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"You think I give a damn if you're pleased?! You are nothing more then a mass murder!"

"What you think I care about that some mutants die? I'm fighting for the sake of my world just as you are. Do you not have blood on your hands? Have you not kill thousands of humans? So don't stand there and judge me when you are just as guilty as I am," Molly said staring me down. "Why do you think I've sent all those people after you? So you would grow stronger. Improve your fighting skills because you will need them."

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't burn you to ash!" I growled low plasma sparking to life against the palm of my hands.

"Because Lily would hate you, and you know much she adores you," Molly said smirking like she had won. "Even you wouldn't commit patricide."

"You seem to think I care," I spat, "you are nothing more..."

"Yes, yes, murderer, bigot, blah, blah," Molly said rolling her eyes. "So here's what's going to happen," she said walking up to me. Her fingers ran along my jaw line. "You will give me what I want, when I want, and son," Molly said her grey eyes smirking at me as I stared hatefully at her, "mama wants this hard body of yours. If you don't I'll kill every single mutant, starting with the ones in this city; and I know how much you care about those freaks." It seemed to me she got off on my hate when she spout out that word.

"You wouldn't?!" I should have known better. That woman would indeed kill everyone of my kind off just to get what she wanted.

"Of course I would." Her grip on my face kept me from reeling back as her lips touched mine. "I'll give you some time so you can think about this. Remember hundreds of thousands of lives are in your hands, son." I knew she said that last word just to irk me to no end. "Oh and, do keep playing the hero," she said chuckling as she walked out of my room.

"Fuck!" I cursed my energy lashing out causing the light bulbs in my room to explode casting me into darkness.

"Rick?" Lily said sticking her head into my room after two hours had passed. I cleaned up the glass from the shattered bulbs, the knife Molly stuck into me was one wound to many. My mind was plagued on what I should do. I knew she would kill to get what she wanted. That wasn't in doubt, I was in doubt if I could actually do it. Was she actually telling the truth? Was I actually made to be like this? To be their little tool when the war came? Shaking my head - No! - I am no ones tool. They might have made me. That doesn't define who I am. However, I also don't want to be the asshole that caused the genocide of my kind. I knew I couldn't kill her, no matter how much I wanted to right then. Knowing how she would have a plan in place should that sort of thing happen. Most likely it would involve the murder of my people. Again, this wasn't something I wanted to be a footnote in my history. "Hey," Lily said sweetly as her hands ran up my back, along my shoulders, down my arms as she pressed herself against my back as I stared out my window. "I wanted to thank you for hanging out with my friends today. They would have been so thrilled to know that you are Obsidian Shadow, but we'll keep that our little secret brother," she said hugging me tightly.

"I never thought I get to touch you, talk to you..."

"How did you find out?" I asked interrupting her.

"Oh." I could feel her hesitation. "A couple of years ago I hacked into to my mother's computer files thanks to a friend that's a technophile. You meet him today, you remember Jerry? Well, he gave me a thumb drive that would allow me to snoop through my mom's things. I hate what she does. I hate how she talks about my friends, and you," Lily said looking up at me. The way she was looking at me at least to me wasn't something a sister should be doing. "Do you want to know why they call you Obsidian Shadow?" she asked watching her reflection as she sat on my bed. Nodding for her to continue as I looked over at her. "Thanks to Jerry's help I was able to crack into my mother's files and I came upon that name. A name of a hero that little was known about him at the time. As I opened the file, I couldn't believe what I saw."

"Go on," I said moving to sit beside her. My hand covering her left hand. The way she smiled at me, the feeling of her hands clasping mine made my heart flutter.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Lily asked. I could see she was trying to protect me, but I needed the truth; and oddly enough I knew she was the only in my house that wouldn't actually lie to me.

"Yes, I need to know." I thought it was only fair given that she knew who I am, and the danger that put her in of just knowing.

"My mother...well our parents actually were standing in front of this giant glass tube detailing the experiment that was to take place. There was a lot of detailed notes on the progress of it from one year to another. To the hidden cameras they have within this house to record you throughout the years. So when I saw you I knew who you were, and who Dad is. That I'm the sister of Obsidian Shadow," Lily said leaning in to me. Taking me by surprise as she kissed me. Not the quick peck on the lips kind of kiss. The kind that leaves your heart racing and wanting more. "I hope you know you can trust me. I would never divulge who you are," she said inching closer to me. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I said trying to take my mind off of how good her lips felt.

"I know you fight against them, but who and what are they? The aliens I mean."

"They're called the Xernos, they are the ones that set this into motion thirty years ago. They sort of look like us. Their tech is lightyears beyond ours. However, right now there only a small number of them on the planet," I said watching how she looked at me taking it all in.

"Are they really bad?"

"Their actions are, but I really haven't met a good Xernos yet."

"When did your powers start, I know from what I read and when your father speculated on when they started to emerge," Lily said her thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand.

"When I was five, but I didn't come into my full powers until I was fifteen," I said noticing how her eyes had a little glow to them. It was as if she was happy I was confiding my precious secrets to her.

"Have you ever shown, anyone not trying to kill you that is, your powers before?" Lily asked resting her chin on my right shoulder.

"No," I said shaking my head. "I've been somewhat in hiding ever since I began to realize what I am. With the world wanting my head this was the safest way to keep my father safe or so I thought," I said. Chewing on my lip I knew I had to get out of the house I grew up in. I wasn't about to allow her or anyone else to spy on me any longer. "Would you like to see me using it?" I asked trying not to smile at her wide eyes and how she nodded against my shoulder. Reaching over to the nearest wall socket, making a big display of it as I arced my bioelectricity down my forearm and into the wall socket. Alright so you know another use of my powers as I guided it through the wires finding the cameras my father or whoever planted around my home. Could I really call this place my home any more now that I know it was nothing more than a petri dish for their damn experiment?! Feeling very vindictive, running my energy down through the house an evil grin spread across my lips knowing my so-called father was currently watching his favorite sports team. Sending an overload into his monster flat screen, burning it out within ten seconds.

"Rick!" my father howled. Then I heard the most sweetest thing my ears had ever heard - Lily's giggle. Then I saw her cheeks heat as she caught me staring at her. "Damn it Rick I was watching that!"

"Well, I guess your experiment isn't as controllable as you thought it was," I yelled back dead silence greeted me as my father didn't have a comeback from that. I tried to fight against it, but I couldn't help but smile as Lily muffled her laugher.

"God damn teenagers." I heard my father mutter before I heard the jingling of his car keys. "You're paying for that I hope you know," my father yelled up the stairs. My feet moved silent along the floor boards as I approached the top of the stairs.

"Oh, why don't you sell the rights to all those hidden cams videos. I'm sure you'd make a few credits," I said staring down at my father knowing how my eyes were glowing in the darkness. "You of all people should know I've killed for less," I said noting how the color drained from my father's face.

"You wouldn't?"

"What kill a bigot, a mad scientist, a condoner of mass murder, sure why not," I said coldly. "Just so you know your experiment has ended. Don't expect to find me staying here much longer." With that I turned on my heel heading back to my room.

"Please don't go," Lily said falling into my arms as I entered my room. "Please stay with me, I can help you, I know I can," she said looking up at me with those warm, pleading, loving eyes of hers.

"I can't, you know I can't," I said taking hold of her arms. "I don't want you to die because of me."

"You will stay." My body went cold and ridged as her voice filled my room. That wicked smirk of hers lined her face as if getting pleasure from the hate that was plastered across my face. "You know the cost if you do, are you willing to risk it?"

"Don't, please," Lily whispered as she wrapped her arms me, pressing the side of her face against my back as I started to lunge at Molly. "Whatever her faults are she's still my mom. I don't want to hate you." Peering behind me, was she crying?

"Soon. There will come a time when you and this whole planet will need me," I said narrowing my eyes at my creator while breaking Lily's hold on me. "When that time comes, and you look for the one that can save you. You'll wish you never created the likes of me," I said coldly pushing Lily towards her mother. "Because I will let this world burn," I said closing the door in their faces. Roughly sliding my window open, pushing off the roof I needed space. I needed somewhere I could blow off steam, and in the middle of a city wasn't the place where I could do that. I could feel my limiters breaking as I raced towards the Moab desert as my fury burned within my chest. With my bioelectricity arcing off at odd angles I knew an overload was imminent. A cloud of sand bellowed into the sky as I sought to ground myself. While the overload wouldn't kill me outright, it wouldn't let me off scot-free either. As the last limiter broke my body was ingulfed in a bubble of my energy. Lightning rained down from a clear blue sky as bioelectricity charged the air around me as bubble began to expand and expand until it reached its critical mass. From what I read the mushroom cloud could be seen from two states away. As I panted for breath, the desert sun glistened along the mile and a half wide crater of glass. Falling to a knee as the explosion left me drained.

"Shit!" I cursed as I heard the blades of the approaching helicopter. I was in no shape to deal with her and her ilk. The copter circled overhead keeping its distance from me. They had learned that trick when I syphoned off the electrical power from a few of their planes they had sent out to shot me down. I wondered how she got out here so fast as I saw her standing in the open doorway of the copter. How I wanted to wipe that grin off of her face as she surveyed the increased output of my discharge. It's not like I enjoy the feeling of my body going into overload. Quickly looking down as three taser disks were attached to my chest. My body arched as the volts raced through me. Peering out of my half closed eyes as she waved off the pilot as my body converted the charge into bioelectrical amperage. Pulling off the disks once there was enough to give me a jump start per se. Getting to my feet, my legs still wobbly due to the expulsion of ninety-nine percent of my electrical output. I began to pounder why she would even do such a thing as I looked down at the disks. Shaking my head, she was only looking out for her investment. That night as I flew back to the city, I knew I couldn't stay at that house but knew I had to, or innocent blood would be on my hands. That's something I didn't want.

"Feel better?" Her voice startling me as I climbed back through the window. Flipping on the light revealing that I was standing locked in a closed room with her, naked I might add. "I do know how that body works after all, I did help create it," Molly said her tongue flicking against her teeth. Her eyes ran down my chest taking note of the taser burns that pop marked my shirt. "So now you see what I can offer you," she said displaying her body to me.

"And you think I want to touch that," I sneered.

"You will," Molly said with an amused smirk, "you might have killed before, but those people were already murderers themselves. I can see it in your eyes son, you will fuck me," she said walking towards me. Okay, this wasn't how I thought my first time seeing a naked woman would go. "Lily is out with her fr...friends." I almost laughed at how she tried not to scowl. "Your father is at the bar watching the game because you," Molly said poking me in my chest, "mmm," she purred as her hand lavished on my right pectoral muscle. "Blew up his TV, thanks to you I'll won't hear the end of it until next week." Clearly not pleased that I found comfort in her displeasure. "So now there's time for you give me what I want." I hid my emotions but that smile of hers told me she could feel how my muscles were trembling. "After all those fights, after all the near death experiences you had. I'm surprised that you would be so nervous when a naked woman stands before you," she cooed as she stood less than an foot away from me. "Son, can you feel the heat of my body? Can you feel how firm my breasts are as they press against you?" Molly asked. I could feel how her hard nipples pressed into my chest. The way her eyes darted about searching my face. How close her lips were to mine. "Can't you feel how soft my body is...fucking shit!" I couldn't help but chuckle as she stomped towards my computer desk as her phone rang. A device that apparently she couldn't be without even during sex. Not that I was complaining I was thankful for it.

"Mockingbird." I heard her say into the phone. "What! What do you mean Tanos broke free! He's where!" I heard her fear as she turned towards me. "Oh god! Lily," I heard her whisper as her hand shot to her mouth. "Block off the area. Level four containment," Molly ordered before quickly hanging up. "You need to save her, now!" she said taking me by the arms. A look of fright burned in her eyes. As she should be Tanos was number two on the most wanted list and a savage killer. "Please you must save Lily, you're the only one in the city that can."

"How? The man is eight foot tall and a S class mutant," I said knowing it would be a suicide if I went. Even at full power I was only an A class mutant nowhere near the power needed to face off with that man.

"You're so more powerful than any mutant on the planet son. We created you to be the only one we would ever need to fight the Xernos. Why do you think you have so many gifts? Why do you think you overload? It's a safeguard we built into you so you wouldn't burn out like all the other projects we have tried. But he's after Lily and you are the only one that can stop him."

"And still he's S class and I'm not even halfway recharged as you should know. Since as you say made me," I said not eager to meet my death. Like I said I'm not a hero.

"Sanatos." Was the only word she spoke and something inside of me went into overdrive. My body was like a plasma ball as my bioelectrical plasmic energy crawled up my body, sparking between every single strand of hair as it stood on end. It felt like a small sun was within my chest. Fueling my recharge at a rate I haven't felt since I tapped a nuclear power plant to take down a Xernos battleship. "Now save Lily, save your sister!" I still was apprehensive that I could do such a thing. "You are the only SSS mutant in the world son, you can do this."

"Alright, where is she?" I asked knowing I wasn't going to be wearing my mask. The days of me hiding my face was over. The world was going to know the man underneath the mask.

"The urban center." In a blink of an eye I was out my window. I could feel the rafters giving out as I pushed off the roof. You have no idea what it's like going from 0 to 200 miles an hour in less than five seconds. It felt as if my face was peeling off.

My eyes narrowed as I saw Tanos' size twenty-five boot was about to stomp my sister, Eva, and an unconscious Grey into the concrete. I needed to go faster. I needed to save her. Something in me told me Lily couldn't die, and to my surprise my body seemed to heed my call.

"God, she has some lungs on her," I said to myself as my sister screamed behind me as I caught Tanos' foot, the concrete buckling underneath my feet as I did. Damn the man was heavy.


"You hurt?" I asked peering over my shoulder.

"N-no just a few scraps and bruises, Grey took the brunt of his punch," Lily said before whispering, "your mask."

"Are you done pipsqueak? Can I kill you now?" Tanos asked as those evil eyes stared down at me.

"I was about to ask the same of you," I said with a sly smirk as I lowered my right hand to my side. Azure light swirled three centimeters from my skin as I formed a plasma ball above my palm.

"It's him!" I heard Eva gasp behind me. I heard the huff and saw the shock in Tanos' eyes as I sent him sailing through the air crashing through one of the old concrete support pillars that once held up the sign that was long since removed to keep the people of city from being reminded of who now lived here.

"Pyro?" I said looking down at Eva.

"Y-y-yes." I have to say being able to make a hot girl befuddled was actually kind of cool as she stammered. "What do you need me to do Obsidian Shadow?"

"Protect my sister while deal with this asshole," I said lighting the trashcan to my left on fire. "Do you think you can do that for me?" I asked as Tanos stirred underneath the rumble.

"Of course I can," Eva said with false bravo. "Thanks for you know saving me a year ago," she said as she stepped up to my side. Drawing the flames towards her making them dance around her hands.

"Not a problem," I said before pushing off, leaping into the air as Tanos staggered to his feet. My fist smashed against his jaw. The force of the blow cause the air around my fist to compress before exploding outward, the shockwave shattering glass in the surrounding area.

"You think you can take me! I am Tanos!" He yelled grabbing me around my chest in his big meaty hands. Yet I knew that blow had phased him greatly. I wasn't proud of it but when you're being squeezed by a ton of force you tend to scream like a little girl. I felt my body sailing through the air as he tossed me towards the containment line.

"Fuck this was going to hurt," I told myself before my body collided with one of their armored vehicles leaving a trail of rubber eight feet long as it skidded along the asphalt. His feet pounded in my skull as I tried to shake the daze from my head. So far I had only been using twenty percent of my power given how whatever she did was untested. I simply couldn't fly in at full strength and hope for the best. That's how people die when my kind are overconfident in their gifts. A devious grin spread across my lips as I thought what would fifty percent would be like against him.

"Come out little boy, don't you want to play hero?" Tanos taunted me as he stalked towards me tossing men and cars aside like they were rag dolls. I saw their shocked looks as I buried my fist into Tanos' stomach then another and another slowly lifting that beast off the ground due to the force of the blows. I saw how his eyes were widening in shock and more importantly pain and fear as his mouth hung agape unable to unleash his scream of pain.