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"Did you kill them?" asked one of the parents whose mutation altered her body to make her appear like a leopard.

"Not all of them, the humans yes, the Xernos got away due to inference," I said looking directly at the woman.

After that little doomsday gloom, lunch was actually pretty good. Who knew a man with translucent skin could cook a mean hamburger. If you can get past seeing all his juicy inside bits when he isn't wearing a shirt, the man was one hell of a comedian. I can't remember laughing so hard ever. As I looked around at how so many gifted and nongifted mingled around. How the nongifted taunted the gifted to flaunt their powers. The cheers I heard as they did some very strange things that I don't know if I could ever adequacy describe. It kind of made me hopeful for the future of mankind. I looked over at my hand then back up as Lily smiled lovingly at me. It was unspoken but she could see how I was enjoying myself.

"Hey Obsidian Shadow, how about you show us something!" Came a taunt from within the crowd.

"Please!" I looked down as a three-year-old came wading towards me. Cocking my head as he sneezed seeing the stony exterior appear along his face. I didn't learn until some years later that the boy was JimJack's little boy. Unlike his father the boy can turn off his mutation at will. Thinking hard on what I could do without destroying anything in the process. My powers aren't for show. As I thought of something, something I hadn't done since I was ten when I was trying to lean how to control the flow of my plasma; but I also remembered how it always destroyed my shirts when I did it.

"I can, but I'm going have to remove my shirt I really don't like walking around with charred remains of one," I said getting to my feet. I so wasn't expecting the rounds of giggles from the ladies, nor was I expect the very brushing cheeks that Lily was sporting. Have I mention how cute she is when she blushes? I heard a lot of "Oh my" and "Mmm" as my shirt rose over my chest. "Mind holding onto this for me?" I asked holding out my shirt to Lily.

"S-s-sure," Lily said her head was bowed. I could see how her eyes glanced up then back down then up again. Her face was really heating up almost as red as her hair. I have mention how cool it is to make a pretty girl all befuddled haven't I? I saw how her index finger slowly dragged along the back of my hand as she took my shirt from me. I smiled down at the little kids as they stared at me all wide eyed as I floated above them as if it was magic.

"Now you can look all you want just don't touch them. I wouldn't want any one of you to get burnt," I said as electricity arced off of my arms and back. Hence why all my shirts were constantly destroyed when I did this. With it being close to twilight the blue glow wasn't hard to notice as gasps echoed across the courtyard. I heard the little kids squeal in joy as the bunny I shaped from my plasma stuck its head out in-between the flower pots. Wiggling its little nose, before long another began was seen joining the first one and another. Lily turned around at the rustling sound from her behind her. I show how much she wanted to touch that blue glowing rabbit as it looked at her. I winced as all the little girls released a high pitch squeal as a swarm of butterflies joined the mix. Soon I pretty much had a small zoo within that courtyard. "Say goodbye children, it's time for them to go to bed," I said knowing I couldn't maintain their forms for much longer before they became unstable in the explosive kind of way. As my army of little critters started to float to the heavens. I saw the kids crying bagging for their new glowing friends not to go. But go they must. Flying ahead of my little zoo, changing their color matrix and plasma composition before directing my little puppets to their final destination. Once they were all in place flying back down to the courtyard. Knelling down in front of the little xenomorph girl who seemed to me shy and shut down due to her mutation. Even among my kind her mutation was on the extreme end. I could understand why the kids her age shunned her. Kids can be cruel without meaning to. "Would you like to do the honors?" I asked as I looked into her star strewn eyes.

"How?" She asked looking at me. It pained me to hear the loneliness in her voice. But I could hear how sweet, how warming it was. I could see that deep down she was only waiting for someone to see her and not what she looks like. Holding out my right hand to her, watching how she reached out hesitantly.

"I promise it's going to be awesome, but it will only come out for a pretty girl," I said smiling warmly at her. Noticing how she looked down, her cheeks heating, and small smile formed on her lips.

"O-okay." I glanced up I saw the trembling lips of her parents and their watery eyes. Also how Lily's hand covered her mouth, her finger wiped away a tear.

"How would you like to fly?" I asked. The sparkle in her eyes was so beautiful as she looked at me in amazement. Taking it slow so not to frighten her, her small hand held onto my arm as I lifted her off the ground. I wasn't going to all that high, I could feel her excitement as we hovered ten feet above the courtyard. Unfolding my left hand six inches in front of her a small glowing plasma orb floated above my palm. "All you need to do is blow, then the magic will happen." Tentatively leaning forward, her lips formed into a small "O" before blowing on the orb. I pulled her close as she gasped, feeling how she was trying to contain her excitement as it shot towards the sky. My left hand hung at my side snapping my fingers once the orb got to where I needed it. Watching her reaction as the orb grew and grew to a story tall white hot sphere, twitching my finger sending its brethren into it.

"Wow!" I heard her whisper in amazement as I watched the colors swirl in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" I asked watching how she nodded very vehemently, her tail wrapping around my arm. Holding my hand out towards the giant sphere feeling it reaching it's critical mass. Flicking my index finger to start the formation. I heard her gasp as a giant tail sprung out, joined by four large thick legs. I smiled at her as her eyes went wide as two wings jutted out stretching across the darkening sky. Her giggle was infectious as the rainbow colored dragon's head roaring out spewing the built up plasma into the sky in a dazzling display before fading into the ether.

"That was so cool!" she squealed in wonderment.

"Well, I told you it would only come for a pretty girl," I said as I floated back down to the ground. The moment I set her down her arms wrapped my leg squeezing me tightly before running over to her parents. As I looked up I saw the women of my fan club gazed at me dreamily even my sister joined in. Then that same small girl came running back, her tiny hand taking hold of mine leading me around to meet the few friends she had. One of them being my own sister. The two of chatted like they've known each other for years as Lily handed me my shirt. I came to learn as I listened on that her name was Angola. As the first stars started to show through the light pollution of the city. I knew it was time to go. I have to admit I really did enjoy the day.

"Will you come back?" Angola asked looking up at me. How could I say no to that cute face.

"And miss talking to a pretty girl, heavens forbid," I said smiling down at her. Angola doesn't blush like everyone else. When she does it turns her skin a light purple color.

"You promise?!" Angola asked me with those dazzling eyes of hers.

"I promise," I said with a stern nod.

"Good. Bye!" Angola waved at me as her parents called for her. Whatever my life threw at me would never compare to what waited that girl. I knew unless something was done she was going to face a world that would harass her, torment her, hunt her down all because of what she looks like, and that was wrong on so many levels.

"Come. It's time for us to go," Lily said stepping up to my right side.

"Wait! Don't go!" Grey shouted. The ground shook as he raced towards us with a tripod and a camera mounted on top of it. "Not before we all get a picture," he said grinning madly at me. As I now look upon that picture in my later years I wonder how I managed to do it, and the sadness that some of them wouldn't make it through of what was to come. I swear to you I tried. I tried with every fiber of my being to save everyone of them, but I wasn't fast enough, I wasn't strong enough, and I pray they can forgive me for being so weak (sigh but this too is a story for another time.)

I felt a tug on my shirt as we were almost home. Looking down at my sister as she mouthed the word stop. There we were floating a few hundred feet above the city the crescent waxing moon was our back drop as me and my sister simply floated there. My sister holding me tight as those grey eyes of hers looked up at me. Rising on the tiptoes, my arms instinctively pulled her tighter against me as our lips embraced one another.

"Rick," Lily said her voice was but a whisper as she pulled away.

"H-hmm?" Even to this day she does have a way of making my brain shut down.

"Do you want me as a girlfriend? Would you be happy if we were?" My sister asked me her eyes looking for something, what I couldn't really say.

"Well...I would say it would be weird, but I think we've passed weird a long ways back don't you think?" I asked to which my sister nodded in agreement. "You know if anyone ever found out, you would be put in so much danger, right?"

"I'll risk it. Being with you is worth more to me than you ever will know," Lily said as the moonlit played across her eyes.

"Then do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked my nervousness seeped into my words. I mean this was the very first girl I ever asked if she would like to go out regardless if it was my sister or not.

"I thought you would never ask," my sister said shooting me this coy smile. I had a rising suspicion that she had been planning this long before I woke up this afternoon. I'll admit I was a mumbling idiot as my sister's lips left mine. "Take us home Rick," Lily whispered into my ear.

It didn't take us long to reach home. The moment we touched down Lily's hand took hold of mine. Pulling me along after her as she led the way into the house as the back door opened. Her red hair swayed as our feet resounded off the floor. Molly only flashed me a smile as she hummed over the sink. My father shouted from the living room as someone scored, and still my sister said nothing as she peered over her shoulder as we ascended the stairs. Pushing her bedroom door open drawing me into its deeps. Something washed over my sister as she threw off the restrained disguise she had worn all night long. Her body flew through the air at me, my hands cupping her ass instinctively catching her as her legs wrapped around my waist. Breathing heavily against me as her lips had their fill of mine for the moment. Her mound ground itself against my solar plex. Letting me see how that body of hers would always move for me. Her left hand slipped around my neck, down my chest to rest over my heart as my sister dry humped me.

"Make love to me brother, you're the only one that I want to be my first," my sister said in a husky voice. As her feet touched the floor we kissed, fondled, touched each other like wild beasts as our clothes went flying around her room. My eyes ran along my sister's body as she laid underneath her window bathed in that silvery light. Her finger beckoning me to her, her thigh brushed along mine as I kissed down her neck. Her breathing came out in heaves as my lips danced along her skin. Her nails dragged along my back as my lips plucked gently on those hard buds of hers. While at the time my skills were so poorly lacking, but I was determined that my sister would remember this night. Her nails scraped my scalp as my breath flowed over her delicious little peach. I felt her squirming on the bed as I became the first to ever taste how sweet my sister was. As I explored my sister the best I could with my very limited skills at the time. I heard her say some very, very erotic things that I'll keep to myself. Trust me she'll kill me if anyone ever found out the words she spoke that night.

As I looked over my sister's womanhood. Watching how she watched me over the tops of her breasts. The little nod of her head told me it was time. Her eyes studied my face as her hand guided my cock towards her paradise. Biting her lip as my head began to penetrate her, a gasp flew from her lips as her hymen tore. Yet as I looked down in-between my legs I didn't see any blood. Her eyes glistened as she nodded her head for me to inch deeper into her hot canal. If I thought my mother's pussy felt wonderful, Lily's was ten times better as her tight little pussy gripped every inch of me as I slowly pumped my hips. I didn't want to hurt my sister by going too fast, too hard, too rough that her virgin womanhood was unprepared to take. So as my body delved into the exquisite feeling of my sister's folds as they hugged my cock. My eyes studied Lily's beautiful face imprinting everything about it to memory. Lily nuzzled my hand as I caressed her cheek. Her eyes glistened in moisture as my thumb brushed along her cheekbone. Her mouth slowly formed into a "O" as her climax begun to build as my rod glided through her wet cunt. Her nipples brushed against my chest as her back arched. Her grip tightened on my arms as I sank my pole deep within her mound. I couldn't help it, not with the way my sister felt as she came upon my cock. As Lily neared the end of her orgasm, my hold on my own seed broke flooding my sister's womb.

For thirty minutes the two of us never said a word as our sweat soaked bodies rested next to one another. Lily snuggled tightly against me her head resting on my chest, my fingers lightly dancing along her back as the two of us just simply enjoyed the presence of one another. Looking down as her finger traced along the healed wound I got a week ago. I couldn't help it as I felt myself smiling trying to match that dazzling smile of hers. Lily held me tightly as her door burst open, there standing in the light of the hallway was our mother.

"Get dressed," Molly said laying the Kevlar/nanofiber suit she had made for me on the bed, along with my trench coat which I thought I left in my hideout. My boots thumped onto the floor as she rose.

"Why?" I asked looking at her skeptically.

"Because you are needed son," Molly said placing her hands on her hips. "The Midnight Sisters have taken a group of humans and mutants hostage in Toronto. Don't you think Obsidian Shadow should be there?" she said giving me a knowing smile.

"Wait!" Lily's called out to me as my coat came to a rest on my shoulders as I neared my window. Turning as I saw her clutching her white sheet tightly to her body as her legs carried her towards me. Her fingertips skimmed along my cheek as her lips slowly left mine. "That's to remind you to come back to me." That woman sure does know how to give a man incentive to make it back home.

With that Mrs. Potters I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. However, that all changed when war came to our planet, but your questions didn't speak about the war. So I'll end my letter here. Again, I have to state for the record that everything I have said was the truth or as much of the truth as I can remember of that quiet time before the Xernos' brought war to our planet.

The End.

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Bamm2797Bamm27978 months ago
Need another chapter

I hope you write more parts to this story.

MakehandpartyMakehandparty11 months ago

What happens next????

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved this story BUT my only thing is that I wish the love interest would focus more on Lily and not Molly, it took the focus away from Lily a bit. We definitely need more chapters of this PLEASE

Bamm2797Bamm2797over 1 year ago

Wow this was great, Hope to see more chapters.

MarkT63MarkT63over 1 year ago

Nice; but needs more chapters...

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