Mister Gabe Ch. 05


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We waited until Sara closed the patio door behind her, and then Mister Gabe began, "Barry, you turned eighteen recently?"

He nodded slowly, wondering what was going on, "yup, last March."

"Good. And you know who this is?" motioning at my wife.

Barry said, "sure, she is Sara's mom."

"and you know that she was Vice Principal at your high school last year?"

"Uh huh." He paused, "actually I'm going back there again this year. I have to re-do math and chem again to bring my grades up."

A smile appeared on Mister Gabe's face. "Good for you. Chemistry is a very valuable subject to know," and he grinned at me. He paused, then "Mrs. Dane feels badly that she did not recognize your birthday when it happened, and she wants to make it up to you now. In effect, she wants to give you a belated birthday present."

Barry's face assumed a puzzled expression.

Mister Gabe continued, "First of all, please sit down there on the couch." My wife indicated that Barry should sit down directly in front of where she was standing. "Now, before you get the present you must listen closely to me. Barry, what happens in this room, stays in this room. Do you understand?"

He looked at the black bastard for a moment with a wtf expression, and then sat where indicated, and nodded slowly. I was wondering where this was going.

"Let me be very clear. Mrs. Dane is going to give you a birthday present that you will very much enjoy, and that you will remember for the rest of your life. The nature of that present is private, just amoungst those of us in this room." He waited, and eventually Barry nodded again. "To cement that agreement, you have to understand that if any of us hear about this birthday present again -- from any source -- you will be dealing with me on a very personal level." He paused again for Barry to catch up. "Do you understand? I want to hear you say it."

"Sure. I understand. The birthday present is a private thing?" With that, the young man turned his eyes towards Jennifer.

With that, Mister Gabe calmly stated, "Jennifer."

My wife knelt down in front of Barry. She bent over his lap, speaking softly, "Barry, I apologize for not recognizing your birthday when it happened. I am sorry." She shrugged her shoulders, dropping her bathing wrap to the floor behind her. Then she reached up behind her head and I could see her fiddling with the bow tying her bikini top up. In a moment it was undone, and she was holding her top up with her left forearm. The chair I was sitting in was at an angle to the couch so I had a good view of both of them. The boy's eyes were getting very wide. I glanced over to Mister Gabe to see him grinning wickedly.

My wife stared directly into the boy's eyes, but his were glued to her chest. Slowly, she moved her arm out of the way, allowing her bikini top to drop away to her waist. Jennifer's breasts hung magnificently upon her chest - full and ripe looking, perfect pear shapes with only a little sag. Her nipples puckered into stiffness pointing at the young man in front of her.

They sat like that for a moment, my wife looking into Barry's eyes, and the boy licking his lips as his stare flipped between hers eyes and her nude breasts. "Barry," interjected Mister Gabe into the silence, "Jennifer would like you to touch her tits."

His gaze diverted to the black man, but only for a moment. He tentatively reached forward with one hand and grazed the top slope of my wife's left breast. She nodded and smiled at him so he gained some confidence and gripped the breast to softly knead it. "Unnggh," came from Jennifer, "please, Barry, both of them," and she underlined her offer by lifting her right breast up to the boy herself. When he didn't react right away, Jennifer rose on her knees pushing her breast towards his face.

This time Barry shot a look my way. I don't know what expression he saw there, but whatever it was, he hesitated. "Go ahead Barry, do what you want," from Mister Gabe. "Mr. Dane wants you to enjoy his wife. Don't you David?"

I glared at the black bastard, but replied, "it is up to Jennifer."

Barry took that as agreement and moved his head forward to suck Jennifer's nipple into his mouth. It was obvious that he did not have a lot of experience sucking a woman's breast as his enthusiasm overrode control. He wasn't delicate about it, pulling as much of it into his mouth as he could while he also squeezed the breast with his hand. I couldn't pull my gaze away from the spectacle of my wife letting her student suck on and maul her tits. Excited, the boy moved back and forth between both of my wife's breasts, looking like he wanted desperately to draw both into his lungs.

After what seemed like hours to me, but was probably only a few minutes, a soft growl came from Mister Gabe, "Jennifer."

My wife disengaged herself from Barry's sucking lips, and with a chaste kiss on his lips she lowered herself to once again be kneeling in front of him. Her tits and nipples were red and raw where the boy had handled them with his mouth and hands. There was saliva dripping from both of her nipples. Was she done?

Jennifer looked directly at the boy's bathing suit, which was tented over his obviously stiff prick. Jennifer whispered in a husky voice, "I see that you enjoyed sucking on your vice-principal's tits, didn't you Barry?" He nodded vigorously. She smiled at him, "now I will give you your birthday present." What?

She reached up to the waistband of his bathing suit, and murmured instructions as she loosened the tie. He raised his butt off of the couch and she pulled his suit to his knees, and then off of one foot. He sat back down and she pushed his legs a part. His cock, short and pudgy like the rest of him, was rock solid and waving at her. Barry's breath was becoming a series of short gasps as he anticipated her next move.

My wife shuffled herself in a little closer to the boy and grasped his prick in her left hand. Even though her wedding ring was no longer on her hand, in my mind's eye I could clearly see it as she started to move her hand up and down, jacking his shaft. Then she crossed the line again, and leaned in to engulf the boy's cock in her mouth. I used to know very well what that felt like, imagining her warm wet mouth surrounding him, and her tongue tracing up and down the shaft before twirling around the head.

My mouth was hanging open in disbelief and I could hear the black bastard chuckling softly. I knew that he was enjoying my reaction just as much as the scene in front of us. The fucking bastard!

It did not take long. Barry's laboured breathing turned to gasps and moans. My wife hummed in time to her motions up and down. Suddenly Barry let out a muffled scream and his butt clenched, lifting himself and my wife as he came into her mouth. He held in that position as he emptied his balls in to her. Finally he sagged back into the couch. Jennifer took anouther moment to thoroughly clean him up with her tongue, and then with a 'pop' released his now limp dick from her mouth and sat back. My wife used a finger to delicately wipe a droplet of the boy's cum from the corner of her mouth and then glanced at me as she pushed the finger in to suck it clean. Her expression when facing me was indecipherable. What was she thinking?

Then she looked over at Mister Gabe who was softly clapping his hands. "Good girl, Jennifer. We all enjoyed that immensely, but none more than Barry I'm sure." He laughed out loud. "Get yourself ready for the next boy, darling." Then he caught Barry's eye, "you put yourself back together and go get the other boy. He has a birthday present coming to him as well."

Barry stood and staggering for a moment before gaining more self-control, he headed for the patio outside. I looked at my wife to see her staring enigmatically back at me. Again, I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

I rose, standing over my wife, and my feelings got the better of me, "you fucking whore!" Turning to Mister Gabe I exploded, "you fucking black bastard!" And I left -- storming out of the patio door, barely missing the other boy who was on the way in with a puzzled expression on his face.

I headed to the bar and downed three shots of my favorite, one after the other. Then grabbing a beer I headed back to the outdoor couch sitting so that I didn't have to stare at the patio door, knowing what was happening inside. I couldn't see straight; I couldn't think. I just stared into space.

"Daddy?" in a whisper. "Daddy, are you ok?" I focused to see Sara kneeling before me, with Brock standing to her side. Both had expressions of concern on their faces. Looking up further, I could see that the party by the pool was silent, and Erin was arising to come over as well. Quickly I motioned with my hand to her that it was ok and I saw her hesitantly sink back into her lounger. Barry couldn't keep the pleased, but faintly guilty look off of his face and I could see that that was puzzling Erin as well.

Sara repeated, "Daddy?"

I waved their concern off, "your mother. I...I just can't talk about it right now Sara. Thanks for checking on me, but I'll be alright, or at least as much as I can." I held up my empty beer bottle -- how did it get empty so quickly? - to Brock, "can you get me anouther?"

"Are you sure? You've just downed four or five in a row Mister Dane." He looked at the expression on my face and practically ran to the bar.

Again I headed off my daughter as her mouth opened to speak, "we can talk about it later sweetie." Brock returned and they both sat with me.

In about half an hour I could hear the patio door slide open and the other boy calling Barry and Sara's girlfriend, telling them it was time to go. I imagined that I could hear a throaty husk in his voice. Sara, Brock and Erin joined their friends to see them off, but not before Erin stopped by to ask me if she should go too? I asked her to wait around, and the brief discussion pulled my thoughts out of the dark hole that they had been in as I considered that this would be the last time that I would see Erin for a long time. Tomorrow she was departing for college.

The patio door opened again. After a pause by the bar Mister Gabe and Jennifer came into my sightline and resumed their seat on the couch across from me. They were holding hands. He was openly grinning at me with a 'fuck you too' expression written all over his face. My wife just stared at me with no expression on her face what-so-ever.

'C' also showed up and stood in front of me for a moment. Then she deliberately removed the empty beer bottle from my hands and sat down sideways on my lap. She whispered in my ear, "I saw everything. That was a new one for me too. I'm sorry David." Then 'C' proceeded to kiss me, twining her fingers in my hair to pull my lips down into a lock on hers, and using her tongue to make me think of happier things. 'C' is a very good kisser.

After a very enjoyable number of minutes, I was getting into a better frame of mind, and with 'C' all over me, I couldn't see my wife anyways. 'C' lifted her head from mine and looked over her shoulder to see Sara standing there with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face. Brock was sitting on the other couch beside his mother-in-law, and Erin had settled to one side of me and 'C'. Sara, in a pouting voice, said, "daadddyy, when is it my turn." She stamped her feet. I had to grin at her obvious attempt to lighten my mood.

'C' grinned as well and then just slid off of my lap to my side, opposite from where Erin was. Sara clapped her hands together in a good imitation of an excited little girl and then jumped into my lap, exactly occupying the space that 'C' had vacated. I was hard after swapping spit with 'C' and my daughter wriggled around, coo'ing about her dad wanting to impale her with a bat or something.

Finally she stopped wiggling and simply wrapped her arms around me, drawing me to her. She whispered, "I don't know what she did to you, but I'm with 'C', and I know that we can make you happier." Then my daughter starting kissing me in exactly the same way as 'C' had been. I glanced at Brock to see that he had a content smile on his face -- no change in his perception of things since the wedding I was relieved to see -- and at Mister Gabe who now had a thoughtful expression on his face. Eat shit bastard, this is my daughter and you will never get her, I thought to myself.

Once again, after an equally enjoyable number of minutes with my daughter, we were interrupted. This time it was Erin, standing with her fists on her hips and a little girl pouty expression on her face. "Hey BFF," she said, talking to Sara, "it is now my turn girl. Get off of him."

Sara, Brock and 'C' laughed out loud, and Sara now slid off of my lap to be immediately replaced by Erin.

By the time that Erin finally leaned away from me my jaw was actually getting a little sore from the extensive necking I had been participating in with my three women. And I was in a much better place mentally. I looked over at my wife who was now sitting in Mister Gabe's lap again. He was looking at me with a questioning expression -- I guess Jen hadn't told him about Erin.

I had a thought. "Gabriel. So you think that Jennifer should give a birthday present to all of her students?" He nodded, with the grin returning to his face. "Are you planning on making this a regular thing?"

He nodded, "of course. I believe that it is part of her duty as their vice-principal." He paused, "besides, Dane, I know that you don't like it."

I ignored that part, and continued, "and tonight was just catch up for those students that were here tonight. Yes?"

He nodded.

"Well, Gabriel, Erin here was Jennifer's student last year as well. She turned eighteen in the spring before she graduated." I watched as my wife's eyes narrowed as I talked. Time for just a little bit of payback I thought.

Black was quick, I have to give him that. He caught on immediately. Mister Gabe turned his head to my wife, "Jennifer, I believe that David is doing you a favour. If he hadn't mentioned this fact, you would have missed this opportunity to correct a past wrong that you have done to this sweet girl." My wife actually glared at me. He continued, "you better get it done dear. And you can do it right here this time. We're all friends." He said that last bit while staring at me.

Jennifer did not hesitate. I was a little surprised, but also not so much. She had just blown two of Sara's friends. What could she say?

As Jennifer rose from Mister Gabe's lap, I moved Erin over to sit beside me on the couch. She whispered at me, "what are you doing David?"

I just smiled and told her to enjoy herself. Then I looked up at my approaching wife, "Jennifer, darling, have you ever licked a woman's cunt before?" I expected her to say 'no', I don't know why.

She nodded and said, "of course." Just like that. 'Of course.' The fucking black bastard.

She knelt down in front of Erin, and moved her hands to quickly undo the ties on each hip holding Erin's bikini bottoms on. Erin was also a quick study. She wiggled down on the couch cushion so that she was more exposed as her beautiful cunt bloomed into view, threw one leg over my lap and the other over the arm of the couch. Then Erin stopped suddenly, as Jen placed her hands on Erin's thighs and leaned down. Erin sat back up and grabbed my wife's hair and used it to tilt Jen's face up towards her and then proceeded to rape Jen's mouth with her tongue. Only for a moment and then she placed her mouth beside Jen's ear and said in a hoarse whisper that we could all hear, "I hate you, you fucking bitch, for what you are doing to David!"

Then Erin used her grip on my wife's hair to hold her face above her own beautiful pussy, and looked across the fire pit. "Mister Gabe, sir, this is very important to you isn't it? Jennifer helping her students to celebrate their birthday?"

He nodded slowly. We were all wondering where Erin was going to go with this.

"Are you going to make her do this for all of her students who turn eighteen?" He nodded. "Even all of the girls?" The black bastard smiled, and nodded again.

"You are probably very upset that you had to tell her to do this in the first place."

"Yes, girl, yes I am," responded Mister Gabe.

"Ok. I think she needs to be punished for that omission. Don't you."

"hmm mmm," he nodded in slow agreement. "What do you have in mind?"

Erin responded, "it was me that she has offended, and I am very offended. So I should get to name her punishment. Do you agree?" She was maneuvering the black bastard into something and he knew it, but didn't know exactly how.

He paused and considered Erin for a while. All the time she was twisting her fingers in my wife's hair eliciting little exclamations of pain every once in a while. Finally, he nodded, "ok girl, you get to name the punishment -- but don't mark up my woman permanently. I have agreed to not let that happen," as he looked at me.

"Good!" came from Erin, and she sat up again, pulling Jennifer up with her to look her in the face. "Your punishment is this, you bitch. You have to, right now, suck David's cock until he cums in your mouth. You aren't allowed to swallow it because you don't have that right anymore. You will have to share it with my sisters, Sara and Cynthia. Then, and only then, you can return to this spot and give me the birthday present that you failed to before." She said this all with a menacing steely tone in her voice.

I was stunned. My wife tried to turn her head to look at Mister Gabe but Erin wrenched her head over to push her face down into my lap. Mister Gabe said nothing.

With no sound from her black master, Jennifer did not struggle. She obediently pulled my swim suit down exposing my cock to her. She hadn't looked at it in over two months. Erin let her go as she realized that Jen wasn't going to fight her 'punishment', and my wife turned her face up to glance at Erin mouthing 'thank you' without Mister Gabe being able to see. Then Jen turned her face to me and mouthed silently 'I do love you'.

I didn't know what to think about that, but my wife bent her head down and lovingly traced the tip of her tongue up my cock from the base to head. Briefly I closed my eyes as for the first time in ages I felt my wife's warm mouth wrap around my cock. With one hand she lovingly cradled my balls, and she placed the other just above the root, kneading my pubic bone. She bathed my cock over and over with her tongue, taking her time. Eventually she sank her lips down my shaft to its base. Jennifer had deepthroated me before, but I couldn't help but notice that this time there was no hint of the gag reflex that she used to have to overcome...she had had too much practice on Mister Gabe. As she drew her lips up my shaft I felt her pause, softly clamping down on the ridge just below the head of my cock with her teeth as she swirled her tongue around the head. This was my woman! This was her mouth sucking on me in the way that I remembered so, so well.

Gruffly from the black bastard, "get on with it woman." It had to be just as obvious to him that Jennifer wasn't just blowing me, she was making love to me!

With his words, though, my wife increased her speed until eventually she was driving her mouth up and down my cock. I wish I could have lasted longer, but I couldn't. Within ten minutes my breath was ragged and I shot rope after rope of cum into my wife's mouth.

Jennifer sat back on her heels, letting me slip from her warm mouth, smiling at me as she did. That was the first smile that I had had from her since before Sara and Brock's wedding two weeks ago.

She motioned at 'C', who slid over on the couch to lean over my wife. They kissed, and I could see my wife push her tongue into 'C's mouth. 'C' sat up and looked at me, swallowing when she had my attention. Sara did not wait to be told, bending over her mother to get her share of her father's cum. When Sara stood she also smiled and swallowed and then winked at Erin and mouthed 'good on you, girl!'