My Boyfriend Likes to Expose Me Ch. 10


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Emma wheeled me to the front of the raised area and told me to stay there while they went and got the food. I watched them walk away and down to the queue. Karen turned and looked back at me. We made eye contact and Karen smiled. Then her eyes went down and she grinned.

My eyes went down my body. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realised that I couldn't see my tiny tits and pussy. But wait, the overlapped hem of the gown was too high and flat across my stomach.

"Shit!" I thought. That meant that it wasn't properly covering my pussy.

I looked back to Karen, and horror of horrors she now had the remote control for the vibe in her hand.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! I mouthed the words,

"Please don't."

Karen had a big grin on her face as I saw her turn the knob up to full and I immediately felt the vibe start-up.

"Oh fuck!" I quietly said as I realised what was going to happen. I looked round to see who was looking at me. Either side of me people were just getting on with their business, but in front of me, on the lower floor, were 2 teenage couples; 2 girls and 2 youths. What's more, they were all looking up at me and my pussy.

I looked over to Karen. The mischievous grin on her face told me that it was pointless saying anything and that she was going to humiliate me in the worst possible way.

I looked back to the 2 couples as I felt my AF rising quickly. Both the youths had stopped eating and were staring at me; so was 1 of the girls. The other girl looked confused. Either she was sympathising with the poor girl who had both her arms and legs in plaster, or she didn't realise what was going on. Her friend said something and a grin appeared on her face.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I muttered. These 4 teenagers, and goodness knows how many others, were going to watch me have an orgasm and there was nothing that I could do about it.

I fought it as hard and as long as I could; gritting my teeth, thinking about the story in a book that I'd read, anything to take my mind of the inevitable.

My breathing got heavier and my chest went higher with each deep breath. As I got closer my body rose up and I felt the gown open. I started moaning even though I was doing my best to keep quiet so as not to attract any attention to me. As it hit me I felt my arms and legs jerk and my pussy spasm. It felt like I was squirting and I hoped that I wasn't.

Then I felt a hand on my head, stroking my hair and the vibe stop.

As the waves receded I heard Emma giving the same spiel about me that Karen had given at the street crossing, but she added some medical words that I didn't understand. She also added that the 'little fit' was just the excitement of being out of the hospital for a while after being cooped up there for so long.

When I was capable I looked round and saw that just about everyone was getting on with eating their fries and whatever; everyone except the 2 couples in front of me; all 4 of them were still staring at my pussy; and 3 youths in the queue waiting to be served.

I had a little after-shock and felt my pussy spasm.

I felt so embarrassed, so humiliated; yet so happy. Why had I cum so quickly? Why had I cum at all? Did I really like being seen naked? Did I really enjoy being watched while I built up to, and had an orgasm? What was wrong with me?

Karen arrived with our meals and she and Emma sat either side of me. As I looked at the food Emma said,

"Don't worry Tanya, we'll feed you."

"Can you cover me please?" I asked.

"Sure I can, we're not cruel you know, we're only doing what you know that you enjoy."

"I don't enjoy it, it's horrible." I said.

"Tanya darling, that orgasm was out of this world. There's no way that you weren't enjoying it." Emma said. "I can't remember having one that good."

With that she stuffed a couple of fries in my mouth to shut me up then pulled the gown closed over my front.

At last I had some privacy; well, excluding the 2 couples down in front of me. I looked down at them and saw that they were just gathering all their bits onto a tray so they could leave.

In between mouthfuls I pleaded with Emma and Karen to take me back and get those damn plasters off me, but they were having nothing of it. Just as we were about finished I looked down to the table where the 2 couples had been and saw that 3 youths were sat there. What's more, they had realised what they could see by looking up at me.

I felt a little gush and hoped that Karen and Emma hadn't noticed. It wasn't my lucky day; I felt the vibe start-up again.

"No, please don't make me cum again." I pleased with Karen.

"Come on Tanya, you know that you want to." Karen said.

"No I don't!" I said, but Karen just ignored me.

Emma gave me one last drink of my cola as the vibe went up to full. I just knew that I couldn't last long.

I looked down to the 3 youths and saw that they had stopped eating and were just staring at me. That didn't help my resistance and I felt my AF rise. It didn't take long before I was cumming again. Somehow I managed to look at the 3 youths and their stares and grins made me cum even harder.

At one point I heard Emma apologising to other customers again.

I was so relieved when I felt the wheelchair moving as we left McDonalds.

We turned another corner and the wind blew the gown up.

"Please Karen?" I asked.

"No, you can stay like that. Tell you what, since it's a reasonable day, shall we go to the park instead of the shops?" Karen said.

Emma said that she was happy with that and I thought for a minute. I guessed that there would be less people in the park so I felt a little happier.

I got some really funny looks as we went along but no one actually said anything.

That was until we passed a college on the way to the park. The college entrance is lower than the road and there are about 20 steps down. What's more there were lots of students coming out and up those steps.

Just as we got to the top of the steps Karen saw someone that she and Emma knew. Emma was pushing the wheelchair and she stopped and turned the chair to face the college entrance. The first thing that the students saw as they came to the top of the steps was a wheelchair with a virtually naked girl in it with both her arms and legs in plaster; and her legs spread wide.

My pussy was being displayed to all the students as they left the college.

Both Emma and Karen were talking to a girl while I was getting more and more embarrassed. And why was I getting aroused? I certainly wasn't enjoying the experience.

"Emma, please can we move on?" I pleaded.

"In a minute." Emma said.

"Can you at least cover my pussy for me?" I again pleaded.

"Stop worrying," Karen said, "no one here is going to call the police."

"It's not the police I'm worried about." I replied. "I'm naked and embarrassed."

"Hi there little girl, I'm Lisa." The girl who knew Karen and Emma said; "I'm so sorry about your accident. I bet that you're pleased to be getting some fresh air. Those hospitals can be so stuffy."

"It's where I'm getting that fresh air that's the problem." I said, "Could you pull the gown back over me?"

Lisa looked down at my bare pussy and said,

"Oh, I see the problem." Lisa said then grinned; "It looks like you're enjoying the little 'problem' so I'll just leave you like that."

With that she bent forward and ran her finger along my soaking and swollen pussy. When she got to my clit she pressed hard on it. My AF went up a couple of notches.

"Definitely enjoying it; and such a young girl as well." Lisa said; and turned back to Emma and Karen.

I turned to look at the students coming up the steps. When they saw me they had all sorts of expressions on their faces. Some looked sympathetic (mainly the girls), some just stared for a few seconds then moved on; some grinned at the sight of a wet, bald pussy; and a few even stopped their journey and moved to the side so that they could get an un-interrupted view; of MY pussy.

OMG! I was getting wetter and my groin was burning and drowning at the same time. I felt my pussy muscles twitch and spasm as I started to cum.

"NO, NO, YES, YES, Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh!" I said in amongst the moans. I could feel my body go rigid within the restraints that I had.

As the waves receded all I could think was,

"Why me? Why does it have to happen to me all the time? Why can't I have a quiet life with Ryan? Although I did have to admit that I'd enjoyed the orgasm.

I looked up to see Lisa looking down at me as if I was some sort of freak.

To Karen, Lisa said,

"Did she just......?"

"Yep! Actually, Tanya here is as old as we are, and she gets off by being naked where she shouldn't be. This is all planned and she hasn't broken anything."

"FIH!" Lisa said; then to me, "You randy little bitch. A bit OTT with the casts thought; couldn't you just streak down the street?"

"It's not true; I don't enjoy it and these 2 tricked me. I'm NOT an exhibitionist." I said.

Lisa bent over me and cupped my pussy with her right hand. Her middle finger slipped easily inside me.

"Hmm! This tells me that you are. Good for you girl; I wish that I was as brave as you." Lisa said.

"Can we go now; PLEASE; there's too many people looking ate me." I said.

"Okay, keep your knickers on. See you around Lisa." Emma said as she turned the wheelchair and pushed me down the street.

"That was fun wasn't it Tanya?" Karen said.

"NO!" I replied, but my body was telling me that I'd enjoyed it.

We arrived at the park and went in down the path. The place looked quiet, so I started to relax. At least I wouldn't get humiliated there.

We followed the path until we came to an area where the path went alongside an area covered in bushes and trees. There was a bench there and Emma and Karen decided to stop there for a rest, claiming that pushing me was hard work.

I offered to let them take me back to the nursing school but they said that they weren't finished yet. I didn't dare ask what that meant. Karen was sat next to me and she put one of her hands on my leg above the cast. As we talked Karen's hand found its way to my pussy and started stroking it and squeezing my clit. Emma saw what Karen was doing, smiled and said,

"Are you going to make our patient cum, here in the park?"

"Maybe, but first I need a pee." Karen said.

"Yeah me too," Emma said, "but there aren't any toilets in this park."

"I guess that you'll have to go in those bushes." I said, hoping to embarrass them for once.

Emma looked at Karen, Karen looked at Emma and without saying anything they stood up and walked into the bushes.

They took forever and while I was waiting I saw a dog wandering around. When it was about 20 yards away its nose went up in the air and it started walking towards me. When it got quite close I tried to shoo it away, but it ignored me.

That damn dog went straight to my exposed pussy and started sniffing it. I had a sudden flash-back of the time in the park near home when another dog started sniffing at my pussy and I was rescued by an old man.

I looked round to see if I could see anyone, but couldn't. I tried shooing it away again, but it wasn't interested in listening to me. All it was interested in was my pussy.

The damn thing started licking my wet pussy.

"Go away mutt."

"Get lost."

"Leave me alone."

"Karen, Emma, help me!"

No help came and the damn dog licked and licked.

"Stop it you randy animal."




"Stop it. I don't want to cum."


"No, I don't want to..."



"Oh fuck!"

"I'm cu......."

My jerking didn't put the damn dog off and its tongue was pushing into my hole to get at more of my juices.

I didn't care anymore and I rode the waves of ecstasy.

All of a sudden I heard Karen shouting at the dog. She was obviously more threatening to it than I was and it ran off.

"We leave you alone for 2 minutes and you're getting a dog to get you off. I was going to do that but I can see that you couldn't wait. It's a good job that dog wasn't any bigger; if it was it might have been able to get high enough to fuck you. Now that would have been a story to tell Ryan." Karen said.

"No, please; please don't tell Ryan." I pleaded.

"Don't worry little girl, nurses know how to keep secrets about their patients." Emma said.

"Karen's not a nurse." I said, "Besides where have you 2 been? Did one of you pee on your knickers?"

"You can't pee on something you're not wearing." Karen said.

"You didn't say that you wouldn't tell Ryan." I said.

"No I didn't. I guess that you'll have to trust me. Besides, that little fact might be useful one day," Karen said.

"You mean you're going to blackmail me?" I said.

"I wouldn't use that word and I have no plans at the moment, but maybe one day;" Karen said. "I guess that you'll just have to keep doing what I tell you."

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Fuck Karen; I was hoping that you'd forgotten about that thing." I said as I felt the vibe kick into life.

"Oh no my little cum slut, you're going to be completely knackered by the time we start cutting you free." Karen said.

As Emma pushed me out of the park back towards the nursing school Karen tormented me with the vibe. By the time we got out of the park I didn't care that the gown had blown open all the way up. I didn't care who saw my naked spread pussy and little tits; all I wanted was to cum.

Karen is nearly as good as Ryan at taking me to the edge and then backing off. She must have done it 4 or 5 times before we got to the hospital and the nursing school. Just as I could see the entrance Karen gave me my release. I must have looked like I was having some sort of epileptic fit as the spasms and convulsions racked my body and my moaning made a few people look at me.

I vaguely remember Emma telling her little story about me having an accident to a couple of people, but I didn't care. I needed to cum and didn't care who saw me.

Afterwards, as Emma pushed me into the lift I got so embarrassed as I realised what I had just done. Karen saw my face and said,

"The important thing is that you enjoyed it; right!"

"I didn't enjoy it (I lied). It was horrible and really humiliating." I said.

"Come on girl, your pussy tells me that you loved every seconds of it." Karen said. "Besides, if you really didn't like it you would have squeezed the vibe out right after I pushed it in."

I kept quiet as the 2 of them lifted me out of the chair and onto the table. Karen was right, I could have squeezed it out but I didn't. What does that mean? If I discuss it with Ryan he'll just tell me that it proves that I'm an exhibitionist; but that can't be right.

I got really scared when Emma got this electric grinder thing out and started cutting the casts. She told me to keep perfectly still and I was so scared that I just froze. It didn't help when Karen kept flicking my clit; but all credit to Emma, she got all 4 casts off without cutting me.

When I was free Emma showed me the casts. She'd cut them off by splitting each one into two. She told me that I could take them home and that Ryan would easily find a way of putting them back on and sealing them. I wasn't sure that I ever wanted to have them on again; but Karen was right; I had had some wonderful orgasms.

I was so relieved to be free again and I wanted to get up and dressed again quickly, but Emma insisted on washing the plaster residue off me with a sort of bed-bath. Karen made it take a lot longer than it should have by playing with my clit and nipples. Emma had to keep telling her to get out of her way.

Free and clean, and a bit horny, I jumped off the table and stretched my arms and legs. It felt wonderful. While I was doing that Emma went and got my dress, shoes and bag, and some big bags for the casts.

We parted with a kiss and promised to meet up again soon.

The casts weren't easy to carry on the bus but I finally made it home in time to get Ryan's meal ready. When I told Ryan all about my day he was ecstatic; I've never seen him so happy, for himself and for me. You should have seen how hard his cock was. He really wished that he'd been there to see me enjoying myself. I tried to tell him that I was humiliated and extremely embarrassed but he dismissed it saying that it was all part of the pleasure. He said that I get-off on embarrassment and humiliation, especially if it involves me being naked in front of clothed people.

He got me to admit that I had enjoyed the exposure, but I reasoned that any and every girl would have acted like me. I still do not believe that I'm an exhibitionist.

The sex that night went on forever and Ryan was late for work the next day.

More of Karen and Emma


Karen and Emma have just bought themselves a car. Both of them can drive and they are sharing it.

Last Saturday night Karen offered to take us for a drink at a pub in the country. Karen was driving so she stayed sober, but the rest of us had a few to drink. In the pub we started talking about our university days (Ryan, Karen and I) and Emma's nursing school days; and the crazy things that we all got up to. It turns out that Karen and Emma both did things as crazy as Ryan and I did.

It seems that we all did things like streaking round the block for dares. That gave Ryan an idea that Karen supported him on. The idea was that Emma and I strip naked before getting in the back of the car for the ride home.

Karen dared Emma to do it and she agreed. The pressure was then on me to join her. Probably because of the alcohol I agreed to it.

I was glad that it was dark outside and that the car park was badly lit. Karen opened the car and the boot, and told Emma and I to strip and put our clothes in the boot. When we were naked Karen closed the boot and told us to get in the back. Ryan had a big grin on his face as he watched us.

I do admit that taking my clothes off in the car park did get me a bit aroused. As I opened my legs to get in the car I felt that my pussy was wet.

As we drove through the streets both Karen and I kept well down in the back. I had been worried about us stopping at traffic lights but when it happened I found that I was too low for anyone stopped next to us to see in.

On the pretext of feeling hungry Karen decided to stop at a McDonalds. Thankfully only the drive-through was open. That was the good news; the bad news was that at the window where you collect the food, Karen stopped about 3 feet further than she should have done. This meant that Emma had to wind down her window and collect the food.

Emma's hands were occupied collecting the food, but I managed to cover my bits until Emma decided to pass some of the food to me. The poor guy serving us had a big smile on his face. Ryan said that it must happen a lot, but I wasn't sure.

To add to our embarrassment Karen parked where the staff could see us while we ate our food. Two 'would you like fries with that' people came to the window and looked at us.

Karen told us to take the rubbish to one of the bins, but we both refused and she took it herself.

As payback for taking the rubbish, Karen did a really horrible thing to Emma and I. Karen pulled into a quiet, dark street and told us that we could get dressed, but that we would have to get out and get our clothes from the boot.

Emma and I got out and just as we opened the boot, Karen drove off leaving 2 very naked girls stood in the street.

We shouted after Karen and Ryan but they disappeared back onto the main road. Emma knew straight away that Karen wouldn't be back for us, but I kept telling her to give it a couple of minutes and they'd be back.

About 5 minutes later a car did turn into the street but Emma quickly realised that it wasn't their car. We both ran into some ones front garden to hide behind a hedge.