Mister Gabe Ch. 06


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"Yes," I nodded, "I do." We continued our stroll through the crowd back to the table, but before we got there I stopped 'C' and held her lightly in my arms, "Cynthia, you know that I love you."

She nodded, and whispered, "and I love you. More than you could possibly know you wonderful man."

I smiled at her. "Cynthia, it is ok with me for you to have 'friends with benefits' you know. I mean, I don't insist that you and I are 'exclusive'. After all, Erin, Sara...and..."

She put her finger up to my lips quieting me. "David, our relationship, and the relationships you have with others - especially Erin, Sara, and...eventually...Jennifer, are all fine by me. What we all have, together, is 'different'...and I would have it no other way." She paused to bring my hand to her mouth, brushing her lips across my knuckles, "what do you mean by 'friends with benefits'? You own me," and she purposefully, and with a smirk, said, "Mister Dane."

"Hmmm. Let's get that out of the way. I don't 'own' you. I don't want to 'own' you or anybody else. Next spring Erin and Sara will see that and then they can put that behind us. You can start putting that behind us right now." Her eyes had gotten big and round and I could see her starting to look concerned. "No...no...don't worry about anything 'C'. The only thing I want to change is the use of that word. I don't 'own' you. You are mine only because you want to be...and only for so long as you want to be." I breathed, and then - fuck anybody looking - I bent down to give her a soft kiss on the lips, "I do love you Cynthia and I know that you love me. I hope that never changes." I stood straight again, "ok?"

She nodded with the smile returning to her face.

I nodded to myself and then continued. "In this case, 'friends with benefits' simply means that you choose who you wish to fuck, although I would really really not want you to fuck Mister Gabe again," and I grinned at my terminology, "if you would like to fuck Mister DuPlessix, for example, that would simply be an example of you expanding his friendship to one that includes 'benefits'. Do you think he may turn you down?" I laughed at her expression as she contemplated, probably for the first time in her life, someone 'turning her down'.

Her eyes turned introspective as she contemplated my words for a moment and then she grabbed my arm and led us back to the table. When I sat she bent down and whispered in my ear, "I understand what you are saying. Thank you for the freedom. But...but, 'Mister Dane', I have given my heart - not just my body - to you, so I will always seek your permission before 'fucking' someone else." She stood, smiling down at me and murmured, "benefits do sound interesting though. I'll give it some thought," and she turned her beautiful face to Alex who had obviously been wondering what she was saying to me.

The rest of the evening was a blur. We danced. We drank. We talked. Oddly, other than kissing and hugging my wife frequently, I did not feel the need have sex with her. It was an almost normal evening - one that we could easily have had pre-Mister Gabe.

Eventually though, the night did come to an end. The four of us gathered by the front door while Wendy retrieved our coats for us. 'C' gave Alex a peck on the cheek and a slightly-longer-than-usual hug before pulling on her coat and stepping to peer out the doorway. I helped Jen on with hers, and shook hands with Alex. 'C' returned to softly tell my wife and I that Mister Gabe's limo was waiting at the curb outside.

I pulled Jennifer to the side. "That was a lovely night Jennifer." She nodded with a quiet smile on her face. "Are you sure that we can't just end this farce with the black bastard now?"

At that she grimaced, "David, really! I made a vow to him. I can't break that, and...I won't." Her face softened again, "but I did really enjoy tonight. It was like old times!" She giggled - a sound I hadn't heard in a long time. "I hope we get to do it again...many times." She said that like I was an old high school reunion beau. The feelings that had started to stir in my soul tonight died...again. In a flash I was back to being the person who pushed her throat down onto her lover's cock a few hours ago.

I frowned and nodded. She saw the change in my demeanor...as did 'C'. "Ok, Jennifer. Go back to your man. 'C' and I are going to our home." I turned my back on my wife, took 'C's arm and led her away from the building, ignoring the limo on our way to our car.

I let 'C' drive as she had only had one drink that she nursed all night - probably anticipating the end to the evening. I was quiet for a while and then consciously tried to shake off my mood, reaching over to hold 'C's hand. She simply smiled at me, squeezing my hand as she did.

The house was completely dark when we arrived home.

'C' held my hand and led me into the house. Just as we were closing the door we paused to watch Mister Gabe's limo pull into his driveway. The driver got out and opened the door for Mister Gabe to exit. He waved at us and then headed towards his side of the house. After a momentary hesitation we saw the driver remove his hat and then climb into the back seat of the limo, pulling the door shut behind him. 'C' and I looked at each other. I shrugged and pushed the front door shut.

She pulled me up the stairs and led me to my bedroom. She turned on the sideboard light, and poured me a drink. As she handed that to me she told me to get undressed and she would be right back, exiting the bedroom immediately.

I sipped my drink and gazed towards the connecting door leading to Mister Gabe's side of the house for a moment and then made the decision to do something that I hadn't yet. I strolled into the closet, to the door, and flipped the hidden switch that 'C' had had installed for me. Now Jennifer was locked out. She could not come into my bedroom through this door, and without 'C's help, she wouldn't be able to figure out how to unlock it.

The Present - June 2013

My drink was done. I looked over at Jen to see that hers was too. I rose and plucked the empty glass from her hands and went to the sideboard. I silently questioned her with my eyebrows raised and holding up her glass. I could see that her tears from earlier had dried while we sat thinking. She nodded so I put a couple of fingers worth in each of our glasses and then returned to sit beside her. Jen cocked her head sideways in query.

"I was just thinking about Erin and then your staff Christmas party two years ago," I said quietly.

"Oh. Yes, that was a pleasant experience," she replied with a small smile.

I shook my head slowly, "no, Jennifer, it wasn't. While what you did during our first anniversary was cruel, it was really that Christmas party that set the distance between us. That was when I really realized that you had left me." I said it calmly, without rancour, but I could see the knife that I held verbally being plunged into my wife's gut.

Her face twisted as she stared at me. "I...I don't understand," she whispered. "What are you saying?"

I simply clinked my glass against hers and arose to head back out to the balcony. At the doorway I paused to turn back to her, "you should go back to your man, Jennifer. Everybody will be up soon and I have things to do today." I turned and headed out to the balcony, hoping that she would be gone by the time I got back.


Time to Leave the Firm (January 2012)

I heard a sound and turned to see 'C' returning. She was totally nude as she closed the door to the hallway behind her. "You came from your room with nothing on?" I asked.

"mmm hmm," she murmured, sashaying over to me. "I stopped in Sara and Brock's room to see if she wanted to come with me, but they were fast asleep. Besides..." She started to undress me by pushing my suit jacket off of my shoulders and then undoing my belt.

"Besides what?" I asked.

She knelt down, pulling my zipper with her and then pulled off my socks. She then took my pants and shorts off with one pull. I was starting to get hard as she bent in to take the head of cock in her mouth. I groaned as she swirled her tongue around the head. Then she released me and stood to undo my tie which she removed and draped around her shoulders.

I held her hands for a moment, stilling her activity, "'C', on Monday I want you to get someone in here to remove all of the camera and audio equipment from my house. Can you get that done?"

She looked at me calmly, not seeming surprised in the least, "you know that that will be contrary to the 'rules', and will make Mister Gabe very mad?"

I nodded, "yes, I am aware...and I don't care. Let the consequences be whatever they may be. Things cannot get any worse for me than they are right now...so just get it done. Please?"

She smiled at me, "yes, Mister Dane," and then she laughed at the expression that came over my face because of the 'Mister Dane'.

She extricated her hands from mine and proceeded to unbutton my shirt and push it off of my shoulders to fall to the floor. Finally, she took my hand and guided me to sit on the side of the bed. She knelt again, spreading my legs and shuffled in so that her breasts lay on my thighs and with her right hand she started stroking me. "As I was saying, we need to talk."

"Talk?" I grunted as the heat started to rise.

"Talk," she said firmly, giving my cock a few sharp tugs to get my attention. I focused upon her lovely face. "I love you," she said, "and I know that you love me. Regardless of what you say, you 'own' my body, my mind, and my heart. I would have it no other way. I love the way that you 'make love' to me. It has been something that I never, ever experienced before - not even with my husband."

She paused, "I should bring that up now too. You know that I was with Mister Gabe for a long time?" I nodded. "Even though I left my husband a long time ago, we never actually got a divorce. Sooo, legally, I am still married. I want to be yours for the rest of my life...I want to grow old with you and the rest of your family." She looked at me with a question on her face.

"Cynthia, that is exactly what I want as well."

"Ok...then I want to get a divorce from my husband. I want to be 'yours' legally, as well as every other way." She paused and licked my cock. "Do you think I'm being silly? I mean, I don't even know where Jerry lives anymore...or what he is doing...or what he is like."

"No. Not silly. I'll help you...or I'll get someone at the firm help with the legal aspects of your divorce. It may take a while to locate Jerry and get done though. But I'll take care of it." Actually I was thinking that I'd get someone from the new firm to help out and it would take me a while to figure out 'who' I'd want to approach for this. That thought made me think of anouther.

"'C', there is something that I should tell you. I have not told anyone else this."

She looked up in inquiry.

"Sometime just before Christmas I will be leaving the firm I am at now. I just cannot stand working with MP any longer. He put Jen and Mister Gabe together in the first place, and he took way way too much pleasure in fucking her this summer. As far as I know he has had my wife many times since then. I can't be around him any longer, so I am leaving. I already have a new position lined up and have agreement with most of my clients that they will follow me." I paused, looking down at her, "this is probably going to cause more grief for Mister Gabe than me removing his cameras will."

She just nodded at me. I continued, "tonight also made me change my mind about the firm's staff Christmas party. I know that I agreed to take Jen, even though I know that the black bastard is going to be there."

She nodded. "Ok, thank you David for helping me with my divorce, and thank you for sharing with me about your work." She bent and nibbled at my abdomen, working her way down to the tops of my thighs. Then she proceeded to lave my balls in her saliva, finishing after several minutes with minute bites up and down my prick. My blood was boiling and it was taking copious conscious thought to not grab her head and jam it down on my prick. But I controlled myself.

She stood and motioned for me to scoot up the bed and sit with my back against the headboard. While I was changing positions she softly said, "you may wish to consider going to the party with Jen just so you can walk out after handing MP your resignation. It might be more satisfying doing that in front of Mister Gabe. Just a thought." It was a good thought...one that I would consider.

Once I was in position leaning against the headboard she crawled up to me, and positioned herself so that she was crouched above my very stiff prick. She held it in place and lowered herself, taking me inside her in one long, smooth stroke. She groaned as I filled her up. She settled herself comfortably and then started to squeeze her pussy muscles rhythmically on my cock. Slow, and repeatedly. I groaned too, and raised my hands to cup her breasts while I kissed her.

She pushed me back a bit and said sternly, "David, we are talking."

"Uuhhh...we are?"

"Yes, pay attention," and she squeezed me again. "Where was I? Oh...I do love you David. You give me so much more than I have ever had...or ever thought that I would have." She stopped talking to rotate her hips, pulling my cock in very interesting directions inside of her. "I am interested in the 'with benefits' thing you mentioned earlier tonight. I am thinking of that while I also think of these other things. I do like fucking. I do like fucking both...either...men and or women. Tell me David, do you like fucking Sara?" I nodded. "Erin?" I nodded again. "They both love you like I do. Do you love them too?" I nodded again, slowly, but firmly. Even though the discussion was getting interesting, I had to admit that it was difficult to think, let alone talk, while she was mounted upon me.

She bent down to nibble on my neck and shoulder for a while. "Maybe that is why the three of us feel so special together," she mused quietly to herself. She looked at me, "did you like fucking Stephanie?"

"Uuhh, well," I recalled Mister Gabe's pregnant daughter who had assisted my daughter in pushing Erin into my arms. Yes, I had fucked the woman at the ceremony that had started the nightmare. But, "yes, I guess I did enjoy fucking her."

"Do you love her?"


"Have you fucked anybody else?"

I told her about Erin's mother during which time she started to, using her thigh muscles, move up and down on me.

"Do you love Erin's mother?"


"Did you like fucking her?"


"Mmmmm," she groaned. I could see her struggling to control herself as she purposefully slowed herself, and then dropped down to her original position, and continued to squeeze me. "So you like fucking women, even those that you don't 'love'?"

I couldn't argue with that.

"I do too - I mean men or women. The only difference for me, and this is important Mister Dane, so pay attention! The difference is that I don't get anything out of it unless I am told to do it. Told to fuck someone." She kissed me and whispered, "told to fuck someone by you." She looked at me. "I do know that that makes me different, but that is simply the way I am." She paused again, totally still in my lap, "will you do that for me? Tell me to fuck other people?"

I looked at her for a long time. Finally I simply kissed her on the lips and whispered, "if that is what you want, then of course. But," and I paused for emphasis, "but, if you ever change your mind, or do not want to do what 'I've told you to do' you must agree to say so. Regardless of this, because I...do...not...own...you!"

She smiled and nodded, "agreed." She rose on her knees, pulling me from her and then instructed me to lie on my back. She swivelled into a 69 and then lowered her body onto me. "You do know that Sara is exactly like me in this regard?"

I thought I was surprised by that, but given a moment I realized that I wasn't and grunted "uh huh" just before I drew my tongue across her labia which drew a slight gasp from 'C'.

"Uunngh. Ok. Mister Dane, sir, I have one other thing to talk with you about...one other thing to ask you to do."

"What is that, woman?"

"David, I am a...you know what bdsm is? Bondage Sado-masochism?"

Where the hell was this going? "Yes, I know what bdsm is."

"You know what Mister Gabe does to his women...in his special room?"


"Yes, of course you do." She paused to inhale my cock down her throat again eliciting a long groan from me. She bobbed her head up and down for a number of minutes again bringing me to a boil. And then she stopped, arose and turned to lie down on me, resting her head on my shoulder. I was on fire...she had been taking me to the edge and stopping throughout this 'talk' we were having.

"Mister Dane. I am...I know this now because of the last few months...since I left Mister Gabe and you took me in. I know that I am a sado-masochist. Mister Gabe may have introduced me to the 'life', but I now realize that I liked it...and I miss it now."


She raised herself to look me in the eye. "David, I need you to tie me up. I need you to flog me. To slap me. To choke me. To do whatever, and I mean 'whatever' you want to do to me. Take away my will, and tell me how you are going to abuse me." She put a finger to my lips to still the shock in me, "I know that you will not hurt me permanently. And I don't need you to do these things to me all of the time. But I do know now...now that it hasn't happened for so many months...I do know now that I do want it. That I need it. At least some of the time."

I sunk in to my thoughts while 'C' alternated between kissing me softly and staring patiently into my eyes. My arms were wrapped around this petite and beautiful woman who had just told me that she wanted me to beat her...to abuse her.

It wasn't like I had never done it before. Our first real encounter - when I was trying to understand what were the real consequences of the wedding ceremony that saw me give Jennifer to Mister Gabe - had me beating her with my fists culminating in tying her up and fucking her more violently than I had ever conceived was possible for me to do. My prick, which had started to deflate as 'C' expressed her desire to me, involuntarily jumped up firm and strong as I considered again that scene.

I pushed 'C' over, rolling her onto her back with me lying on top of her, propped up on my elbows looking in to her face. "What happens if I don't agree to this?"

"I've given that some thought too David. Erin and Sara and I have been talking about it as well. They both want you to 'do' them like that too. They don't really know what they are asking for, and I know that in the heat of the moment a man can get a little carried away. I do know what that is like, and I do know that I want you to use me like that. I was thinking that you could...well...work off your edge on me and then be a little tamer with your daughter and Erin."

Fuck! Really? That gave me more to think about.

My prick was uncomfortable wedged as it was between our bodies, so I lifted myself and lodged the head of my cock in 'C's lips and then entered her in one long stroke. I started a slow but steady pumping while I considered what she was telling me.

Yes, I have done that. In fact my treatment of both Erin and my daughter had verged on bdsm already on occasion. I thought longer.

"Ok." I paused in my pumping and looked deeply into 'C's eyes. "Ok, my sweet. Not always, and again, you control the limits." I lifted myself, and then drove into her hard, punctuating each word with a thrust, "I...do...not...own...you. And I don't 'own' either Erin or Sara, regardless of what they believe they want at the moment. But I will go down this bdsm road with all of you. Not always. Not even most of the time. But...sometimes." I picked up the pace. "Is...that...good...enough...for...you?"
