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"Baby are you hungry?" Molly asked looking down at her daughter. "I was thinking about making me and Ben some lunch," she said glancing at me silently offering for me to join them. A meal I was determined to miss.

"Sure Mom," Lily said smiling up at her mother.

"Rick would you..."

"Like I said earlier I have somewhere to be," I said getting to my feet.

"Rick!" My father called out as I walked down the hall. I huffed as my father hugged me tight. "Thank you, I know people aren't really your thing. I'm happy you let us have this," he said slipping me a twenty knowing where I was going. "Be home before six," my father said low giving me a wink.

"Hey wait up!" Lily called out as she ran down the sidewalk.

"Shit!" I cursed in my head.

"Can...I...come...along?" Lily asked panting trying to catch her breath as she was hunched over. "I really don't want to be around them when they're all lovey dovely, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, somewhat," I said vaguely but mine was more about distancing myself from that woman.

"So can I?"

"Hope you like chicken," I said pointing to our local chicken restaurant.

"Love it," Lily said with a warm smile. "So do you really not like people? I heard your father mention it," she said as we walked to cross the street.

"Well...kind of, why?" I asked. My other life didn't really leave a lot of time of to socialize.

"Well...I don't know, just curious," Lily said shrugging her shoulders. "I mean you're cute, and you got all these muscles," she said her finger flicking against my right pectoral muscle. I admit my cheeks did heat at that. I mean that was the first girl/woman that ever said I was cute. I kept my black hair short one long hair in a mask doesn't look right. Two keeps the knots to a minimum when I'm doing Mack 2. Three my enemies can used it as an advantage. I mean my face is average nothing special about it. I did get complements about my blue eyes when I was younger, but those ladies were just being nice to a seven-year-old boy that missed his mother. As I said before the more physical strength I have the stronger my bioelectrical output is, hence all the muscles. If I had to put my strongest blast on a scale it probably be somewhere around a small nuclear explosion. Like I said I'm not the strongest but I'm not the weakest either. "So do you know anything about them?" Lily asked mouthing the word aliens.

"Nope, not a clue," I lied. I knew a great deal about them. They were around six foot, six inches tall. They have slightly larger eyes than we do given the low light of their home star. They have about the same abilities we do which isn't surprising since given where our DNA makeup came from. Yet they can die just like everyone else.

"Well, I don't either, not like I have tried to find anything and everything on them," Lily said excitedly as they crossed the street. "But if Obsidian Shadow is fighting against them, then they have to be bad aliens." I just couldn't believe this girl was smiling just saying the name the media gave me.

"Well, I wouldn't know. I mean the media is always going on about how he's a villain..."

"He's not! Obsidian Shadow isn't a villain!" Lily growled angrily taking hold on my arm. "You got me! He isn't a villain," she said poking me in my wound.

"Alright, alright," I said surrendering. It surprised me how she defended me so... I wondered how she would reacted if she only knew.

"Good," Lily said with a nod her chipper mood returning as we walked block after block.

"So do you like have a girlfriend?" Lily asked as we were only a block away from the restaurant.

"Not really, why do you ask?" I asked looking up and down the street before crossing.

"No reason, just curious." I so don't get this girl as she hummed as we cross the street.

"Mom, we're back!" Lily called out as we entered my home. "Mom..." I nodded up the stairs telling her to be silent then her eyes went wide. I have to say she is cute when she blushes.

"Oh Ben!" Now it was my turn to blush as we heard Molly moan.

"Yeah, you like that don't ya!" I think no child should ever hear that coming from their parent(s) bedroom ever.

"Fucking give it to me!" Me and Lily made a quick retreat out the door.

"So..." I knew she was embarrassed and a little excited given how her nipples were poking against her t-shirt.


"I-I-I think I'm head to a friend's house," Lily said looking away from me. "Thanks for lunch," she said starting to walk off, "I'll see you later," Lily said turning towards me waving goodbye. Not that I didn't actually like hanging out with her. It's just I hate hiding who I am. Once she was out of sight, I disappeared not really super speed just makes it appear that I do.

It was five thirty in the evening when I returned home. The sounds of sex were long over as my father sat in his favorite chair watching the news while Molly was reading a book on the couch beside him.

"Hey son," my father said barely looking away from the news. Now that I've been laying low for the past week the world network news was forced to report on the heroes doing good things. "Son you have to see this!" my father said happily.

"An source within the government states the mutant known as Obsidian Shadow is believed to be dead. A week ago a task force was sent out to deal with this renegade mutant. It's believed that after dealing a fatal blow this vile mutant has finally left this world. However, no body has been found at this point in time, so it is still unknown if he has indeed meet his fate."

"Fucking assholes. I'm not dead," I growled inside my head. Clenching my fist below the height of the couch so my father wouldn't see.

"Isn't that nice one less abomination in the world," Molly said turning the page of her book.

"I know, the world is better off without him," my father nodded in agreement. No wonder they got along so well.

"Rick," Molly said setting down her book. Placing her hand on my stomach which I found odd, especially the way she bit her lip as she felt my abs. "I was thinking of making baked spaghetti tonight. It's Lily's favorite, she's taking this news kind of hard not that I know why," she said giving me an eye roll. "I hope that's alright with you?" Molly asked her eyes roaming over my chest.

"Sure, that's fine," I said spinning on my heel. I couldn't be around my father when he's like this. Sure I killed people, but I never took pleasure out of their deaths. I wondered how he would reacted knowing they were talking about his son. "I'll be in my room."

"Have I done something?" I heard Molly ask my father.

"No, Rick's like that, you'll get used to it. He just likes his space." I heard my father say as I climbed the stairs. As I reached the top I could hear the sobs coming from the spare - Lily's room. I got to remember it's her room now.

"Hey," I said softly knocking on the doorframe. "You alright?"

"N-n-no." Her voice was muffled as she laid on her stomach crying into her pillow. I'm not proud of it but Lily did have a nice ass. I am a guy you know even if they think I'm dead for the moment.

"Do want to talk or should I go?" I asked hoping she would send me away. I so wasn't good with emotions. I took her shaking head as her answer. "Okay, sorry about your hero." With that I drifted off to my room. I needed to plan. I needed to make those fools eat their words. I needed something flashy. Not my style but it would get the word out that they have failed.

An hour had passed as I was checking my wound as Lily came bursting through my door. There I was admiring how the wound had sealed thanks to my increased healing rate. Knowing another day then I'll be ready to get back into action. I just wasn't expecting to find my new stepsister standing there with her mouth agape as her eyes ran up and down my very well-defined chest.

"Is there some reason you come barging into my room without knocking first?" I asked taking my shirt off my bed turning around. Which wouldn't have mattered given the mirror allowed her to see my chest regardless.

"I'm...sorry," Lily said her mind seeming to function again. "It's just I thought we could talk know," she said her cheeks heating.

"Okay, what about him?" I asked closing my closet door. Arching an eyebrow as she rushed to my door closing and locking it. Running back bouncing on my bed as I walked over to my computer chair.

"I don't think he's dead," Lily said with a broad smile.

"Well, at least someone doesn't," I said to myself. "So why do you think he isn't dead?"

"They haven't found a body, so they can't prove that he's dead, right?" Lily asked her eyes lighting up as I nodded. "Plus we know the media is in the government's pocket, so they would say anything they want to deter anyone else becoming like him."

"True, they do tend to parrot anything they tell them," I agreed.

"See, you get it," Lily giggled joyfully as she bounced causing her braless breasts to move freely underneath her shirt. I felt myself hardening as I couldn't look away from the sight. I mean this was the closest and longest I spent with a girl remotely my age. "I just hope he isn't hurt too bad. So Obsidian Shadow can come in throw some punches and knock some heads." I had to keep myself from laughing as she punched the air. However, it was kind of cute. "So," Lily said her head snapping towards me, "what's up with those muscles? You don't have a girlfriend, so just who are they for, hmm?" she asked with a serious tone.

"No one," I said noticing how she was checking me out.

"Then why have them, I can't see you playing a sport, or getting into fights. You just don't strike me as that kind of guy," Lily said as she tilted her head waiting for an answer.

"There a reason I need to have them?"

"No...I guess not," Lily said tapping her chin, "so are they for fucking?" Instantly my face was as red as a ripe cherry. "You have had..." I quickly looked away, you know I can face down an army, an alien battleship without flinching. Yet a girl asks me if I've had sex before I get nervous as hell. What the hell is up with that?!

"Kids dinner!" I heard my father's voice calling for us. Quickly getting out of my chair heading towards the door eager to get away. Only to have Lily take a hold of my hand.

"Hey, it's okay, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm sorry if I made you feel nervous. I don't want you be like that around me," Lily said reaching out her hand running over my chest. My heart hammering in my throat as her hand ran down my stomach. My eyes going wide as she grasped my cock. "You better hide this, you wouldn't want them to see this," she said with a coy smile.

"What the fuck!" I whispered as Lily hummed as she walked down the hallway.

All through dinner I avoided looking Lily in the eye. Yet she always asked a question forcing me to look at her as she brought her fork to her lips making me watch as those lips wrapped around the prongs. Was she doing this to me on purpose? Was just teasing the hell out of me because the great Obsidian Shadow is a virgin?

"So Rick now that you're out of school, do you have any plans?" Molly asked as she took a sip of her wine.

"Yeah, bringing your agency to its knees," I thought to myself. "No, not really."

"Well, you should try out for the PCS we're always looking for new recruits," Molly said. I was taken back by how she was looking at me. It wasn't the look that she knew, it was the look of a woman wanted sex and I was her next meal.

"Not bloody likely," I spat in my mind. I would never join her little group. "I'll think about it."

"You should son, I hear they'll pay for your college if you decide to go," my father said biting into his piece of garlic bread.

"Mmm, yes, so many doors I can open for you," Molly said dropping her innuendo. I tried not to jump in my seat as her foot ran up and down my leg. "Oops, could you get that for me Rick," she said as the sound of her spoon fell underneath the table. What greeted me as I tried to play nice for my father's sake was not something I was ever expecting. There she was with her legs spread, her red pubic hair leading my gaze downward to her pink labia before quickly shutting her legs. Did my most hated foe just flash me her pussy? Have I gone mad? Or is this just a nightmare and I'm just waiting to wake up? These questions plagued me as I rose placing her spoon on the table. "Thank you Rick," Molly said her tongue flicking against her teeth. My eyes quickly glanced down as her fingertips gently ran along the back of my hand.

"Hey," Lily said from behind me as I washed the dishes. Not like I enjoyed the task, but I had to appear as a nongifted human. "Do you want some help?" she asked I nearly jumped out of my skin as she squeezed my ass. My heart was racing as Lily pressed her breasts against me. I knew she wouldn't be so forward if our own parents were in the room, who were resting in the living room watching some sort of movie. "So not only is that chest of yours tight, so is this ass," Lily whispered impiously into my ear. I tried not to look down as her hand slipped underneath my shirt. Trying to keep my mind on my task as her fingers traced every muscle I had. "You're a strange man you know that," she said before her lips tugged on my earlobe. Sucking in a gasp as she grabbed my cock through my jeans giving it a few strokes before taking the dish towel we hung on the rod that was attached to the cabinet door in front of my groin.

Once the dishes were done I retreated to my room. I had no clue what the hell was going on. Not that I could worry about that at the moment. I had to plan. I couldn't allow these people to think I'm dead. Who knows what kind of crimes they would commit if they thought I was really dead. Logging into the remote site I used just in case they finally tracked down my IP address. So there I was typing away hacking into whatever I could trying to find out what they were up to, since the net was all a buzzed about my timely death. "Shit!" I cursed quickly shutting down windows and logging out of the remote site as my door began to open. "I so need to learn to lock that damn thing," I muttered to myself.

"Hi," Lily said knocking on my door and sticking her head in once an hour had passed. "Can I come in?"

"Why not," I said playing aloof. How I wished I hadn't as she walked in, in a cut off t-shirt that barely ended at the bottoms of her breasts. Allowing me to see her flat tone stomach. I had to divert my eyes at how her red thong hugged her womanhood. I didn't know if she was going to eat me alive or make fun of me as she noticed my bright red face. My adams apple bobbed up and down as my eyes fell on her ass as she turned around and closed the door. My heart raced as I heard the sound of the lock falling into to place. "At least one of us knows how to do that," I berated myself for my lapse of judgement.

"So do you want to watch some more of those vids?" Lily asked as her hips swayed accentuating how her tone her thighs were.

"Sure just let me..."

"Shhh!" Lily leaned down placing a finger over my lips. I tried not to let my eyes dip low at how her shirt was hanging open. Allowing me to see a great deal of her perky breasts. "You have a seat already for me," she said with a coy smile as she turned my chair to the left. Instantly I felt how soft her ass was as she slid into my lap. Her feet danced along the floor turning us back towards my computer. I tried not to focus on how her ass moved along my groin, tried not to notice how good my new stepsister smelled. My muscles tensed up as she leaned back allowing my head to peer over her right shoulder. "Let's watch this one, okay?" Lily said running my wireless mouse along my leg.

"S-sure," I stammered. My mind was pulled in so many directions. However, there was one thing I knew I couldn't do, I so couldn't get hard as Lily sat on my lap.

"Man, he's just so cool," Lily said in awe as we watched as JimJack as I knew him was fighting against a certain shadow group as they tried to use a mutant's powers to brainwash the masses. I wondered if she knew that he was killed in that battle. Not that I was there, I just know from second hand sources that JimJack stayed behind to give his friends time to escape. With his stony exterior I thought nothing could kill that man.

"You know he's dead, right?" I said letting it accidently slip from my lips.

"What? How do you know?" Lily asked turning in my lap to look at me.

"Read it on the net," I said shrugging trying to cover my tracks.

"Then how did he die?" Lily asked crossing her arms. I tried but failed miserably not to glance at how I could see the bottoms of her breasts.

"Umm..." I mumbled looking towards the ceiling trying to remember what I was told a year ago. "I think I read something about how he was exploded from the inside out." Which was the truth, or that was what I was told anyway.

"Man," Lily pouted causing her breasts to bounce giving me a slight peek of her nipples. "I liked him too."

"Yeah JimJack was a good guy." God damn I hated my tongue. I knew I had said to much when Lily was looking at me quizzically.

"It sounds like you knew him."

"Only in passing," I said holding up my hands. Trying to dig myself out of this hole I got myself into.

"Hmm," Lily said her finger tapping her left arm, "let's watch another one." I so had to make sure to watch my mouth. I couldn't let this girl know I was a mutant. "Have you ever heard of these people?" she asked drawing my attention back to the computer screen as she rubbed her ass into my cock. Was she doing that on purpose? I couldn't stop my manhood from responding.

"Yeah," I said offhandedly. How could I not know them? The Inhumans taking their name from an old comic book had been trying since the battle two and a half years ago to recruit me into their group. I always turned them down. I don't play well with groups, and they tend to let their enemies live. Hence why the leader's - Outcry the name he went by - wife was murdered because he let Morphos live. Yet when Morphos ran across me I didn't hesitate to atomize his atoms. Morphos already had a very long record of murder by the time we ran into each other. So I didn't feel bad when I killed him.

"I wonder what happened to Tigures (Outcry's wife's hero name)?" Lily asked glancing over at me. I bit my lip I already spilled the beans once, I wasn't about to do so again. "Come on tell me, I know you know something I can see it," she said her nail poking me high on my inner right thigh. She was far, far to close to something she didn't need to feel.

"You ever heard of a guy name Morphos?"

"Yeah, who hasn't? That guy is a notorious killer," Lily said with a nod.

"Well, word has it he's the one that killed Tigures."

"What?! No way!" Lily gasped.

"Yeah," I said looking away. "I also heard Obsidian Shadow killed him."

"Good," Lily said with a stout nod wiggling her ass into my lap. "I'm glad he did, Morphos should have been stopped years ago," she said with a smile as she brought up another video. My heart thumped in my chest as Lily brought up a video of me fighting in New Sun city against the government's robots they sent out to kill my kind. Fighting back a moan as Lily bounced on my lap. Her ass brushing up and down against my cock every time she did. I know she had to feel it. "Look at him go," Lily cooed throwing a punch here and there as I brought down one robot after another. I sucked in a gasp as her ass cheeks squeezed my cock. Lily gave this sinful smirk as she glanced at me. Knowing full well of what she was doing. "So since you know so much about mutants why don't you come with me some time," Lily said after she had been teasing my cock for the past ten minutes. "I know my friends would like you," she said turning her body to the side. Her right breast pressed against my chest as her lips brushed against my left ear. "They'll be excited to meet you," she whispered her breath sent gooseflesh along my skin. Her fingertips brushed up along the length of my shaft. I felt my whole body shuddering as her thumb gently rubbed the head of my cock through my jeans. "Just like how this guy is," Lily said with a sensuous smile. "Well, I think I'll take a shower," she said spinning my chair to the left, "we can't have you blowing up inside your pants that would just be cruel," Lily said as she slid out of my lap. She began to walk towards the door. Only to stop, bending down at her hips knowing how her covered mound was staring me right in the face. "Sorry I thought I had something on my leg," she said with a sly smile as she walked out of my room.