWitt many months in the past, he was hoping he could introduce it to his wife, but maybe in a repackaged form so she wouldn't somehow find out about the strong desire he had to watch his beautiful wife go all the way with another guy.

It had been something that had filled Brett's thoughts for the longest time. And right at that moment, when Kathy said what she did, he wondered if that wouldn't be a good open door to bring it up with her.

"I've thought about this, and I'm not sure if it's something that you'd want to do...but, I'd be willing for you to try having sex with somebody else. If it would somehow make things better for the both of us, I'd be okay if there was someone that you were attracted to...well, for you and him to sleep together."

To Brett, the candid and frank conversation he was having with his spouse stirred the same fiery lust that drove him to initiate the original botched deal with Mason DeWitt to swap their wives.

Here, he had more or less admitted to his own wife how he had been turned on by the doctor exposing her tits and letting the both of them see her. He was lusting after another woman besides her and he wondered how she was processing that information. They were both aware that some people were involved in 'open marriages' where the couple had sex with other people. But in their case, at that point, there wasn't any sex happening; inside, or outside their marriage.

And then he realized they were discussing a sensitive subject that always made Kathy anxious and very nervous when brought up. Whenever they'd thrash out about things like this, she would start telling him about her fear of him leaving her for another woman. And that only incensed him, because his thoughts had always been 'if she'd just let me have her the way I'm supposed to have her, none of this would have to be worrisome to either of us.'

Finally deciding that they needed to talk about something else for a bit, Brett wanted Kathy's unequivocal opinion about the doctor exposing her breasts?

"Well, they definitely caught my eye."

"Yeah, with the way I saw you looking at her while she flashed herself, I could tell she'd caught your attention, too. After we'd left her office, I couldn't help but think maybe she did that as part of your treatment. I mean, she did say that most of her therapy was considered unconventional by most other psychologists. So why not do that for me to help give me any kind of relief of some kind. Or maybe it was to help you understand that there were options for me to find relief and satisfaction. I just can't wrap my head around it, Kathy. I'm at a total loss right now."

Having talked until they were both too tired to keep their eyes open, Brett and Kathy said their regular passionless goodnight. Without even kissing each other, the couple fell into a relaxed sleep. At least for a couple of hours.


He wasn't sure at first what it was that awakened him. But as he glanced over at the fluorescent-lit clock on his side of the bed, it informed him it was two-twenty-seven in the morning. While he slowly roused out of his sleep, Brett thought he heard a light whimper, almost as if someone was struggling with something painful.

With his head facing straight ahead, it didn't take much, or seem to disturb the overall tranquilness of the bedroom when he slightly turned his eyes, he sensed delicate movements taking place in the semi-darkness.

As he glanced to his left, to Kathy's side of the bed, his pupils gradually adjusted to the bedside clock's faint but adequate light. And it was there, that he found his attention locked on what his wife was actively engaged in. As her whimpers were accompanied by soft grunts and groans while she masturbated, he was sure she was trying her best to keep from being overheard by her husband.

"Ohhhhh, ummmmm, yesssss, uh-huh, yes, mmmmm uh huh, yesssss!!"

Unquestionably becoming awakened by what she was doing, but not quite sure how to react to his wife's blatant self-pleasuring, Brett Martin decided, for the time being, to remain quiet as he continued to secretly watch Kathy pleasure herself.

And once his eyes had become fully dilated, it allowed him a very good view of his wife's fingers luxuriously gliding through her own very slick gash, leaving no doubt the gratification she was reveling in right then, as her whispered moans continued.

"Yes, yessss, that feels good, sssooo good!! Uh-huh, yes, feels so good, ummmmm, yeah."

Thunderstruck, but elated by his wife's renewed sexual appetite, Brett watched as Kathy blissfully kept the pace of her hand to an even tempo as her fingers hedonistically moved inside her pussy. And with the more than adequate light from the clock radio, it allowed him to see how she was slightly raising her hips up off the bed, becoming even more pleasurably involved in giving herself the gratification she had abandoned many months in the past.

"Yessss, yessss, oh my gaaawd, yessss!!"

With her pelvic bone elevated off the mattress, it gave him an even better view of where she was fervidly rubbing between her legs. He was also elated getting an overdue glimpse of his wife's alluring blonde fur-covered muff. Because she had scooted her loose-fitting pajama bottoms down to just above her knees, it allowed her to spread her legs wider, giving her easier access to thrust her middle finger even deeper into her moist pussy.