Mr. Basketball Ch. 16


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"Beautiful," Sam said.

We talked about babies for a while. Then we started talking about the wedding again. Then we started talking about basketball and how each of our teams was doing this season. My phone started ringing as we grew closer to home.

"Jake Tillman," I answered.

"It's Brian."

"Brian," I cheered.

"Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

"Yeah, I've got time. I'm kind of in a bad spot so I might drop the call."

"Where are you?"

"I'm heading home."

"To Michigan?"

"No, to my folk's house for Christmas. I figured while I was here I should drop by and see them."

"Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

"Yeah, I have time."

"They liked you Jake. The whole board liked you. You came off as genuine and true, confident and poised and that's just what they are looking for."

"That's all I can be, myself."

"We have a few more informal interviews in the coming weeks but I think they are sold on you. I'm just giving you a heads up that they will probably be calling you in the near future to set up a formal interview. Is that something that you are interested in?"

"Well, yeah. If not, I wouldn't have come all the way down here."

"They will be calling you Jake." The way he said it meant they had already made their choice.

"So they have pretty much made their minds up?" I asked.

"Sure," he said. "I don't want to say yes firmly but...yes. Do you get what I'm saying?"

"Loud and clear."

"The other interviews are just because they have them set up."

"Yeah, I get that."

"You will be getting a call," he said again.

"I'll be waiting for it," I smiled.

"I have to run," he said. "I will talk with you later."

"Thank you."

I hung up the phone and smiled.

"What the hell is with the Jake Tillman?" Sam teased. "I'm Jake Tillman and I'm important, hahaha."

I looked at her and laughed. "It's habit alright. The phone rings at work and I answer it so they know who they are talking to."

"Haha, the great Jacob Tillman here," she teased me in her best macho voice. "Here to save the day."

"Put a sock in it, Samantha," I chuckled still.

"Hey!" she cried. "You be nice. I hate that name."

"Then don't call me Jacob. Only mom can call me that. And dad, when I'm in trouble."

"Stop fighting children or I'm going to have to separate you two," Teagan teased.

"You better get used to that," Sam teased. "He's the daddy, look out. He was trouble with a capital T when he was younger."

"You got into shit with me too there little miss innocent."

"I most certainly did not," she laughed. "I was older and way more mature than you."

"Bullshit," I laughed.

We all started laughing before I turned to Teagan

"That was Brian."

"I heard."

"He basically said I was what they were looking for without saying it. I'm going to be getting a call for a formal interview in a few weeks."

"I guess we are moving," she smiled her perfect smile.

"You are going to love it here Teagan," Sam cheered. "I'm glad I came back. I really missed this place."

"We will be living in Commerce though."

"Just a short drive away," she offered. "Your mom will be there every single weekend to see that baby too."

"Great," Teagan teased.

"Hey, you be nice to my momma."

"I love your mom," she giggled.

We laughed a little as we drove on. Home came over the horizon quickly. Before we knew it we were pulling into the driveway.

"Damn," I chuckled. "A fresh coat of paint on the house. Did dad lose his marbles?"

"Your mom begged him for months," Sam said. "He finally gave in so she would leave him alone."

We climbed out of the car and stretched before we headed inside. I pushed the door open and saw dad lounged out in his chair wearing a shirt and his underwear.

"I see some things never change do they," I laughed as he jumped.

"What the hell is you doin' here?" he smiled. "This wad the last thang I wad expecting when I gots home from work."

"I had a job interview over in Commerce. I decided to surprise you with a visit."

"Hey dad," Teagan cheered.

"The better half," he cheered. "How is you darling?"

"I'm great," she smiled. "How are you?"

"Well, I wad just sittin' here thanking bout you two n' by gosh damn if y'all didn't walk through the door."

We both laughed as he still sat there and spit into his cup.

"Hey Mary?" he called. "Yur kids is here."

"What is you talkin' bout?" she called from the bedroom.

"Yur kids is home. Git yur lazy butt out here n' say hello."

"Earl," she hissed. "Holy shit! Jacob and Teagan. What is you two doin' here?"

"Momma," I cheered and covered the ground quickly to give her a hug. "I've missed you momma."

"I've missed you too baby. And you too sweetheart." She let me go to give Teagan a hug.

"I've missed you too, mom."

"You look good honey," she smiled. "Maybe a little thin but still as beautiful as ever."

"Thank you," she smiled her big smile.

She couldn't stop smiling as she looked at us both. She turned to say something to dad but stopped when she saw him still sitting in the chair.

"Earl!" she scolded now. "Go git some paints on. Fir cryin' out loud, we have people over. Yur gunna scare them outa here."

"It's fine," Teagan giggled.

"No it ain't. Earl! Git up n' git some paints on."

"Gosh dang," he hissed a little. "I is a goin'"

I laughed a little as he pushed himself out of the chair and headed to the bedroom to cover his tighty whities.

"You hush," he chuckled at me.

"I guess we know who runs the roost around here," Teagan laughed.

"Tillman girls," mom laughed. "That's what we do."

"Whatca doin' home Jacob? Is everthang ok?"

"Everything is fine momma. I had a job interview in Commerce today. While I was here we decided to come surprise you."

She breathed a sigh of relief then went straight into mom mode. "I gots to make yur bed. Is you hungry? How long is you stayen? Do you need me to wash yur clothes? Do you any thang Teagan."

"Slow down momma," I chuckled. "Don't give yourself a heart attack."

"I already had one of those this year when I gots the call bout you bein' in the car crash."

"I don't die that easy," I offered.

"I wad worried bout you."

"He's a damn Tillman," dad called from the bedroom. "We don't go down without a fight. You ought to know that by now, woman."

"You best watch yurself there Mr. Tillman," mom called back playfully. "Or you is sleepen in yur chair tonight."

"That's what I wad doin' til I gots disturbed," he called back.

"I can leave," I joked.

"You ain't goin' nowheres," mom said quickly. "I ain't seen you on yur feet in months. How is you feelin Jacob? Y'all fixed up now?"

"I'm good," I smiled. "I just get some migraines if I push myself too hard. Other than that I'm doing just fine. I've got my baby by my side so life couldn't get any better right now."

I wrapped my arms around Teagan and gave her a big hug and a kiss. She smiled her big smile and kissed me back. Dad appeared again.

"I is gunna call ole Gus n' git him down here. He be tickled pink you is here."

"Is you hungry?" she asked us now.

"I could eat something," I said.

"Me too," Teagan added.

"What would you like?"

"Country fried steak," Sam and I said at the same time.

"Wouldn't you know it?" Sam added quickly. "It's only his favorite."

"You better take some notes sweet cheeks," I said to Teagan. "Yours is good but it ain't momma's."

"I'll get my pen and paper out," she sighed.

"Y'all best git on up to the store n' git the stuff or y'all ain't gittin' nothin. I wadn't expecting you so I wad havin' leftovers tonight."

"You want to come or stay here?" I asked Teagan.

"I'm pooped from today," she sighed. "I'll pass. Take Sam with you."

"Only if I can stay for dinner," she half begged.

"Of course you cain stay," mom cheered. "Have I ever said you cain't?"

"Make some fir Gus n' Sharon," dad called. "He is on his way over."

"What about Missy?" I questioned.

"No Missy," he said. "She done moved to Waco with her boyfriend."

"She might be back fir Christmas," mom warned.

"Who knows with her," dad sighed. "Gus cain't even keep track of her these days."

"Oh, alright," I sighed.

"What's the matter boy?" dad joked. "Wad you lookin' fir a fight already?"

"No," I chuckled. "I was hoping we could try and make up this time around."

"Dat ships done sailed long ago."

"A guy can still dream though," I offered

"I dream bout winnin' the lottree, ain't mean it's gunna happen."

"I probably have better odds at that anyway," I chuckled. "Come on Sammy, let's get the stuff for dinner."

Sam and I went into town to get the stuff before returning home. Gus welcomed me back to town like he always did with a big hug and a hard slap on the back. Mom, Teagan, Sam, and Sharon stayed in the house and worked on dinner while the guys headed outside to sit on the porch and enjoy the perfect evening.

"What's dis I hear bout you interviewen fir a job?" Gus asked. "Does that mean you is movin' back home?"

"If I get it then I have to move home. I'll find out in a couple of weeks if I get it."

"I hope you gits it," Gus said. "Be nice to have you closer to us."

"I do to," I smiled. "I don't know how the wife is going to take the move though."

We heard all the girls laughing from inside the house. We glanced inside and saw them in the kitchen still carrying on about something.

"She gunna be just fine," dad assured me.

"Boy's!" mom called. "It's ready. Git it while its hot."

We quickly went inside and sat down at the table. Mom dished out the food then sat down.

"Sammy tells me you is gunna git a job at a college," mom said.

"College?" dad asked. "I thought you wad interviewen fir a job at a doctors office."

"I got a call from the athletic director at the college and he asked me if I was interested in coaching at the college level. Took me by surprise but I decided to see what they had to say so here I am."

"You don't like workin fir Thom?" dad asked.

"I love working for Thom," I said quickly. "But... I don't know. This is an opportunity that doesn't happen to a lot of people so I couldn't pass it up. Maybe I won't even get it. Who know? I had to see what it was all about."

"Is you gunna take it if they offer it?" mom asked.

"The money has to be right. I'm not in it for the money but... I want us to be happy and secure."

"What are you going to do?" Sam asked Teagan. "Are you going to get a job down here or coach with Jake?"

"We have talked a lot about it but I'm not sure. I'm not as passionate about basketball like he is. I like the idea of having six months off if I did coach with him but I don't know about coaching guys at the college level."

"What bout Sam coachin with you?" dad asked.

"No way," Sam said quickly. "I like my job and I'm not changing to coach with him. Remember the last time we coached together?"

"At least you would be closer to home this time," I teased.

"You ass," she sassed before she threw her napkin at me. It twisted around before it hit Teagan in the face instead.

"Great shot," I chuckled.

Sam was looking for something else to throw but mom put a quick end to that. We finished up dinner before the girls started the dishes. The guys headed back to the porch again to do more talking and some picking. The girls joined us once the kitchen was clean and everything was put away. We sat out there well into the evening before we saw the patrol car slowly pull to a stop at the road.

"Cops are here," I called.

"Hey," Randy called. "I gots a noise complain bout y'all."

"You must have the wrong place," dad called back. "The house you is lookin fir is just up the way."

"I'm sure I'll be over there sometime tonight," Randy chuckled.

I left the porch and met Randy in a big hug.

"How you doin Jake?" he smiled. "It's been a long time."

"Too long," I smiled. "But I'm doing good."

"You look like you is doin better than you wad," he smiled. "Sammy said you looked purdy banged up before."

"You know me," I laughed. "I can't be stopped."

The porch laughed before I looked at his uniform again. "Is that sergeant stripes I see? Should I be saluting you now?"

"If it makes ya feel better then sure," he laughed. "But yeah, I got promoted bout three months ago."

"Congratulations man," I cheered. "You're moving on up ain't you?"

"Well," he sighed. "If you want to call it that. I have a lot more shit on my plate now. I'm the night shift road commander so I'm all over the place these days. I spend most of my time in town. I hardly git out here anymore."

"What did you take it for if you didn't want it?"

"A lieutenant spot is opening up purdy soon so if I want to take that then I have ta move up before I cain move up."

"TC 104," his radio called.

"Already," he sighed. "Go ahead dispatch."


"Area check, Tillman residence."

"Received. Landline dispatch please."

"Be right back," he sighed again.

He left the porch and made the call before returning to the porch.

"Everything ok?" Sam asked.

"They wad just wondering where I am and what I wad doin. I gots bout fifteen before I have to git back on the road again."

"It's getting late anyway," Sam sighed. "I was about to head home."

"I'll follow you back to town when you leave then," he offered.

"Thanks baby," she smiled.

"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" I asked.

"Probably bout three. I'll sleep til then, then we cain hit the road and grab a bite to eat before we head on in."

"I got us a room for tomorrow," I said.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm a night owl now. I could drive all night long."

"You ain't driving me home drunk," I chuckled.

"It wouldn't be the first time we done it," he chuckled. "But that does make it easier."

"Are you ready?" Sam asked.

"I'm waitin on you baby."

"I'm ready. See you guys tomorrow."

"Drive safe," dad warned.

They left and headed home. Gus and Sharon decided it was time to call it a night too. Gus and dad had to get up bright and early the next morning to go to work like always. The rest of us headed inside and got ready for bed.

"Do you still have your coon traps out there" I asked.

"Naw," dad chuckled. "I thank I done cleaned 'em all out. I ain't seen the first one since the summer."

"Good," I smiled. "I'll be able to sleep tonight."

"As long as that dumb son of a bitch don't let his daggum dog out tonight," he hissed. "Stupid thang barks all night long."

"Who has the dog?" I asked.

"That new fella, Charlie Jensen. He don't belong here. Ain't nobody like him. Randy done been to his house many a time to tell him to pipe down. He just don't git it. This here's a quiet town, meanen keep yur dog inside n' mind yur business."

"I'm surprised you ain't taken him for a ride yet."

"Who? The dog or Charlie?" dad joked.

"Both," I laughed.

"I thought bout it," dad teased. "Anyhow, I'm turnin in, y'all have fun tomorra at the concert n' be safe. Don't drank too much."

"We won't."

"See y'all when ya git home."

"Good night dad."


"What do you want?" Teagan whispered.

I nudged her leg with my cock as I wrapped my arm around her body and pulled her closer to me.

"I'm tired," she sassed. "Leave me alone."

I ignored her request and nudged her again. My hand slowly traced her skin starting at her ass. I followed the curve until I found the little piece of paradise between her legs. My fingers softly traced her lips as her legs shifted. She opened her one leg by bringing it up towards her chest while the other one stayed put. I felt her lips separate and open just slightly as my fingers traced her soft lips. I let my fingers trace the soft lines of her puss for a moment before I pressed my fingers between her lips. Her heat and wetness met my fingers as a soft moan escaped her mouth.

"You're wet," I whispered.

"I'm always wet these days," she sassed.

"From me?" I teased.

"Umm hmm," she growled.


She gave her evil little giggle as my finger pressed against her opening now. She responded with a soft turn of her hips. I pressed deep into her wetness before letting my finger slip away and trace her clit now.

"I want you," I begged a little.

"So?" she sassed. "Do something about it then."

I shifted in bed until I was over her. She pulled her leg forward more to open herself up further. I traced her cunt with my cock to tease her for a minute. I swirled her opening to part her lips before I started to sink in.

"Hmmm, fuck," she whimpered.

"You took the words right out of my mouth baby."

She giggled a little before moaning again as I let more of my cock slide into her wetness. I spread her cheeks open and let more of my cock slide inside until I was buried in her depths. I started a slow and steady retreat until the tip was resting just inside her opening. I repeated a few times feeling her wetness coat me thickly.

"Fuck Jake," she whispered. "I can feel every curve of your cock."

She squeezed her muscles as I picked up the pace now. I was slipping easily inside of her as her wetness continued to leak from her. I leaned over her body and kissed her neck. She panted at my wet kiss on her neck before she pushed herself up and found my lips. Her kiss had a hunger to it that made me feel her desire.

I quickened my pace as her hips turned with more urgency now. I knew she was closing in on release by how hard she was pressing back into me. Her pants between kisses hit my face as I watched her face twist in pleasure. I slowed down once she started flooding me and let her ride it out before I slipped out of her by accident.

She rolled into me and pushed me to the bed. I went willingly until I was resting flat on the bed. She quickly swung her body over mine and settled on my lap. Her hips were turning against my trapped cock as she found my mouth and kissed me again. I reached between her legs and pulled my cock free and pressed it against her cunt. With a quick turn of her hips I disappeared into her folds again until I was pressed against her end.

She panted softly as she rolled her hips. Her mouth never left mine as we softly made love in the dark. My hands traced her body and took in the soft curves of her body. I started at her hips and traced her firm skin all the way up her sides to her breasts. I cupped them in my hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. I knew how sensitive her nipples got after she had cum so I twisted them teasingly. She gasped and panted in my face as she rested her forehead against mine.

Her hips turned faster against my cock taking me deep into her cunt. We barely moved and inch now as her wetness leaked from her center. I left her breasts and found her hips again. I started guiding her movements and pressing her harder to my body. She panted and rolled her head around to look up at the ceiling. I found her neck in a wet kiss and nibbled it softly making her pant harder now.

I could just make out her mouth as it hung open. She let out soft and controlled moans as I still kissed her neck. They were the softest whimpers escaping her mouth but I knew how intense the pleasure was between her legs. She was turning her hips harder and pressed me all the way inside. I could feel the tingle as I felt myself close. I concentrated on her and distracted myself by pulling a nipple into my mouth.

She gasped louder this time then giggled a little once she realized how loud it was. I chewed her nipple as her cunt clamped and squeezed my cock as she got off again. Her nails dug into my chest as she whimpered above me and ground her cunny against my cock. Her body shook as she got off again before she slumped to my chest and rested her forehead against mine again.

"For being tired you sure seem full of energy," I teased.

"I said I was tired," she sassed softly. "I didn't say I wasn't horny."