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Seeing the impasse they were facing, she knew what he needed was inspiration, and right then, there wasn't any. With a jittery man and his sexually dismissive wife sitting in the room, she understood if he were going to perform the task he'd been challenged to do, the uneasy young man would need to see some eye candy, something to stir him up. And the doctor realized that it was going to have to be her to help get him 'in the mood.'

"Looks like I'm going to have to follow my own advice, Brett. Because we can't allow anything to get in the way to do what we know needs to happen right now."

And with that, Alexis Rumsfeld literally took matters into her own hands. Undoing the buttons to her blouse, in a matter of but a few seconds, she spiritedly got them all unfastened and stripped it off. Now standing before him with only her bra covering her, she moved her hands around behind her and decisively undid its clasp.

Once her lingerie dropped to the floor, Dr. Alexis Rumsfeld allowed her gorgeous naked breasts to daringly be exhibited to the young couple. With Brett and Kathy Martin seeing her in that state of undress, Brett's mouth hung open, and then muttered...

"Oh my God, doc, I never thought I'd see..."

Unabashedly lifting up her more-than-adequately-sized, and gorgeously bared boobs, she found herself flagrantly flashing and displaying herself, to help her new client to attain his needed hardness.

"Mr. Martin, I hope these can serve as an acceptable substitute over any 'dirty books' that you asked about to get you excited."

"Oh fuck yeah, doc! They're nice, your tits are very fucking nice!!"

Seeing her patient's explosive and now-willing desire to do what had been asked of him, he eagerly stroked his hand up and down his hardening shaft. And in the way he was brazenly gawking at her, it was if he wanted her to stare at his flourishing erection in return. With his eye fastened on her lovely naked breasts, It was as if he was exhibiting his lengthening manhood, and what he was doing with it, exclusively, only to her.

As Brett slunk down where he was seated, she took note of his cock's swelling length and girth as he continually lustfully ogled her uncovered breasts. That's when the doctor glanced over at his wife and noticed the aroused look on her face. But, what she found fascinating was Kathy's gaze wasn't directed at her husband, but was concentrated back to her and her exposed breasts.

She found it somewhat perplexing as she could tell that Kathy Martin was actively observing the lewd display of her partial nudity, just as much as her husband was.

And that's when she wondered if she didn't detect the look of arousal and sexual desire of the young wife, similar to her own husband's.


With their eyes locked, Dr. Rumsfeld knew that she and her patient Brett, were working off of each other's biological urges. Staring straight at his by-then-fully-hardened cock, she noted the pre-cum that made the end of his brought-to-life sexual spear glisten with its virile juice. That's when she heard him finally speak to her...

"I'm not exactly sure why you're having me do this, but I can tell you that it's something I'm damn sure never gonna forget."

"And you shouldn't, Brett. Most of my cases like yours and Kathy's, I have the man do what you're doing right now. And it isn't too long into the therapy sessions when they come back to thank me."

"Thank you? What the fuck for, doc?"

"Tell you what, I'll let you tell me what the fuck for, when you come back to thank me. How's that for an answer, Brett?"

"It's, ahhhh, a perfect answer from, aahhhhh!"

As the doctor continued observing his mannerisms while he fondled himself, she again found it fascinating how his wife wasn't looking at all at her husband, but at her (the doctor's) exposed breasts. And it was with an almost longingly transfixed-type gaze. She knew she needed to document what was happening in the Martins' case file for later study.

"Sounds like you're getting close. Are you?"

"Uhhh, maybe. Why don't you get those luscious looking tits of yours closer to me, doc. I'm thinking they'd look nice with my warm jizz sprayed all over them!!"

"Umm, sorry but that's impossible. I have to tell you, there can't be any mixing or mingling of patients or bodily fluids until we get your medical results back from Dr. Blackwood. I don't want you to feel offended, but right now, we don't know if either of you have any communicable diseases, and that would greatly impact how I could, or would treat your case. But...hold that thought, okay?"

All the while he'd been listening to what the doctor was telling him, Brett continued displaying his naked body and masturbating himself in front of her.

"Oh wow, doc, so you're saying that next time, you might let might...oh fuuuuck, I'm getting ready to cum!! Doc, I'm gonna—I'm gonna...

"Ohhhh fuuuuuck!!!"

As he began grunting and groaning while his orgasm took him over, Dr. Rumsfeld fought off her own arousal while she watched Brett Martin's eyes seemingly roll back into his head. At about the same time, she noticed the fleshy mushroom knob sitting atop of his stiff penis flexing and spasming, his thick ejaculate began powerfully gushing from his rock-hard prick out onto the floor of the conference room. She marveled as Brett Martin's body shook and trembled because of the pleasure that was surging through him.

"Oh Jesus...oh my god...doc...I'm cumming...shiiiittt!!"

Impressed with the large measure of ejaculate that he had produced, she wondered if that represented an average amount of what he was capable of during his orgasms. If it was, she knew his wife was missing out by not allowing him to have sexual intercourse with her.

Finally, after his climax had substantially waned, the next words from Brett were, "Oh doc, look at the mess I've made. I'm sorry, let me clean that up."

At the moment, he seemed to be oblivious that he was still totally naked in front of her. So she mentioned it to him.

"Uhhh, no worries, Mr. Martin. But you might want to get dressed. I know I've already put you through a lot today. I'll make sure I, or one of my staff, get that taken care of in a few minutes."

But even as he picked up on the fact of his nudity in front of her, he didn't seem to mind at all, and stood there still flagrantly exposing himself to her as the both of them kept talking.

After about a minute more of their conversation, she gave him another reminder, about him needing to get dressed.

"Hey doctor, I'm not sure if you realize it or not, but your bra and blouse are still lying on the floor over there. I'm definitely not the only one who needs to cover up here. But from where I'm standing, you've got nothing to be ashamed of. I think I could look at you all day, that's for sure."

And with his mentioning that, she couldn't help but see his penis begin to form another erection.

"Oh my God, Brett!! I guess from all the excitement, I forgot to cover myself up, too."

And that's when Kathy Martin finally spoke up.

"And it was a pretty gutsy move on your part Dr. Rumsfeld to do what you did for Brett. I know there wasn't anything that I could do. And I'm sorry for that. I guess if I was the kind of wife that I'm supposed to be...we wouldn't be here in the first place, would we?"

"Let me ask you, Mrs. Martin, what did you think about me having your husband do what he did? What effect do you think that had on you?"

"Ehhh? Probably not a whole lot, doctor. It isn't like I haven't seen him naked before. I mean, I know he's handsome and all that...but?"

Hearing her patient's answer, and with her still standing totally topless in front of Brett and Kathy, the doctor thought of a more direct and specific question that she hoped the young wife would answer.

"And what do you think about me baring myself for Brett? How's that affected you? And how do you like looking at them right now, Kathy? Do you like what you see?"

Flagrantly showing them off as she spoke her question, intently curious what her response was going to be, as she stood immediately in front of Kathy and cupped her hands underneath her conspicuously displayed boobs.

"Uhhh, they're nice."

"Uh-huh, just nice? Do you like looking at my tits, Mrs. Martin?"

"Well, they're very nice, doctor!"

Becoming intrigued by the dialogue between her and the young wife, she continued cupping her knockers, unabashedly holding them for display as Kathy Martin lasciviously continued staring at them.

"But you're not answering my question. Do you enjoy looking at my breasts? Tell me Kathy, do they...excite you?"


Knowing what it was she was going to do next, the doctor used her hands to cover her upper body, and then spoke quickly and as quietly as she could to Brett who had already gotten himself dressed.

"I need you to give me some privacy with your wife. Would you please leave the room right now, I need to ask Kathy some more questions? Thank you."

With him obligingly exiting, the doctor turned to her new patient and removed her hands, openly displaying herself again, curious if Kathy would continue ogling her.

"Now we can talk. I need you to tell me, Kathy; do you like looking at my breasts? It's okay whatever you tell me. And you need to understand, there isn't any pressure here, I'm just trying to help you."

"I'm sorry, but I can't give you an answer, doctor."

"You can't, or you won't?"

"I can't. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to give you a hard time or be uncooperative, or anything like that. It's just that I don't know the answer to your question. I believe I know deep down inside me, but for some reason, I'm unable to say, and it won't come out, no matter what I do."

That's when the doctor suddenly realized what she thought was happening with Kathy. And even though the session with the Martins had already gone overlong, she believed what she was going to attempt next, might be a key to help her get a better grasp of things.

"Kathy, I want you to let me try something. And it's going to require that you allow yourself to relax. To let yourself go, so to speak. Are you familiar with the psychological state of hypnosis?"

"Oh yeah, I've heard of it for sure, doctor."

"I've been perfecting my hypnosis treatment for those with situations like yours. Some people down through the years have labeled it as being 'mesmerized.'

"But doctor, I'm wondering if that wouldn't be dangerous? I've never been hypnotized before. And from what I hear, anybody who can do that to someone else can make them do whatever they want. Things that they wouldn't do normally."

"That's utter rubbish!! As a matter of fact, Kathy, there's nothing that can make you do anything against your will under regular hypnosis treatments. I just want to be able to communicate with you in an easier way. That's what hypnosis—mesmerizing, is really all about. Now, how about you give me the ability to explore inside your mind, for what's the best way to help, okay?"

"Well...okay, Dr. Rumsfeld. If you think it's safe, and it's what you think I need, then I won't be afraid to do it."

Because of the presumptuous questions she planned to ask her patient, the doctor didn't even bother covering up her nakedness, intentionally leaving her breasts exposed for Kathy to look at. Making sure that her patient was safely seated, Alexis Rumsfeld couldn't help but see the stare from the young wife, who she tried to make sure was in a comfortable position as well.

Preparing to start another of her hypnosis sessions, the doctor was hoping to find answers she believed that, up to that point in time, were buried deep in her patient's subconscious.

"That's good that you're not afraid. Now, I want you to relax and just concentrate on my hand as it flows and moves in front of your eyes, Kathy. Only pay attention to my fingers as they're weaving in front of you. Yes Kathy, let yourself go...relax...yessss, because you're floating backward down the stream of a long...flowing...river. Yes, Kathy...relaaax.

"And now, we'll begin by counting backward, starting at one hundred, okay? One hundred...ninety-nine...ninety-eight...ninety-seven....ninety-six..."

The doctor could tell that Kathy was gradually succumbing to the hypnotic suggestions being given, as her patient obediently counted backward along with her.


It took less than five minutes until Kathy Martin became relaxed enough to enter into a state of hypnosis, where the doctor thought she could reach her subconscious, to communicate with her in the way that was needed.

"Kathy, why don't you tell me how you feel right now. Tell me, is everything okay?"

"Yes doctor, I feel fine."

"Good. Now can you tell me where we're at right now?"

"Yes, of course I can, we're in your office."

"Very good. Let me ask you, do you feel safe? Is there anything about your well-being that concerns you at the moment?"

"I feel very safe with you, doctor."

"That's good, Mrs. Martin. Very good!

"Now, Kathy, I need you to tell me what's an early memory that you have in your life?"

And without missing a beat, the doctor's young patient began giving her a thorough description of what she was seeing from her past.

"I'm being held by my mother, and I'm crying. She's also nursing me at her breast. Oh, the milk tastes good, and I'm sooo hungry. I think it's early morning, because I can see what looks like the sunrise and..."

Marveling at what she was hearing, the doctor wasn't sure if what Kathy was describing to her was a genuine memory or if she was trying to placate her. So she stopped her from talking and gave her another suggestion.

"Kathy, I didn't want to go back that far. Can you give me something else, but still when you were a child?"

It only took a second or so, but Kathy came back with another scenario from her past.

"I'm in my mom and dad's car, and think I'm about a year old or so. We're going down the street, I'm in the back, sitting in my car seat, and they're talking."

"Can you tell me what they're discussing, Kathy? But it's okay if you can't hear exactly what it is they're saying."

"Oh, but I can. My mom's telling my dad about a movie she watched on cable television."

"Do you hear the name of the movie that they're talking about?"

"Yes, it's The Godfather. She's telling him she doesn't like all the violence, but she really does like the music in it. And she likes how handsome Al Pacino is in it, too."

Satisfied to see her recollecting as well as she was, Dr. Rumsfeld felt very certain that her patient was definitely in a deep state of hypnosis. So, she decided to carry on with the question she asked earlier.

"Now, I'd like to ask you, Kathy, because you're absolutely free to tell me. We know there isn't anything that can stop you from understanding who you are, and what you know to be true. I want you to tell you like looking at my breasts?"

"Yes doctor, I do."

Hearing her patient finally give her an answer to what she couldn't before, a tinge of arousal coursed through the doctor.

"What exactly do you like about them, Kathy?"

"How fully round and luscious they look. I also like how they don't seem to sag at all. But it's your beautiful nipples that turn me on."

"Is that all, or is there anything else about them you'd like to tell me?"

"As I'm looking at them, my vagina is very wet."

"Very good, Kathy. Let me ask you, is there anything you'd like to do to my breasts?"

"I want you to let me suck on them. I want to run my tongue all over and taste them."

Another gleam of arousal sailed through her when she heard that. She also wondered whether Kathy, because of her frigidity, ever self-pleasured herself. It seemed as good a time as any to ask.

"Kathy, when you masturbate, what are the things that go through your mind?"

"I don't masturbate, doctor."

"Can you tell me why you don't?"

"Because I stopped letting myself feel good, not letting Brett have sex with me anymore, so I stopped doing that to myself, too."

"So you used to do it for yourself, before Mason DeWitt?"

"Yes. Yes, I did."

"Did you enjoy it, Kathy, when you would touch yourself?"

"Yes, very much, I always loved it."

"Then I think you need to start doing it again. Don't you think so?"

"I don't deserve to feel good like that, doctor."

"Why is that Kathy?"

"Because it's like I just said, I haven't let my husband do what he wants with me. That's why."

"Even though that's true, you do understand that your husband is masturbating to relieve himself, right?"

"Yes. Brett's told me many times about jacking himself off."

"So, I'd like for you to feel free to help yourself, just as Brett is doing. As a matter of fact, I want you to be aware that you need to masturbate. And what's more, your husband wants you to make yourself feel good. So I want to encourage you to have the desire to do it, and then to bring yourself to orgasm."

"If it's something Brett wants me to do that has anything to do with sex, then I won't do it."

Becoming even more aware of the sexual impasse that had mysteriously taken place between Kathy and her husband, the doctor shrewdly decided to word her suggestion differently. It would still involve Brett Martin, but would hopefully get the results his wife would need.

"Uh, Kathy, I misspoke. What I meant to tell you is that I still want you to masturbate, but Brett would prefer that you didn't do it. Now, what do you say to that, now that you know your husband doesn't want you self-pleasuring yourself?"

"It's been awhile since I've masturbated, doctor, what suggestions do you have for me when I do it?"

Finding it somewhat humorous how readily Kathy had changed her mind about pleasuring herself once she thought her husband was against it, the doctor tried to stifle a laugh, as she answered the young wife's question.

"Let your mind wander to whatever makes you feel good. And feel free to concentrate on whoever makes you horny. And I want you to understand that you have a right to please yourself sexually, okay?"

"Okay, Dr. Rumsfeld, I will."

Unbeknownst to the doctor, before the situation with Mason DeWitt had taken place, the two neighbor boys, Jason, twenty-one, and his brother Conner, nineteen, would sometimes come to Kathy's thoughts when she and her husband had sex. While she would dutifully lie beneath Brett as she took her husband's cock, she tried to not have inappropriate thoughts or a guilty conscience. The fact was, Kathy would dwell on the fantasy of the handsome young men next door, trading off vigorously fucking the beautiful young wife who lived next door to them as if she were the town slut.

And because Kathy hadn't been specifically asked, she didn't have any reason to let the doctor know about them during that particular hypnosis session. But there was also another man that came to her mind, and since his name had already been mentioned, that was when she brought him up again to the doctor.

But when the doctor heard her patient speak her next words, there seemed to be a different sound to her voice. She wasn't sure if it was in the inflection, or even the tone that sounded just a little deeper, but something had noticeably changed.

"Now that you've helped me understand that Brett doesn't want anybody else except him masturbating, I'm going to think about Mason DeWitt when I do it. Oh, and maybe about your luscious titties, too."

At first, hearing her patient tell her that sent shockwaves through the doctor. But it became almost instantly apparent that no matter what she believed was happening between the young couple that had come to her for help, there was definitely more going on between them than what she was being told by either Kathy or Brett.